3 Jul 7445

Mr. and Mrs. Lindbell's room was on the top floor of the "Mogolito Pavilion," on the edge of the third floor. They let me through the room. I sit back on the couch as recommended. This guy is also a pretty good sofa and very comfortable to sit on. The couple had tea prepared by his wife, Meyria, and her husband, Corritt, prepared something like stir-fried beans in a tea contract, and sat side by side on each of the one-person sofas across from me across from the small table. Unlike Vilheimer of the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood), no slave seems to be around to take care of himself.

She smiles satisfied when she sees the mountain-blown cloth that Mayria is tied to my neck.

"Mr. Gried, you've made a good decision"

I hold Corritt's hand to say the same words again as I just heard downstairs, followed by a handshake with Meilia as well. Check brief greetings and formal treatment and ask them to explain their daylight (Sun Ray) decisions one by one. It's not a big number, so it's easy to remember. There was nothing particularly different about it compared to the general party, but only one major feature.

When not in the labyrinth, they were advised to visit their shrines every morning and before lunch. I was told that it was not compulsory but would highly recommend it. I knew, but when I asked him why, he said, "God is everywhere in the oath. It is a place where those gods can rest temporarily, so if you are lucky, it may be when God is resting". This neighborhood is something that has been found through a downlook, and there is nothing else wrong with what you are saying. Very commonly, it's commonly said. If this is the case, Grandma Shami of Barkud said so.

"And, Gried, I hear you can use all kinds of elemental magic. What's the level?

A natural question for those who bind the party. Even I would be obliged to answer.

"It's all four. No magic is five..."

Other adventurers have seen that attack magic to Arborest is used in battles in the labyrinth. But I didn't show you the missile (I did, or have been seen. I killed them all shortly afterwards), and it would be more true than to declare them poorly if I told them to the extent that they were usable "cure critical".

I heard that. They were surprised to see the couple together and round their eyes. What else? I wouldn't go as far as super, but I'd say it's top notch and it's a level that works well enough. Well, I'm still a young teenager. It's sharper than a knife, though.

"... Shh, that's amazing... as rumored..."

"You're a first-rate wizard... but on a boulder... you can't even" cure-all "..."

"Yeah, I am. What can I say for myself, but I don't think I can help but say it's top notch.... and yet... those... those dark elves... they're all gonna kick me out..."

I squirm with a bumpy (crude) look like I've lost my vibe from the middle of nowhere. Oh, I could be an actor...... human, I can't help being desperate. Recently, similar facial expressions have been practiced scattered, which is why I don't like them. I'm already a veteran of this facial expression act... I also told Vilheimer's old man, "Wow - you look great! It feels good to watch! Then you can take the lead in the Theatre of the King's Capital (Theatre) even if the Adventurer quits! I'm gonna be your patron, so move!" or something, and they laughed at me.

"Mr. Gried, you don't look like that. There will be a lot of dissatisfaction right now..."

"That's right. It's more or less past that, isn't it? We should think about what we're going to do."

Mr. and Mrs. Lindbell have all turned their favorite smiles on each other. But those eyes weren't laughing. Hmm, "you smell just like me”......

"No, this is rude... That's right. It's going to be important."

I hit him and changed and worried about his bright expression, nodding aloud.

"But as far as you're concerned, it seems true that killers (Slaters) have many magical users..."

"Yeah, I'm quite there. The Dark Elf woman has as many moves as I do, and the Elf man can use magic. The Lady of the La (Bunny Man) also has a fairly high level of magic. In addition, the women of the Mountain Dwarves and the women of the Hume can also use magic there."

You won't even have to mention Bastral.

"You're right... that's the driving force that can kill demons that far..."

"Well, you're right..."

"There are only five of us. But we're splitting the party in two, so it's less substantial..."

I know. Your husband in front of you and a Pu man (who must have certainly been noble son and named Binnod Gekdo), a werewolf (Wolfwer) woman, and then Falergers and Heroskol, right? That's about all I've been looking into. Finally, it's no big deal for all of us. The only person who can be said to be top notch somehow is her husband, the Pu man is less than or equal to Tris, so about normal, the Wolfwer woman is a little better than Heroskol. It's hard work in the labyrinth. Right?

They're training tomorrow to make sure they're working together to accompany them from the next labyrinth expedition. For now I thought next time they would tell me to join a team with Semunel as their leader, just like the Falergers, but apparently I'm going to the sixth tier with Mr. and Mrs. Lindbell.

How many killer leaders do you put on the side because you have experience up to seven levels? I was reading that I would start a little more carefully...... Are you saying that someone who looks dangerous can feel safer in his sight?

