28 Aug 7444

When Mizuchi brought in Paylam's Muniel, everyone's hand, who was stretching chopsticks to my sashimi, stopped. Of course, so am I. Everyone was struck by the aroma of sauce being served on a plate about 20 cm in diameter, one person at a time, on the Muniel of Paylam. The waiters who brought it later are also looking at the plate in their own hands for cancer.

Actually, I thought earlier, this scent, it's like I've smelled it somewhere.

With distant memories, it was the menu for my wedding reception meal in my previous life. Foie gras truffle ride. It makes that scent even stronger and darker. Oh, the smell of truffles. Do you mean white truffles by white saren rudge?

"Ladies and gentlemen, please come up warmly."

If that's what you mean, “Gentlemen, before it gets cold..." But no one cared about Mizuchi's words.



Belle and Guine apparently know. I keep my eyes round and face close to the plate in front of me.



Engela and Giberti are smelling the scent and cracking their noses. I think I'm drowning in saliva.

"Smells good."

"This is..."


Xenom smelled the scent with a lucid look, and Tris and Zulu were also closing their eyes and keeping their noses close.


One Ralpha is frowning.

I thought it smelled like a really thickened nanny after accumulating in storage for more than two weeks... But it doesn't smell blue at all, and it's a very appetizing scent. How happy would I be if I put this guy in my mouth? It has a sensual scent that makes me think that

I tore Muniel's end with just a few chopsticks and carried a bite-sized piece of meat (dare I say, not peyrum) onto a centrally sprinkled sauce to my mouth.

You don't think I can even speak out? Because if I open my mouth to speak out, the smell is going to escape anyway. I respected the chef who raised his voice only a little. I don't think I can do it. The characteristic yet thin and elegant flavour of the violet sweeps through the mouth. The taste of the sauce is also impeccable. The stock is well removed, and the subtle aromas and flavors of wine and shochu are intricately intertwined, often enhancing the taste of Muniel himself. A powerful, intense fragrance of white truffle that shakes your body from its core.

Sorry, I, honestly, was licking the fish muniel thing.

I swallowed it quickly after just a few bites, but I want to feel the taste and aroma of the sauce in my mouth forever.

"" Phew... "

Sigh leaks.

"It smells like something. But it's delicious..."

Everyone, except Mizuchi, stares at Ralpha, who has spoken the word of smashing. Tris was twisting his chopsticks between his tongues split into two strands. The movement is nasty, that. Don't do it.

"Ham...... yeah, yummy. haha... what is this... what is it?

While we were immersed in the finish of our first bite, Ralpha was stuck with guts and muniels.

"Seems to fit your mouth, above all."

Smile and Mizuchi said. But no one's listening. I was obsessed with eating carefully with a little bit of muniel with sauce. Yeah, it's a clue, except for the reincarnated. I was just finishing eating and eating Ralpha, who was after Guineh's plate, all silently without a word elsewhere.

After eating, Guine joins her voice with Bell and tells the waiter, avoiding Ralpha's chopsticks stretching from side to side.

"" Bring the bread. It's white and soft. ""

Oh, you want me to wipe the remaining sauce on the plate with bread and eat it? That sure looks delicious, too. But other than them, I'd already wiped the sauce with my fingers and shaved. Of course, so am I. I was sorry to hear what they said. I was just looking at my own fingers. Mizuchi was about to eat it, but she let me slip her plate in front of me.

After enduring the torture of wiping the sauce with bread and looking resentfully at me, Belle and the three Guinées eating with a satisfied nibble, everyone spoke at once.

"" Yummy!

"" It was delicious!

"" Is this the source for the 'white truffle'!?

Belle and Guine asked Mizuchi a question. Is it still true? But you guys know white truffles and what kind of life you had in your previous life. Was she a lady?

"Yes. I say White Saren Rudge. It's a mushroom grown in our country."

At that time, Xenom and Ralpha, Zulu and the other slaves were transported the pork steak they had ordered.

"Oh, are you a pig? Now, please shake this up a little bit and come up."

Mizuchi, who also took the bottle out of the bag of his hips, sprinkled it on a Zenom pork steak that sat next to him with a spoon of what seemed to have become a teaspoon of black minced. This guy is a little...

"This is powder from Black Saren Rudge. Go ahead and scent it."

One steak with a pre-cut in it, Xenom threw it in his mouth.

Xenom's eyes opened wide, exhaling from his nose Nfu... The next moment the piece of steak left on Xenom's plate was in my, Tris, Belle, Ralpha, and Guine hands. Ralpha and Guine were moving from the table next door. Zulu and the three of them are equally powdered with black truffles on their plates. On second thought, I have a steak before Ralpha, but no one noticed. Immediately returning to his seat, Ralpha hung a pile when he snatched a bottle of Giberti's finished black truffle while holding his mouth.

