Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Episode 166: The Center of the Eight Layers

14 Jun 7446

This time he accompanied the eradicators (Exterminators). I entered the labyrinth on June 9th and came out today, but the first day he showed me exactly breaking through to three levels. Although the four layers from the next day were seen struggling as I had heard, I think it is good to say that there is generally no problem. Because, as reported, there are many inexperienced members in the labyrinth except for Ginger and Hiss, or what seems to be a good sense of indifference about the trap leads to speeding up.

I don't know what to say in its place, but the battle seems to be carried quite carefully and carefully. This seems to be due to the fact that, with the exception of the leader, there are only two magical users, Rolic and Meck. In other words, healing magic is used less often. At the time of the first team split, I discussed this point with Carm. The fact that fighting tends to be prolonged, and consequently people suffer minor injuries, makes it easy to take time to heal a problem. But it seems that Balduk's second-class and one-and-a-half-class power is acquired.

Even though almost all members have not spent a great deal of time in the labyrinth, I would say that this achievement is remarkable. I stood forward and led the evidence, and with fewer injuries in battle, this time I broke through four layers in four hours, a day, but I also stepped into five layers. But there is still a huge problem with local power. Experienced gingers and hisses rarely stand on the arrow side of monsters. I really have to center on Lorrick, Sanno and Meck equipped with shields, but there were a lot of occasions when I would get a hiatus on five layers of monsters that got stronger because of their lack of power.

Something about a mon room would be horrible and very unwatchable without even a leader from a killer (Slaters) on four levels. Yeah, we should get experience in four layers for the moment.

June 23, 7446.

This time he's a massacrer (Butchers). Unlike the last eradicator (Exterminators), he has a strong tendency to fear traps, either because he is relatively veteran and solidified except for my combat slaves. But I can safely watch there about the battle. It is the number of wizards that are the same as the two and the number of people themselves, but with different degrees of practice. Even if it's magical, it doesn't just care about healing, but it also firmly beats in attack magic about the attack when it's here.

There's a lot of magic that Meath can use from behind, and most importantly, Rocco, the wall player (shield holder), has a lot of strength, and reliance is the hallmark of this party. The shield is the only one I use, but I might say it's equivalent to Xenom in the overall defense technique. I don't care because I'm free not running, but I thought this guy might also be a genius in a way. That said, isn't it strange that a top team would have these guys gobbled up? If Lorrick or Sanno would come to this level, the Eradicators (Exterminators) would be a little more comfortable watching.

Ma, on the whole, I wish I could tilt the balance between prudence and boldness a little more towards boldness. If it's not Zulu or Engela coming from the slayer (Slaughters), even the five-tier Frost Lizard can be dealt with if even the injured are prepared. Perhaps you won't even get out to the dead unless you're too chronic. I want to think that the effects that made me gain more experience for months also came here and helped. A lot of people are leveling up.

If you're a massacrer (Butchers), it's not that far away - maybe six layers would be good if you had solid experience for another year or so. This is one way or another my main objective is to gain the experience of my two combat slaves. I can tell you they're pulling their legs. That said, they are also important as avant-gardes and attackers, so I'm not going to replace them with Ginger and Hiss on the grounds that they tend to pull their legs at the moment. You can go six layers if you replace it, but it's unacceptable that there will be less of my strings on the boulder.

We can still get there between the five layers of metastatic crystals. It is not possible to break through four or five layers of boulder in one day, but it is sufficiently possible to carry supplies to the five layers.

I've been able to confirm it, and I've declared it. Well, let's break through the eight layers.

June 26, 7446.

"It's a labyrinth trip from tomorrow, but this time I won't let the outgoing come out of the killer (Slaters). The slaughterers (Butchers) and the uprooters (Exterminators) will therefore be reduced in number. I want you to explore this time to the extent that you can't help it."

At the end of my collaborative training time, I started drooling in front of everyone.

"Oh, this time, the killer (Slaters) breaks through the eight layers. Then I want full members on the boulder because I don't know what it is. Everybody's gonna be annoyed for a week, but I need you to give me a break."

