4 Jun 7446

"Is that such a horrible thing?

Engela, who saw Mizuchi's horse, asked Mizuchi, who sat behind him.

"Yeah. It's supposed to be a powerful pain reliever, huh? It also has a strong or weak effect in the way it is refined, but I just simmered out the juice I normally collect and let it dry..."

"Stop it already. That's not what I decided. Guys, I'm only going to tell this story to Tris and Bell. There's nothing else to say. Absolutely."

I forcefully commanded everyone to block Mizuchi from speaking.

We were raided by a bunch of orcs around Viscount Yorises whether to leave or not.

Of course, I wiped that thing out lightly and overnight.

And he was cutting a band of stinky leather armor with a knife that the oak was wearing to collect demon stones.

Subhuman monster with a low degree of nappiness It is normal for drugs of poor quality pain relief or something to come out, and no one is interested in drugs of such low quality that they are simply to the degree of pain relief. There are also many better, demonic stone-based cures in circulation for oaths. Anyway, it would be more effective to carry that kind of stuff if you were to proprietary the space.

But when Guineh caught the luggage on the back of an oak, he found something strange.

It is a fairly long pipe.

At first, I thought it was a blow arrow (browgan), so I thought it was annoying.

But Mizuchi, who stepped on it, was interested, and he looked at the status and shouted as if he remembered, "Ah!?"

Soon Mizuchi misled everyone who was surprised by the voice to the point.

And shortly afterwards, he asked me to [appraise] the item that he had obtained from Orc's nostalgia when he forced me to go a little further away.

"Hey, I want you to appraise this knock... if that's what I imagined..."

Knox is the name of the pain medication Orc had. It is in brown powder form. If you touch it and look at the status, you'll know the name of most of the items. According to my [appraisal], it's a painkiller that crushes some of the grass flowers named Calesso and boils the liquid that came out and makes it. It's not very effective. Naturally, but I'll tell him. Then,

"Hmm... but you get hooked... I thought it was opium..."

and said, staring at Knox and putting his hand on his chin and thinking about it. But the appraisal window doesn't even have the word "ma” on it.

Whew, why all of a sudden opium... I asked Mizuchi later during the midnight watch change.

"'Cause he says he's gonna make it out of plant flowers, he says it's a pain killer, and there's no way he's gonna get a cigarette like that. Oak had a pipe, right? When combined, this is already' opium ', isn't it?

Or the answer came back.

I don't know why.

That's all the information you need to get to the opium. Your brain miso is amazing.

If you say that you dislike it,

"Huh? Didn't you find out how to make drugs or something?

and the answer came back with a straight face.

I don't.

In the first place, I wasn't interested in drugs or anything.

'I think a lot of people are interested in that sort of thing, like in middle school or high school, right? I didn't read those books in the classroom either, but I read them at home.'

That's why you didn't have any friends... and it's dark.

Kids play outside except for studying.

Middle and high school students would be busy with clubs in the first place.

"Um... I think we've talked about it... because I was a cultural system..."

Am I? But you're gonna play with your friends, right? If it's a girl, it's shopping.

'... so my friend, he said he wasn't around much... he read books at home rather than play outside with someone, games... Sue Fami, Sunny X Megadora with Mega Seedy, Core Gratuit, Neo Geo, Towns Marty, Laser Active, Pippin, Peasy FX, Preste, Saturn, oh, I can see Empeg. It's a high Saturn, but it's because Sleedeeo, Rokuyon and Deedy, Preste 2, Gamecube, Dricas, Kyobaco, Sun Rokumar, Preste 3, Wi. Since I got a job anyway... Anyway, it was about Virtual Boy and Playdia that I didn't have when I was a student, and I started passing through... I couldn't talk to college and say I wanted to get into the circle... it was good for my friend's screen! I was an indoorsman! All the Indochists were old enough to say this! I don't know if it was a swimming club or a college school, or if it was, like, a wedding or something! I bought Preste4 and haven't played in two years! It was expensive!

I was curled up with things that I didn't know were like spells on the way.

No, I have no idea what you're talking about.

I somehow know what the name of the game sounds like... Huh? Not a game? A console?

Oh, yeah. You've been playing so many games? Were you free?

'Huh? There's no way you can buy all the software!? Two to three in one model, many at most seven to eight. Yikes! I don't have time for this shit!

I don't know...

'Hmm. Orcs are a habit I didn't even know about... me, me, the monsters I've met, I knew them all! I know one more drink! Because it helps!

... Yeah, you are.

If you make a scene in the middle of the night, Guiney and Engela will wake up.

Anyway, Mizuchi says this painkiller named Knox could be opium or similar addictive drugs.

It should be noted that [condition] was good when appraised to see how the orcs were doing while they were alive during the battle. There was no poisoning or such suspicious indication.

"It didn't look like he was addicted, though," I pointed out.

"Ha, this is why the amateur"

and looked down,

"If you don't aspirate that much opium for quite some time, you won't be addicted to it. There's no drugs to be addicted to in one shot first, and we're talking about Earth's human counterparts in the first place, and how about in an oath... well, it's a monster. Besides, it's amateur to treat drug addiction and withdrawal symptoms."

And I was told, and I thought, "Well, so is that.

'Cause I'm an amateur.

I told him later when Guineh didn't really ask me or Engela, but my [appraisal] might not know about chronic addiction. It is true that [appraising] a person who is ill does not know that it will not develop.

Anyway, there was a mix of noisy words like “drugs” and “opium” so I didn't have a gnaw - I've been listening so persistently that I decided to talk to these two. Well, I'm the one. (GUNE) But it's a word I can't hear from a boulder.

That concludes this story so far.

Our horseback riding climbed Mount Balduk's outer ring to a place where we could look down on the city. It's not time for lunch yet.

