29 Feb 7446

Last week, when I got out of the labyrinth, I was getting a letter from Barkud's brother. Next thing you know, it's the end of next month. They also calmed down the gotagota of last year's troopers and will be back with big bags. As a lord, I have some fine work to do, and I look like my sister-in-law Shani is coming this time. Apparently, my mother can't get her hands off Zed and Becky's magic training. With that said, Zed and Becky are six years old now? Seven? I miss you.

Shani, should I go back once as my sister-in-law returns? Something about Claw and Marie. Apparently they still remain squire. That said, it's a start from a free people who haven't been trained in combat. No matter how blessed you are with your degree of growth, you won't be a full knight in just four years. It takes an average of four years for even a civilian child who has been trained in combat since he was a child to be assigned a righteous knight. There can't be anything less. Well, they didn't join the group because they were recognized for their good work.

Oh, let's just say you didn't get any treasure in the labyrinth this time on the boulder. But there was one thing that bothered me. There was an obvious change between the five layers of metastatic crystals. One of the corners is the space that we killers (Slaters) have been using since last year, and we have quite a lot of kitchens, foot water and all kinds of equipment. There's also a shower room, of course. The diagonal corner of the line is left intact by the equipment used by the old sunlight (Sun Ray). Sometimes I do some cleaning.

At the time I absorbed sunlight (Sun Ray), I had a plan to take this equipment between seven layers of transferring crystals, but I didn't like to take that stuff to the front line because it was all soggy and cheap. Above all, it was up to Giberti to say, "Well, then you can't make a very elaborate menu". Anyway, it is possible to come to the fifth floor in a significant number of people, so it stays that way.

This time I noticed a small stove of cheap sunlight (Sun Ray) face loss was installed in one of the remaining corners at some point, loaded with boxes that didn't know what was in it. It would be a large pot or cauldron. Besides, there were blankets and other bedding for about ten people. The floor was dry and no signs of its use could be detected, but there was one demonic stone of Oulbear, the lord of the two-storey room, in the bucket of the shower room. I guess it's meant to be a royalty. [Appraisal] is worth about 6,000, so if you sell it, it will be over 40,000 Z.

Green group (Verdegli Brotherhood) or black yellow balls (Black Topaz)? Another purgatory flame (Gehenna Flair)? It was a clear sign that at least somewhere completely broke through the five layers and laid down the hunting grounds on the six layers.

Huh? Xenom? It's still super strong. You can use that magic axe without throwing it. Ralpha borrowed it from Xenom and tried it, but he was so convinced, "I don't have any body."

That's right, today is the last day of the three holidays.

Now it's tea time during a break from collaborative training beyond Mount Outer Ring.

"Can I talk to you for a second?

Carm came to me with Rocco.

"It's about the labyrinth, but I think it's time for us to go to two or three levels..."

Rocco says with a leafy grass stem first. Are you hitting a bad ball? This guy's an elf, and he's got a completely different physique.

"... why?

From one layer to three, the monsters we meet in the aisle, except for the Lord of the room, are basically together. The more subtly the lower the hierarchy, the higher the level tends to be, but if it is the average of one layer and the average of three layers, is it the difference of one level? The two layers are halfway there.

"No, 'cause, frankly, it's easier for you to deal with them, huh?

Lie to me. You're a slayer (Slaters). If you keep crawling around and fighting all day, you're gonna get hurt. Is that an impression you don't get much hurt because there are so many guys who can use magic? Because there are limits to that, and the movement is dull because I'm tired. We'll eat the attack someday.

Tell me when you stop getting hurt even if you keep fighting on your own for an entire day.

You must have seen my annoying face, starting to talk as if Carm would follow.

"Hmm... it's kind of hard to say. Well, we were originally called the top team."

Oh, that's it?

"So, since last August or so, it's time for six months...... much more, huh? It's embarrassing, isn't it?

I see, what's a former top team pride? Pride and life will take my life. Because I think it's better than dying because you're not dressed well. But I'm not willing to deny my pride in itself. It would be a big driver, wouldn't it? Besides, there are times when you bet your pride and you go through your will, as you would count in a lifetime. Especially now, I don't think that's the time.

"Is that what you're saying? Okay. If we can get one layer out in four hours, fine. Shall we see how it goes in the labyrinth from tomorrow? Determine how many times you can go between multiple layers of metastatic crystals. Leaving at eight in the morning and returning at seventeen? It is conditioned to reach the metastatic crystal twice a day. Yeah, let's also add the conditions for crossing two layers. You can go to three layers if you can leave at eight in the morning and go steadily to two layers of transition crystals at seventeen. If we can leave at 8: 00 in the morning and go to three layers of metastatic crystals at 20: 00 in the morning, why don't we make four layers OK?"

"Four hours...... ok, easy win!

"I thought they'd say that. Well, take a look."

"Oh, I hope so. Then, from now on, basically think of the leaders you send from the Killers (Slaters) as advisers to combat commands and achieve your goals. For example, ask about measures to break through a layer in four hours or something. If you think everyone's opinions are right, you'll hire them, and if you think they're different, you won't. That's about the authority to decide when and when to take a break or to keep an eye on things in the meantime. I want everyone to think about course taking and speed of travel in the labyrinth. I'll tell you to hire any course or speed requests you can."

They'll be hearing the pace from the Killer (Slaters) outgoing leader, too, right? Isn't that just fine? Regardless of the three-tier breakthrough, with your current strength, you can raise the bottom and go as far as three tiers.

And then, I'll have some decent bedding for Henry and Ruby. Besides, it's not just the massacrers (Butchers). The eradicators (Exterminators) will naturally have a sense of confrontation as well. Even they used to go up to four layers.

