Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Lesson 145: Dry fat tastes better in yellow.

August 28, 7445.

After a brief training session at the three-team joint, Mizuchi and I were slowly having tea after lunch.

"With that said, it's just been a whole year since I joined the slayer (Slaters)..."

Mizuchi said as he put the cup of tea with his mouth back on the table. There is no such thing as a saucer.

"Oh, another year... you're early"

"I don't get a lot of ingredients either... hey, can't I still use" Cure Dizzies "magic?

Mizuchi looks at me with prayerful eyes. It's a pitiful story, but about "Cuerdigies" magic, it didn't go as well as previous sorcery mastery. There are so many sick guys in this Balduk that if it's ready to be used, we have an easy environment to try.

Until now, I had been able to master the magic I wanted to learn in months, even if it was long, by recognizing that it “definitely existed" and repeating trials and errors if I knew what a convincing name to call it.

However, the magic of "Cuerdigies" has sometimes been spoken of by Lils, whose source is a sub-god, and despite the unwavering perception of “certain existence”, the master has not been able to do so. They expect considerable difficulty in mastering, so I'm prepared to challenge you not to go overnight, but I can't do anything that doesn't work. I don't think it's possible that Lils is lying to Mizuchi, and that doesn't make any sense.

In the first place, we've been working on the magic of treating diseases for quite some time, regardless of the information from Mizuchi. Was it about this time last year that I got information from Mizuchi that I was about to give up half of it and became motivated by Russia... Master Mira said he didn't know, so I didn't see him using it in front of me, but I can assure you that I have no doubts about the existence of magic.

"Sorry...... I'm making time to work on it... a situation I can't grasp at all"

"I'm sorry. I'm not blaming you..."

I can see your face as much as that. If I can't do it, Mizuchi is doing a lot to get her magical experience. Neither do I, but most of the time I'm in the labyrinth with Zulu or Engela when I'm off. Thanks to this, a few months ago her elemental magic level has risen to six and her unwitting level to seven. It would be the result of continuing to magically damage the monster very efficiently.

"No, that's fine. Anyway, I'll keep trying."

"Yeah... that's pretty much what the ingredients are for, but there are a few things that are really difficult..."

"Oh... I have no certainty, but I'm not going to leave the labyrinth for the moment, and not that way... there's a timing, so thank you..."

"Hmm, I knew it was Wyvern and the Vampire Road that was tough..."

"And dragons... or..."

If you wander around the well, you'll be all over it. Shreeker's never been around a short walk from Barkud. Well, Mun knows where the habitat is. Scavenge Crowler will meet you well in two days, even if you're not lucky enough to walk around in one layer of the labyrinth. I hear kuntotoads are not uncommon in the wetlands of the south, and rock vipers live in their home mountains, according to Mizuchi. You can get whatever you want with your hair or your nails, and you can take a piece of your liver from me.

Difficult are the three kinds mentioned above, but Wyvern can be seen occasionally on the eastern and northern borders, so if you take the time to look for it, it's likely that you can handle this as well. I didn't know much about Wyvern until I heard it from Mizuchi, but according to Mizuchi, it's like a degraded dragon. But I also feel that strength will be manageable to fight because it seems to fall beyond comparison. I'm not sure.

As for Vampire Road, I've told him I've killed vampires on four levels before, but Mizuchi said something like, "If it's a labyrinth out of vampires, it's no wonder Vampire Road is in the back". He sounds like a vampire's best friend (boss). Me and Mizuchi can use the "anti-magic field," and if there were two Mizuchi and me who could destroy the rotten eyeball bastard Lotten Eye Ball from the front, we'd figure this out.

But the problem is the dragon. As far as I know, there is no proof that he was there. I've heard you say you used to be in the Dart Plains a long time ago as a legacy... but I don't know if you were really there because it seems to be more than a hundred years ago at any rate. However, discussions with Mizuchi also led to the conclusion that it would be more unnatural not to have dragons in a world like this.

