11 Jul 7445

We, Sunlight (Sun Ray), who have moved to the sixth floor, will soon be scattered all around the perimeter.

After checking for perimeter safety, Mr. and Mrs. Lindbell are checking the arrows on the pedestal of the crystal rod and looking for the number that would be written ahead. Found it right away. "Izhi Bee" was also written next to "34" in Raghdarios (Common Language). Sunlight (Sun Ray) also seems to have come in the past.

Having checked the numbers on the wall, Mr. and Mrs. Lindbell were whispering as they looked at the map.

Soon I heard a voice.

"Well, Mr. Gried. If I had a six-story map, I'd like you to show it to me."

Well, you know what?

As for us (Slaters), I hate to be able to come to the seventh tier, but even if I thought about it, I didn't care about being able to come to the seventh tier because it's pretty tough without someone who can use at least as much magic as Mizuchi to break through the seventh tier of the org.

What I don't like is that I won't be able to monopolize a small room of crystal bars with six layers of transfer.

Although I can say that it is wrong to dislike the killer (Slaters) because it is not originally his thing or anything.

"Unfortunately, I don't have it"

You mean a man like you couldn't get out in secret?

I knew it was a prospect.

One shoulder clasps and he does his right hand in the map insert he raises on his hips.

This map insert is made to look like a slightly longer water bottle just at first glance.

There's a six-layer map in here, but it's one of those things I was letting all members of the Killers (Slaters) have because of the transfer trap.

Of course, the contents remain as they were used by the Killers (Slaters).

"I don't mind showing you. The six-story map is this. Especially though, it's only the six layers that I think are the hardest to get out with. But..."

Not only Mr. and Mrs. Lindbell, but everyone at the party is paying attention to me by making themselves a little harder.

"I won't explain it to you for a while. I'm not willing to go that far, and I haven't promised."

"Oh, I know that. Just show it to me."

The map of the labyrinth is the shared property of an adventurer party and is not normally considered to belong to one person.

Unless, of course, the party itself is just one person, but normally you can't create a map of the labyrinth without the help of your buddies.

You can say that there is no first example of handing over the map you used until then straight to the party you newly belonged to because you fell out of the party.

Normally because they are strictly checked and confiscated for the maps they have when they go through the party they belonged to before.

Examples of all members belonging to a party belonging to a new party will naturally remain in possession of the map information. In this case, it is more right that the parties stick together than join the party, but this is if there is not much difference in power between the two sides.

For example, if there is quite an opening in power, like the Falergers and Sunlight (Sun Ray), then it comes tighter to say that it has been absorbed rather than stuck, joined, etc. In these cases, I hear that it is often given as a condition of absorption by those who are mostly powerful and outnumbered by force.

Normally, the number of people would remain the difference in force.

Sometimes map information remains on both sides if a party breaks up and splits, but it is very rare to split with so much force antagonized.

Compared to that, the fact that leaders are thrown out, like me, is not a small number of examples, but not at all.

I hear that even in such cases, without exception, the map has been confiscated.

Leader authority is mighty among adventurers entering the labyrinth, but that's why leaders are easily impeached and replaced or thrown out when they are seen as unworthy of a leader and lacking the managerial ability to bring members together.

No one will think they can live long in the labyrinth under an unreliable leader and earn enormous treasures.

Conversely, everyone wants to take the position of leader because the authority of the leader is powerful.

That's why I want to train at the right party to be independent and create a party with myself as my leader.

The party leader's income will be enormous, especially if he or she becomes a top adventurer in Balduk.

As you will already understand, it is not an exaggeration to say that the exact map is necessary to challenge the Labyrinth of Balduk and that it is of the highest importance.

Having an accurate map is what makes that adventurer, the power of the party. There are many adventurers who dream of becoming independent one day and create and hide their own maps.

Even in this daylight (Sun Ray).

"Okay, go ahead."

Got the map from me. Corit looked hard as soon as he looked at it.

I guess so.

All the numbers on the map are written in Arabic numerals.

