
"I'm asking you why you didn't come sooner! Gu, Ouch!

Well, why don't you apologize and try to mislead me? That said, there were unexpected things. Still, I fought hard, and even then it was almost to the fullest. Well, if it takes all you can to ice it all at once, or if you use heavy catapult class attack magic as a missile, then no one will ever be in danger. I just got here.

"Because my abilities are low. I'm sorry for not meeting your expectations."

"Stop it, Mary. Not if you're saying that right now! Mr. Greed, I'm fine, so heal Mary quickly! There's a hole in my belly!

Corritt said while forgiving his wife, who would have been seriously injured and had already been unable to make a normal decision. From what I've seen, you're hurt pretty bad, too.

"Mr. Gried! Mr. Hulk! Come on!"

Carm screams. It's a dangerous condition with severe injuries, but I still have a little of it. But I've already pulled enough. Somebody tell me. I guess the sunlight has never been so badly damaged at once either. They are all in quite a hurry.

"I'll be fine, see Mr. Hulk."

Kim also said while sheltering his crushed right arm.

"Ugh... it hurts... heal quickly Yikes!

"Oh, yeah! Mr. Gried, listen to the leader!

Kneeling beside the Hulk, who had just leaned back, ignoring Mayria and Corritt's Lindbell barking, he took about twenty seconds to hang the "cure critical" on the Hulk, ignoring the opposite shouting words of Mr. and Mrs. Lindbell. His gut rupture would have been considerably better. Mr. and Mrs. Lindbell started a couple fights this time.

"Then you use healing magic!

"You know! I can't do this right now."

"Why not!? I'm so hurt!

"I'm hurt bad, too! There's no way you can use magic!

Whatever Lindbell and his wife fighting, he went to Meath's and hung "Cure Serious," and when he took it back, he crouched facelessly into the side of angry Meyria and used "Cure".

"I can't help it, so please put up with Mr. Hulk's" Cure Serious, "Meyria, and Mr. Meath's" Cure "."

Just then. The duck threesome arrived.

"Ooh!? What the hell!"

"Has anyone died?!?

"We're clear, Mr. Greed."

"Rocco, Kevin, Gel! You were safe!? Are you hurt?"

When Carm looked up, who was checking on Hulk, he raised his voice like he said half surprise, half joy.

"You've made up your mind safely. I know you'll be okay if you calm down."

"Whoa, I stabbed him in the stop with my axe!

"Isn't Kevin the only one after all? My spears attacked much more."

There was a Guine and Engela following behind them. It was hard to notice because it was a little far away, but it's just fine. [Appraisal] The MP is full. Keep your eyes peeled and say.

"Guine, please heal me! I've got five wounded!

"Huh? But..."

As for Guine, maybe she's just here to see how it goes. Now I may be thinking more about healing wounded killers (Slaters) than I belong to Sunshine (Sun Ray).

"Please! Some guys are going to be life-threatening!

Looks like Engela whispered something to Guineh. Anyway, listen to me or something.


To say so, Guine rushed over for a small run, first to Hulk, then to Kim, Meilia, Corritt and Meath. He still used a few dozen seconds to hang up. In the meantime, I went to Engela once to see how the Killers (Slaters) were doing, and I ran here if they could all move, and if they didn't, I asked them to contact me immediately.

"Maybe one more cure to the limit."

He asked me once more, with a slightly frightened eye, to whom I should use it.

"To me."

"To me."

"Use it on her."

I took control of Meyria and Corritt, pointing to Kim.

Mr. Greed, I don't really want to say this, but listen to the leader.

Corritt flatters me for saying that, but I haven't heard from anyone in Sunshine that you're the official leaders. Considering the atmosphere and the fact that you've been negotiating with me first, and the fact that you kept giving instructions in the labyrinth, it's easy to guess that the couple would be leaders. I won't say it because it's such a painful thing to say.

"I'm not in battle right now, and the demons in this room have just been knocked down. This is also a reassuring situation for the moment. First of all, I think it's natural to go into healing from the seriously injured."

I said it as a little surprise.

"Don't say anything unsolicited!... Ouch! It's hard not to move like I was ordered to."

"That's right! I guess I'm the leader who decides whether or not he's seriously injured."

"By and large, what did you say to the Dog People (Dogwarts) earlier? If the Killers (Slaters) can move, bring them in, how dare you!

"Oh, you're absolutely right. I appreciate you healing me, but will you stop acting on your own?"

When I hear that, I answer with a shoulder to shoulder.