The only clue so far is that he was on the Dart Plains. According to Mizuchi, he lives for a hundred years or a thousand years, and he seems to be a tremendously long-lived reptile. I haven't told her, but if that's true, I also think it's possible that survival is still in the Dart Plains, like a turn (cont 'd) or a child.

They're just so proud of their strength that they won't go out of style. My body is big, and I throw up high range attacks (braces) that I said flames, cold air, acids, venom, and electric shocks, and the sky also flies. Apparently it's not uncommon for someone to use magic with high intelligence. For some reason I was boastfully certain that there was no wonder that I had enough power to destroy the country as a whole. What a complete creature.

Anyway, now we're stuck on medication ingredients. The possibility is that even deeper into the labyrinth, you may meet Vampire Road. Of course, we can't deny the possibility that we'll meet deep in Balduk's labyrinth, because it seems that there are dragons and reptiles alike who prefer to stay inside the labyrinth. Though I don't think it's my personal idea. 'Cause you're big, aren't you? What a labyrinth. The ceiling is about 100m high, and I don't care how many individuals prefer the labyrinth...... I would exercise. Before it goes off the floor.

"Now we have to go to the back of the labyrinth."

"Mm-hmm. And the Killers (Slaters) are off for a week from tomorrow. I'll come back to Master Mira the day after tomorrow... and I'll tell everyone in the evening."


Zenom, Belle and Engella to the slaughterer (Butchers), Tris, Ralpha and Zulu to be in (Sooner) soon, Bastral let Ghiberti and his wife Catherine and Sausage make, Ghine often said they would do it on September 1st, there are also complaints if they go that way because they are called to a BBQ party hosted by the Purgatory Flame (Gehenna Flair). Me and Mizuchi would be OK if we went to Fairy Town while showing our faces to the King's Capital Chamber of Commerce.

It is possible that you will meet the massacrers (Butchers) and soon (Sooner) even more, but if you put Mizuchi ahead of you, who is good at covert operations, you will be fine about that first.

29 Aug 7445

"... and the new sheath is gone. I liked the sample, so I paid for it, so I gave it to you in small pieces, but I don't have the rest anymore."

He showed his face to the Chamber of Commerce, checked his stock of fewer products, and Rosrall reported it to me when he was receiving a report of the sale. If I go in more and listen to him, he says the use is coming from the royal family from time to time. We have been collecting and delivering armor every time, but there has been no armor delivery here for a while, so we found time to go to the delivery. But Her Royal Highness, who sees the sheath of normal goods, was somewhat odd.

What, you liked the new model too? I'm shy. He didn't say anything to me about delivering it, but the sheath with ivo seems to be popular. Well, there's still a lot in the inn, so it'll be fine for a while. Except for the condom, I still have a few pairs of luxury boots left, but I also sold out sandals, shoes and rubber pull cloth. Boots and armor repair jobs seem subtle but increasing. That's because there is a slight increase in the number of users.

Whatever it takes, the Ryogs don't have a Yoturen job, no stock replenishment.

Counting backwards from the neighborhood where your sister came back, you won't be able to hope to replenish the merchandise for a while anymore, considering that you're going back to the village once you think you've withdrawn almost simultaneously. This time, there will be no such thing for a while in the future because we have just been driven out to war, but we might as well hurry up with the sausage that Bastral has left to us.

After consulting with Rosrall, Mizuchi and I decided to make sure he was able to find a house to house his slaves in.

"Are you going to tell Barkud to let the slaves out?

Rosrall says as a little surprised.

"No, I don't have that on the boulder. Trying to buy a new slave. In some cases there is also the possibility of buying another place like a rubber workshop. This is the 'sausage' factory we were talking about. It's a human leg that makes you work there. Well, next time I'll bring you a sausage, so let's talk about it again while we eat it."