For this reason, Zenom and the slaves managed to remember only the Arabic numbers.

Unlike transferring to six layers and reading the number on the wall first, and having the current location checked on the map, in case you get hooked up to a transfer trap, you don't need to even remember if it's a kanji or a kanji to find similar terrain on the map you're holding and aim for a small room of crystal bars for six layers of transfer.

"This, is it so buried?

"Shh, wow..."

"... is this the pit?

"... the metastasis trap looks like this symbol."

"... what's the symbol over here?

"... because it resembles a pit... a pit with spikes or something?

"... the Lord doesn't write in every room... it doesn't make sense because you're killing him, does it?

"... but I'm not used to seeing this letter, but how many words could it be?... It's not Southern Ragdarios (Massasoilish). Migdalios?

"... Mm. Apparently, this is the current location. The topography looks the same on our map."

"... right. Looks like it's here."

"... so... Hmm... sounds like you could go to the seventh floor"

"Mr. Gried, I think we're here now, but can we go to the seventh floor?

Even if they show me the map that's now back on hand, I can't answer that right away...

"... well, it seems I've been here in the past too... but if you're here, well, you can go"

"You know, we're... turning back in the trap of a metastasis here... and I think it's worth it."

"Mmm, right...... okay, you want to go. All right, everybody, let's go."

Fold the map you got returned, round it up and put it in the map insert.

Turns out I have at least a six-layer map, but this is also a message to the Falergers and Heroscol.

It would also be a message to someone else. Who would have noticed? No wonder no one noticed.

Hulkaine Hoomiz, commonly known as Hulk and Longsword (Longsword) Locust Kainestan, commonly known as Rocco, led the Lindbergh and his wife in the middle, rearing me up and proceeding through the labyrinth.

I follow the tail.

I don't know when a monster will metastasize in the six layers, so I guess it's because the tail is the most dangerous and uses nerves.

The newbie is in the form of being pushed the hardest part like a newbie, but it's normal, so I'm not dissatisfied with anything else.

However, if you're going to take advantage of my magic, I think I should keep it around the middle, too, hey.

If a monster appears in front of you at the rear of the line, it can be difficult for many people to aggressively use attack magic.

I've been going a long way towards seven layers.

No cave bore was transferred so far on the road, but he was attacked several times by a group of vampire bats.

I killed everything with a bow and magic, but the sorcerer's wear and tear is severe.

If you fire a missile in a stretch. But I can clean it up in a few to ten seconds.

I shot a total of five flame arrows and hit them all.

But Corritt and Ransoon released three and two flame arrows and a stone arrow, respectively, and the result was one for both of them. Bad hand shit.

While cautious to restore magic, he took a total break of about an hour in several degrees and proceeded again.

It's too late because of this.

I don't have a choice.

And I approached the first mon room.

According to Meyria, who took the lead and peered into the room, the enemy is one Cave Great Boer resting.

But there were three reactions in my "life sensing (detect-life)" magic when I was at the rear of the line and no one could see my face (blue glowing eyes).

The two are not cave grade bores, there is also the possibility of a mere cave bore.

Whatever it is, Cave, the Great Bore will be about two meters high from the ground to the back when you get up, which is superior to the height of an adult. The whole length is a huge, dangerous monster that reaches four meters.

Think of me as someone the size of a six-man van.

If I were pierced by this guy's fangs, even if I was spared instant death, I would be seriously injured like wandering the border between life and death.

Zulu was jumped from body to body and suffered three fractures, which prevented him from moving.

Mon, after confirming the owner of the room, we were given a simple operation back about two hundred meters away at the behest of Meyria.

But as far as I'm concerned, it wasn't convincing.

Corritt, Ransoon, and my three first use attack magic to launch a pre-emptive attack. At the same time, Michaus shoots an arrow with a bow. If we're lucky, we can take him down with this, but we can't do it first unless we hit the steeple. Next, the Hulk and Rocco-centered Meilia and Firestarters with shields, equipped with swords, axes, etc. enter and form a line. Push the spears of Bioscoll and Ramirez from behind.