This is delicious too. Do you find it so delicious just to add a little powder of truffle, although it is merely pork steak? The power of smell is amazing. Ralpha and the three slaves were quickly eating steak. This is why the unproductive ones are in trouble. I just didn't think you'd give me a bite until Zulu, so I'm just resentful. Before that, Xenom was pathetic.

"You seem happy. Above all. The truth is, slicing it right before you eat it and putting a few pieces on meats and dishes is how it's served in 'France' and 'Italy'."

Oh, no, I've seen beef fin steak and pasta served with sliced truffles as thin as paper. It's a Ginza Ita restaurant. It's a slice of black truffle for a thousand yen or something. The chef came out on purpose and said, "How many is it?" or something like that. I miss when you looked good and said, "Oh, with five sheets" or something with a trembling voice. Of course it's my first experience with white truffles.

"Rose, let's go hunt Rose!

Bell turns his voice upside down and says: You said you were going hunting, monster. Well, we'll be fine now.

"" Nice ""

Zulu and Engela answered with a glance at something on the diagonal. All the guys who had eaten that were snorting.

Seizuk's Poiret came out in five remaining pieces. Says the delicious is after eating that delicious...

The sashimi I made seemed heartless or lonely. Of course I ate them all.

Giberti, in particular, was asking him how to make sauces tightly. It was very sticky.

Afterwards, the feast proceeded soothingly and I think Mizuchi was accepted to some extent.

Tris and Bell asked me to drink some more at another store, and Zenom and the others were in tune, so Mizuchi and I went back to the inn. I'm sorry. I've talked about the general decision before, but I thought you needed to talk to me, and most importantly, I wanted to calm down and talk to you.

Once I broke up in each room and took a shower, Mizuchi came to my room. Yeah, you still only have yore yore clothes. This is it even if you change. Oh, of course it's not a chisel squeeze. It's simply old and yo-yo. The stain fell off and when I saw the lighter colored kimono, I sat across the table in a chair and made two pieces of ice water in the cup. The water was drawn from the well. It's hot on boulders.

"Was your brother okay?

'Yes, I think I can handle it thanks to you. Thank you. And I'll give you back what I owed you. First, it's a knife.'


I received a knife with a missing blade because I was offered a knife that I had always used. When I pulled it out, there were many blade chips. You can sharpen it again.

'Next, the plate. Thanks to this copper plate, my life was saved. That hurt me a little...'

Heh, well. It's about as good as some scratches. That's what happens. Lyle, did you show it to me in the kingdom? No, I don't think the Marquis Webdos' glory extends to foreign countries, so you showed him something on the road. I don't even have to use it for weird things... WOW!?

"Hey, what the hell! It's crooked...... ahhh. This, such a big scratch...... '

The Marquis' plate had a large scratch in the middle of the dot, slightly bent. Sounds like a bigger bend, but I guess I fixed it later. But this is the important thing that my sister-in-law Shani gave me... it's really important. I wasn't using it in a busy way either, but that's not the point. Even the number of issues is very low...

There was a dark elf that shrunk and frightened across the table to see how I was doing.

'... fine. If this guy saved your life, that's fine.'

You just have to think that my sister-in-law helped Mizuchi.


Looking at Mizuchi's tweezers bowing his head,

'Oh, fine. And the...'

I get a little stuck in the words when I say it.

"Yeah, you mean your wife, right?


'As you said then, you didn't seem to be in the world anymore. But I was able to talk to your wife about some of the magic left over from "Your Majesty."


Miki didn't deserve to be surprised now because she knew she was going to die soon after that. But I heard that I talked to Miki's leftover magic. What are you talking about, this guy?

You must have read my decent look, Mizuchi explained.

'Your wife was left with a special sorcery at the end. It's like being close to a body of thought, something that allows for a fairly liberal conversation. Thanks to you, it helped me a lot. "


Then Mizuchi told me what he had told me over time and what had happened in his hometown. How to become indeterminate (immortal) or divine (god) remained unclear as ever. But Miki seems to have cared about me, too.

Yeah, say we used to love each other, even in me for sixteen years, and in her for hundreds of years or worse, a thousand years or so old opponent. Not to mention when one is becoming a sub-god (demi god). I know there won't be one first, but I just wanted to avoid hostility to anything.

'... and then... let's just talk about it before everyone else is around. Show them your power tomorrow morning. After that, I shop for clothes and things around me. You should have Ralpha or Bell hanging out with this. Before evening, I will go to the King's Capital. I need to tailor my boots over there. So I'm staying overnight in Wang Du tomorrow, but I'll be home after lunch. But I will tell everyone that I will stay in Wang Capital until the day after tomorrow. That's why I won't come back here when I leave. We leave our horses in another inn and we go into the labyrinth the evening after tomorrow. We'll talk about the details tomorrow as we head to King's Landing. "

I heard about Mizuchi's plans for tomorrow, but now I think I've decided to shelf them. Around here, the old personality stays the same.

"By the way, I need you to see something."

"Hmm? Yeah, but..."

