Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Tabernacle 22: Kyoshi Ichikami (29 at the time of the accident)

On the ice that day, he watched the view flow out the window in a blur, overlapping his right hand in a camera bag placed next to the seats on the seated train. The up line at noon isn't even that crowded, and the camera bag won't get in the way even if you keep it in your seat because it's the leading vehicle and the empty seats are noticeable. I'm going to be in a studio in the heart of the city today with the boring job of shooting super flyers.

I wish I could have gotten a job as a photographer in the Zero Studio, but I realized that so much intense work continued that I didn't have time to sleep, and that it was going to be difficult to marry a woman who was living with me if I didn't even think about changing jobs and act... five years, no, six years ago. However, my hobbies have grown since I was a kid, and I was complacent that I managed to become a professional photographer after graduating from the college of photography, and I couldn't quite make it to the adventure of moving to a new job. I was separated from the woman who lived with me right after that.

It was different from the train downstairs. The wind pressure makes the windows rattle, awakens the senses that have flashed, thinks (oh, I'm sleepy) on the ice, and looks around in the car. It's the usual scenery on the train. With that said, I was buying a magazine. It's a monthly camera magazine. I should have stuck it in my camera bag. I opened the bag zip and when I took out the magazine, the ad page on the back cover caught my eye. It's a fancy digital camera just released last month by a major manufacturer. Apparently the lens is compatible with what I'm using right now.

(Um, I want it. At a time like this, I was wondering if you could buy it for expenses if you belong to a major studio)

I lose sight of the ad, thinking that it doesn't have that benefit either.

And that's when it looks like the train hung a sudden brake. Inertia is too great against braking, and on the ice it sticks into someone who was sitting next to his seat holding an important camera bag that attracted him aggressively. And he was thrown out of his seat, unable to withstand the impact, to the head of the train......

For a while after that, there was confusion on the ice. What the hell happened?

Maybe that time, the train I was riding caused an accident or something, but there was no way to be sure. Maybe this is a hospital or something, but I'm not sure. Words I could hear from around me were like foreign languages and I could barely even grasp the meaning. My feelings continue to be high, and I soon cry like a baby.

It was even difficult to calm down when this happened. But as soon as she cries, a nurse-like woman stops by her side and calls out something as she strokes her head and body. To my surprise, I've even held you up many times. My eyes on the ice still don't see things well, so I even feared how powerful I was at first.

I knew immediately and convinced myself that I was a baby (being a baby, not that a woman was good at being held up), but I had no idea why the hell I was surrounded by babies, but also foreigners.

Later, on the ice, she was sucking on the breasts of motherly women when she became somewhat judgmental. Large stretched breasts, but milk production is not very good. The other next door as soon as you suck one up. I also have a pair of slightly wiggly breasts at the bottom when I suck it up. When I smoke all four, my stomach fills with boulders and I fall asleep.

(I wonder why this woman has four tits?

I think so on the ice, but as a result, they are raised without starvation. There can't be any discontent. I'm just saying it was more strange than dissatisfied. Speaking of which, I recall hearing that some humans also have multiple breasts with old remnants, and one was convinced (is this so).

Also, I learned words that sounded like my name. Is it Marmin or Marmin?

Without windowsills, there's no TV. Of course, electricity, and a life without even a light, gave Malmin's heart back vitality and room. How many months would it have taken me to understand that I could embark on a new life without being chased by boring daily work? I understood everything about them and at the same time I understood that I was reborn in a place like it wasn't Earth.

The family-like people, at first glance, seem human, but slightly bigger from the top than either side of their head, where they should have ears, yes, earlobes like St. Bernard's and Retriever dogs hang, growing up to tails with carefully blocked long hairs. Afraid to confirm, I still have a small but similar earlobe on my head, which even grows like a tail. I could also make him swing a little puffy when he turned his consciousness to his ass.

(Aliens, damn it)

The family, both a fatherly man and a motherly woman, look like Westerners, but seem to be twenty years old or somewhat above that. I had an older brother and sister on top of me. Probably myself and my older son. You mean a family of five, including yourself? The mother with all three toddlers seemed tough, but always had a happy look on her face.