Is it working that I said I would break through the eight layers? Other than the slayer (Slaters), the eyes of members of the old daylight (Sun Ray), especially ancient ginseng, changed. I guess they all think of the possibility of getting treasure in a new hierarchy. I think I've got a glitzy eye. No, you guys need a little more help before you go to the ninth tier. You can't have six or seven layers on a boulder as it is now.

I've been asked a lot of questions since then, but basically I report all eight layers of stories every time. I can't talk about anything new. He said he would go with a full-member Killer (Slaters) because he didn't want to lose his fighting power because he thought there was likely to be a powerful demon nesting in a large room that looked like the center of the layer.

It should be noted that even with them there seems to be some dissatisfaction that I am not a member at the moment, but I seem to be holding back somehow because I am testing. Yeah, it's not stingy to take turns if you really exceed that threshold and get enough results for your august opponent. In that case, it's hard to keep my immense magic hidden. So as a forward-looking gesture, I'm saying that the level of magic special skills has increased again recently, and I try to use magic quite a bit more often. But it's too much for a boulder, isn't it?

I don't think you're gonna say anything to me because of that. I've never let a dead man die because of hiding my magic power. In the first place, the use of magic requires so much concentration that no other consciousness is broken in the meantime. That trend is strong, especially when it comes to advanced sorcery. Anyone who is an adventurer knows this. You can't survive a fool who uses magic lightly unless there's more to it. So no one blames me for that.

I know it will be fine for the moment, but I think I can follow up with Ginger, Meath and Gel, who are also motivated and expected to be the most likely replacement, and in some cases explain that they are reincarnated like Xenom and Zulu. Nothing like that, there's no harm in leaking it. All I'm saying is that civilization has been reincarnated from a world where it's progressed, and I have to make something that even proves it. They just say it's a holla blow.

So far, what, like a grinder? Because if you look at the contents, it's not a big structure. Similar objects can be made by skilled blacksmiths or goldsmiths. It's very precise, but I can't tell that much by looking at it. Even if you look at the status, [Brass Crafts (Brass Crafts)] just comes out. Normally, I'd say, "Oh, wow, you've come up with a lot. You're smart." That's it.

Parts are also ordered dispersed among blacksmiths and goldsmiths in Wang Du and Balduk so that the structure does not leak easily. Worst of all, it's not as bad as deluding a cross spear into something you can't even predict that it's royal. I mean, it's the structure of the grinder. I wish I could keep a secret for years. In the meantime, it is important to create a brand image to make a difference from the rest. The fact that Shao O Essen is not removed despite the relatively high cost of similar products also greatly contributes to the brand image that was created at the beginning.

After that, it was just dissolved, buying out food to consume in the labyrinth and manufacturing sausages, eating dinner and sleeping. It should be noted that Belle and Tris were kneading the flour to make the right dough and making dumplings and shumais. It is a pity that there is no soy sauce because it is not well preserved. And there's still a lot of room for improvement on the skin fabric.

Ralpha, Ghine and Mizuchi also said, "Meat!" or "Hamburg!!" and so on. I also made mentch cutlets, but like hamburgers, they don't taste very good unless you add beef. Yeah, with that being said, there's always been a guy close to being a ton of cutlets but a chicken cutlet.

June 30, 7446

Three days ago, I finished running as usual and just entered the labyrinth. Only on the first day I was the eradicator (Exterminators), Mizuchi joined the slaughterer (Butchers) and they all met among the three layers of metastatic crystals, and on the second day, as usual, me and Zulu joined forces and crossed the six layers. Yesterday on the third day I broke through two rounds while slowly taking a day to escort the Seven Layers Giberti while killing the Auga and securing the Demon Stone, finally stepping into the Eight Layers today. Fortunately, we were able to move to a location that would lead us to the central room, so it took us four hours to come over.

Make a small pause before entering the room.

"The perimeter of the room is about 6.3 m. It is thought to be about 2 m in diameter. This went around with Guine once, and you can't make the mistake of being almost circular. Mizuchi, you're 50 meters ahead of the scout. Stop if you find anything. If there seems to be a problem, come back soon. Either way, I can tell by [troop formation (partisation)]."

Make sure everyone nodded and continue.