"That's... I'm sorry. Suppose the Killers (Slaters) come and chase them back. There are other users of healing magic, so I thought it might help..."

"Say that first!

"Then we don't talk about it! Go get him! Anyway, it's no use having you here anymore, so give the Killers (Slaters) a head down!

Oh, that's a boat to cross. You're both pretty badly hurt, and you're totally excited to forget me. I think it's a big deal that you can scream that far because me and Guine are healed, but I guess you forgot that too.


When I said that and turned my heels back, I left Guineh and ran towards the slayer (Slaughters). I met Engela, who came back on the way, and she also took her to the slayer (Slaters). He can't regain Mizuchi's consciousness. If I go, you'll be fine.

This is what Guine told me later, but he was in this situation until I left here to bring in the Killers (Slaters).

"Whoa, what the hell happened?

Such a question was released from the duck threesome. In contrast, Carm explains the situation where the Sunshine (Sun Ray) main unit was in.

Daylight (Sun Ray) Squad left a little early after we left. Apparently the reason I got out early was to be careful and take the time to approach it carefully. But I couldn't get close to Auga. I guess this is because the lord's orgasms in the room approached us. Corritt hastily ordered me to move forward, realizing that the battle had begun after a while by my magic.

In the deep woods, but the "flame arborest" light appeared to stand out on the boulders. The forward Corritt unleashed the offensive magic first. They then also attacked Meath and Carm with magic and bows, but they came off except for Meath's attack magic.

It was supposed to be the right time, and Corritt, who had taken that first blow off, was also complained of by Meyria, he said. But you got my warning right away. Sometimes there were only four orgasms coming toward the main unit, and Daylight (Sun Ray), who stepped on to say they could afford it, decided to intercept Mayria and the Hulk in their original street formation, with Kim and Corritt covering with spears, Carm and Meath covering with bows, and Meath covering with magic if possible.

That was good when we took over. Both Meyria and Hulk intercepted with confidence, and Kim could afford it. Because there were three of them who came to the main unit, and one didn't come close just to say something from behind. But it seemed to be an unexpectedly quick bundle of individuals that quickly turned into a struggle. But I stepped on it as soon as I had before, so I responded calmly as Meilia and Corritt spoke up.

but soon it was wasted too. The Hulk was defeated by the Auga. Meyria is tough on her own with three orgasms on the boulder. Corritt instructed him to retreat, but when Carm tried to insist that he should stay and rescue the Hulk, then, distracted by Carm, Meyria would devour the offensive magic of Auga, which he had refrained from behind, almost out of existence.

The Nikko (Sun Ray) main unit fought desperately, determined to stay and fight just because no further sacrifice could be made. He also expected me to rush to the rescue. Before long, I showed up, defeated the auga that had unleashed the attack magic, and soon arrived at the main unit. But at that time, Meath was thrown a stick and fell, and Corritt was also working with Auga, dealing with two Augs with Kim alone.

It was obvious that Kim would have died if I hadn't made it. I killed the two orgasms that Kim was dealing with, and the one that was capturing Corritt was also killed instantly when he was hit in the head by an attack by a killer (Slaughters) woman who suddenly appeared at that time, and all the orgasms that the main unit was dealing with were wiped out.

The duck threesome who heard about it said that they had dealt with one of the three of them and eventually defeated them without the support of the killers, and they were proud to say that they had even rescued the killers (Slaters) who were already in battle in the process of going around. Naturally, Meyria blamed such a threesome of ducks.

He even said it was a treachery against sunlight (Sun Ray) to leave something alone and not rush to the rescue immediately. However, given the chronological order, it is certain that the Killers (Slaters) were in battle before Sunlight (Sun Rays) ambushed Auga, leaving it alone would have no problem if the Killers (Slaters) won, but in the unlikely event Auga was lowering the Killers (Slaters) it would be Sunlight (Sun Rays) who would be pinched.

Besides, I noticed it as soon as possible and immediately headed to rescue the killer (Slaughters). At that time he even told me to go back and rendezvous with them all. The Ducks didn't know it was the Killers (Slaughters) who were fighting at that point, and they followed me by stepping on the possibility of a dispute between the Augs. Of course, you were ordered to escort me.

Running away with great momentum, I didn't chase him very hard, and when he finally arrived on the scene, the battle was almost over. I left only one injured killer (Slaters), and I forcibly added a moveable killer (Slaters) to my battle force and immediately headed south (at six o'clock) where the Lord of the Room is. There were eleven orgasms there, as reported. The Auga seemed to have moved from its original center area to the north side of the room (temporarily to twelve o'clock, where the killers were fighting).