By referring to this evening as my welcoming party, I went to dinner with all the sunshine (Sun Ray). The store is a "gonloo" I don't remember ever going to. It was a restaurant close to a cheap tavern. I'm sorry to keep you in the luxury, but you're a poor man in this class at a welcome party.

When the feast was also plugged into the middle, the atmosphere finally allowed me to move my seats, so I took a bottle of cheap wine and poured the liquor around the members. Newcomers should do this much, right? Aus doesn't have this kind of culture, but it doesn't matter. And then we can have a natural conversation with everyone. He bows his head to the member whose liquor is turning and he feels good, and goes to greet the Hero Scolls' table as well.

"Mr. Falergers, Mr. Heroskol. Best regards,"

"Oh, welcome. You don't have to say hello so politely..."

"Whoa, you're an adult on a boulder. Well, drink."

The Falergers said so, but only recommended that he return the drink to me. Empty the poured liquor in one breath. Heroskol, who saw it, also inherited the liquor from my cup (a store without a glass of wine), and he was cheerful when he saw me take a breather. It's just not funny. I'll use it later in "Neutralize Poison". Don't get sick of cheap liquor.

"Oh, yeah. Mr. Lindbell said nothing about the contract. Don't you have to sign a contract?

I'll joke and listen to you while I understand. As soon as he did, Heroscol looked uninteresting.

"Well... I guess so... It costs money, and no one else has a contract..."

"Hehe, please spare Mr. Gried, too. We don't even have a contract."

You don't hit a bee if you say it a little bit disgusting. But I was a little relieved. These guys had that much common sense, didn't they? I'm drinking next door. I made sure I didn't have a contract when I worked with Kumir and Lutz, so I thought you weren't going to be asking for a contract when you went into sunlight (Sun Ray), but I'm relieved. And then you don't have to check if I'm canceling the contract? Well, there's nothing more to it than to say I disarmed it where I've been checking.

July 5, 7445.

Tomorrow I will enter the labyrinth. Actually, I gave Tris and the others a status report the other day. It's about the exact dates you enter the labyrinth and the members who can use magic. I'll [appraise] it in one shot, but they won't know until they see the status. At the same time, he tells me that me and the Falergers are having a different party.

It's easy to contact. I only send letters written in Japanese via the Chamber of Commerce, but it can be suspicious that the use from the Chamber of Commerce comes and goes too often. Just the first one. If it's just the beginning, it's only natural that I manage to get in touch with the Chamber of Commerce by contacting them about the Chamber's operation.

And then, naturally, I keep my military horse in the "Kailug Inn" lad I'm staying with right now, but usually the lads at the store take care of that horse. Wash your body, feed you, and in some cases take you for a walk to the suburbs.

It wouldn't be so easy if you let the kid grab the gold and let him fall off during a walk between the Boyle Pavilion kid and Mizuchi's horse, who is similarly grabbing the gold, to plant a letter on the horse's equipment. On the contrary, if you're going to be so suspicious and do a paranoid imitation of keeping an eye on my inn and the Boyle Pavilion, you won't be hiring anyone else from the beginning. That's what Tris and the others seem to have imagined. There is no difference about this.

Ma, that's quite safe, and the logic goes through. Even if a letter is found due to some factor, only the reincarnated can read it and see what it means, and even if the Falergers see it, it's just a story of knowing the truth in a way. When I finally said it, the letter was written in a blur, so it just seemed blank at first glance. If you burn it after reading it, there will be no evidence left.

The first piece of paper is expensive, so I don't use it that way unless you're the guy who can afford a lot of money. If you're an adventurer, isn't that enough to use it on a map of the labyrinth? Well, I'm not the central pawn in this job. It's just one of the safety devices. Just tell everyone how the sun is moving.

July 6, 7445.

He stepped into the labyrinth with Mr. and Mrs. Lindbell and other members of Sunlight (Saint Ray). The sword is not used as a gunsword, but is brought in in the form that remains a long sword (long sword). The party's ten full members with me in it.

It took more than half a day to kill only the lord of the room to pass through one layer, and sandwiched three hours of rest to pass through two layers as well. The only demonic stones I've earned so far are the gargantuan spiders, who were the lords of one layer of mon room that I really had to fight in one layer, and the stupid big bright red muckades, Oulbear and Crimson Centipede, who were the lords of two layers of mon room.

We take thorough safety measures to avoid traps if we can avoid them. I avoided walking around the side of the pit like we did. I thought it was too much for a boulder, but I guess this is the normal adventurer.

