28 Aug 7444

I came back to the room beside the crystal rod of the transfer on the ground.

"Ah, I want to take a shower. You can't take the smell of blood back on your hair."

I said that Ralpha was sick of it. By the time we had finished exploring the sixth floor and returned to the fifth floor, the shower had decided to take a shower at the inn as a priority because Giberti had already packed his bags.

"Me too ~. Al, I got out a day early this time, but it's going to be the fourth holiday?

Guine also followed and said. Why would Chimi tilt her neck a little when she said something like that? Bruises.

"Oh, it's the fourth holiday starting tomorrow. Next, September 3rd."

"Where are you going tonight?

Tris asked.

"I want meat"

Bell said all I could. Carnivorous meat on a raven's crust? Well, nothing, but I want fish. Can I bring it in?

"If it's meat," Murowa "would be good. That pork skewer over there is delicious."

said Xenom as he nodded his tongue. Yeah, "Murowa"? There's Ibody and Caesargo, so it's OK. But my stomach today is full of pimples. I recently learned that if you are white without soy sauce, you can also make sashimi with salt. Back in my previous life, I made a fool of myself for eating shareots and stubbornly bound to eating them with soy sauce and medicinal flavors, but when I drink alcohol, I really want sashimi. Actually, Marie taught me how to eat this, but this looks pretty good again.

Because of this, it stinks and disgusts those born oaths, starting with Xenom and Zulu. Even the Vinsyl store in Keel was eating white fish that Marie and Claw said Caesargo, Wokose and Meeval with citrus juice resembling salt and cabos, but no one was ordering anything. Yeah, I feel sorry for the owners of all the pieces of tongue who don't understand this. I'm not hairy enough to stop being scolded by raw fish-eating savages.

"Uh, let's make it" Dollar Leon "then. I'll stop by the fishmonger and get some payrum. We can't bring in Murowa. If it's" Dollar Leon "meat dishes, Xenom wouldn't complain, would he? Ralpha and the others go ahead and take a shower."

That's what you say as you go up the stairs to the ground with the snorting Xenom.

"Oh, is it Paylam? Nice. Let me see."

And Tris answered. It seems that Tris has recently opened his eyes to the fact that when I eat fish, he usually hangs out with me. I'd like to go fishing with you sometime.

"Oh well. Paylam can't just live well. Two days after fishing, it matures and tastes good. Just make sure you figure it out, okay?

That's what I said and got out on the ground.

When I left the labyrinth, I felt Mizuchi close by. Nearly a week ago, just before entering the labyrinth, all I could tell was that it was quite a distance away, but the moment I returned to the entrance square, I could feel her. The distance is about 1 km. Is the direction southwest? You're from the Boyle Pavilion. Is he already in the inn? Nature and a grin on my face. Did I make you wait? But you were really just fine.

"Well, shall we go? Oh, Giberti, go to" Dollar Leon "first and take your seat."

I use "Dollar Leon" about once a month, so even Giberti the slave keeps his seat at that store without any problems. Well, I guess it's because he's the killer (Slaters) who saved the owner's second son. I broke up on three hands. A pair of Zulu and Engella who made him carry Giberti's luggage and a Giberti who made him precede the store. And there are six of us.

Along the way, when I plugged into the fishmonger, Ralpha and Guine, who wanted to take a shower, and the guardian Xenoms, let me go first. Me and Tris look for Paylam from the fish lined up at the store. Bell's not supposed to leave Tris while he's on the ground, so he's naturally with us. There were only two payrums in the fishmonger. I don't have a choice. I always only buy one when I buy it, so despite what I just said, don't even let me choose. They wondered Tris and Bell about me buying both of them.

"Mm, it's special today. As soon as I arrived at the store, I gave it to him. If Bell's on the 'edge' too, you'd eat it, wouldn't you?

It's a corner. When I paid my fishmonger 10,000 Z (one silver coin) of the price for two cars, he had Ella go through the strings from his mouth and hang them. Paylam is a super fine fish even in oath. Many people won't get into their mouths for the rest of their lives down there. They are usually eaten in Muniel. Say oath spacious, isn't it about reincarnated people trying to eat with sashimi?

"I'll hold it."


I leave Paylam with Tris and follow the backs of the Zenoms who have moved on to about 100m away.

I was walking around talking to Tris and Bell for a while, but the Zenoms were stopping in front of the "Boyle Pavilion" gate at the penetration of the T-shaped road. Looks like he's talking to the kid about something. Did Mizuchi tell you that? You should be by that side.

From us there was a shitty laugh of Ralpha pointing to the left where the building was out of the way and I couldn't see it.

There was Mizuchi with a horse to the left of the gate and a shorter robe to the waist. Did you bother waiting for me in front of the gate? Well, if Ralpha and the others weren't having a conversation with Mizuchi, go take a shower. You said Tris and Bell, too.

"Hey Ralpha, because you guys want to take a shower first... That was faster than I thought."