Slaves of early teenagers are inexpensive. Besides, I have a lot of supplies, so I can buy as many as I want. From a young man with a soft head, he would be a good worker if well planted, including hygiene concepts. In case there's a mix of good guys, it's a moneymaker. I hope I can leave that to the factory manager or whatever. Cathy is fine, but it's not sneaky to let the boulders live apart from Bastrals. He hasn't told me anything.

No, we're only about two months old. It's weirder to say it at that time of year. Besides, Kathy doesn't call herself an adventurer, let alone one of my men. Even a child will be born. It was no surprise that Bastral had a family plan for Bastral.

September 1, 7445.

"Hey, I knew you weren't flirting..."

Hey, you plume. Are you serious...? I don't know, I should have boasted of my lack of memory myself, but why do I remember this one? I don't know what that means. This guy's opponent is mentally tired.

"So long, Master Mira. I'd like to teach you magic again this time..."

"Yeah. But before that..."

"You're a fish. Of course I have had a lot of it with me this time. … here it is."

My face broke in front of the fairies cheering on the fish dried stuffed in a rucksack for two. Whatever it is, it feels good to be happy.

Me and Mizuchi looked at each other and laughed, roaming the sandwich we had prepared and baking the fish on the stove.

"By the way, Master Mira, I hear that" anti-magic fields "and instantaneously" dispelmagic "are also valid to disable the unleashed attack magic, is there any other way?

I took my mouth off the sandwich Mizuchi was eating and asked Master Mira. Um, I can like it around calling for a proper master.

"There are a few of them. Typical of this is Resist Magic or Turn Magic.

The master replied without taking his eyes off the dried food being seared on the stove as he swallowed the sawdust and spit. Well, is there such a thing?

"Resist... I can do the image, but isn't that what you call deactivation?

Mizuchi says a little strangely. Why? If you get a resist, isn't that resistance? Successful resistance would invalidate it, wouldn't it feel like eating it if it failed? Or does it feel like a resistor (register) to use for an electronic circuit or something? Then I haven't even figured it out.

"Well, you know better. You're right, it's normal to soften the negative effects of hanging magic rather than completely disabling" Resist Magic. "

Master Mira replied as he narrowed his eyes to see whether the fat dripping from the skin of the fish had evaporated by the flames of the stove, raising a light purple-like smoke, thereby also smoking the fish itself. I see. Is it the resistor (register) after all?

"It's pretty deep. Besides myself, it's the Resist sorcery."

Carl also said, paying similar attention to the stove from the opposite side of Master Mira. In your case, I wonder why you remind me of Ralpha's expression, which is really more delicious than what he said.

"And then there's the point of sorting... if" Resist Water "works best when attacked with ice, the only thing that comes through is cold air. Even so, it takes a tremendous amount of magic to make the" ice javelin "used by ordinary magicians only cold air, and if you just do something about the" ice javelin "magic itself that has been attacked, you can scatter it with less magic than the" anti-magic field. "

Master Mira is moving his face as my hand moves to flip the fish. But that would be enough for an "anti-magic field," I think. So I pointed that out. It is also understandable that I didn't dare to touch it but it does seem to work. Because it is also possible to use filters.

"There's no point in saying that if you don't know. The biggest difference between" anti-magic field "and" resist magic "is that it has effect time. You can't use" anti-magic fields "to move or use other sorceries?

You can move or wave a sword in my case, but you certainly can't use any other sorcery. I see, once you use it, will the effect be preserved even if you leave it alone like "light" magic or not sustain your mental concentration for a while? Besides, it would be a big difference to be hung by someone else.

"Master Mira, please tell us about that" Resist sorcery "today"

"Yeah, yeah."

It took me until midnight again, but I was able to teach Resist Fire and Resist Air and Mizuchi the magic of Resist Earth and Resist Water. When we get back on the ground, Mizuchi and I will need to practice the magic we taught each other this time.

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