Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Episode 185: It's Been A Long Time To Go To Fairy Home

August 30, 7446.

A little earlier than planned, climb the stairs to the ground before eleven o'clock. Zulu would be difficult because it carries the most tense and heavy refrigerator (refrigerator), but it would not be enough to carry precious magic items (magic items) just to carry (porter) and cook's gibbertie. Maybe it's the most expensive trophy I've ever gained. There are five gold sticks in the luggage on Giberti's back.

Speaking of late summer, you can already feel the hot air in the strong sun at a time near midday, and a different kind of sweat begins to float on your forehead than before. It's that usual feeling that makes you realize you're climbing the stairs from the cool labyrinth underground to the hot entrance square. Crossing the entrance square, which was naturally idle in the fucking hot sun, I just slipped into the magic prop shop run by the father of the Mountain People (Dwarf) in the example to end the redemption of the Demon Stone.

And as always, this is the only spot to go around Baldukki in the stalls of Murowa, with only a few guests at this time, and drink beer from daylight. Shall we stick demon stones in the fridge and cool the beer?

Zulu heads into the shade with the seller's sister when he unloads his stuff beside the stall.

Come on now, are you getting married?

You can let him go to the sausage factory like Cassie.

If that's going to boost your morale, fine.

While that was happening, both the massacrers (Butchers) and the uprooters (Exterminators) returned. Suddenly I get the impression that people have become more numerous.

"How'd it go?

Mizuchi hears the results of the war, but the refrigerator (Refrigerator) stands out without being able to hide it, so he smiles.

"Oh, I made a lot of money."

I feel good and smile too.

"I found gold ore on six floors too!

Oh! That's good news.

"" It's a nice ore. ""

"Does refining take half a month?

"You don't hang that much."

The massacrers (Butchers) are also bragging about the noise eventually. Is it in that bag that Gel is in charge of? That size wouldn't be much different from what we found on the six floors before. Looks pretty big. As long as the purity is the same, it will be refined to 20kg. Looks like young Kim and Hiss have the gel's luggage hand-in-hand.

"If you are a Killer (Throwers)...... Status Open...... Refrigerator (Refrigerator)! Awesome. That's fancy magic!

Kevin is excited to see the name of the refrigerator (Refrigerator).

"You saw it once in the sunlight."

Carm says enviously. Well, it's higher than that gold ore. But Carm's face seemed satisfied because they found the gold ore.

"Sir, I'm back now"

Engela advances from the uprooters (Exterminators) who came up from the labyrinth a little late and kneels before me. Four of them, Henry, Meck, Ruby and Jess, are also kneeling behind her.

"Oh, thank you. How'd it go over there? Any serious injuries?

"No. No particular major problems… but the… we are particularly successful…"

That doesn't make it that small because the killer (Slaughters) and the slaughterer (Butchers) got the treasure. It's normal that you don't get it. I'm so lucky.

"Well. Then you eat with everyone. Once you've taken one, you can join Zulu and help us all carry our bags."

I commanded Engela as well as all the battle slaves kneeling behind her. The ground is hot.

"" Yes, sir ""

The massacrers (Butchers) were quickly finishing their meals as I slowly sipped a beer talking to everyone and savoured Balducky. I was talking in reincarnation with Mizuchi and Lorik, but they seem to be waiting for Mizuchi.

Oh, well. You just want to take the gold ore to the goldsmith. Besides, I guess I'll have to redeem the Demon Stone. The number of slaughterers (Butchers) has increased as my battle slaves have fallen out because I have been forming the Old Daylight (Sun Ray) Plus Someone since this month.

But since I have defeated the orga in seven layers to get that demonic stone, not to mention a few, their actual entry has actually increased, and a little bit of me is making money too. I said to Mizuchi, "Everybody's waiting. Go away," he said, throwing a little remaining balducky into his mouth as he sent her out to the slaughterer (Butchers), pushing her away with beer.

"Well, it's time for me to get ready. Oh, Zulu... are we still talking... Engela, hey, Henry, excuse me for renting one carriage and turning it around to the Boyle Pavilion. Here."