I got up from the chair.


Mizuchi is looking up at me.

"Before that"

He circled the table and took Mizuchi's hand and made him stand.


Going somewhere? He looked like that.

'You'd have something to do, wouldn't you?

Lift your jaw.

"Uh, ah."

Katan, and Mizuchi's new sword sounded raised on the chair.

Turn your arms around your body.

You won't need words anymore.

It's the plates!

I yanked and pulled a band of kimonos that washed away and stained lightly.


Why do you look like you're having so much fun when you're being punished?

29 Aug 7444

[Blade (Shadow Simita) of (-: Rye) Durrow (Fusteeler)]

[Orihalcon Steel]

[Condition: Good]

[Processing date: 1/1/6672; 21/3/6791; 13/6/6862]

[Value: 1]

[Endurance: 625942]

[Performance: 210-260]

[Effect: Energy Absorption (Energy Drain)]

[Effect: Increased self-concealment rate (Rise Hiding In Shadow Rate)]

[Effect: Increased Magic Recovery Rate (Rise Magic Recovery Rate)]

[Effect: Auto Repair (Automending)]

Does this mean the open mouth won't be blocked? I've been wondering about this for a long time, but who the hell writes appraisal and status-opening texts? I almost predicted it.

Anyway, it's definitely a sword of tremendous performance. I can also snort that my wife (Demi Goddam) used it. The moment I pulled it out of my sheath, I didn't have to appraise it. I felt it was amazing.

This sword has a rare ricasso on it. At the end of the pattern and the tip of the blade, about 15 cm is a rectilinear blade-free recasso, from which the blade draws an elegant curve of a single blade. Unlike a regular spotter, is it also characterized by being so subtly thin that it is close to the tip of the blade? Is it cooked in, the part other than the blade is dyed black, and it doesn't belong to this era, it even feels like an industrial blade from the twenty-first century.

Hmm, you got a good one, you.

When carefully returned to the sheath, he says, returning his sword to Mizuchi.

'This guy's a great sword. A demon sword would be a guy. They can absorb the opponent's physical level by one level when hit (clean hit). That doesn't seem to raise my level. Sounds like you're temporarily getting 5 more HP per level absorbed. They say that even with similar attacks while HP is on the rise, more HP will get in the way of absorption, so in the meantime, one shot can withstand the attack of energy absorption (energy drain). The rest seems to hang the magic of automatic repair (automating), so if you put it in the sheath, you don't need to take care of it either. Besides, they also increase the speed of magic recovery while holding the pattern. Magic normally heals for one point every five minutes, but heals for one point in four minutes. Then again, this is only while holding the pattern, but if you hide in the shadows, the visibility seems to decrease. These don't have to be pulled out of the sheath. It seems to work as long as you hold the pattern. Good for you.'

After listening to my commentary, Mizuchi had a naturally delightful odd look like a surprise. By the way, where can I get an Orihalcon? I wonder if you knew the Tritons. Are you Atlantic? Either way, but the subwindows were just kidding, so they weren't helpful.

Mizuchi unfortunately showed his strength to the members of my party this day. The arm of the sword was my subordinate compatibility and it didn't extend to the Xenom, but it had sufficient strength, and magic showed me high power after me. He also showed that even in battle with no sword, with flying tools, the bow arm itself is more proficient in weapons than the bell, which is only proficient in bows of things that do not extend to the bell.

I was unanimously admitted to turning to reinforcement like I did. There was still a lot of talk in Raghdarios (Common Language), but Bell was also following me and talking about going shopping with me from noon.

"Hey, Al. You signed with Mizuchi?

Ralpha called out. I didn't think I needed a contract with the woman in front of me now. It's a mistress contract. I don't feel that way about my mistress or anything. But right. Sounds like you should stay put.

"Mm, not yet. I'm going to make a contract today. I'll just go through the process and make his boots and stuff, and I'll go all the way to the King's Capital this evening. I haven't had much of a look at the Chamber lately either."

"Oh, we're gonna have a good contract."

Ralpha said with a reassuring face for some reason.

"Hmm? Oh, well, yeah"

"Mmm, that's good. Oh well, you make it right..."

What are you talking about? This guy. There's no way you can treat him special. Special treatment is a source of discord when there are few heads. If you have anything around you or the money you need for the time being, I'll lend it to you without collateral, but that's special enough. Especially since I don't seem to need to lend it because I seem to have the money at the moment. I tend to forget because Tris and Bell are here, but I was originally an internal love denier. They split up between the public and the private, they don't flirt at work, they try to move calmly. Yeah, they're getting married in the future, so I admit it. Naturally, Mizuchi has told Mizuchi that.

"You bet. Sure, he's my woman, but I'll split it exactly where I want him to. I don't even want to live in the same room."

"Huh? Hmm... it is"

"Oh, that's right. So just be nice to me."


Ralpha was talking to Guineh in some way when she looked back. What is this guy?

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