25 Mar 7446

Sister-in-law Shani arrived after noon. It was still early, so when I took a break, I went straight to the King's Capital Chamber of Commerce and said that I would deliver and measure to the Knights tomorrow. Also, regarding my return home, I also decided to consult with all the killers (Slaters) yesterday and last night.

Claw and Marie, there are two reincarnators, and in the end I decided to go home to Barkud once. I also say hello to my parents, so I accompany Mizuchi. Also accompanied by Guineh. The reason is simple. To make a map on the road.

Guineh is a free citizen, but we will accompany him, and most importantly, he is an employee of the Grid Chamber of Commerce, so he has no problem moving around the territory. We know that passes will also be issued easily from the employee registration of the Green Chamber of Commerce, which holds a type II licence. Oh, and another one, I'll accompany Engela to take care of herself.

Regardless of Mizuchi and Engella, there was a guy who had naturally pinched his mouth when he said he was going home with Guineh.

"Eh, if you want to take Guinness with you, take me with you."

"Hey, Lar, think about it for a second."

"Eh, 'cause you're so grumpy. You want to go too, Belle?

"Huh? Well, I'd like to go for a little bit... but I've never gone anywhere but Wang Du..."

"What are you talking about, idiot? Don't go hanging out."

I'm going to see you.

"I want to go too, I want to go, I want to go, I want to go, I want to go!"

Shit, I don't have a choice.

"Hey, Ralph, listen to me carefully."

Put your hands on both shoulders of an asshole and stare firmly into its eyes when you make the look you think is serial yourself. Don't blush... you're going to itch my ass.

"You understand we can't all take them, right?

... Yeah, that's right.

Leaving my slaves alone, both the slaughterers (Butchers) and the uprooters (Exterminators) are about to work out now. That's what you said, right?

Someone needs to take good care of him. Then think of the one who stays.

Xenom can be counted on, but with his beloved being beside him... he wouldn't mind if he wasn't around for months.

Tris recently started using his head, but Bell isn't the only one to assist him yet. Someone lent him wisdom.

Bell is a solid man, but he has a hard time running too far. Tris still can't hold the reins. You know someone needs to turn around to contain it, right?

Bastral is newlywed, and Zulu is my slavehead. You can't move it.

You figured that out already, didn't you?

Look, you've been seeing me the longest. Who in the world can I trust the most while I'm gone? You want me to tell you everything?

"Huh?... yeah... if that's what you mean... me...?

That's right. Al was right.

Haha...... I still didn't seem to think enough of it either......

...... yeah. All right! I need to hold on while you're gone!

Or something like that.

It's still chocolate and helpful.

I didn't leave anything to you about the slayer (Slaters) in the first place.

Everyone who was listening was staring at one asshole with raw warm eyes.

Again, naturally, with my homecoming, my exploration of the eight layers will be interrupted. The massacrers (Butchers) and the exterminators (Exterminators) will all be taken care of by the rest of us, but if we don't force them to, they will be fine because there are many veterans originally. Besides, by the time I get back, I might be getting more tickets to the lower levels. Xenom said, "Leave it to me, and originally they are also highly capable. By the time you get back, you'll be able to pull it up to five levels," he laughed.

If you leave the killer to Tris and Xenom, you won't have a problem. They'd feel safe without me and Mizuchi on the seventh floor. Look at the room, if you keep it by about five layers while I'm gone, then yes, there won't be a problem either. This one feels like a big boat ride because I have a map of Guineh if only the Lord of the mighty room that comes out very rarely would dodge it with the utmost care.

I gave him detailed instructions, but I told Tris, "I'll leave the details to you," and he gave Xenom 50 million Z. cash just in case. And when we crossed each military horse, we were incorporated into the caravan commanded by Sister-in-law Shani. Due to my physical fitness problems, I'm on board with Guine, Mizuchi with Engela, and each horseback riding training.

Regardless of Guine, who goes to visit Wang Capital or rides my horse again and again calling it horseback riding training, Engela was frightened by saying, "such as riding a horse at the minute of slavery..." Even the Fourth Knights combat slave has heard that the commander rides a horse. I can't fight you, but I need you to let me walk.