March 6, 7446.

According to Bell's words, which were accompanying the massacrers (Butchers), they had reached the transferring crystal to two layers precisely twice daily.

"Then you can go to two levels starting next week. If you can break through the two layers exactly by evening, you can go to the three layers, but that goes on for at least a week and prove it to me."

That's what he declared to the slaughterers (Butchers), beginning with Carm and Rocco, with his face in the slaughterhouse of the slaughterers (Butchers) at dinner. They seemed happy to hear that, too.

March 15, 7446.

Well, I expected it, but the massacrers (Butchers) also got tickets to the three layers. I know it's quick to get through two layers, but if you can break through one layer twice a day, it's no surprise.

More than that, the uprooters (Exterminators) who heard about the slaughterhouse (Butchers) going two-tier were also excited and were beginning to try their best to get tickets to the two-tier. But the last two days did not follow twice by seventeen o'clock. One yesterday it exceeded about thirty minutes, and yesterday it was about forty minutes.

This time, I guess I thought it was an opportunity because if you were an eradicator (Exterminators) Mizuchi was on the move so you don't need to worry about healing magic... sounds like you were a little quick to try. Especially since they didn't have very good metastasis luck, the last two days were on the way to Nine or Ten. Luck is within strength.

But it's not a good trend. We are deliberately sending leaders from the Slaughters to avoid being too hasty to neglect our feet. I wanted you to make a good local effort in the moment, as well as habitualize that you aim ahead, have goals.

For this minute, it's only a matter of time before the eradicators (Exterminators) get tickets to two or three layers.

24 Mar 7446

I couldn't seem to reach a ticket to the four layers, so to speak of a massacrer (Butchers) who didn't want to go to boulders. According to Ralpha, who accompanied him, he still seems to be using his head, and the time it takes him to break through one layer is just over three hours. And he wants to have a little early lunch in a room with an extra layer of metastatic crystals, and soon he wants to step into two layers.

Ralpha had a reputation for being distracted, although it seems to be understood that it is important to take a good break and heal as much fatigue as possible.

Regardless of the slaughterer (Butchers) who is in a hurry, I guess Ralpha wants to go ahead with little break in saying he will appreciate it that way. It would have been dangerous if Ralpha hadn't had authority as a leader.

Also, the eradicators (Exterminators) got tickets to two layers brilliantly.

Slaughter (Slaughters) said, the eight-layer map has also been quite filled. About 50% of the total? However, it is not very clear that the hierarchy will come first. Nine layers would make it less than 50%. In the unlikely event that ten layers are interwoven, it will be even less. The lord of the room is still full of trolls. Only one piece of gold ore was harvested. No monster rooms have yet been found in areas where the monsters in the aisle appear to vary by less than nine floors.

Starting from eight layers, nine layers (for convenience), back to eight layers, lucky (?) and it feels like mon room. Bad luck (?) and repeat the nine and eight layers again. Yeah, I also found it between the transfer crystals to the nine layers. But I'm not gripping. Because it smells that way for whatever reason. And even though it's not about the fourteen layers that I was forced to transfer one day, the center of the eight layers seems to be a ridiculously big room with no two diameters.

Salvation only means that the floor glows as you move, like the rest of the labyrinth. Still, it's too wide and the sight is still only about fifty meters. I couldn't find anything monster-like in the range even if I looked around with [appraisal] 's vision, but because the rocks are gobbling everywhere, it's not entirely possible to see within [appraisal] 's range. The big guy looks like he's almost five meters tall. Of course nothing is caught up in the magic of Life Sense.

Mizuchi described the situation as "it feels like there are guardians (Guardians)". You should think that someone is protecting the metastatic crystal before you go to the ninth level like a gatekeeper. Is he like the dugazer we met on the fourteenth floor? And then, as the fourteen layers are miso, he will be said to be the first guy to come out in the second half of the Labyrinth of Balduk, which is believed to have thirteen layers. I guess the seven layers were the turning point, the center, of this labyrinth after all.

"It was a lot of games, wasn't it? At the end of each hierarchy, the middle boss is waiting. If we don't defeat that, we can't move on. The next condition is often the key to the door or something special, but it's the boss who keeps the hierarchy under control."

Everyone who heard about Mizuchi snorted, too. Tris and Bastral also said, "I thought it would be more unnatural not to have been there before." Then tell me.

But if there's such a guy, it's tough. Honestly, I don't want to see you anymore either. What you get is huge but too dangerous. That said, it doesn't feel like I'm going to be able to go next if I don't do something about it. Going with Mizuchi again isn't a bad idea, but I have trouble when it was a better monster to need maneuvers or build a front line, not a dugeyser.

I don't think that's possible, but even if a hundred trolls come out, you can beat them if they're ice pickled, but then that's the problem. It's too much work for both of us to get them out of the ice one at a time, and one day I'll be exhausted.

I don't care what you say, I'm scared.

The vibe in the center of the eighth floor feels creepy anyway. So much so that I suspect it would also be a trap that would make one or two small people hesitate to enter. Of course there's no reason for that.

That's right, about tomorrow or the day after, it's about time Sister Shani arrived.

What am I going to do with the return home?

You can go, but when you do, you can't go to Master Mira's again, and I'm scared to pull through to Mizuchi on the boulder... but you can't leave Claw and Marie alone either. Speaking of which I can still afford about a year, I wouldn't hit a bee if I looked at him about his face. Besides, I want to see Zed and Becky too...

I want to show everyone Barkud anyway. But slaughterers (Butchers) and eradicators (Exterminators) will be about to work out now, too.

Most importantly, I want to see Mun's face.

No matter how many bodies you have, it's not enough.

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