Sept. 2, 7446

We headed out to the wooden pavilion at the designated time of evening. It is disgusting and accompanied by gibberties. It's obvious, isn't it? I'm pretty angry, too. Even though I'm not a nobleman, I'm forced to hold back and look at Giberti's status.

If you are a nobleman, Giberti has an obligation to obey, so you can't refuse if you hold him back or say a word, "Let him check your status," and I don't think anything because it's a natural right for noblemen, but when it comes to Knights associates, civilian flair forced you to see Giberti's status. Wherever I saw it, I treated my slaves, harmless and innocent, as if they were suspects in a crime.

I can't forgive you.

I'm sorry I had to make the lady apologize for the owner's. Sure, I'm a country man, but I have my pride as a nobleman, and I have the confidence to lead the slayer (Slaters), one of Balduk's best adventurers. Do you get licked by the quasi-jazz style of some baron house? Not to mention he's still a Knights squire. Isn't he? Anyway, the First Knights say it's the Third Knights. Third, fourth. What a big Knights of the Country. If he's a Baron guy, he can get in first as long as he's normally even archaic.

Yes, I am angry. It certainly pisses me off how Giberti's status is, but this time the other guy set a goal for me and called out to Giberti. I was forced to look at the status knowing I was behind Giberti. I mean, it's like selling a fight against me.

There were a lot of things I just remembered that I wanted to do, such as training in magic and lecturing reincarnators that I always do. But I canceled it all, and all of a sudden I was motivated to respond to an obnoxious call, all to make you apologize for licking me. Somehow there was an active Knights of the Third Knights, and there were those people around them. I just need to get my cat on. I don't know what they're going to say inside the Knights of the King's Capital. I'd be in trouble if they told me he was priceless as a nobleman about me.

Last year's preparation under the absorption of sunlight (Sun Ray) deliberately made it look like the management capacity of the members was lacking. It was later recoverable (in fact, it is the storytelling grass of the adventurers that we made that move and put them in a trap, knowing the frigid fraud of the leader of daylight) and had nothing to do with nobility.

Sure, only Sir Knockfuri has apologized immediately, but not to say a true knight is of great value to the lowering head of the civilian population. A police officer with different jurisdictions (perhaps closer to saying foreign police officers) or some executive self-defense officer who is useful but not competent in a Japanese way.

Unless you are an adventurer with a good name in this city (a lot of so-called gorotzki, and it's natural to be abusive, and there are aspects of this city that are moisturizing in the first place with the treasures that adventurers get, which is somewhat, but often greatly seen) or a knight of Balduk in a criminal investigation, again, but of course that's not the reason. It's not bad at the bottom. Get the top one out.

Dressed in the finest clothes with a sword on his hips, he also wore off-the-shelf clothes on his gibbertie so that he could not lick them, but when he put on the finest clothes there, he tapped his bread and cheek with both hands to get in the mood and came to the wooden pavilion of Tsubaki. Of course, it depends on the other way out, but I don't want to be luxurious to say that I'm accepting invitations (and in some cases I'm going to beat up gold coins and humiliate them), so don't forget to bring gold coins in my wallet.

In front of the wooden pavilion, Sir Knockfuri began, and the example people seemed to be waiting for my arrival.

"Dear Associate Duke Gried, despite your sudden offer today, welcome aboard"

Open up. That's what I said most. Next thing I know, we've all apologized for the day's disrespect. I've already got your apologies, and I don't want you to bow your heads over and over again.

I waited for him to lead me to the back just for a light meeting.

The silence persisted for a while.

"Well... it's hard to say, Mr. Yorille wanted a one-on-one interview with His Excellency... the slave, that's..."

A man in the daytime said that to me.

I didn't ask you, that's what I said.

"Really? Now if you'll excuse me. I was hoping I could apologize to Baron Reface's daughter for the day...... too bad. Okay, now."

That's what I said, and I tried to go home the original way with Giberti.

They naturally rushed to pull me over and one of them ran into the inn.

I went to see the lady.

Just go, stupid diagram.

They've been bowing their heads again, seeing how I look and the look on my face and finally realizing I'm pretty angry. But I don't care about that stuff.

One person who walked into the inn didn't quite come out, so I cut the paralysis and I say cancel the meeting. Of course I don't mean it.

"You don't seem to think anything about being forced to look at the status of a slave who hasn't sinned in the Baron Reface family. I thought you were supposed to come out to me and apologize, but apparently the values don't match. Something about this minute. I just talked to him," My lord! Please wait! If we have everything else, the lady... "

Or something like that.

