June 1, 7444.

The emergency pouch Zulu had purchased was shaped like a waist pouch.

If you keep your pouch pockets turned to your back, you're not putting in a lot of stuff, and yes, you're not going to get in the way. We decided to keep this pouch on when we were all going to train.

And, importantly, we reflected a lot on this one.

That's the importance of the shield.

If you had a shield, you wouldn't have been able to take that Franken attack, but you might have been able to deviate or play. Until now, there has been the use of weapons and not much consideration has been given to the use of shields. Most monsters are probably responsible for the fact that I was able to ice my lower body.

There is a good round shield there that is caught from the shining blade (Bright Blade).

The biggest thing was that I had to throw it away because I hit "Chain Lightning" straight and melted it with the left hand gauntlet, so all I had left was this shield about 50 cm in diameter. You should make good use of this guy.

And even if I say it, I can't use the shield unless I have a lot of training.

Only me and Xenom, Tris, Bell and Zulu were fully trained in combat in the current membership.

Everyone has learned a little about the use of the shield, but as a result of mock warfare and the like, the most technically decent one to use was Bell.

I had a lot of physical abilities, but it hurts that I won't be able to use my sword, and suppose my hands get blocked where I've made it long, so the magic gets hard to use is the neck.

It's not like you'll never be able to use magic unless you have a free hand, but either hand wants to be easily vacated and set aside because it takes much less concentration to point or point your finger at the subject. The latter three were similar or stopping by, but in some of them Tris was a relatively better category.

Bell is out of the question because the bow is the main arm.

To the extent that the relatively better Tris is also really relatively better.

Zenom and Zulu also rely heavily on their physique and muscle strength, and in a way I feel like I've deteriorated a few steps.

Zulu uses a two-handed sword in the first place, and Zenom has both hands, not to mention an axe, when deciding on a big blow. Even if you look around at the other members, the beginning and end of the story is that Engela is the only one using the weapon entirely with one hand.

And that Engela said, I've never used a shield before.

After consulting with Xenom, I was told that it would be quicker to buy a battle slave who could use a shield.

But is there someone in combat slavery who's learning how to use a shield?

Soldiers like Zulu have to go up. That's a lot.

Although "Slave Shop, Ron Slyle" says to speak up whenever a wartime prisoner flows as a slave, until now, even if he arrives, he couldn't buy it because I was in the labyrinth at that time. I also thought about booking, but it's a bad idea to have to buy any guy who comes. I want to choose anyway, see what I can do and buy it.

Um, what's going on...

But I want people who can use a shield. If there's a guy who can stand defense, collaboration can come alive. I wish only that Franken opponent could stand there for at least a few dozen seconds without getting hurt badly......

It's a pretty unscrupulous demand to keep all of his attacks going. Even I'm good at attacking people, and I won't be able to keep doing it in front of him without taking a shot for so long. I really have to retreat a lot or fly sideways. We can't work together on this.

If you take one shot, even Zulu has the power to fly away. I can't take it, but if it's a shield, I can stand it deviantly. It would only be impossible to keep him in one place without moving him too much, by deflecting him from playing an arm with a big shield that doesn't have the power to attack.

June 2, 7444.

For once, I offered the hope that slaves from wartime prisoners would be able to use a large shield on Madame of "Slave Shop, Ron Slyle". When I heard that, Madam said with a troubled smile, "You ask me another difficult thing..." But I can't give in here.

I put it down to say it could be somewhat expensive, followed by "Slave Shop, Ron Slyle".

No one uses a shield, but that's why we can't neglect our exploration in the labyrinth.

Remove the metal parts part of the two pieces of metal belt armor (banded mails) obtained from the members of the shining blade (bright blades), order them to be re-attached to the leather armor of Zulu and Tris respectively, and also have the leather armor with gold rings (ring mails) removed and re-attached for Xenom. If you put it back on the armor of another member due to a physical fitness issue, this can't be helped because it will require a significant rebound, etc. Leather armor with gold rings (ring mails) could have been GUINE, but there were health problems, and she hated heavy armor.