"Can I have a balducky for lunch?

"You'd be if you went into the labyrinth."

In reply to Guineh, who manipulates the reins in front of him, he drove down the ramp to the city of Balduk. I don't know how long I was off exploring because I left it to Xenom and Tris for the Golden Week holidays, so it was unclear if today was the day off or if I was in the labyrinth.

As we knew from above, the city of Balduk was nothing different than it had been before its departure, and it was still a city with a population of more than 30,000.

Along the way, after dropping Engela off at the Shooney, we arrived at the Boyle Pavilion and we caught Kathy climbing the stairs with just her bowel stuffing and Boyle's finished balducky. Looks like he was just going back and forth between the room and the rooftop trying to smoke.

"Ah, Mr. Gried. Welcome home!!

Turning to Kathy, who greets her well, "Is everyone a labyrinth?," he asked, "was the answer that maybe they would all go back tomorrow.

"Huh? You don't come back every day?

and Guine asked. I thought so, too.

"Yeah, they're all going up to four levels now. Amazing ~"

and Kathy answered with a laugh.

"Can we all cross three levels in one day? And the eradicators (Exterminators)?

Mizuchi and Guine exchanging words in surprise, but I guess that means they're going to four layers. Anyway, ask Kathy something else as she ascends the stairs to the second floor. I'll have to check this out.

"Was there any movement of members?

"None. I heard you ran a test at the end of April..."


"Well, thank you. We'll go to lunch when we get dressed, but what do we do? You haven't, have you?

When I asked Kathy, she said not yet, so I just got dressed, and in the meantime I also let John and Terry fill the smoker (smoker) with sausage. We waited for Engela, who had been dressed, to come and we all went to lunch. You can keep Balducky till dinner.

In the evening, people from Purgatory Flames (Gehenna Flair) had come to the Boyle Pavilion to invite me for a glass of Guine. At the same time, when I said, "I just got back, and with everyone..." I looked like I didn't know what to do and deluded myself to the Mountain People of Purgatory Flame (Gehenna Flair) (Dwarf) called Gurn. Yes, yes. I envy you with a hot beard. Ugh.

"Never mind. Have fun."

I'll have fun over here. Kathy, John, and Terry are here, and there's a sausage I just made today.

June 5, 7446.

From morning to the Chamber of Commerce of Wang Capital, he was busily killed by detailed meetings and so on. Either way, it was a pain in the ass for me to go, so I threw a round at Mizuchi and Luke about the contract for the sausage factory where the candidate had been narrowed down to two places.

In the evening, when we returned to Balduk, none of the killers (Slaters) had returned to the ground. "It's still bright, and will it take a little longer," he thought, returning to the inn once, just when he returned to the entrance square, the massacrer (Butchers) was coming back with Zulu, and they were all just following Balducki, who was selling stalls. If you look closely, both Guine and Engela were there.

Blessed are the three below-Zulu combat slaves for returning safely, saying, "I'm coming home with all my combat shoes, so come get them later." I followed Balducki, too. In doing so, both the eradicators (Exterminators) and the killers (Slaughters) have returned to the ground.

We greeted each other and listened to each other, saying that both teams were still stretching their legs to four layers now, and that they were no longer on a day trip. The Massacre (Butchers) said during March that the Eradicators (Exterminators) came in May.

Hmm, now you're not in deficit anymore. Thankful story.

Also, although the replacement of members was tested, no one has yet been able to pass the fitness test and qualify for the challenge. Well, you can't do it in a few months, on a boulder.

Then I got a report on what happened while I was gone except for Zulu, who was going to the massacre (Butchers), and Tris, who was going to the exterminator (Exterminators).

First the Eradicator (Exterminators). It's good to start going to the four layers, but I'm still struggling with the four layers breakthrough in time, and he says it's still going to take some time to get me to the five layers in peace.

Next slaughterer (Butchers). Although we broke through four layers in April, breakthroughs in a day, including up to five layers, are still expected to take time.

This also has a magic user problem. After the battle, it is good if there are few minor injuries, but because when there are many, it takes a lot of time to recover magic, and in some cases they are forced to take a break until the pain draws. Well, in a way, there's no choice.

One last killer (Slaters). While I was gone, the labyrinth row was properly contained to five levels. I was a little surprised by this. I was wondering if I could mention that every Ralpha of the Golden Deceased would go to the seventh floor or something.

"Because... there's no Al or Mizuchi... you can't do that, just think calmly. I have to worry about everyone while you're gone. I can't do it."

Ralpha said. Why are you so worried about everyone? I could have stretched it out and done it because I leave that to the Xenoms and Tris. I thought so for a moment, but with that said, I think I said the right thing to contain Ralpha, who wants to go with me before I leave. You've been serious... tell him who it is. I got eye contact from a niggling Xenom or Bell, and I said, "Oh, thank you for your hard work. Looks like you've been thinking about everyone a lot." I thought it was a nimanima.

I knew it would be chocolate. It really helps.

Later, I heard that Guineh had also made armor of the same type as Engela, and when I heard Jess was going to do my lowering, Larfa looked unhappy, but he heard the price and gazed at Xenom's complexion. Xenom snorted and did it with a bitter smile, but when he put his arms together and thought about it, he seemed to give up after a while and said nothing.

"Next I see the growth of the Massacre (Butchers) and the Eradicator (Exterminators). Then, in some cases, he returns the killer (Slaughters) to full membership to break through the eight layers by the end of the month. Everybody, stay with me."

That's the last thing I said that night and tightened it.

Everyone seemed to recall that creepy vibe of an eight-layer room, gobbling and spitting... oh, you were motivated. Many of the guys were catching the edge of their lips while trying to stare at them. Am I the only one who was scared?

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