Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Episode One Hundred Thirty-four Triage


Though I walked out, I don't really want to rush. I want to think about whether it is coarse or not because it is an operation that I have set up with a knockout. But it's also true that there won't be time. Before I walked out and proceeded fifty m, a herd of orgasms caught on "Life Sensing (DITECT LIFE)". Did they still draw attention to the sound of this battle? I tried "life sensing (detect life)" again after a few seconds. It feels like we're slowly moving from the center of the room to us (from 12: 00 on the clock to the temp).

Raise your left hand holding your fist and draw everyone's attention. Immediately open your left hand and shake it back and forth when you shape the letter O (O). It's a "all enemies approaching this way" signal among the killers (Slaters). At the same time it expresses something that I have not yet seen because I am not on my right hand. The duck threesome won't know what the hell it is, but it would suffice to just tell them that something is going to happen.

Uh, shit. I want to set up a solid operation after meeting with all of them, but I don't have time to relax, and I don't want to cause unwanted misunderstandings for a pair of daylight (Sun Ray) ducks. It would be nasty if they misunderstood me even if I were to talk about a purely anti-orga operation. Idiots believe what they want to believe. The duck threesome understands a series of situations, but I don't want the other guys who heard that later to have a strange impression.

I really want to hide around here anymore and aim in an ambush where Auga has approached me, but not this time either. Forward slowly and pack the distance. I want to keep another fifty meters forward before they notice. I tried "Life Sensing (DITECT LIFE)" again. I would still be a hundred and eighty meters apart. The forward speed was increased and packed about 30 m. I also tried "Life Sensing (Dictate Life)". The distance would be one hundred and forty meters off. If you keep going forward for about thirty meters, you may be noticed before you hide yourself.

I had no choice but to go about twenty meters and hide in the bushes of just the right shrub, and at the same time instructed everyone to hide. Looking back, the duck threesome, who saw the movement of the slayer (Slaters), also rushed to lower themselves and hide behind the bushes and trunks of the trees nearby.

[Appraisal] I saw the direction in which the ogre would approach, but there were too many things in the way to get into my eyes. I just wanted to check the number of Augamages. Auga and Augamage don't know the difference from just looking at it. When you can see the status, or [appraise] it turns out that you have special magic skills for the first time.

You wouldn't notice this way until my gaze came through or something. If so, it is likely that only an uncertain prediction can be made that the guy around the center of the herd or in the rear would be so. If you can give me any instructions, I can claw that he's an orgamage, but I won't be able to wait long.

My aim, which has already been greatly reduced in choices, is to manage to bring the Sunshine (Sun Ray) squad into an intertwined brawl and get them seriously injured to the extent that they don't die. If possible, more than one, if possible, Mr. and Mrs. Lindbell, all of them, ideally speaking. Yeah, the duck threesome doesn't have to be hurt or not. So, let Lindbell and his wife do the triage. That's all I have left. In order to do this, it is necessary to teach the battle to start somewhat flashy to get closer to the original operation.

Even the slayer (Slaughters) can't communicate properly, but he understands that the original plan is already broken. Engela and Bastral won't say anything extra unless I give them some instructions. Guine can be relieved first. The problem is Ralpha, but I think he'll be quiet for the moment because he just kicked his ass. Don't you? If you don't, I'll make you stop all the breathing roots of the sunlight (Sun Ray) before it becomes extra bothersome as punishment. Then the reincarnators won't be overwhelmed by me either. Then we ambush them on three levels, and the two armies of Nikko will destroy every Falergers.

Yeah, I knew it was still safer to put Ralpha down and bring Belle in. From unexpected alarm (and I feel harsh), I was ambushed by an auga, and I was hit to continue standing with Tris, Mizuchi and Zulu, starting with Zenom, and I lost my plans and shit. I would be in shock, and most importantly, it hurts that I couldn't take the option of leaving anything but a bell for healing.

Order everyone to wait on the spot and gently show their faces out of the bush. I look in the center direction of the room, but I still didn't see the auga. Using "life sensing (detect life)" again, the distance is going to be about to cut a hundred meters. Whenever they notice, it's not weird. It would be more prerequisite to pack a little distance and shorten the distance between the Daylight (Sun Ray) Squad and the Auga than to be noticed even if left alone.

Instruct everyone to storm and run out at once. You already have a cold head, unlike earlier, the trees looked good.

There he is.