I magically manipulated two of them as planned, and I quickly slaughtered and killed one of them, and I ended one of them in the back and headed towards the main unit. The duck threesome curled up to see how to get to the rescue any sooner. However, although Meyria insisted that it was natural to give priority to the rescue of the leader, who nevertheless gave orders, so to speak, the brainchild of the party, it was pointed out on the contrary that, as initially handled, the magic had flown since the role had entered the flesh-bomb battle, not nearly simultaneously.

So Corritt, aware of the disadvantage of their claim, began to say that if something unexpected happened, we should return to the report first. I don't have a word on this either. But the Duck Trio said even if they were back there, the Killers (Slaughters) were already in the fight, and they couldn't even determine if that fight was unfolding in favor of the Killers (Slaughters) or if it was a disadvantage. In the first place, I wasn't even sure if the killer (Slaughters) was fighting.

Assuming the battle had been carried in favor of the slayer (Slaters), it could have been fought and preyed upon primarily in the room. Even if it was unfavourable, even if the winning Auga would not join the main part of the room, it would result in a situation in which the Auga would remain alive in the immediate vicinity, which could also be disrupted during a battle with the main part of the room. The same is true if what you were fighting was a dispute between augs other than the slayer (Slaughters) or between augs and goblins. I insisted that even if I went back, I should check that far.

On top of that, he claimed that even with my intrusion, the Killers (Slaters) won, pushed them even more forcefully, and even stripped them of their rights to the Orga Demon Stone in the room, creating a development in favor of sunlight (Sun Ray). There is no need to pay for more fighting power than in the original state and no need to pay for that increased fighting power. Something so convenient isn't going to happen. In general, I said that the role played its full part.

We came back when we talked about it.

Mizuchi, who had lost his mind thanks to Bell's allowance, was also awake. Zulu's injuries were healing and doing, too, and there seemed to be no problem leaving him unattended. Mizuchi's MP remained over a hundred.

"Bastral, Engela, see if anybody's coming, just one minute."

When you say that, let Zulu hang the "Cure All" continuously and heal it completely. Xenom, I also hung more "cure-all" on Tris just in case, and completely healed the injury. Mizuchi doesn't have any problems now that she is conscious because I have already fully healed the injury myself. Oh, you'll still have some blunt pain, but soon that'll heal, too. But I need you to use magic. Do you want to hang a "cure-all" on a large assortment?

"Tris, Bell, you know, the plan's been canceled. More details later. Now I can't let it recover as much as I can. Bell won't have much magic left, but see the Zenoms. Tris and Ralpha come with Mizuchi. You guys don't talk except what you need to do in the form of a situation where I saved you from an ambush. Just think carefully about what Tris needs to do. He's a leader. Then Mizuchi doesn't have to use healing magic until I say so. Yeah, and then everybody, take long enough for healing magic. I don't have time. Everyone else pick up all the demon stones from the Auga and bring them. Then let's go."

I took the three of them back to where the sunlight (Sun Ray) was.

"It's late!... Ouch!

Meyria blamed me for screaming gold.

"I'm sorry. Tris, Ralpha, heal her."

"What? You were down, weren't you?

"You were hit, too, weren't you?

"Can you use magic anymore?

The duck threesome said orally.

"One remaining magician hung healing magic on us. She's very magical. It's okay now. You can use magic."

Tris replied as if nothing had happened. Tris and Ralpha did not show one expression of dissatisfaction and followed my words, kneeling beside Meyria, Tris treated Meyria with "Cure Serious" and Ralpha with "Cure Light" sorcery. The pain must have eased considerably. It was followed by equally curative witchcraft on Corritt as desired.

He then told Tris to hang the "cure" on the other injured.

That should be pretty good for a boulder.

"Mr. Hulk, if that's all healing magic, you'll be fine now, won't you?

"How's Meath?

"Kim, does it still hurt pretty bad?

"It's all right now, we'll go to the shrine when we get home"

A threesome of ducks and Carm are calling out to the injured.

"That's right! There's your bill! You're giving them your bills! It's okay to put healing behind you."

"Oh, Hulk in particular should have two. I'm not dying any time soon, it's only natural to treat them from a leader."

One sigh of sigh on the mouth-watering Lindbells, Carm says.

"Your bills are great indeed, but you can't use them unless you go to the shrine. Doesn't it make any sense if you don't make it... and now even last year's Liliere had your bill?"