Raise your left hand while I speak like that.


Mizuchi took the horse's reins off and ran towards me.

"" You!?

Ralpha and Guine, the "Boyle Pavilion" kid...... then my voice sounds. What are you...? Sure, that's what they said the other day when I talked to Mizuchi in the labyrinth... dude, you're already a mistress. That's a little fast, isn't it?


On the way over, Mizuchi was massively cocked as he stepped on the horse shit that was falling on the road. You're lucky you didn't get cocky over horse shit because you slipped momentum. There would be horse shit on the back of the boot though.


No one could even utter a word about his appearance, which was to hit him in the back of the head with a cocky momentum and hold his head. The hustle and bustle of Balduk can be heard from afar. I didn't even sneak to leave him with a crying face, so when I approached him, I reached for Mizuchi and let him stand.


Speaking only one word, Mizuchi carefully observed that he would remove the sword from each sheath from his waist. A simple sheath, but the twillion and pattern seem to be fine.

"Good...... not dirty and no scratches"

When I whined small, I carefully put my sheath on my sword band again and looked at me.


"" That's it!

I told the lad who rounded his eyes suddenly to prepare the stables of Mizuchi. Looking behind Mizuchi, who for some reason I don't know, willingly takes the horse to the stables, I heard a nasty, reluctant voice.

"Um... Al. Is that woman (one)...?

Bell has cut it out because he can no longer stand the atmosphere of silence without a word.

"The Dark Elite (Dureau) that Al was an old subordinate who said before, right?

Xenom answered in my place.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll introduce you later."

"Were you married?

"No way. I'm still single."

"" Then why!

Ralpha and Guine aligned their voices. As a matter of fact, I was just thinking, unlike twins, you guys.

"Hmm... well, sooner or later, yeah. Might."

Something's lit up.

"" Nah!?

Yeah, I see. I know exactly how Chimi and the others feel. Especially Ralpha, you, you even had a strange sense of security about being the same Puppet as me, didn't you? Chimi and I were good friends, but we shouldn't have Chimi's sexuality. Forget the joke.

"What the fuck?

Are you complaining?


"Huh. So you're gonna have one more buddy anyway, huh? Let's welcome you."

Ralpha and Guineh with a facial Xenom twirling his hand axe (Tomahawk) for a spin.

"Lal, Guine. Come on, take a shower."

Bell urged as he touched Tris' right hand, which was placed on his left shoulder with plenty of room in his voice, as he pissed it with his own right hand. But it's always great to see. By the way, where were you earlier?

"Aren't you a beautiful man, Al?"

The grin and Tris laughed as they hung Paylam.

"What do you mean?

"I didn't take a room..."

"Such a pop out..."


"That wound over there..."

"You don't have enough magic to fix it, do you?

"Then you can't."

"I won"

"You don't have breasts, do you? Lose."

"Even ralls are a good place b, right?

"Still better than you."

"If it's color, it's me..."

Apparently, Ralpha and Guine got into Belle's ear to say butch.

"I'm in the same room as Tris!

When I said, she looked at me and laughed. No, I'll take Mizuchi by room, okay? There are no available rooms on the same floor (floor), so it will be another floor.

Xenom followed Ralpha and Guine into the "Boyle Pavilion" when he tapped my ass lightly only once.

Mizuchi removed his horse gear and came back. Looks like a kid with a saddle bag twitching around with no heart or side. Mizuchi, by contrast, had a high, chronic face holding a saddle hung on his left shoulder and some bags. I turn to Tris and Bell and say:

"I'll introduce you. This guy is Mizzerit Chiztungrl. That's my old man I met deep in the labyrinth I told you about. Now it's my" It's my wife. Jibu, please call me Mizuchi. We're always looking out for this guy. "


Mizuchi blocked my words with polite language. Oh, my God, you've practiced your way of talking quite a bit? Much discomfort has disappeared from the language itself.

I said I'd drop a fist bone on Mizuchi's head.

"I don't have a wife because I'm not married. Then you don't have to force yourself to speak politely. That's a weird accent. The country monkey."

'Yeah? Really? I practiced quite a bit......'

'Fine. If you talk so that it's easy. Just fix it a little bit. "

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Mizuchi. My name is Torkelis Karostaran. Call me Tris."

Mizuchi answers by holding Tris' offered hand. The sunset reflected hard on Tris' grinning teeth.

"Yes, thank you very much."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Bernadette Corroil. But in a few years, I'll be Bernadette Carostaran. Call me Belle."

"Oh... is it Master Left? Thank you very much."

With his head down, Mizuchi was blinded by Bell's chest. Let me pull it out even at the waist.

"Uh, as you can see, this guy's from the country. Give up on the weird way you talk. If it's" Japanese, "it's fine. If it's bothersome, it's fine."

I walked up to the front desk to get Mizuchi's room.