When I dashed nearly seventy meters at once, I found a herd of orgasms about thirty meters away. You seem to have noticed me, naturally. Someone made the sound of running through the bushes, jumping over the bushes and landing at the same time, a lot deeper than Auga, using "Audible Glamour" magic at the longest distance in sight. Of course you won't get that sound in my ear, but Augamage will notice. At the same time, he shot an orga around the middle with a "flame arborest missile".

Turn around, or the guy who reacted is Augamage.

Looks like the orga I was after was an orgamage. He hid behind a nearby orga as soon as he admitted "Flame Arborest (Missile)". If you work hard, you can't even guess, but if you change the track slightly, anyway, if you move the track flashly, you won't be able to say it's the only "flame arborest". The spear of the flame stands out, so it is likely that it is also visible from the duck threesome.

I had no choice but to pierce the face of the shielded auga.

Also, a different august looking guy from the one I targeted turned around and pointed back at some augs. We won't be judged by the orgasms as to whether we are the main team or not, but we are attacked by a significant number of people. To the extent that we are alert to the ambushes that have circled in, it is normal for Augamage.

I think I can get another shot.

Release another "Flame Arborest Missile" toward another orga who ran out this way with a stick. However, this is the true goal of Augameigh (maybe), who started concentrating his mind on using magic against this one behind him and stopped moving. The flaming spear that passed by the side of the auga so subtly as to draw an arc moved sideways as I pulled out my sword so as not to be cut off my gaze. My aim was not wrong, I flew towards an individual who looked like an august and hit that wide breastplate brilliantly. I know it's not an instant death, but I think the magic has sealed it, and I won't be able to keep moving at all. But with all this prominence, you can't have the first goal of an orga that's paying attention to us other than me.




When the flaming spear passed by the side of the orga that came towards me, I heard this audio coming from behind, but soon,



"I thought I didn't either."

It turned into a voice that said. You're doing well, the duck threesome.

Engela ran through my right side and stormed silently at the orga coming this way. Ralpha advanced as he lowered himself on the other side, crossing in front of me, positioning himself to cover Engela's blind spot. I also advance to Engela's left 5m or so, followed by stopping the two orgasms that have stormed. We need to get to the front line so it's easier to aim than it stands out. I want to stick around here over time. A glimpse from the gap between the orgasms led by three orgasms, where one or two orgasms or an orgasmage was sending an alert gaze backwards.

There are nine fightable orgasms left. About half of it is backwards, and half of it seems to correspond to this one. And, even so, it still seems that the first thing to respond to is the auga, which does not move through the current center and commands and magically covers the abdomen.

Because I'm in the lead and I'm dealing with two of them by myself, I also stopped by to see if it was easy to give. But you immediately saw behind me that Guinee and Bastral had cemented, were you alert or were you moving to change direction and turn around.

"We'll keep him down!

I heard Rocco. At the same time I felt their footsteps move from my left rear to my left.

"You can't do that!

I shouted, but I was distracted by you, and there was a gap in one of the guys in front of me, so I put in a blow that was really close to me without claiming the stick. I severed a lot from my left belly down to my right milk. I screamed flashy and avoided rolling orgasms holding the wound, ahhh, I did it, I regretted it.

"Whoa! That's a boulder! Follow me, people!


"Me too!

The duck threesome confronted an orga who tried to turn to my left. Whatever it was, I'm pretty sure I got one of those orgasms in front of me, and I got a lot of room. He carefully weighed in with the orga and was supported by the restraint of Ghine and Bastral, so he made a sound in the distance again using the magic of "Audible Glamour". At the same time, the duck threw a thousand copies toward the orga toward which the duck threesome headed. It won't work very well, but it's better than not.

I found that the instantly reacting Auga Mage scolded my men and sent them to you. At the same time, I noticed that one of the Augamages was mentally focused. Should we let him get hurt badly and seal the magic completely? No, you still have your hands. He immediately circled around the side of the orga in front of him and jumped into a prominent position. A stone spear flies towards me almost at the same time. Timing matters.


He took a stone spear and turned it off with a small palm-sized "anti-magic field" as he waved his sword off the bottom to cut it off. They're all in battle, so it's been calculated that it would only look like I've struck them down with a sword technique like divinity. Since last fall, I've been practicing spells with Mizuchi while I was training in the labyrinth.

That would not have happened if I had wondered if I would get a voice of admiration from everyone. Guine and Bastral acted pointless. I still have to be busy towing on a healthy orga to follow me, and Engela seems to be hitting a few attacks, but none of them have led to fatal injuries, so the orga in front of me is still healthy enough and very unconscious. Looks like Ralpha was following Engela with his back over here. The duck threesome was desperately dealing with one orga and had not paid any attention to my actions already.