They were all paying attention to Carm. There is no problem with the debate being itself, especially now that it has never been pressing, rather than in an urgent situation such as that just now. However, if the chaos continues immediately after the battle, it can still be escaped, but now it is a outfit that has expressed a complete conflict.

"... ugh... don't hurt a lot yet... Let me tell you something too."

Hulk spoke out.

"Mr. Corritt, Mr. Meilia. You guys were the ones who said that... to be honest, Greed, if I hadn't let you hang your healing magic like that, I might have died. I left it in a six-story room, but I do have two of your bills, too. I've never been lucky enough to take care of you before..."

Hulk, who had Rocco wake up his upper body and managed to talk that far, coughed up. But I took over the words immediately.

"I would still have managed to bring it back up to no worries thanks to the Killers (Slaters). I haven't fully healed the boulder yet... but I could still get rid of my predicament. I heard everything you said earlier. For the most part, if you both could just shout that out, you wouldn't have to worry anymore..."

I coughed up again. I gently glanced at Mizuchi.

"I'm still sufficiently magical. Hang up your healing magic. Lay down and relax."

Said the advancing Mizuchi as he crouched beside the hulk.

"Oh, oh, I'm sorry. Helping............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ This is amazing."

Mizuchi, who hung a "cure-all" on the hulk, immediately went to Meyria and hung a "cure-all" as well.

"........................... Huh?............................................."

to Corritt next door as well.

"……………… O?... Mm..."

Even for Meath.


Even to Kim.

".............................. ahhh!............... this with your bill?

"It's time to limit ourselves to boulders. But I think you can say that this is almost complete healing already. The pain will be almost gone in a while."

When I said that, I lined up next to Tris and Ralpha with a tired face like I was out of focus. You're not coming to me.

"Is this," Cure All "?

Meath asked Mizuchi. Mizuchi nodded silently. Looks like the Carm and Duck threesomes were totally surprised to see that.



"You're lying..."

"Thank you, well, you used a lot of magic, didn't you?

"You don't need your bills..."

"If you're a slayer, you have such an amazing magician."

"Hey, Mr. Karostaran. Put me in the slaughterhouse."

"Hey, me, me too!

"Oh, me too!

"Me, I just killed an orga! I'm more useful!

Well, we need some acting from here. Do your best. That's when I tried to impress Tris.

"Shut up! Shut up. Be thankful first, like Carm. You... were Mr. Karostaran, weren't you? I'm sorry. That was really helpful. Thanks."

When Hulk thanked four of the killers (Slaters), starting with Mizuchi, Meath and Kim also spoke out.

"That's okay. Besides, if you hadn't saved us from our predicament, we might have died too..."

Tris said as he looked at me. Then he went on and bowed his head to me.

"Mr. Al. I was wrong. You are the one we need. The disturbance in the sum of the parties was also caused by these two fights. You will have reflected greatly on these two in this matter, and you know as well as I do what you need. This time, Mr. Al is here and you're in command, so we killers (Slaters) can still live."

Yeah, you, you say that here? I don't mind. You can even take a few more dramatic occasions anyway...

"We need you. Please forgive me for coming in the other day and licking Mr. Al's kindness. Please come back. Here!"

Tris put his hands on Ralpha and Mizchi's back of his head and made him bow his head towards me. Guine is bowing her head with me. Don't do it here... do it on the ground. Trouble......

"I don't want to hear about that right now. Later, please."

Coldly speaking, I saw Corritt and Mr. and Mrs. Lindbell of Meilia. They are the only ones who have not thanked the Killers (Slaters). Tris had the look of saying he had failed. Ma, that look isn't so unnatural right now.


"What is it? What's that look on your eyes?

They both looked at me with disgruntled eyes.

Immediately return your gaze to the Hulk and speak to him.

"Mr. Hulk, I've been a little wondering"


"Why did you ask me to be included in the slayer (Slaters) that I was still in charge of this winter?

I said to Hulk with a quiet eye. He gave a look that could also be taken as a mockery. At the same time, a change appeared in the look on the faces of Mr. and Mrs. Lindbell.


Corritt lifts up his voice.

"Let's not do this anymore. I've been with you for five years, but you won't be able to do it anymore if someone comes out who can use a real" cure-all ". Lyzak, Chemie, Mass, Lincoln, Marille, Fade, Jackie, Dagroon... they all died using it to your advantage. How much did you suck up?... Mr. Gried, about this winter..."

"What are you saying!?

"Shut up!"

The Lindbells suddenly tried to rush into the Hulk when they stood up.

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