The weapon was also of high quality. The long sword was given to Tris, and this one, which the leader Demitridas thought he loved, was also given to Bell.

Some of the spears were still of high quality, but a little too long for Guineh to use them. I had no choice but to cut the spear pattern short. Broadsword is used by Engela. Also, I got four bows of high quality, but Bell said that his bow was better that he was used to using, so I decided to sell this one all. Thank you for the arrow.

I don't have anything in particular to do until a week after the armor is complete.

I don't know why I'm playing, so I've been killing monsters every day.

June 30, 7444.

Summer is approaching. It's been about a month since Mizuchi and I broke up.

Have you arrived in your hometown yet?

I always feel her presence in the southeast direction.

The lack of news is a sign of good health.

Speaking of which, this was the first time a demon prop appeared in a labyrinth row before this.

He's like a large stove used in a ramen shop or a Chinese restaurant in a previous life. But it only went to 3 million Z.

He said it was Lowkid, a super fancy restaurant in Wangdu. Sure, it's a good price as a demon prop. I want magic items (magic items), not just magic items.

July 18, 7444.

There finally came out a worthy demon prop there today.

I got it by smashing thirteen "orchish gools," lords summoned "gargoyles" as usual in the five-story altar room. This is just the right item for this time of summer. The "refrigerator (refrigerator)" I discovered is a guy with a capacity of just over a hundred litres about two doors that I say in my previous life. Naturally, a two-door is a metaphor, and it doesn't have a "freezer (freezer)" or anything. The top that hits the "freezer (freezer)" is where the demon stone is put in.

[Refrigerator (Refrigerator)]

[Beach Materials/Iron]

[Condition: Good]

[Processing date: 18/7/7444]

[Value: 12800000]

[Endurance: 492]

[Performance: Internal temperature 4 degrees; 1489 value/day]

[Effect: Refrigeratable storage of items stored inside. No humidity regulation function]

Whoa! [Value: 12800000]!

That's a little more than the Eyeball Bastard's Demon Stone. How much will it sell? I quickly brought it to the major chamber of commerce in the Wang capital (which is run by the Duke of Sandark Muscle, so it will be reassuring first because it falls into my mother's bloodstream). I don't think I can sell it at the Grid Chamber of Commerce. I don't have any customers at all.

Surprisingly, they had a buyer the next day. The sales value is 150 million Z. As per the first arrangement, 127.5 million Z even if 15% is removed by the intermediate margin. Even if they deduct 10% on luxury taxes, they earn nearly 115M Z. Playing bonuses to members leaves nearly 100 million Z.

I also thought I'd play luxury at the Duke of Emerald Club Reception Hotel, but I remember Mizuchi, so I stopped. But there were some stupid ones in the world. You bought it for more than it's worth.

Well, it's summer, and there's no way there's a balance between demand and supply, so can't you say it's strange?

But to keep using this refrigerator, you eat about 15,000Z of demon stone every day, right?

What kind of big deal did you buy?

I know you're a senior aristocrat, but it's amazing, on a boulder.

10 Aug 7444

I killed the "Cave Greatbore" summoned in a six-story altar room, and now the "Freezer (Freezer)" came out. I think I've been getting lucky lately.


[Beach Materials/Iron]

[Condition: Good]

[Processing date: 10/8/7444]

[Value: 16000000]

[Endurance: 391]

[Performance: Internal temperature minus 12 degrees; 2630 value/day]

[Effect: Frozen storage of articles stored inside. No humidity regulation function]

That being said, it was also the same day I found the processing date of the "refrigerator (refrigerator)" that I obtained last time. What the hell does this mean? I thought about it, but I just think the labyrinth must be making it. I don't care.

This time, as last time, I brought it to a major chamber of commerce run by the Duke of Sandark Muscle. And similarly, the next day I heard that I was able to sell it. They sold it for 200 million Z. There's really more to eating Demon Stone than "Refrigerator" where there is gold. Even if taxes are paid, they exceed 150 million Z. Even if you pay the bonus, you earn well over 130m Z.