That said, I give Henry two pieces of Kim Joo, which is quite a lot for the cost of renting a carriage (two-headed carriage rental is the market price of 200,000 Z. overnight. This time it's two nights, so it takes about 400,000 Z). Engela, who almost spoke up by mistake, is about to redeem the Rooter (Exterminators) and the Demon Stone.

Anyway, it takes a lot of time to redeem the Demon Stone that we Killers (Slaters) take home for three parties. Whatever the slayer (Slaters) is, most of the other two parties don't combine demon stones. There are fine demonic stones ranging from one layer to five.

It's hard to understand, but that's the adventurer flow. It's not a lot of weight, but I think it's useless because it's tense. He said it would be cool to cross the entrance square boasting an inflated bag with demonic stones. For the most part, I guess that's the kind of value I don't like to consume MP unwittingly for demonic stone binding. I just came to Balduk. I wish I'd been freaked out at first and not used my wasted magic.

In about twenty minutes Henry rented a carriage. The change is for the battle slaves' meals until I get back and the rest is "add to the meal bill tonight. You're gonna go flashy anyway, right?," he said, pushing Tris reluctantly. The Massacre (Butchers) hasn't come out of the Demon Stone Shop yet. Load the refrigerator (refrigerator) onto the carriage carrier, followed by the gold extension stick in the cloth bag, out of Giberti's luggage and loaded. Of course, I can't get into my luggage. I have all the pieces I had separately.

"Master, what's this?

Engela, who was helping me load my luggage, asked me strangely.

"Hmm, these are also loot for this one." Eh heh heh, heavy?

I tried to answer. Put it on me. Ralpha snorts and brags.

"Hmm? Oh, that's heavy for the size of no big deal"

"Ma, Ralpha brag to him later, too. I have to go to Wang Du today. These guys need to be in the King's Landing."

When I said that, I boarded your stand. Oh, I have to say something before I forget.

"That's the ore over there. I'm sorry to have to leave you at the shrine. Transfer to my locker later. Then the example guy (Ring) consults Mizuchi before deciding whether to dispose of it. I think we'll be back the day after tomorrow as planned."

and eared to the Xenom. Zenom says, "Well, I'm tired of boulders, so I can't go to the king's capital this time, but please don't". They're asking me to smoke Nathan. Even Balduk can't afford it, but Zenom prefers the famous smokers of Wangdu. I've left it with your companion a few times, but it sure tastes good. It's first-class.

While doing so, a massacrer (Butchers) came out of the Demon Stone Shop. The gold ore still seems to be carried by the gel. Keep walking into three distant goldsmiths' stores. I can see from here that everyone is quite upset.

Engela said, "Dear Falergers. So shall we head to the redemption too," he said in solidarity with Lorrick, leaving a non-Engela combat slave on this occasion who also served as the leader of the uprooters (Exterminators) to head to the Demon Stone House. They are gaining ground because Ginger and Hiss are missing in them and the head count of rewards is down for that matter.

The massacrer (Butchers) who entered the goldsmith's shop came out in minutes. The price is unknown until it is refined. Mizuchi received a greeting from everyone in front of the store, and when he broke up, he came to the carriage with his feet.

"Thank you for waiting."

"Whoa, that sounds like you made a lot of money. Aren't we all thrilled?

When I replied, Mizuchi offered his hand with the edge of his mouth slightly raised and answered. More than ten pieces of silver coins were given to one piece of gold from her hand. Awesome!

"You killed eight orgasms in total. Seven last week. I'm making a lot of money. I've already lost two expenses."

So this is the amount! That's a good one. It's a lot of money to put in my share and divide it into eleven equal parts. Naturally, besides the Auga, the monsters have been knocked down, so even if I deducted expenses that would have been more than 300,000 Z loosely in this two-and-a-half weeks, did I make more than one million Z.

"Huh? Not so much!? Mr. Mizuchi, you had a rough time, didn't you?

When the massacre (Butchers) was still sunlight (Saint Ray), Guine, who had fought only once, came between his mouths.

"Hmm, wasn't that hard enough? A year after that, right? Maybe they're all on a higher level. Seems a little used to it because Mr. Xenom was taking me before me."