Asshole. Although the owner will be responsible for the dog's sins.

That's how the guy who ran into the inn came back.

They admit to accompanying slaves.

That led me and Giberti to cross the pavilion of the wooden pavilion.

And a guy came out of the wooden pavilion in exchange for us and didn't want to see him. The leader of the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood), an old man with a good voice for nothing in the elite (elves), is Vilheimer.

"Well, isn't this, for now, the Honourable Associate Lord Gried?"

Shut up. I tried to do it by only meeting lightly and was told I didn't like it.

"Oh, I can't take you this way. I don't see that His Eminence the Associate at the top of the King's record has time to devote to civilians like me."

Shit, you're a nasty old man.

"What can I do for you? I'm sorry, but I had an appointment..."

"Promise? With who?

"I am His Excellency the Associate Duke of Reface."

Nobles meet each other. Don't interrupt me now.

"Hmmm.... dude, we went to the last seven layers too. Look at that. I'll catch up with you soon."

Vilheimer seemed uninterested, and then he made a declaration that he was going after me. I know. Looks like Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz) came to the seven layers, too.

"Good luck"

Just saying so passed me by. Vilheimer's old man still said something. He did, but I guess he was originally about to go out for dinner or something. He disappeared after only slightly distorting his face.

"Um, I'm sorry, but the weapon..."

I hear a woman by the name of a run or something that's guiding me is the destination. I'm sorry in front of the room, I'm going to tell you to give me a sword that's lowering down my hips with a disappearing voice.

"What? Why? Associate jazz of the same size, why am I the only one with a sword?

I asked, staring at it.

"Oh, the... no... but..."

Oh, my God, you're not sure. You're the guy. That's why you throw the rucksack all over the room, too. Does it matter?

"You know what? I hate to say this, but you're the one who summoned me without even telling me what to do. You're forcing me to look at the status of my slave, aren't you? I'm not letting go of my sword just to be careful."

"Ha. But..."

You're a really bad-toothed guy. I'm going home. Seriously.

"Run. It's good. Let me through."

I heard a voice from inside the room that would belong to a woman who said Lady Yorille or something.

Well, Miss Yorille and I were put through to the dot room, and I greeted the lady there without looking at her status, and I sat on the couch across from her as I was recommended. I leaned on my back horizontally and thought I'd even put them together on my feet, but that's after I peeked at the other way out.

"Sounds like you have to apologize first. My apologies from me for the great disrespect that those who serve my Baron LeFaith family have done. I'm sorry to bother you."

Beautiful blue, long hair carefully combed hides her face. She gently apologized, leaning down on a healthy face full of youthfulness for her age.

I look at her silently.

"I must apologize to you, too. It would have offended the general mood. I'm sorry."

She also bowed her head to the gibbertie standing behind me. Hmm.

"... ok. I'm not going to be angry forever if they apologize so politely. Accept my apologies."

When I said that, she gave an obviously reassuring look and said thank you for accepting her apology.

"So, Master Gried. I'm sorry, but I need to talk to you in confidence. I'd like to talk to just the two of us if we can..."

There's not even a woman in this room named Run who's been leading us. Just the three of us. On second thought, nobility rarely seems to have slaves. Especially since in the Knights of the Kingdom you can't bring a personal slave regardless of nobility or civilians if you don't become a righteous knight, there's no way a squire is bringing a slave. I was wondering if he even used it as a slave to Sir Knockfuri, a true knight.

"He is a loyal slave to me..."

"I'm sorry"


"Excuse me. It's hard to say very loudly."

Ma, look. Shall we just appraise it for once? I think I've done it before, but I've already forgotten.

[Yorile Lefais/3/4/7428]

[Female/1/3/7427 · Pu · Baron Lefais's eldest daughter]

[Condition: Good]

[Age: 19]

[Level: 6]

[HP: 85 (85) MP: 10 (10)]

[Muscle Strength: 11]

[Jun Min: 16]

[Dexterity: 10]

[Endurance: 11]

[Special Skill: Earth Magic (Lv.1)]

[Special Skill: Water Magic (Lv.2)]

[Special Skill: No Magic (LV.2)]

[Experience: 41625 (43000)]

After all, I have not yet received the Knight's reign, and I have nothing to say about it. He's a member of the Knights. He's also of low level because of his age. Naturally, the magic skill level is low, and you won't need a shield (gibbertie).

"Giberti, please wait outside"

"Okay, sir"

Giberti left the room.

"Thank you. Dear Gried, you're still kind."