His father seems to be out to work early in the morning and doesn't see much of his face during the day. When I come back around the evening and get dinner with you, the whole family goes to bed immediately. I imagined it would be a critical life with little entertainment, but it wouldn't even come off.

(Oh, here's the thing, slow life, I told you. I guess this kind of life isn't bad either)

Of course Malmin's perception is wrong (this kind of thing isn't called slow life), but as a Malmin, I just assume it's slow life to be involved in primary industrial jobs such as agriculture and fishing in a rural setting.

When there is room in my mind, my curiosity swells along with it. Marmin also came up with the feeling (how far away the hell is this star from Earth) or (is there something I know of in the constellations floating in the night sky (I don't know if there are constellations because I haven't been out at night, outdoors, etc for once)? But I also thought that we should get rid of a little more pressing questions than those that don't matter when we hit them.

What are the people living on this land getting food for life as a livelihood? Occasionally you can get out of the house, but you don't see people around you. Only the depressed trees are lush. Especially since there seems to be some visitors around for a few days, I guess they're not so far away from home. It is not uncommon for us to leave our brothers naked inside the fence that is set up in the garden, neither their mothers nor their outings. The fence is about six tatamis wide enough for three children to play with.

Nearly a year has passed since Malmin was born. I also found out what my father was doing. It's wood dust. They're cutting trees in the woods, branching them, and flushing them into the river as lumber. Sometimes they picked expensive branches that seemed to become incense wood ingredients as they felled trees. Is this like a big bonus? It was also found that people were not so far away. I would only be around 2Km away precisely considering the round-trip time in my mother's hurry. Maybe it's closer because there's no paved road.

Not much progress has been made in language acquisition as there are not many opportunities to listen to conversations, but the conversation between father and mother has also become more than half understandable.

At one point, a horse came towing his luggage. The horse was always inside a fence that kept the child thrown out and loaded something into the luggage car. Apparently, it's a tree branch. Looks like it's worth it, and when I finished loading the load, my father was receiving money from a guy who looked like the owner of the luggage truck. Will this be the incense tree?

And then another month or so went by. The mother's belly was swollen again. Malmin was impressed (only dogs on boulders often make children).

Marmin had already become very weaned, when she was feeding her mother something like a rice cook of wheat. Malmin found out that there was an anomaly in his body. Strange force in the jaw, hard to open mouth.

I was wondering if the previous day was because of my mind, but the symptoms did not improve at dawn overnight. On the contrary, even my brother and sister's noise touches my eclampsia and makes me grumpy. Until now, my brother and sister are also young, so I watched them with one or the other obvious eyes, but only today they were very uncomfortable with the feeling of kinking in my head.

The meal fell asleep there, too.

In the morning, my mother woke up before dawn to prepare breakfast. Looking sideways at it, Malmin was clearly feeling a strong sense of tiredness, facial cramps. In the winter morning, I drank cold water because I don't have much appetite, and I tried to refresh it, but my mouth was very open and hard, and I managed to drink a small amount of water but it didn't refresh me.

Unlike my older brother and sister, my parents were surprised by Malmin's transformation, which was rarely obnoxious since birth, but I didn't particularly care at that time.

At noon that day, the mother, who had opened the window because she was also cheerful, could not hide her surprise in Marmin, who was illuminated by the light and was solidified by a tooth-eating look. At the same time, the words on the mother's head came to mind.


Not unusual otherwise in oaths. It's a very common disease. However, the lethality rate at the time of infection and onset is very high, with infants more than 80% and a nearly 90% chance of death. It is a disease that is often blind even when healed. It should be noted that Tetanus is a very horrible disease, in which the probability of death is about half as high even if an adult is infected. Although the cause is unknown, children playing in the wild mountains, farmers playing dirt, newborns, etc. suffer relatively often.

In the early stages of onset, it was saved that it was relatively easy to help by hanging healing magic such as "cure".

