August 15, 7445.

It also moved from morning to eight layers.

The first eight-layer monster I called in this morning was Giant Mantis. He died in one Ralpha "Flame Arborest" shot. Bugs are vulnerable to fire. Guine was also burned to death with "Flames Lower". When the wings are on fire, they burn up like funny, and soon they die from inability to move. I can get the burning smell of protein in my surroundings, but I guess it's because I'm an insect that doesn't have a slight appetite.

Now that we know that burning and killing is easier when demolishing demonic stones, maybe we should focus on fire magic from now on. Thinking about it, maybe Tris can't use fire magic, so it's not compatible with the eight layers.

That's how I repeatedly transferred to the eighth layer today until near lunch, and I was just getting tired of it because it didn't turn into a monster that came out.

A fourth kind of monster appeared when it would be the last call before lunch in time.

I doubted my eyes when I saw the visible body with [appraisal] vision.

Oh, isn't that Scavenge Crowler!?

And five nasty ones!

He's the one you've seen several times in the Mon Room even after you appraised him. However, this Scavenge Crowler seems to be alive for a long time. It's a little too old and a little too level. Fifteen levels on average. A guy who's three meters long and seems to have a diameter of 80 centimeters around his torso comes this way fast enough for an adult to run. Zurrolo!! and make a noise that even sandbags pull together.

This passage was turning right about 300 meters away, but after he showed up, he was packed a distance of fifty meters while he did his eye on the appraisal window.

"Something disgusting..."

"This sound...... Scavenge Crowler?

"I knew there was something else there...... this smell is scavenge clowler!

"Damn, it's too far to look good..."

"... be quiet... not alone! There's plenty of them! Al, please!

An electric shock would be nice, like one day. They seem to have multiple opponents, and I did it using "Chain Lightning" magic. The only two left are the ones behind. But he's been electrocuted and much weaker. I [appraised] it as it was and the rest of the HP was off seventy.

"Hmm, you seem pretty weak. Bastral, do it."

He was pierced by a bastral spear who had been waiting for me to order him to approach Yolo Yolo, and both of them were desperate. I have high levels and special skills, so my experience was as high as ever, but I wonder if the value of Demon Stone has gotten more comfortable? It was less than 7,000 to that extent. But five Scavenge Crowlers... if you can't afford magic, it's a lightly annihilated course. The same goes for seven-layer orgasms, but it's better to think that there's no gap to get distracted when all eight layers are there.

I let Engela do the separating because it smelled so bad, but she was also teary-eyed because it seemed easy on the smell emitted by Scavenge Crowler. She gave me five demon stones with a bright blue complexion. I labored "tired," and I spread the mouth of a bag made of rubber pull cloth to retrieve all the cut tentacles as well.

He seemed a little happy to go back to the seven layers and give him the right to take a shower immediately.

16 Aug 7445

Back on the ground in the evening. From this time on, the seven-story Auga Mage room had been wiped out once a day, so the money is huge. Seventy-one Orga Demon Stones in total. Besides, even the eight layers had gained a lot of demon stones of value there, so including earnings up to six layers, they totalled well over 65 million Z. Then the tentacles of five scavenged clowlers were also wholesaled to the pharmacy. This one is less than 100,000 Z in total.

But you're a hockey, man. Ah.

Pay a bonus to a member of the Killers (Slaters) and receive reports from Tris and Bell about the Killers (Butchers) and soon (Sooner).

"Excuse me... the..."

"Um... sorry..."

That's how it looked last time. The deficit will continue for the time being. Perhaps it's good and not tons until we get to four or five layers? But Sooner or later (Sooner) Lorrick and Karim, his own combat slave, were leveling up to nine this time.

You guys had that time of year, and if you tell me, it's still an extension in a way.... including me.

'Don't worry about the deficit. Experience gained by leading them is important. It would be a strange expression, but I can also say that they are teachers for all of you who send them in as leaders. That's a lot of tuition, isn't it?

Yes, a teacher who could teach himself. It will hurt, it will scare you too. You could get hurt badly, you could lose your life in some cases. All those who enter the labyrinth are more or less ready to do so. To put it to the extreme, if a strong enemy comes out and is damaged...

It's not a waste of money because we all have the experience to connect to the future.

Of course, I don't want anyone to die. Be a massacrer, soon (Sooner), they're all the ones who got along with me. I want them to have the chance to emerge as much as possible, and I want a lot of guys to come out. Naturally, I'd like to give priority to the current slayer (Slaters) members and gain experience, but hey, I don't mind if I outrun them.

"Come on, have dinner with everyone. But stop drinking this evening. I'd like to talk about the moment, including the eight layers, when we all get back at night."

That said, we headed to dinner for seven, except for the outgoing team.