In Wangdu, we solemnly delivered and so on, and told the Rosrals that we would return to Barkud this time, too, and that we would be away for about two and a half months. In the meantime, I also told Tris or Xenom that if something went wrong, etc., I would like them to report it to me, and then I also told them that it was time to sort things out around me.

It is about two years since they came to the King's Capital. The wardens replacing them should come to Lombertia at the next delivery. Is it about summer when I say it at times? There will also be takeovers, etc., so a week or two will be expected for the change.

Since there are more household tools in Wangdu, it is necessary to at least keep them organized so that they can fit in two carriages. Even when I go home to Barkud, I don't go home completely empty. I do business with keel and dolite, and I usually buy for it.

The rare items in the city (mostly expensive accessories such as perfumes in mirrors and vials that don't show very well, beautifully dyed cloths, etc.), including the meaning of the repayment to the Sagret Chamber of Commerce of Dorrit, who regularly comes to Barkud like every month and sells daily necessities. In some cases, other chambers of commerce may undertake to carry the magic stone). It is also important to bring it home. Not just, of course.

The journey to Barkud went well. A hundred miles southwest along the coast from Balduk, three days into a place that Guineh didn't even know about. From here she also had fewer words, looking around for a moment. I guess the map along the street continues to be firmly engraved in her memory.

On the road, I didn't do anything other than stay for days, so I was able to come about two weeks after I left around the mountain road where I used to meet Zenom and Ralpha. It took me three weeks from here to Balduk because I spent a few days in the middle of town playing with him. Everything I saw was unusual. He was a kid. Do you still?

While doing so, another week or so passes through the heavens and enters Viscount Penride territory. We entered the proper lodging in Karlum, the capital of the Viscount, where we were all having dinner. The four of us had arrived at a table a little further away from everyone in Barkud for dinner because of the crowded shops we had entered.

Engela is eating quietly, not even in conversation, but she's cautiously jumping her gaze around worried that she might be able to hang it because of us, too, who are all women. I wish I didn't have to get so nervous...... it's a disciplined thing to say that Zulu has included me. That's the kind of loyal dog we call elsewhere.

"With that being said, it's not weird to have 'reincarnated' around here, either."

"So is that... but I can't find it..."

"Right ~. Was it, Marie? It wouldn't work that way if the house was in business like her or if it was going well...... I think I would have been a pedestrian by now too if that hadn't happened"

"Um, you're right. Even if you were born into a serf, you'd be less out of the village where you were born... claws and bastrals would be a special example..."

"Thinking about it, Mr. Tris was pretty tough..."

"You're going to have a hard time. I heard you were walking around quite a bit."

And we were talking about something that wasn't even foolish.

We were talking about a group of orcs around that another caravan-like merchant was raided last month. They were apparently raided on critical streets along the border with Viscount Yorise in the southeast of Viscount Penride territory. Surely there must have been only a few boundaries with Marquis Webdos territory as well.

To the south of Karlum stands the peaks of Mount Petrus, a thousand and five hundred meters high, in front of the Marquis de Webdos. We have to make some roundabouts in the direction of Viscount Yorise, but there will be no harm to us because there are dozens of miles to the boundary.

It's not a passage, so I'm not really interested, but there's that dart plain east of Viscount Penride and Viscount Yorise, and there's a lot of small territory. That said, there is not much to do with the boundary between Viscount Penride and Viscount Yorise. It won't have much to do with my future either. Dart Plains. Then Oak. I'd be more afraid of the Kingdom of Dabus than anything else.

That's right, they repelled it brilliantly, although their caravan had suffered a lot of damage because they had been well ambushed. The boulder is the third (maybe) chamber of commerce wandering the border. I guess the escort's arm was good too. But I can't seem to kill the orc that attacked me.

I guess he was also an extra cautious and smart leader to withdraw before the raiding side was damaged, despite the considerable damage done. Are you saying that unlike the Labyrinth of Balduk, the oak wandering along the border with Viscount Yorise is pretty good too?