Ransoon and Michaus continue their attack with their bows as they are, and Corritt takes command of the whole thing as he peers into the gap with his spear. I will keep my magic at the forefront with my sword as long as I can. If it's really hard to get around everyone, start focusing and aim for gaps for a magical second blow if possible.

Honestly, I think you're right not to use scouts on the six layers where pigs wander.

But Cave, the Great Boer opponent is resting in the corner, so I think we should have instructed him to attack with all his might, even if he was somewhat out of control the first time he saw it.

I get up, I move around, it's huge, and it's a lot of trouble because of its power.

Mon, just wandering around the side of the room will stir the air, because there's a better chance the smell will reach his nose. Hey.

In addition to that, the instructed offensive witchcraft was Javelin.

I know you're considering the magic warmth of your later encounters with monsters, but it's not much different, and unlike the killer (Slaters), this one can only use magic by three people.

I think we should tap into the biggest offensive magic we can use right now.

From the level of elemental magic available, Corritt should also be able to use arborest-class offensive magic.

If just me and Corritt can make that class of attack magic hit, even if it didn't hit the steeple, it can all be in our favor at once.

What's more, Ransoon should be able to use "Stone Javelin" as well.

Yet the offensive magic I was directing was "Stonebolt".

Whether you're aware of the seven layers or someone here is seriously injured. Come on, is it tough?

Ma, I'm not the leader, and I can't help it.

And that's when we all confirmed the break-in operation and started to creep into the mon room again.

The footsteps of a large animal were felt from the direction of the mon room.

Uh, they noticed. What do you want me to do? This?

I glance at Corritt's face, which lay right next to him, but he leaves his lips drawn and tied.

Meyria, standing in front, lifted her right hand open and held her open hand. It's a signal to stop and assemble.

Surrounded by everyone who gathered slowly but everywhere so as not to make a sound, Corritt and Meilia gave new instructions when they consulted each other softly and quickly.

"You seem to have noticed. I have no choice but to change the operation. The first member to enter is with us. However, me and Hulk go in from the left, and Rocco and Kevin go in separately from the right, respectively. To me and the Hulk, Kim, you're right behind me. Behind Rocco and Kevin, Jer, I'm asking you."

"The three magicians use it if they are likely to be guessed. If it doesn't seem possible, between Hulk and Rocco, I'll spearhead you with a gried center. Carm and Meath, even in that case, cover me with a bow, as appropriate."

That's the only way.

I can say it's just right because there are three other people to divide them into three hands.

Everyone will notice because the footsteps will be clearer as much as if they were more than one person a little closer.

And it is not the hand that draws. It doesn't look familiar to the top team in the image that retains a strong fighting power......

I'm not ashamed because nobody's looking at me anyway.

There's nothing good about stimulating the opponent, so he quietly started moving forward with three people breaking up left and right and four in the center, more or less breaking up into three groups.

After a while, it naturally gets to my ears even though I don't like the footsteps from the mon room starting to get in the way.

It was understood by everyone that there was certainly more than one opponent.

Corritt, shaped to lead everyone next to me to the right, raised his left hand, and as soon as he put up three fingers, he opened them and shook them down in front.

Each group finds an opponent and fights for freedom.

It was a forward signal to everyone that swung down.

Did the opponent see through with the same number of three as this group? Still, you're strong.

Mon, there are no more five meters to the room.

I can't find a monster as far as I can see.

Is it hidden even by both sides of this entrance?

Everyone gets their stuff back.

Me and Corritt would be turning to the other side and joining the fight if I walked in and Corritt was on guard to the left and Corritt was on guard to the right, singular in that direction or if they weren't there.

Wait for the signal.





I ran into the room, and I looked right to the left, and there he is!

There are two cave bores.

So, the other side would be the Cave Great Bore.

Your group, Rocco, Kevin, and Jer, are poor labels.

Of the two pigs on the left, I set a target on the right and stormed. Naturally pigs also come suddenly dashing.

I'll slash you all right.

Run with the long sword (long sword) in your right hand asleep.