The mother ran with Malmin on her back to the village healer about 1 km away.

Things dispute for a moment.

Has it been a few days since the onset of Malmine? I rush down the mountain path with all my might, caring for my pregnant and swollen belly.

When he finally knocked on the door of the healer's house, his mother was totally sweaty. Healers who heard the circumstances from their mother, who jumped in out of breath, quickly hung the "cure" sorcery on Malmin when they received several gratuities offered at the same time.

The symptoms appeared to have improved slightly, and the look on Malmin's face, who had no heart or eaten up his teeth, also appeared to have eased. While Malmin appreciated how much easier his painful body was, he couldn't hide his surprise. It's the first time I've seen magic since he was reborn.

Until now, I didn't even know there was such an unscientific thing as magic.

As much as I thought the healer would have brought me in too. The idea itself wasn't out of the picture much, but listening to my mother explain her symptoms to the doctor, but definitely saying "magic" or "cure" (seriously...... magic, magic!?) As much as I thought.

The flat hand of the doctor offered towards me emitted a blurred blue light, and I felt something warm pouring into my body from where my palms were placed, at the same time making my body a little easier. I fell asleep in peace.

In the evening, the doctor hung his magic on Malmin again. I felt a little easier again. (Oh, good. Sounds like he was sick, but now I'm gonna help?) It seemed that way.

But can this reassure you that you have temporarily regained your state of well-being? Or is it all right now, like magic such as a picture book that was read and heard as a child in Japan? I couldn't tell Malmin.

The next day, my family came to the healer's house and watched me. Marmin thought I was in the hospital. The healer used magic on me to put it away for about an hour with a fat sweat on my forehead. The body gets a little easier each time, but the symptoms seem to be slowly getting worse rather than better.

(This doctor, what the fuck is wrong with you? I want you to use some medicine because you can curse me now...)

Marmin thought so but could not put it out in his mouth because he remained clearly conscious. My jaw muscles are tense and I can't speak well no matter how hard I try. I wasn't able to speak very well at first, but it was even worse because I couldn't move my mouth as much as I thought while eating up my teeth.

The doctor used to give me sleepless nursing (although I only use magic regularly), but it's unclear whether the condition was progressing too far in the first place, or if it wasn't magical enough, but Malmin's condition grew heavier by one step. My back muscles are tense all over my body, especially from my neck.

Toddlers under the age of one, but not without muscles at all. I felt my body against the bow. (Ku, painful...... Ouch......) Malmin thinks so, but it was even hard to sue it. It will be temporarily easier shortly after the magic is done, but we need adequate nutrition to overcome the disease. You should eat something while your mouth moves.

That's what I thought and focused on eating and drinking water for a few minutes when my body got easier. The situation would not improve where I complained of pain and spiciness. Marmin thought (we just have to do what we can). What you can do is not miss an opportunity to get nutritious. I thought so and ate as much as I could and drank as much as I could. The quantity was both insignificant, but it would be better than not consuming anything.

Furthermore, the next day, the symptoms progressed further, and Malmin was in a situation of constant breathing. Marmin, who is biting his teeth hard and turning his body against the bow, will no longer help. Dropping his shoulders, his parents holding Malmin had a look of grief, and the healing magic exercised by the healer had turned him into a rest.

(What the hell, this!? Is there such a thing?

Marmin thinks.

Cursed all the irrationality of the world, destined to inflict such suffering by rebirth.

(I didn't do anything worse than have to suffer so much!

For a minute my consciousness was clear, it was cruel.

The face eats up teeth all the time, so there is a tense expression like a bitter laugh, the muscles stiffening from the face to the toe of the foot.


The spine from the back of the neck through the spine to the lower back is solidified as if it caused a cramp.

It hurts so much.

The muscles are cramped from the hips down to the toes of the feet and are consolidated in a bowed position, as if strings had been stretched from the back of the head to the heels in conjunction with the torso.

No more... no more... kill me first.

And Malmin “finally” succeeded in letting go of too much consciousness of the pain.

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