1 Sep 7446

"Oh? Al. I thought you were dead with Mizuchi."

It was Carl's sister, Master Mira, who responded to me when I called Carl under a large tree in the middle of the island.

"Oh, this is Master Mira. I'm sorry I couldn't come for a year."

It's unusual for Master Mira to come out from the beginning.

"I brought you a drink today."

Mizuchi also wavered his affection to Master Mira.

"Whoa, well, thank you. We don't have eyes for sea fish."

Master Mira answers me out of favor, too.

When I pulled out the magic props on the stove that had been stuck in the tree's cave, I quickly set up the magic stones I had picked up on the road and set them on fire. Stove demon props spit out blue flames without any problems. As soon as the fire was extinguished and the dried goods removed from the rucksack, cheers were raised from the fairies who were flying around the perimeter, and the fairies appeared even to those who were increasingly rejoicing and striking a repetition.

All right, give me a minute. Because I'll bake it right away.

Remove the dried maynage and set the five virtues on the stove to heat the five virtues first. When it gets hot enough, you get on top of it. In this way, it is difficult for the body or skin of the dried product to stick to the five virtues.

The cash fairies sit around the stove as usual, stopping at me, Mizuchi's head and shoulders. Master Mira also can hardly seem to keep an eye on the dried food broiled in flames with his hands on his hips in front of the stove.

"By the way, Master, where's Carl?

"Oh? Carl? I think it's time for Carl to wake up. Carl said he was sleepy."

Heh. Speaking of which, Master Mira was asleep when he first got here, too.

Pill! Pill! Pilp!

Master Mira looked up over the tree and shouted something. Are you screaming for Carl?

"Huh. Sounds like you jumped in surprise. Be right there. Wait."

Oh, my God, is Carl a sleeper? What, did Carl reply? I didn't know because the fairies are saying it perfectly around me.

"So, Master Mira, this time after you eat the fish."

"... Yes"

It doesn't seem like there's a reason I'm angry that I've been free for a year... In retrospect, I always feel like I was the first to fish when I came here. Thin smoke rises from the maynage, and a good smell of dry matter being burned fills the surroundings.

The fairies became quieter and quieter together as the smell diffused, staring jitterily at the dried goods being burned on the stove.

And there was a fairy from the top of the tree, flying towards me.

It would be Carl.

Yeah, it's Carl, after all.

Wow, this guy's soaking wet.

Did you even take a bath?

"Hey, Al. Long time no see. Mizuchi and I seem to be alive."

Hmm. You remember me.

"Hey, Carl. You look good."

"Long time no see, Carl. Looking good, above all."

Hearing me and Mizuchi say hello, Carl shook his wet head like a dog and jumped the droplets, stopping on Mizuchi's shoulder. I grabbed her hair so she wouldn't fall off and looked like she said something to me, but I immediately meditated my eyes and made my nose crack.

"Oh... it smells good. You said Maynage, right? This fish."

"Yeah, it's Maynage."

He's still a cash guy. I laugh bitterly and flip dry goods. Gently burn marks on the skin eyes and develop an appetite. But...... Hmm. Carl and I have a good conversation. Growth is important.

After a while, the dried product was cooked up, and when I took out the new dried product, I hung the cooked dried product and held it.

"Okay, I burned it. Come on in."

Sooner or later, the fairies, starting with Master Mira, crowded in the dry stuff hanging in my hand again with a cheerful and tingly voice. In an instant, the only dry matter is bone. On the lap of the sitting Mizuchi, a little fairy still receives a piece of dried meat from the big fairy and wears it on his face.

Most importantly, the fairies are happy for you. I felt a little warm and looked around at the fairies eating up. Is Mizuchi feeling the same way I do, smiling lightly?

"Ha! Looks delicious!

As usual, Carl, who remained stopped on Mizuchi's shoulder, finally swallowed the dried food, and laughed at me for saying so when he opened his greasy mouth. Shit, don't grab Mizuchi's hair with your fishy greasy hands, you worm. Whoa, what looks delicious, huh? Didn't you just eat your share? It was delicious, I suppose. Don't look at me like I envy people's dried goods. Carl is still watching the next dry thing being broiled on the stove in the face of the man he's willing to eat.

"Well, I didn't make you wait. Didn't you say something earlier?

After the third one was only boned, Master Mira finally turned his consciousness to us.

"Yes, before I teach you magic this time, if you know what I mean, I'd like you to tell me a little bit about this labyrinth."

Master Mira opens his mouth with a slightly strange face when he hears my words.

"Hmm? What do you mean?

"Now we are challenging the nine layers of this labyrinth. In fact, Minotaur stood as the keeper when he went to the center of the eighth tier..."


Does Master Mira know or not... he looked odd.

"Well, it's good to hear that one of you will not come out of it one of these days if you knock it down again and again..."


Carl's been pinching my mouth, but you wouldn't know it like this.

"Do you know anything about the nine or ten layers, or the watchman you think will be after that?

Mizuchi also asks Master Mira to take my word for it.

"I know there was a guardian. But I don't know such details."

Hmm? Did the guardian say he was there? You're a guardian, not a keeper. Meaning it together, but I guess it's a difference in rhetoric. With that said, kings and queens also said guardians. I totally forgot how to call it.

"Really... can't you just tell me what you know?

I need some information. As far as I'm concerned, all I can do is keep my head down.

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