I run to the point where I eventually line up not to outrun Meyria, Hulk and Kim, who were ahead of me from where they entered.

... 'Cause if I'm in the lead, the two pigs over here are both going after me.

Two pigs rush over here at a fierce speed.

Even these Cave Boars are not as big as Cave Great Boars, but they are quite powerful.

The guy on the right is my prey.

I try to run between them.

Make it easy to use the long sword (long sword) placed on your right hand.

It would be easier for Corritt to work with a spear if he slashed him from his shoulder to his right forefoot.


Behold, you magnificent sword!

No, I just slaughtered it at my discretion.

I felt the response of my blow, which caused a lot of damage.

I think I heard a scream.

I'm gonna swirl right around and turn around, and I'm gonna stick Corritt out of his ass he's dealing with with with a spear!

I cut in from the left, so if I can't use both of his right legs again, that is, his right leg, I'll be almost powerless.

I shot him from his ass to the base of his right back leg and turned him into a metta slayer.

Cave Boer A quickly fell to the ground with his right side down without withstanding his own weight.

Ola, it's going up a bit, it's going to be like this.

What's your next B? Is that the Great?

Shortly after I think about it, my right, that is, when I go in, I get cheers from those who are dealing with the b that was on my left.

Apparently Hulk used his shield to make a good Cave Bore run and circled to the side of his head while he was confused by the change of direction.


Hulk's Battlestick (Mace) slapped Gatun and Cavebore's throat (occasionally) from the right.

Looks like Meilia decided to poke her in the eye next to it.

Kim is sticking a spear in her shoulder.

It'll take a little longer to get this one done, but it doesn't look like there's a problem.

Then it is the Great who is destined to need backup.

I immediately swept it out.

A big pig's voice sounds like a bubble.

"Shit! Ouch!

Rocco was holding his belly down and enduring the pain while still rolling around.

There seems to be some pretty big bleeding, but I don't know the details.

I don't have time to be appraised.

Kevin is desperate to wield a battle axe (Battle Axe) and keep the big pig close.

Gel covers Rocco, who suffers from pain while putting up a spear, but is frightened and seems to be pulling back.

A few arrows had already stood on Great's torso, and then he was also hurt by attack magic.

None of them would have been heavily damaged from what I've seen.

I said to Corritt, "Leave that alone and cover!" I'm about to scream, "but he'd also be busy stabbing a half-dead pig stop now, and most importantly, I didn't have that authority.

I rushed as hard as I could, but I couldn't make it.

Kevin was jumped with every axe.

of the little Mountain People (Dwarves). Although he still didn't let go of the Battle Axe (Battleax), he seemed to have hit his hips hard.

Instead of Kevin, I stood avant-garde, quickly waving a long sword (long sword) and shallowly slitting the tip of the big pig's nose. Now the spearhead of anger turns to me.

But this guy's been doing it so badly since last year.

I'm confident I can win even if I cut it one-on-one.

If you continue to hit all attacks on the other side, the opponent will lose Health first and win as a result. That makes sense. Difficult though.

The only thing I'm afraid of is whether or not a separate cave bore has been forwarded at this moment, but don't worry about that one first because it doesn't seem to be forwarded inside the mon room.

I've been disturbed during battles in the past, but it's all because a guy transferred outside the mon room just walked in.

"So, someone... chi, yu..."

Rocco, lying on the ground, is asking for help in a voice that's about to disappear.

I'm sorry to hear that, but wait a little longer.

If the guys who took care of Cave Boer while I was sticking around rushed me, I'd be running out of this big pig's life because of all the time I had to say.

I'm going to heal you, and then I'm going to do it right.

With a nibble up one cheek and a grin, he finds a gap around his head and puts in a shallow attack.

Coverage with the bow and arrow seems to be continuing, and there are already about ten arrows poking around his torso.

I'd like you to aim me in the eye anyway, but that would be a luxurious desire besides Bell.

A gel spinning in the side stuck a spear in it.

It doesn't seem to be a steep spot, but it seemed to have done a lot of damage, and the big pig has set up a run against me that won't hit me again.