Mizuchi is not back yet.

As always, you will be well because you can feel its presence in the southeast. It should take nearly a month one way, and the return is likely not using a horse. It'll take at least another month, and there's got to be a lot to do in my hometown. Especially when it comes to your brother's condition. You should take a look at it for a year or so.

August 15, 7444.

Today is the anniversary of the end of the war in the basin. It's obvious, but nobody cares.

I also forgot until they told me when I was talking to Tris in the crystal room of the labyrinth's three layers of transfer, the camp watch. As a result, the labyrinth has not yet made a six-layer breakthrough. But could we have explored about 60% of the total?

When I talk to Tris recently, I hear more of Bell's stupidity (when Bell and I talk, she speaks of Tris' stupidity. I'm not your parents).

I'm hungry because it's almost close to Noroke with Bell, but we both seem to be doing pretty well. The two of us are very close, I don't know what to say. Even so, I guess it just smiles in my eyes somehow because it looks sixteen.

More troubling than that is Gühne.

Hi, she seems to be in a heavy temper, fluttering over there, fluttering over here. He doesn't seem to care much about his opponent's race because he's ex-Japanese. Very wide defensive range with Mountains (Dwarves) as well as Pu and Elite (Elves), Lions (Lios), Tigers (Tigermen) and Werewolves (Wolfwers). Either that or a big man seems to prefer it. He seems to refrain against Tris and Zulu on the boulder, but he has to say that there is a bit of a colored man at another adventurer's party.

My jaw seemed to be growing troubled, but I haven't been very keen on it lately, whether I'm used to it already or gave up. He also looks interested in how to trim his mustache and the set by consulting with Xenom. They're doing a lot of consulting on whether the Zenom to be consulted is not even full.

According to Xenom, Ghine seems to grow his mustache slowly and looks young as a Dwarf woman in general. It should be noted that the solicitation from the top team "Purgatory Flame (Gehenafrea)", which is made up of all Dwarves, seems intense, and I am categorically saying no, but the members of "Purgatory Flame (Gehenafrea)" are idolized and seem to go drinking well in the other purse. Because of the "Purgatory Flame (Gehenafrea)", a big nearly 30 man for Dwarves seems to be my favorite these days.

Engela thought she might develop with Giberti afterwards, but she doesn't seem very willing to do so. I live a pale day. But they do seem to dissipate quite a bit because they come to receive condoms from time to time.

Giberti is still cheerful and now perfectly close to the moodmaker of the party. His dishes are popular with everyone, and he subtly changes flavor to suit each person's taste even though he says he simmers them all in a large pot or bakes them together in a frying pan.

Apparently, it's a quality that doesn't waste a lot on salaries, and I also see some fussies that I prepare quite on my own, such as seasonings.

He also raised his massage arm, making him feel like Zulu before. It's certainly not going to be useful in combat, but it's already becoming an indispensable talent, even though it hasn't been four months since we joined it in a powerful role under the edge.

Zulu seems to be doing well there with the "Murowa" scarlet haired Lios waitress.

I just saw him sticking in the shade of a vacant tree during the day of the day off the last time I was walking around Balduk. If I said I wanted to get married, would I have to buy that sister, too? Well, that would be cheap, I hope.

Ralpha is... well, okay.

Not much the same as usual.

I'm sticking to Ghine and swallowing with my "Purgatory Flame (Gehenafrea)" purse, I'm swallowing with Engela, I'm swallowing with Xenom, I'm swallowing with Trice, I'm swallowing with Belle, I'm swallowing with Guiberty, I'm swallowing with me, I'm swallowing with someone I don't know who seems friendly, I really always do.

I've hardly ever seen her pay for this, too, is it her talent? He hasn't swallowed it because only Zulu doesn't drink. But this guy, he's not much in himself, is he? Even when swallowing, I hardly drink guys like shochu, which is mainly beer and has a high alcohol content. At least there's nothing like getting sick and throwing up. Only when you're drinking with me like that. Probably because I can use "poisoning (neutralizing poison)".