I gave an eight-layer report to a killer (Slaters) gathered in my room at the Boyle Pavilion after twenty o'clock. Due to the lack of information on the monster, he declared that for the time being, he would take safety measures and try to understand the type and characteristics of the monster wandering around the Eight-Layer aisle. This goes on at least until the massacrers (Butchers) don't have to let people out of the current killers (Slaters).

Also, at the end of this month, we'll be able to buy a few combat slaves, and then we'll have fewer massacrers (Butchers) and soon (Sooner) out in two. I couldn't help but rush, I told him that I now think it's time to gain more experience than to rush ahead and feed a strong mind that won't disturb his combat or confront any opponent. Somehow even Lombert I gave up the labyrinth row in these eight layers. That said, I don't know why because I got a big fortune, not because I was held back by a mighty enemy that I can't really defeat.

17 Aug 7445

The morning and evening meal on the first day of the third holiday from this third holiday is almost here (Suner), and the morning and evening meal on the second day was decided to be eaten with the slaughterers (Butchers). The third day is the slayer (Slaters). Sometimes I go on assignment too. I should keep in touch, too.

Day one, I'm almost with everyone. This time with Bell as the leader and Zulu as the assistant, but soon (Sooner) everyone would have felt how they were directing. Yesterday's return was late, so I couldn't wholesale the tentacles of the scavenge clowler to the pharmacy. After the run, I told Bell to wholesale the tentacles and then head to the diner, and stopped at the pharmacy.

When he arrives at the store, Bell sits Zulu next to him and says something to everyone around him. I went to the diner a little late, so I thought softly as I sat on the edge. You can ask Zulu, who was an assistant, and naturally you have to do that. But what does everyone else think? Why don't you ask Rolic sitting next to you? No, that should be stopped. I should also judge by reports from the person and auxiliary roles, and only by the results. It's my training too.

"Hey Morning, I've never seen this store before, but what's so good about it in the morning?

I asked Lorrick, sitting next to me, whispering.

"Oh, Gri...... Mr. Al! Good morning. Eighteen of them are the lords of the room this time! We can do it, too."

No, I know the results. What's better than that? Is that the bacon egg you're eating? Sounds half ripe and that sounds delicious too.

"Right. So, it's delicious" Oh, Mr. Al! Gentlemen, may I? You already know that we killers (Throwers) make a lot of money every labyrinth row, but for a reason. Because we used to be able to work out for Al, just like everyone else today. "

My voice didn't seem to sound like a distant bell talking to a blur.

"Last time, I think Tris also said, Killer's (Slaughters) labyrinth tactics are fundamentally different from other parties. As the name of the slayer (Slaters) stands for, everything that stands in front of us kicks in.

As a result, you will be able to get used to combat and travel the shortest distance without bothering to go far. Think of half a day as the first guide to a three-tier breakthrough. To do this, the layer is about three hours. You can defeat all enemies you meet along the way and break through one layer in three hours at any time. I'm not going to go to two levels until this happens. "

We've all heard stories like this many times...... no, you're listening quite enthusiastically. I snort all the way to Zulu. Actors.... can I have the same bacon egg as Rolic? I called the clerk and ordered bacon eggs, bread, and soup. Every store doesn't really replace the breakfast menu. I don't think there's any white bread in this shop.

Bell explains how it is important not to escape the battle while eating. Poor Strength Soon (Sooner) If you are the opponent, it will be particularly important to burn it hard under your consciousness, so there is no choice. Zulu also pinched his mouth from time to time when Bell urged him to do so, expressing his opinion. But I hate to gratefully say to that end, "You have to thank your husband". Well, this is normal if you're a slave, so maybe nobody cares.

... but stiff, Belle is. I feel different from her that I usually show. It's easy to understand what you're saying, and you seem to be choosing plain language, but the atmosphere is stiff to wrap around. It's not like I won't allow objections or anything... I guess the way you talk and look is rigid.

I'm young. Nice. You had this time for me too... when I was assigned as the new U.S. platoon leader and had my first men. About half of my men were younger than tenure self-defense officers, but some of them were older, and some were as old as my father. Maybe Belle is desperate right now. In terms of size, it's a detachment, but still pretty much everyone's older.

... there's no need for me to talk. Until the day after tomorrow, I'm leaving everything to her. I should get along with everyone soon.

27 Aug 7445

After finishing my run with all the killers (Slaughters) and having breakfast with the slaughterer (Butchers) who placed the bell on Xenom as leader and assistant, I took Mizuchi, Ralpha and Ghine to the "Slave Shop Ron Slyle". Fighting slaves from wartime prisoners are expected to arrive last night or today. I don't know if you're feeling a little fast, but it's not in vain to appeal to you that you're looking forward to buying it properly, even if it's still before it arrives.