Only the magically-disrupted Auga Mage was raising outrage at me and staring at me hatefully. You're the only one who recognized my worth... But Augamage is pretty smart. You'll soon notice.


He cut the back of the left auga's left knee with that left behind, slicing it on one leg and at the same time rushing towards the augamage that stared at me. Yeah, Engela and Larfa will always be sticky if they look like that. Both Guine and Bastral are sometimes using spears if you're the august opponent with one foot becoming indisposed, and that's okay first. I don't know the duck threesome. You can handle all three of them. Guine and Bastral will just clean it up and even heal it when someone gets hurt badly.

I realized it was useless to use magic against me, and I needed to seal it by approaching someone other than me before they could target me.

A flaming spear flew out of my front and it looks like an orga headed backwards.

Looks like you're finally here.


"Gi, guh!

Looks like the Auga Mage ordered something, and there was a sound of the Auga rushing out toward the rear. At the same time the Augameigh, who ordered it, moved to follow it. Ahead of my goal, I have a hateful stare at this one, an organ mage with a stick on it, and an organ mage who sounds like the first shield I've killed, who's screaming if he gets a flaming spear on his chest.

Well, with your level of proficiency, you can't shoot magic that fast.

I immediately gave up trying to start my mental concentration. I saw the Augamage and I got zero grin.

He attacked me with a stick in his hand when I approached him to flow.

He rolled a large swing of stick, slashed it on his right knee and turned back.

"I've already defeated three. I'm dealing with four now! There are four of them on their way!

I sent a warning out loud for once.


Maybe this voice is Corritt. I was dressed to assault, but if it was the four of us who headed to Sunshine (Sun Ray) Squad, the original Norma, or I took responsibility for what I said. If they stick around for about thirty seconds after they take over, they'll fit in.

Avoid the swinging stick of the one-legged Augumage at leisure, damaging her arm shallowly. At the same time, I'll slap "Air Hammer" magic in front of Auga's eyes, and I'll close my eyes and stick a sword through her right chest where she's frightened. He immediately jumped away and saw the gap again and slashed it. Auga mage pierced through my chest by my "Flame Arborest Missile" still seems to be alive but pretty weak and is already a bug breath. For a little while, I guess, but I can safely fight here.

Looking at the original one, Ralpha swung her axe down from the leap and fed it into Auga's right shoulder. I saw him sprinkle blood all around me so that his shoulder mouth, which ate the blow of an axe, exploded. Guine and Bastral are also at risk. I might be able to stab a stop at any time if I already care about that. The duck threesomes seem to be scratching the orga somewhat too, and they're all working fine.


"" Hulk!!

"" Mr. Hulk!

"No, you can't. Him, back off!

"" That's it!?

So you're just gonna abandon your wounded buddy and leave? That's unexpectedly awful. But it is also a thoughtful decision to avoid total annihilation. But was Hulkaine Hoomiz the first to get hit? I was wondering about the relatively short reach Battlestick (Mace) on the august opponent, but was it you at first? I thought it would stick a little more because I could use the shield well. But you have a small voice. You've got quite a distance?

"Carm, get back! Back off!"

The voice of Meyria's scolding echoed.




"" Mr. Mary!!

"Shit! I don't have a choice, step on it!

You hurt two avant-gardes who used long swords (long swords) and battle sticks (mace). Is it about time? But is there any retreat as soon as my wife gets hurt? It's cash, but that's what people are for. I don't deserve to blame. This situation is ideal over that. Isn't it possible to say that I'm loved by God?


He slashed it into the left upper arm of Augamage as he breathed out small, and slashed it into his left knee as he spun quickly.


I got hit on both knees and totally got to the ground, and the orga shrunk to as long back as I did.


I stuck a sword in my throat and pulled it out quickly. My body will be bright red with blood back already.

"Finish it now!

Shouting like that in the back stabbed Auga's heart with a sword to stop him from putting it in. Immediately rushed out toward the Daylight (Sun Ray) main unit.

"I'm heading to cover now!

When I yelled like that, I pulled my sword and walked away.

There was a bloody battle going on a little over 100m away.

Hulk is falling into a depression, squatting with Meyria holding her flank with the trunk of the tree on her back. There are three orgasms in the vicinity, and there's a little bit of an orgasmic guy in the rear, and he seems to be giving instructions for the bunny.