The rest of the lord did it all by running through the mon room, which approached the critical carefully, either because he repeatedly transferred several times and chose a good place, or because he was just a slow legged guy. I tried to sail around the Knoll herd only once in the aisle, but I was chased without warning. But it also kept its distance and drove it into retreat by shooting nearly half with sorcery and bows. I killed both of them in "Flamebolt" magic, too.

The command of Mr. and Mrs. Lindbell in battle is not a problem first. Though this is more natural than being a top team. But after taking quite some time after the battle to make sure he was safe, he closed his mouth to eating more time with the retrieval of arrows and the collection of demonic stones from the bodies. I also understand the feeling and aim of traveling far away to avoid combat or running through the Lord of the Mon Room… I felt that it would be very rare to come out of the same area after repeated transfers, so I felt that it might not be necessary to detain that much.

But, well, this is my logic, not my general logic. Mon, the lord of the room is even more so, because the killer (Slaters) is occasionally injured. Whenever the magic of healing is available, I guess it's just weird how I feel to assume I can use it plenty. In the first place, the leaders are the Lindbells, not me. You should unconditionally follow the leader's policy.

There will be differences when the leader makes too foolish a choice and has time to spare, but you should think that is only possible in a room with a crystal stick of metastasis or in a situation where you can be sure that there are no monsters on the side.

The first thing they say, even in the militia era, is "Commanders can't go wrong". The commander always makes accurate decisions and does not make wrong decisions. So if you do what you are ordered to do without omission, you can win, that's what I'm saying. Of course, this opinion is wrong because I'm not a commander, I'm not God or anything, I'm just a human being. The instructors and assistant teachers also immediately say something that contradicts "this is strange". However, even if they are wrong and have room for suspicion, their men should not express suspicion during battle, etc. Such, it is the role of the deputy or, if the commander is of high rank, of the chief bureaucrat who speaks to the commander.

So what if you're obviously ordered to do the wrong thing? And there was an idiot who asked the question. "Give up and die of bad luck," the instructor said as a nigga without hesitation. Well, whether it's a joke or not, it's not weird, though. And the instructor also said: "If you don't want your people to think that, you just have to learn desperately to be able to always make the right decisions. That way, if I follow what you say, I'll make sure it works. Then... even if you gave a strange order, your men who believed in you would die believing in you from the bottom of their hearts. But it's not for executive self-defense officers if you don't want to take responsibility for someone else's, subordinate's life that far. I'm sorry to put the people's blood taxes on you without such usefulness, so write down your resignation now and get out of office".

If you allow the opinion of those below, the commander will be taken lightly. Adventurers are not an army organization like the Knights, but they are the same as the Army for conducting life-threatening battles and that battle is a means to an end. You could call it a small army. Of course, there is almost a 100% chance that its purpose will be less than that of the military.

Once a commander has been taken lightly, the order will be taken lightly, and there is a risk that someone will not obey when it is at stake. So things can proceed on the assumption that the superior does not make the wrong decisions in the military. Leave it as another story to see if the logic itself is right.

Well, these are mindset stories. The Lindbells have broken their hearts so precisely to the safety of the party that they have made the least expensive choice possible. The boulder can only be reconfirmed as an excellent leader after years of putting the head of the top team up. The number of samples is still small, but there was nevertheless a sense of reassurance that judgment and command in battle followed a well-rounded adventurer.

Approximately thirty hours have already passed since that was how the first day ended and we entered the labyrinth. The date has changed so much, it's about noon on July 7th now. I had finally reached the room of a crystal rod with two layers of transfer and was taking a break. Several other adventurer parties are camping and taking a break.

"Greed, how was your day? Are you tired?

I ate a meal that was not very tasty or tasteless, and Corritt talked to me when I asked if I should go to bed. So far, I've been able to sleep for about two hours in a room of crystal bars with more transitions along the way, but other than that, I've been nervous in the labyrinth for a long time, there's no reason I'm not tired.

"Well, this must be it. No one was hurt today, and I felt safe at the command of Mr. Corritt and Mr. Mayria."

"Hey, right. If I could just tell you that, I'd be glad to hear it."

Corritt broke his face in an obvious ho breath. You don't have a choice, do you want me to hang out with you a little bit?

"Besides, you all work well with acne. I'm happy to be at a good party."

"Oh, I'm so glad to hear it."

My wife, Meyria, has also participated in the conversation. I don't like it when it gets longer...... But it's also a corner opportunity. Sooner or later, we need to gather information, and if we can gather some on this one, that's all we'll be able to report to the Tris after we leave the labyrinth. Pawns should not hate labor.