Apparently, that conversation slipped into his ear. Guine was dropping her eyes a little and chewing her lips. The three of us could only recommend the shochu to Guineh.

I'm due to leave early tomorrow morning so I just decided to take a break.

22 Apr 7446

I'm finally back to Keel. If we get this far, we're a week away from Barkud. My sister-in-law and we asked for accommodation at the nostalgic Vince Pavilion, but there was only one room for two and three rooms for one. As for the one room on the top floor, Jim, an old stock of his sister-in-law and his escort's squire, lodged in each of them, me and Mizuchi in the two rooms downstairs, and Guine took the room in the one room next to him. The sparkling Engela and the escorts lost a little grade without a room, but they were able to secure the lodging without any problems.

Subsequently, my sister-in-law and her squire stopped at the Webdos Chamber of Commerce and went to wholesale and sell what they had purchased in the Wang capital. In addition, as a matter of course, we will make our way to the headquarters of the Knights of Webdos. Claw and Marie should be doing fine. How familiar are they with weapons now? Regardless of the Knight's reign, do you stand about that gaze?

Two soldiers, like gatekeepers, stood at the gates of the Knights headquarters, as one day. Who did what, but me and Mizuchi are wearing Barkud rubber protectors. The voice was soft. At some point, I guess the response to those on the Barkud edge (itchy) has changed. With that said, I only sell this armor to the First Knights or so, except for the payment to the servants of the village of Barkud. They also sell only a small amount to the Second Knights, but they shouldn't be to the Webdos Knights.

Moving in, I asked to see Claw and Marie by giving them my right hand to check my status. But unfortunately now the Knights left minimal personnel and the interview didn't come true on the grounds that the majority had been paying for it for two weeks. He went northeast from Keel to the village of Bryce about a day and a half on adult feet, apparently to exorcise Horndbear.

She contacted me this morning to say that she was able to get rid of it safely, so she said that she would return as early as tomorrow evening and the evening after tomorrow. Horndbear seems to have two of his squire killed, but the victims aren't Claw or Marie. I'm sorry about the two deceased, but I was a little upset to make sure of that.

I couldn't help but ask about Claw and Marie. I'm often wondering if you plan to take the Knight's reign, or if so, what time it is, and if not, what the ratings are. However, the gatekeeper's mouth seemed strong to us, who were outsiders about the internal evaluation of the members of the group on the boulder, and we did not get any information.

Whatever you ask, I won't try to talk about anything other than that, so my brother and his wife are out here, and even my daughter-in-law is the captain's daughter! and I stopped because I wanted to borrow the authority of my relatives but it was outrageous. I'm still young, too.

They should know by looking at the status that they are from Gried's house in the first place. It is proof that proper discipline is maintained around not trying to get into me like that. Being faithful to your duties is a good thing, and the Marquis of Webdos, where such a knighthood is located, is a good territory. No, it's a loser. They didn't do me any good in the first place.

I have no choice. You should see them on their way home from Barkud. I thought I'd put it on Marie's parents' bin suil shop, but I stopped it. It will be fine on the way home.

Returning to the Vince Pavilion, Mizuchi offered me a knife with a look like she had decided to.

"Erase the wounds on your forehead and cheek."

"Are you sure? It's more likely that it won't heal..."

The wounds on Mizuchi's face were sustained quite a while ago when he was a child. He said the injury was terrible and could not be cured with complete healing (cure all). That's right. Sometimes the wound will remain if you do not hang the healing magic as soon as you are wounded. Master Mira had already told me that the body itself would be "normalized to have scratches", so it was unlikely that it would heal beautifully even if the wound was cut and the magic of regeneration (regeneration) hung. It was said that even if the new wounds healed quickly, they would regenerate together to the ancient wounds.

If it doesn't heal, it's just a loss to bother to feel painful, and the courage to decide your face in the first place isn't that gushing. Sure would be the point of being told that facial wounds are ugly, and I can even think of it as a Mizuchi complex. I can understand your desire to heal.

"Yeah...... but I don't think I'll be able to be brave for the rest of my life if I don't try now...... I want you to do it because the boulders don't have the courage to decide their faces."