Sunshine (Sun Ray) loses a powerful decent avant-garde, and spear-equipped Corit and Kim are desperately holding the three orgasms in their vanguard. Meath and Carm are acting as attackers with magic and bows.

Of course, the three orgasms don't seem intact, but they don't use paralysis pills, and they're in decent condition. Augamage began his mental concentration. All I could confirm was Kim, but I got a look close to despair on her.

"Whoa, whoa!

I swung my sword over the top and slashed it from behind to Augamage.


A cloudy scream burst out of the mouth of the Augamage, and the magical spiritual concentration was cut off. He slashes the frightened into a metta, piercing his heart from his back and stabbing a stop, he runs toward the main unit. The right orga suddenly throws the stick in her hand towards the rear guard meath and hits her belly, which was setting the bow's aim. Corritt stuck his spear out all the time here, but the auga in the middle held him back, and he was distracted. The right-handed orga flew up there and assembled.


Corritt's roar rises. [Instant] of the Lion Nation (Lios)?

An auga in the middle who struck out Corritt's spear with a stick was holding Kim's protruding spear with his left hand. An arrow stabbed him there, but he pulled the spear without looking intentionally through just a little dull movement. An orga on the left is shaking up a stick and trying to smash Kim's head.


Someone screams, but they won't be able to make it in time for anything they do anymore.

Except for me, who used wind magic on my back and flew in an instant.


Offset the orbit of the stick that was swung down with a body hit from the left shoulder on the left orga and immediately wave a sword on the back of the middle orga.


Still, the Auga stick, swinging down towards Kim, seemed to smash her right arm, bent in a weird direction, holding her heavily scratched right arm, and Kim swung around the ground. It's okay, I'm not going to die with one arm.


I hit it, and I still don't understand what happened. I'm stepping on the back of an orga and pounding my heart. Kick it right on, pull out your sword, and spin around and combine it with Corritt as you restrain the aug in the middle (!) I slashed it on the aug I was in. All you have to do is turn the auga consciousness this way.


Jump right off to the sidelines and avoid the attack of an orga in the middle.


I could see Corritt beating up an orga. No matter how much [instantaneous] it is, an attack with bare hands won't do much damage. Eh, you're an asshole, you old man. Maybe he's overexcited and has blood on his head. We have to hurry. How long will it take to cut and knock down the stick with the orga in the middle that comes at me? I don't have time to think.


I waved my sword pretty desperately and wore out the arm of the orga in the middle. Auga seems to be distorting her face to pain and throwing up in some bad way. Calm down, attack, wave your sword. One attack after another started hitting me, and I don't think it took long enough to slit my throat.

Soon he turned back to the right Auga, but Corit had his right arm grabbed by Auga's left arm and had been beaten.

I immediately set up to poke my sword in the flank of the auga, but Ralpha, who flew away, gave me his head like a pomegranate with an axe (tomahawk) and died instantly.

"What about the other one?

"I've got Engela and the others on their way. You're already cleaning up the boulder."

Ralpha replied as he jumped by waving an axe at his brains stuck to the hand axe (Tomahawk).

"Look at that."

Ralpha obeyed honestly without even showing any appearance of dissatisfaction and went back. There still seemed to be some thoughts.

"Meath! It's all right now! Kim, calm down, too!

One of them was intact. Carm was screaming as he watched how Meath was doing.

"Gu... chi, heal..."

The left side of my face swollen and my grabbed right arm also bent in a weird direction Corritt looked up at me from the ground and said.

"Why didn't you come sooner!

Meliá stuffed me with weak but still firm words.

"I tried so hard, but I'm sorry I'm late for backup."

I said as I crouched down and leaned back on my hulk to do it.

"There are four people who need a" cure critical "as soon as possible. This is Messrs. Meiria and Hulk, Kim and Meath. Who should I use it for? We've used quite a bit of magic in the battle so far, so it's critical."

I hear Meyria was attacked by magic on her belly. Appraisal indicated [Status: Spike wound]. You won't be able to do it with a stick. But I'm sure of the major injuries, but the "cure critical" won't have to be there any time soon. I wondered if Hulk was being attacked only on his hips, but then his belly seemed to have been stepped on as well. [Condition: bruising/gut rupture]. You should use it over here. Kim would hurt, but to be honest, one arm, leaving it alone for some time, doesn't make any difference to life. Meath... the condition is with the Hulk, but it doesn't seem to be as serious as he is.

"Mm... well... well, then, Mae." I think Mr. Hulk is more dangerous!

Calm screamed, controlling Corritt, who was about to say something.

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