"No, I've just been impressed that the boulders are the only top teams for a long time. I was a little confused because some parts do things differently than the slayer (Slaters)..."

"Oh, we can't afford to put in a cargo lift (porter)... to be honest, I wouldn't even have thought about picking you if Santos hadn't died a while ago"

Yeah, I was wondering if that would be a good time, too. I was a jerk if they bought me a slave or if anyone let me in. But he's like that decent guy who was dodgy and hurt. Didn't it hurt a lot to die?

"Besides, we can't go to the lower levels in a short time like the Killers (Slaters) because we're low on strength, right? I was worried you might be wondering."

"I can't believe you're low strength! I think you all have enough strength. In the case of Killers (Throwers), there were so many magicians that I just pushed on. I think you're better off."

As an adventurer, a killer (Slaters) would not even reach the feet of daylight (Sun Ray) with such strengths as caution against traps and avoidance of battle. Daylight (Sun Ray) is far superior to Killers (Slaters) in that it safely aims at the lower levels of the labyrinth. Especially since there are still two layers. A top team wouldn't have a struggling opponent like that. He is also viewed by Mr. and Mrs. Lindbell from their calm and utterly unhurried command.

"I don't know... but I think there's gonna be some people who are gonna get hurt. Greed, tell me as soon as you get hurt, too. Not as good as you, but we can use healing magic."

"Yes, thank you then."

"Oh, here we are. I'm not going to lose someone who can use Cure Critical. Let me cure you as a matter of priority."

"Well, Mr. Gried, you. From now on, it will be tighter, and you should sleep while you are sleeping..."

Phew, I was relieved that this would set me free. Other members of Sunshine have spoken to us.

"Hey, it's Mr. Gried. How much money are killers (Slaters) making? Rumor has it that Demon Stone alone will cost you over 100 million a month, but isn't that true?

It's a pain in the ass, already. I've been talking about that a lot since the other day. This is all the guys talking to me... Give me a little more time to share information with my people.

"There have been more than 150 million months since we started going to the seven layers... well, that's rarely the case"

Apart from the time of the Raval Purple Warm, some months return from the labyrinth four times a month, so I made a few modest remarks. Most of it would already be known, so it doesn't make much sense where I hid it.

It was Locust Kainestan who whistled with Pugh, an elf man commonly known as Rocco. Level XV. Twenty-nine. Physically, it is close to full season, so I boast good talent there. He is also in charge of the avant-garde at this party, using a long sword (long sword) and a small shield (buckler shield).

"Then I'm sure the share is awesome... it's going to be easy to get..."

"You can get it... what is it?

"Hmm? Oh, yeah, but it's a better weapon. Hoogs Swordsman's Longsword (Longsword) or something."

Rocco looks awkward when he fixes it like he's in a bit of a hurry.

For this reason, the Hoogs Swordsmen are blacksmiths specializing in swords with workshops outside Lombertia. He is known for creating fancy swords that combine beautiful designs and is also a blacksmith for the Second Knights. The price ranges from Z3 million to Z4 million for a long sword (long sword) swing. It comes with a price three to four times that of a blacksmith who also makes ordinary weapons in Balduk. It is, in a way, a place admired by adventurers who use swords.

"Hey, what do you think? The Hoogs Swordsman's sword is very popular. He's not even Zara waiting a year, is he? You'll have to buy it at the weapons store to get it fast. Doesn't that make it a price you can't afford a boulder?

Lindbell's wife, who was about to lie down, stared at Rocco colder, but when she noticed me watching, she slipped her gaze and wore a blanket.

"Ah...... yeah. If you buy it at an arms store, or even a cheap one, you'll take five million... If it's expensive, it looks like 800 will go..."

The number of swords in that class on a boulder will be less than one finger a year. An arms dealer can't be a business if he doesn't make that much profit either. To my knowledge, Vilheimer and Andersen, as well as Lindbell and his wife, Meilia, use long swords (long swords) made by Hoogs swordsmen and infantry swords (short swords). And Businessly Engela's Stepping (Broadsword) was also made by Hoogs Swordsmen. In particular, Engela's was originally used by someone on the shining blade (Bright Blade).

With that said, Tris tried to order it last year, but she told me to wait a year and gave it up. As far as I'm concerned, Tris' long sword (Longsword) is also thoughtful because I took care of him when he fell to the fourteenth tier.

"There will be tomorrow, Mr. Kanestan, and it's time to rest. I'll be on guard in three hours."