Mm-hmm. Zenom, Mizuchi and I followed up and it seemed worth it.

"... I don't think so either..."

I heard Bastral whine blushing. Speaking of which, this guy was watching them fight with Guineh at the time, too. Yeah, yeah, good luck with that.

Mizuchi and I are about to bring a gold extension stick and refrigerator (refrigerator) and a guardian ring, Ring of Protection, to the Thunderk Chamber of Commerce, where the Duke of Thunderk is itchy when we just get to King's Capital.

I talked to Mizuchi about the ring on the road to Wangdu and she said "You should sell it" after just a few thoughts. Once a day, not to mention just one HP, the ability to reduce damage was "important"......

"Certainly that may divide life and death. Still should try to sell it this time"

I made it clear. The reason for this is, "You're the only one who knows exactly what you're capable of, right? To be honest, it's not a very powerful piece of magic (magic item), and it's not a shame. I think you should look into your abilities and know how much they will be valued."

Mizuchi is certainly right. It's a little reassuring because it's with my thoughts. If it's too cheap, we should just talk about not selling it. I haven't given the magic item (magic item) yet instead of the amulet at that time Larfa or Engela...... no. Should I give it to Henry or Meck? Of course, it can be used by me or Mizuchi, but I don't think both of us are going to take any damage.

After confirming the quality of the gold stick brought to the Sandark Chamber of Commerce (I guess it will melt at Daitao Goldsmith's), the price can be paid to the Green Chamber of Commerce to put it down. As soon as the refrigerator (Refrigerator) was sold, the buyer asked me to inform him of the desired price for the guardian ring Ring of Protection.

However, at a price that I am satisfied with, I made it a condition for you to tell me what kind of ability and how you looked into it after the sale. Of course I don't know what I'm capable of, but I'll sell it if I'm convinced. According to Mizuchi, there's a favorite. Nice guy...... that would be because the world is huge, but come on. What do you think?

It should be noted that although it is a large freezer (big freezer) and a large chandelier that I have previously brought in, the freezer (freezer) is more than 300 million Z and they are still fighting among buyers. I wanted to ask about the buyer's information, but I put up with it because I don't like it when they take it when it roughs up the commercial area of the Sandark Chamber of Commerce. They buy large chandeliers at the Duke of Sandark's main house to my surprise. Big, not decorated just bright, chandelier with name only, but they said 40 million Z, so I raised my hands and gladly sold them.

After showing his face to his chamber of commerce and looking through the books, he just went to the smoker to obtain the smoked Naisun requested by Xenom, and finally bought as much dry food as Mizuchi and I could carry at this store.

Afterwards, when I went a little farther and turned east of Balduk and returned to town, I lodged in an appropriate inn and packed my bags. Ask the inn to pay extra to keep the souvenir smoked in a joint ice fridge. Co-occupied, but managed by the innkeeper, so the fear of being stolen would be minimal.

Mizuchi and I then weaved our robes deep into our eyes, hiding to our ankles, and when we headed out to the hot medium entrance square, we entered the labyrinth in pieces. Meet me in a small room with a layer of metastatic crystal. In about two and a half hours she arrived between the further metastatic crystals, drinking water and waiting for Mizuchi, and she arrived as soon as possible.

The two of us move into two layers. Can't we go to the boulder to the example location... so we can go back from the three layers as usual? Between the two layers of transferring crystals where second-class adventurers camp out, and the robes are dressed with their eyes down. Just as we move to the three layers, and the two of us raise the hood of the robe, we grasp the metastatic crystal that the spell has surfaced again and sing "Monarchy". The usual.

And now we've set foot in fairy land.

Well, will Master Mira still remember us, anyway, Carl?

Well, you'll remember to stay.

Anyway, I remember George Lomberto five hundred years ago.

Look, the fairies remember us.

He stops over me or Mizuchi's head or shoulders, pulling his nostrils from his side and expanding them, as he puts it perfectly.

It's also flying around like he's trying to smell the dry stuff in there with a happy look on his face.

I totally ignored it in the first place.

Mizuchi is still walking smiling with a little child fairy on his palm.

Okay, we're here.

"Carl, it's me! Al!"

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