If you have a faint grin, make room for it and slash it on the body surface.

The big pig who passed by stopped the rampage and started to change direction because it didn't hit me.

I'll poke that gap and pay you a big blow.

If you are staging an unforced attack in this way, your movements will gradually become dull.

Higher organisms with nerves like pigs don't like pain.

He comes running at me again trying to get rid of the guy who inflicts pain.

Calm down and push... Look, it's Jer, Corritt, and Kim.

I didn't panic and headed towards my ass, slamming my sword into the base of my hind leg and jumping away.

Instead the Hulk slaps the Battle Stick (Mace) into the front leg on the same side.

You saw the big pig tilted about the center of gravity, and Hulk said, "Whoa!," he roared, slamming the Battlestick (Mace) twice and three times.

Nice arm.

If this guy was out of line then, not Ginger or Gekdo, I'd happily slap him down into slavery...

It's time to get pretty weak.

You won't need me standing on the arrow anymore, but I won't have to bother and let these guys earn some experience.

"Step aside."

Saying that to Hulk and letting him retreat, he heart a gap in his ribs from the back of his forefoot, and stabbed me with the strength of my design, Arnold and his father's work, a forged special steel long sword.

When he kicks it and pulls out his sword, the big pig falls to the earth, freaking out and cramped.

I wiped the blood and fat with dirty fur, put up with wanting to use water magic and hand wiped it out of my hips, so I wiped my sword and put it back on my hips.

Everyone was paying attention to me and cheering.

Oh, you have to dismantle it to pick the demon stone... you're a pain in the ass.

Will you defile the sword you just wiped again......

"Cole, Mr. Gried, Meath will see Rocco and Kevin. The rest of you will pick the Demon Stone."

With Meyria proclaiming that to me, we no longer have to defile the sword again.

"Ya... please... you... and I want to die..."

Severely injured Rocco had a big hole in his belly.

Looks like he's got a little intestine, too.

The wound is too complicated and "cure" or "cure light" would give you the best blood control.

"Cure Serious" is a subtle place to block the wound.

"Cure Critical" would be needed.

I decide to use my MP in front of everyone as thirty-nine.

It is also an impossible value to use "Cure Critical" twice.

I'm using five "flame arrows" against vampire bats by the time I get here.

Considering recovery, including a break, there won't be a problem with using "Cure Critical" once.

Because of this, Rocco's wounds seem to be pretty serious, and HP had a maximum value of one hundred and ten is now cutting twenty.

If the bleeding doesn't stop, it won't last an hour.

"Rocco! Good luck! As long as the blood stops..."

Meath rushed to Rocco and knelt beside him.

"Rocco! Oh, shit! Mr. Merry! Oh, are you sure you can't do this with my bills!?

"Oh, I have a little bearer! As long as the blood stops now... no..."

I'm worried about Rocco even though Jer and Kim were ordered to collect demon stones.

"Nmi... Meath... but it's almost time to save... for the third time."

"Don't move!

Meath, with her hand on Rocco's wound, tries to start her mental concentration.

"I'll use it," he knelt forcefully opposite Meath as he took off his gloves to Corritt, who tried to see Rocco by leaving Kevin on his hips.

It looks like Meath's "Cure Light" with his hand on Rocco's belly wound worked, and only the bleeding seems to have stopped, but water on the burning stone for such a big wound.

Besides, now Meath's MP cut six.

I won't recover anymore unless I get a cohesive rest.

Still tore, and the protruding bowel wound seemed blocked, though.

Carefully pushing your bowels into your belly and putting your hands on the wound will take plenty of time...... it's not my hobby to watch you suffer as you pale in front of the boulder and spit blood.

I used Cure Critical in about twenty seconds.

"... Ah, ah? Shh, wow... the scratches are blocked... wow! Rocco! Rocco! It's all right now! Don't worry!

Meath is speaking to Rocco.

Dirty right hand with Rocco's blood, what shall I do......

Wiping by hand won't completely fall off and......

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