But it still seemed too soon. Madam hasn't returned from the competition and according to the superintendent's word she responded, she will arrive after noon today. Finally, the nail was stabbed to the point that there was some confirmation of the extent to which it was being handed over today or tomorrow, because if it was not enough, it would have to be thorough again. Oh, that's right.

"Hey, I can't stay or stand wondering if it's going to expand my power..."

and left scratching his head.

"It's okay, because Dear Greed, it's a top priority. I won't show you anything else, so please take your time in the afternoon."

That's what the warden said, carefully bowed his head, and walked out to the door of the store to see me off.

He did not return to the Boyle Pavilion, and when the four of us entered the labyrinth, he trained in sorcery and killed time until the afternoon. I only called in a monster once to earn an admission tax and it was five hobgoblins so they made me hunt deliciously.

After a little slow lunch for the four of us, we headed back to "Slave Shop Ron Slyle". Along the way I saw Bastral with Kathy and Giberti talking about something at the hardware store dealing with pots and cauldrons, but I didn't call him because he seemed busy eager to talk in.

"Welcome, Master Gried"

Madame Ronslyle was just about to come out of the carriage.

"Mr. Ronslyle, how's the tail? Are you okay?

Was there a powerful man from the Knight?

"This time I bought six combat slaves and three general slaves. But we haven't been able to confirm everyone's identity, and I'm sorry, can you wait until about evening?

That's what I was told, but I couldn't dare but show it to you. They had ordinary slaves on the carriage carriage carriage, so they decided to show us the battle slaves connected behind the carriage. The small number seems to be due to the fact that it took a lot of money to compete off a knight native. I'm sorry. But I'll make you some money for that. Maybe.

He said that he had already named the slave class in the Wang capital. No ritual of naming the slave class will be performed because ransom may still be paid during the wartime captivity phase. They will not perform a naming ritual until they have been pulled to the Wang capital, wholesaled to the Bainish Chamber of Commerce, the kingdom's largest slave trader, and won by the competition. After the competition, a naming ritual takes place for the first time. The reason for this seems to be to show the status to the slave trader as evidence during the competition, as he may have a high status or gain a special status such as a knight.

Madam decided to take a look at it from the guy who told me she recommended it.

It seems that there were five slaves in this competition who could not pay the ransom for being ex-knights, but it seems that there were two who fell out of the competition. He said it was because I said the younger guy was better, so he didn't even look to combat slaves in his late twenties or older. Among Balduk adventurers, it is said and preferred that, for the most part, the age of the fat ridden early thirties is the season of combat slavery. In contrast, the army seems to prefer younger guys.

Mason Garhash Male, twenty-two years old, Lion Nation (Lios) Level, Seven Horsemen (five years experience), Sergeant's Birthplace, Magic Level, Two Water Magic Level, Two No Magic Level, Two

Mm-hmm. You deserve a first candidate. I just said it was expensive and I was straining my chest.

Henry O'Connell Male Twenty-four Year Old Pu (Hume) Level Eight Yuan Knight (Five Years Experience) Civilian Born

This guy is great, too. The boulder is Madame Ronslyle. There will be no harm in buying these two with certainty. And then you're not a knight, you're from a soldier?

Lubano Fiernote Male, 21, Mountain Nation (Dwarf) Level Six, from Civilian

Emerenzia Osbalt Female Twenty Year Old Tiger Nation (Tigerman) Level Five From Liberal Nation

Ottilier Masolotalun Female, eighteen years old, of the elite (elf) level five, from the free people.

Jestas Manzocki Male, sixteen years old, werewolf (Wolfwer), Level Five, from civilian.

Um, I don't want two women. Let's buy four men.

Garhash is 30 million Z. I had some anticipation, but it's expensive!

The O'Connell is 20 million Z. This guy is also from a knight only and has a high price for boulders.

Fiernote is seven and a half million Z. Normal.

Manzocki is seven million two hundred thousand Z. A little cheaper than average, I guess.

Sixty-four million seven hundred thousand Z. I can't believe I personally shop this expensive since I bought an apartment in my last life... oh, it was a loan and I hadn't finished paying for it.

Check the box and, depending on its condition, it can be handed over immediately tomorrow, but if not, it will take up to a month. That's kind of unnecessary, too. As soon as the money came down from the shrine, I told him that I would pay one person Z1 million as an arrangement. And then we need to see what we can do.

Now that we are connected and have just been pulled from Wang Du to this point, it is only in the evening that we will see our strength. We told them that we will come back with a deposit before meals, leaving the store behind.

He went out in the evening again and confirmed his strength. Yeah. This won't be a problem. The two former knights seem to manipulate the shield well, and the two from the soldier's army, in addition to the shield, have some bows, but seem to be usable.

It should be noted that Madame Ronslyle did not appear to be at a satisfactory level, and she was told that she could not be handed over immediately. Oh...

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