"Dollar Leon" already had everyone but me and Mizuchi, Tris and Bell. Zulu, Engela and Giberti flew away when we got into the store late.

"" Congratulations. Sit down. Your husband. ""

Drop your fist bones again on Mizuchi, who lowers his head in a snort.

I'm not getting married yet.

I said and got to my seat.

I sat on the six-person and four-person table.

Ralpha and Guine sit side by side in the back of the foursome, looking at me with strange eyes.

Well, let's also forgive that disrespectful attitude today or so.

Engela and Guiberti sat across from Ralpha and Guineh.

Zulu and Tris, Bell sat in front of me, Mizuchi and Xenom on my left.

"Then I'll introduce you again. It's Mizzerit Chiztunol. The position... will probably specialise in reinforcement just like mine. For once, it was supposed to be a labyrinth until tomorrow, so I'm going to do some training tomorrow morning, but maybe it won't change. And, uh, the language is weird, but forgive me there. I'm a country man."

That said, when I introduced Mizuchi, now Mizuchi stood up and said hello.

"Everyone, this is Mizzerit Chiztungrl. Call yourself Mizuchi."

I said and bowed my head.

"Pfft, did you hear that? Everybody."

"Yeah, I said myself, or something"

Ralpha and Guine are talking in a whisper, but I can hear you as much as I want. Look, Mizuchi's turning red. The bell sitting in front of me,


I am embarrassed to say. But, well, you can't help but laugh a little.

I take one breath and I get a paylam from Tris,

"I'm coming. You want some sashimi?

I said and got up.

"Ah? Is that a 'cum'? If so, that's just fine. Can one tail be 'Muniel'?

Mizuchi said. Don't you know this guy in Raghdarios (Common Language) who doesn't even know "Xu" or "Muniel"?

"Huh? Well, fine. Why not?

"You can prepare your own sauce if you want to."

Yeah. Ma, okay. It's like a Mizuchi welcome party.

I went to the kitchen. I borrowed a knife from the store chef because it was usual. I just lowered the two payrums to five pieces. Mizuchi, who watched in silence, said, "Can I have an ala with my head and middle bone?" So I gave it to him. They'll put it right through the water and then take the stock. When I take two or eight edges, I cut them into bite-sized pieces and carefully thin four pieces of a tail.

"I'll take a tail of liver."

I took my liver early or just now, and when I put this through the water, I started to back it up. Oh, the liver prick of the violet is so delicious... But do you make muniel sauce with stock and backed liver? Isn't that normal?

Immediately Mizuchi is slicing one tail, four pieces of rice into appropriate sizes and shaking the flour thinly when lightly salted and peppered. I laid oil on the frying pan and started frying Muniel. When I made a noise with the carpet and sautéed everything only on one side, I raised everything from the frying pan to the plate once, and sprinkled another small frying pan with extract and oil that had flowed out of the pan. There, the first stock taken from Ala was added, and a little wine and shochu seemed to have been added. I guess I'll boil the sauce in a small frying pan.

Me and the chef at the store, who made about half of it at this point, are intrigued and looking at Mizuchi. As I simmered the sauce in a small frying pan, and drizzled the oil thinly in the large frying pan again, I started stirring Muniel back from the plate. I guess I won't have to take care of him for a while. Removing a small bottle about 10 cm in diameter and 15 cm in height from the bag lowered to the waist, I found some small stone-like stuff in it. When I opened the cork stopper and took out one white light brown stone, the chef raised his surprise. You know what that is, old man.

When I sliced the stone with a familiar hand, I started to chop it fine this time. They're not stones. Is that potato?

"Yes, one. White saren rudge as a whole!?

The chef is squealing in a voice that seems to turn his eyes. I don't know who the White Saren Rudge and the others are, but they seem to be valuable. Mizuchi was taking care of the large frying pan while adding a completely finely chopped white saren rudge to the small frying pan sauce, plus a further backed liver paste to mix with hera. The kitchen is filled with a good scent that is not even very appetizing.

Ha, not if you're being seen. I have to make it too. The thinly constructed sashimi was served on a large plate, and the edges were layered unwrought like hills in the middle. All you have to do is get a small plate of rock salt powder or blubber juice.

Mizuchi serves Muniel on a plate and sprinkles with a sauce made with a small frying pan. Apparently, we can do that over there.

"Oh, um, can I have some leftover sauce in the frying pan?

The chef spoke to Mizuchi. Dude, the name of Balduk's leading store, Dollar Leon, is gonna cry. Don't imitate the smell of poverty. It's amateur food, by the way. Mizuchi laughs at me elsewhere and says, "If you don't mind with something like this, go ahead." Oh, man, I can't hang out with you.

I'll take the sashimi I can make. Everyone seems to be waiting hungry already.

"Hey, wait. Muniel will be here soon, too. It seemed like something."

When I put a large plate on the table and looked back, Mizuchi, with one plate in each hand, and a boy following behind him, almost came out of the kitchen.


I heard the chef scream.

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