I peered into Mizuchi's eyes as she took off her upper body clothes and sat back in the chair to avoid getting dirty. The will seems stiff.

"You... But if you want, I'll do it."

I decide my left arm just in case. Immediately play (regenerate) magic...... I haven't practiced much so it takes nearly a minute. No, I still practiced this about fifty times. The wound on my left arm, along with the activation of the sorcery, raised meat as I looked around and returned to my clean, refreshing skin. It's dirty with blood, though.

Ooh, pain. Immediately he also hung a series of complete healing (cure-all) for pain relief.

Mizuchi, who was looking at my left arm, smiled and nodded just a little.

Mizuchi folded the towel he had in his hand and bit it.

Got it.




"You can't... The wound's back."

Mizuchi is leaning down. I've hung enough healing magic, and there shouldn't be any more pain left.

"Silly, don't cry"


"You see my father, my brother, my sister-in-law, my sister in that face, right? Don't be shy now..."

"... that's not true"

"... but I know how you feel."

"But I haven't seen your mother-in-law yet, and to all the villagers..."

"Nobody cares."

"I care..."

"Oh well... sorry. Lightly…"

"Yeah, it's okay. But if you had such a scratch..."

"Sure, I know your face when it was scratch-free."


"But I think my face is more attractive now"

The next morning, Engela, who was staying at Affordable Lodging, said at breakfast to Guineh, who was staying in the room next to us, "My face is red. Have you caught a cold?," he said. Looks like it's been a bit of an exciting night for Guineh. We're still young.

28 Apr 7446

Finally we arrived in the village of Barkud.

Still, I've felt it since I was past the city of Denzul, but the streets leading up to Barkud are not well maintained. Especially the streets leading from the village of Birded to the village of Birdet, and to the village of Birkood, were in very poor condition with stones rolling with goths or with all the lulls left. Well, then the border is certainly a good place. With that, the speed of progress dropped. Once again, it is well understood that the state of maintenance of the road connecting between the cities under the direct jurisdiction of the King, mainly the King's capital Lombertia, was very excellent.

I haven't seen Barkud Village in four years, really. It's a nostalgic village sight.

Was this road so narrow?

Was the field of cigarettes spreading over there that small?

Looks like that neighborhood has become a rubber field......

Why are soba noodles spreading out here?

If you're going to sow soba anyway, it's better on the other side of the river...

The sights of the village of Barkud, stained with the sea colour at dusk, are not otherwise beautiful.

but for some reason it struck my heart.

In time the serfs are about to clean up today's work and head home.

Quite a few people are still out in the field and in the process of cleaning up.

"Al, do you miss it?

My sister-in-law Shani says to my military horse that Engela manipulates with an unfamiliar hand.


Everyone in the field notices and waves at us approaching from the south of the village. But when I realized once again that the number of horses was increasing and so were the number of people, I ran over. I wasn't very close to the village serfs, but I seem to remember the lord's brother. Mouthfully, "Dear Al! Welcome home" or "Dear Al, It's been a while. Well, you're safe," she said, just a little surprised.

"Surprised? Everyone appreciates you. About rubber and the replanting of fields, the handling of a thousand teeth and the introduction of bull horses into farming. The tax hasn't changed since you left, but the income itself has changed. A little, but it looks like we've got more money to give to the serfs... Of course, you didn't make it all, but we all know you prepared it and left it on the road. My predecessors told me everything."

Right... Dad...

"I used to be amazed at you, too. Furn told me about you. But, okay? You're definitely involved in getting so rich. I think it would be good for you to take a look at it once in a while."


By the way, it seems obvious but politely ignored about Mizuchi, Guineh and Engela. But many looked surprised to see Mizuchi wearing a rubber protector. I guess it's because I'm unfamiliar with the Dark Elves. Mizuchi had his face firmly raised while wearing a helmet of the same design as mine. Yeah, that's fine.

Yeah, it's the house you see over there.

Once upon a time, the buckets I made when I left the house still seemed to be in use.

You haven't changed......

And where are the four of us staying?

Me and Mizuchi will be in the guest room.

Yeah, you didn't say that.

There's a bath in my village.

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