"... you're right. Be proud and be gentle with those below."

Yes? Which saint the hell?

"I will hit the grandson of Baron LeFaith Vizons. My mother went up to the royal palace when she was young and received Her Majesty's petition. It was I who was born when His Majesty gave me a bamboo. You know this far, don't you?

I don't know. No, I didn't. But it was twenty years ago that I planted it because of her age. A child when His Majesty the King was thirty-two years old? Surely there were eight formal children and six bastards until I bought a waterbed.

"About two years ago, his life came down over His Majesty and he was allowed to join the Third Knights of the Kingdom. In addition to me, two other sisters joined the Third Knights at the same time."

Sisters, are they bastards too?

"But... so do I. We've had a lot of trouble dealing with weapons we're not used to."

Ha. Ma, I guess so.

"But fortunately, James, a squire, was already in the Third Knights at my Lefis family. I was coached directly by him and I was quite able to develop my strengths. Last year, he honored the Knight's reign."

"That's... that's good. Congratulations."

I could finally say the word.

"No... because it's for Master Gried."


"For the first time this spring, His Majesty allowed me to see you."

Well, speaking of parents and kids, they're from another house for once, and I guess I didn't get to see them in person. But where does this story fly?

"I met His Majesty with three sisters with me. Your Majesty told me about Greed."

Oh, yeah. But are you crazy?

"I talked to the three sisters that night. I wonder what kind of Grid your Majesty says..."

Oh, didn't they tell you to marry me or something? I don't like that king's string, if you think so, how is it different?

"My sister didn't seem very interested in you, Master Gried, the adventurer, but that would just be how you dressed up. On the contrary, my sister seemed as interested as I was."

Sort of. Hot guys are tough.

"Then I looked into Master Gried as much as I could. Less than two years after showing up in Balduk, the Adventurers have climbed to the top and, furthermore, the Chamber of Commerce, which deals with rubber, has had great success. There are many rumors, but a young, high-powered, courageous and resourceful young man of the future. And you're also an ambitious man. Let's say he's also a very good personable person, judging objectively by his sober eyes."

Heh. I don't feel bad about being complimented even though it's not all right.

"And the other day, I heard rumors that His Majesty King George Lomberto I had exceeded his feat. We doubted our ears. Because I never thought there would be such a person."

It's normal, isn't it?

"No, I'm afraid I'm complimented, but I'm very..."

Shall I be humble for a moment? But regardless of the fight, there would have been a lot of panic without Xenom. Ralpha and Guine were mandatory to write a map. It's also possible that if Bell hadn't been there, he would have committed some major lapse by remaining in motion when he was first summoned by the king. If Tris hadn't been here, it would have been more of a different way to think about increasing his power in the first place. Had it not been for Mizuchi's knowledge, he probably would have struggled with Troll as well, and I think he would have died too late on the fourteenth tier. Bastral...... I may not have eaten sausage in my whole life. Lorrick is... no.

At least you're not lying. Rather close to the real deal. I might be able to handle about nine or ten layers on my own, but I'm pretty sure I would have needed more time, because I'm more likely to have died along the way.

"Be modest...... Your sister is the most powerful sorcerer black witch who is expected to have a future in the First Knights. Your brother is a knight of such talent and strength that he was called the Black Eagle of Webdos in the first place."

Are you just a fan?

"I really wanted to see you once and talk to you. It was worth the vacation I said I couldn't. But I was sure about this one. Dear Gried..."

"Um, it's an honor to compliment you. It's time to get down to business..."

"The purpose was to talk directly…"

Is that it? Aren't you talking about selling me some armor? What's the purpose of speaking directly to it?

"For today, the goal is to remember and keep in mind me. I won't give it to anyone."


"How many do you want to inherit?

Oh, this guy, that's it. Maybe the king told me first.

"What's so funny... if you've looked into me, you already know that, right? I said," Don't say anything more. Isn't the Dark Elves (Dark Elves) in the example good for the Second Lady? Interpretation is another race that cannot give birth to heirs. It's not my enemy. If you marry me, when you give me territory in the future, it's advantageous, isn't it?

I don't hate these values. But, you know, you said you couldn't inherit my woman right now, another race? That's what an adventurer looks like. Mizuchi himself is a nobleman who draws the king's blood, and Mizuchi is still young, and it may well be seen down there. But think of someone. That's the kind of woman I'm picking. (I) I'm making fun of myself.

Me and if you're trying to do well with us, you shouldn't be saying this.

I put my feet on the back of the couch.

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