"If nothing in particular, we're two rows of columns behind Mizuchi (double trail). I'm in the lead alone. The second is Xenom and Ralpha. The third is Zulu and Engela, and Guine and Bastral are next. The rear end is Tris and Bell. Fine. If I catch the enemy, I'll move on to the Arrowhead One as I dash forward. Mizuchi takes it in at that time. It's up to that opponent to stay in the avant-garde or back off. You may take as much time as you want. Let's go discreetly."

By the time I went 30 minutes at a slow speed less than an inch an hour?

Suddenly the feeling of [troop formation (partisation)] disappeared. My [appraisal] eyesight shows a bewildered Mizuchi back at 50m forward.


"" Huh?

"" Ma'am!

The feeling of [troop formation (partisation)] disappears and more than one voice rises like a panic. At the same time, me and Zulu, Engela, fell out of the column and started running. Something went wrong and I must have cut [troop formation (partisation)].


I can see that Mizuchi, who had responded to the call and seemed suspiciously chirped, turned around. I haven't had a problem looking at it all the time. There is nothing wrong with [appraising] it as it is. I can tell by the signs that they're all after us.

What the hell is wrong with you? Ask Mizuchi, who came back a little to us.

"Whoa, what's up!?

"Is that it? Suddenly [troop formation (partisation)] ran out. That's crazy...... Sorry, I'll try again."

What, already... that? Weird.

"Isn't that a monster?

Says Xenom, who's been chasing me.

"Mm, I'm sorry. Sounds different. One more time [Troop Formation (Party)] was called" That?

It was when Mizuchi said so much and tried to touch Zenom first. Making sure Mizuchi was safe, Engela, who was moving forward a little for perimeter vigilance, raised a suspicious voice. I'm sung my nose. He had a slightly distracted look, but they all scattered with their gains in their hands.

I thought you were hooked on Engela's [super sense of smell].

"Is that it? It's crazy...... I'm not good with my nose"


"You're not a monster, are you?

Bell checked with Engela.

"Yeah, my [super sense of smell] feels unusable."

I accidentally [appraised] Engela.

Nothing abnormal.

"Mmm, no problem. I was able to form [a party] with Mr. Xenom properly."

"Mm-hmm. You look okay."

Looks like Mizuchi and Xenom did [troop formation (partisation)] again.

[Appraisal] As seen in [Appraisal], Mizuchi seems to have no problem. But I can't help it. Mizuchi's [troop formation (partisation)] is not released for a bit or softly. You may be in battle, but get some sleep. Remember that Mizuchi switches on and off against the target audience, or not unless you remember to disband the troops. That's disarmed? I also say Engela's [super sense of smell] is no longer available... something's wrong.

"No way...... Guine, come here for a second"

I pulled Guineh's arm and traveled all the way around Engela's standing. But on the way, Guine raises her voice.


Looks like Guineh's [topographic grasp (mapping)] has also run out. From around here, this is a special skill, but an inherent skill, is that where you can't use it? I tried to use [appraisal] to try it, but it didn't work as expected. I even tried to get Guine to use [infrared vision (infrastructure vision)], but this one doesn't seem to work as it should either.

Let's go back a little bit.

I urged them all back a little. When I went back, [Appraisal] became available again.

"I just pulled the gne and figured it out. Apparently, you won't be able to use a special skill around here."

"What? Wait a minute. Then magic too!?

Tris said with a surprised face.

Yes, magic must have been a form of special skill. Do you want to try it?

I went back and tried to use the magic of the light again. Naturally not. I can't work out my magic.

When I saw everyone with a puffy or worried look on their face, I shook my head with a shoulder over my shoulder.

Not good, this is it. Combat power isn't half as noisy as it gets.

...... hmm? Earlier I [appraised] the [super olfactory] unusable Engela.

Assuming it's an "anti-skill area” from the inside out of that neighborhood, what's all right with the magic you unleashed from the outside?

Returning to the side of everyone who seemed worried, I tried to unleash the magic of Flame Brit for easy visibility.

...... no problem...... it just looks like.

I hung a light on the stone that was rolling at my feet and threw it away.

Obviously flying farther and glowing than where Engela was earlier.

"Change policy. We're all going to stop looking at the center."

That's what I said and looked around at everyone.

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