10 Jul 7445

Finally we reached the room of the crystal bars of the five layers of transfer...... It was a long time...... I spent more than twice as much time as a slayer (Slaters) until I got here. One layer and two layers were about half a day, so it was still fine, but it took 14 hours to get through the three layers, 16 hours in the four layers, and nearly twenty hours to reach the five layers. Meanwhile, outside the room of the crystal rod of metastasis, he only took about thirty minutes of rest at a time, even for a long time, and let go of his temper.

It took me so long that I fought the Lord on the fifth floor only once in the altar room. The Lord who has been summoned was not a great enemy with four ghouls either, so he quickly defeated half with two shots of my "stone javelin," and one of the two remaining ones I cut down with my sword to win at leisure, though. The temple on the altar that opened after the battle was, after all, a ska.

There were two minor injuries to the guys who were dealing with Gargoyle, but Corritt was healing with "Cure Light" after the fight. I also suggested using healing magic, but they said it was to save magic and said no, so I just took charge of the load and let it go for once. So much so that I was finally allowed to heal after I arrived in this little room of metastasis crystal bars.

However, it was easier for me to fight four and five layers of zombies just to get my mind moving where I was under a lot of stress. That said, even that's the least I need, and I mostly run, earn distance, and escape the monsters' detection range.

Many times, I wanted to say that there was nothing to avoid fighting so far, but I managed not to put up with it. As soon as we arrived in the small room with the crystal bars of the five layers of transfer, we hadn't showered for a total of five days, so when we lowered our luggage to the floor, we almost fluttered to the shower room, but Mr. and Mrs. Lindbell would be first here. More rice than that. Sunlight (Sun Ray) is also crude here, but it's also set up as a dish, and it seems like it can finally be found in a decent meal.

All the members of the party are happy to share and take out the ingredients they were carrying and arrange them beautifully. They carefully arrange blocks of sunny vegetables and bacon like pumpkin and carrots, and check the remaining quantity. This labyrinth trip is scheduled for eight days, so you can keep it for three more days. I am delighted to have a warm meal here in the morning and evening.

11 Jul 7445

Six floors from today. But as far as I know, there are few traps that can be bypassed from the sixth floor. Looking forward to seeing you, I thought the meeting before we left (?) and was asked for an opinion.

"Well, Mr. Greed, I'd like to hear your opinion for a moment. It's your opinion that there are only six layers or seven layers of experience. I'm sure you'll make a valid suggestion..."

"Even if they say it's an opinion... what is it about? I asked you earlier about the way the six layers go, but the baselines are together. … If I were to say one thing, instead of staying away from the trap, it would be difficult to move on to the seven layers without going through the sides."

"... do we have to go through the sides..."

"I didn't know that..."

"But dangerous?

"Oh, you got caught in a trap when Bogus and Liliere died before, didn't you?


"I don't want to get close..."

"But when they helped Ginger and Vince, I heard they went by the side."

"Wasn't it because I was in a hurry..."

"Everybody shut up. Shut up for a second! Because I can hear the opinions of people I can count on!

Meyria cautioned everyone. None of the Sunshine (Sun Ray) guys were insulting me for newly joining, but at first there was an atmosphere where they said they were ex-leaders to the extent that they were thrown out of the party. But it was also considerably softened by the battle on the road so far, by the silent manner in which he continued to walk in charge of the load without saying a word of stupidity or complaining.

Now you can at least see that there's no one else down there looking at me besides command and management. In other words, he was in the position of being unsuitable (maybe) for the leader, but dependable as a companion, likely to be.

Everyone paid attention to me with Meliá's attention. I said I got it, I don't have much more to say... Oh, should I say this too if I say so?

"Since it is completely unclear when the demons will be transferred after that, should we always pay attention to the surrounding area, so that the line should also be changed for the six layers?"

That wasn't a point.

"Oh, you didn't say that yet. On the boulder we are also changing the line exclusively from the sixth floor. I don't have any more baggage, and I'm light."

I guess so. The dead must have just come out some months ago, and you can't possibly not have made it into a formation for six layers.

"But I got a valuable opinion. Then it looks like you should move on wherever you transfer this time...... Mr. Greed, this is the six-layer map we're making. If it's possible after the transfer to the sixth floor, I'd like your opinion."


Speaking of which, I haven't been shown a map since I went into sunlight (Sun Ray). I had seen it many times where the Lindbells consulted briefly while checking the map again and again until they had gone through the fifth floor, but I had never seen the map itself.

"You're all set. Good, then let's go...... Maisorade"

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