Note that everyone except Xenom and Giberti started running with me at some point.

Both Zulu and Engela were replacing each other for a day, every day.

Yesterday we were all running around Mount Balduk. Because of this, I have one more endurance this summer.

August 18, 7444.

Successfully break through four or five layers and camp in a small room of five transferring crystal bars. The only people who still use this room constantly are us killers (Slaters). The other top teams will be face-to-face with Extreme Hitch, but according to Giberti on the answering machine, they're just moving back to the ground.

Since we are camping in a small room with five layers of transferring crystal bars to get the magic props there, it is already up to adventurers all over Balduk to know that we are challenging the six layers. It became known as a top team that could not be pushed or pushed with both fame. With a decent magic item out there, no one will complain. I've never been complained about.

Before the next day's exploration of the six layers, to heal the tiredness of the four and five layers that have passed through today, eat rice, get a massage and relax the muscles. It's always the same to take turns watching in the sense of caution. Today, I'm in a group with Guinness.

"Guine, you seem to like your mustache lately"

"Huh? Yeah, I didn't like it at first, but I can't help it anymore these days, and I thought this wasn't bad anymore. However, it is difficult to play because it has not yet grown properly."

That's what Guine laughed at Nico. It is normal for a woman to have a mustache on her dwarf, but I still find it a little uncomfortable that her chin mustache is growing in the face of a girl with quite a few Japanese in it.

"Hmm, what kind of mustache do you want?

"That's right, because it's the forks that are popular these days, after all. I'd like to try forking it, too."

A fork is basically a style that stretches from the momiaghe to the tip of the jaw without shaving, and divides it into several rooms at some length. You don't have to have over your mouth or cheekbeard. The major thing is to divide it into two parts, left and right, in the middle of the jaw, but many people are building more rooms. But it doesn't look very good without being about 10 cm long. Guine has just managed to be about five centimeters long at the moment, so it's too early to fork it.

"Oh, that one? The tannery general is doing it. She's divided into four parts."

"Yeah, right. You can play a lot every day if you're that long."

Huh? I thought the shapes were almost fixed because the beard is stiff compared to the hair. You're not?

You noticed my strange look, Guine,

"Oh, sure, the mustache itself is harder than the hair, but there are also medicines that soften it. It is commonly used among dwarves when changing the shape of their beards. I also taught Mr. Xenom a good shop."

So I stroked my chin mustache. Speaking of which, Xenom changed his mustache this winter. Until now, I have stretched everything without shaving at all, but now I shave above my mouth, left and right of my mouth, my cheeks. The length of the submandibular itself has barely changed, but it seems to have applied a slightly perma-like wave. I thought this was a well-dressed mustache shape that suited Xenom well.

"Hey, can I touch you for a second?

"Huh? Fine, go ahead"

I touched the mustache growing under Guine's chin. Hard as hard is hard, but still a woman's mustache. I feel how soft it is. Ho ho. Still straight hair, but I do think I can play with this when it grows and it looks interesting as a fashion. I'll try to grow one when I'm older, too. I touched my jaw with my other hand and at the same time thought while making sure it was barely growing yet.

19 Aug 7444

From today onwards we set out to explore the rest of the six layers again. As usual, it will take time, but proceed with caution. When I passed a few rooms and was discouraged to say if I hadn't hit the altar room again today, I reached the room with the altar as expected. I feel bigger than the usual room with the Lord.

I pinched the center of the room to make sure there were four stone statues of the altar and gargoyle. Line up to let Zulu and Engela, who are wearing metal belt armor (banded mails), run into the gargoyle as avant-garde and slap the Lord who is supposed to be summoned in the rest of the members.

Zulu and Engella on the right wing, Zenom, Tris and Ralpha on the left avant-garde, with the middle guard in Guineh. Bell and I will cover with magic as we see how things go.

Be careful and first fill the gargoyle with dirt with only your head. Make it easy for Zulu and Engela to storm through some of the stairs. And I'll make sure I can ice it anytime.

Come on, the battle is finally on.

Zulu and Engela pop up in momentum and start dashing to prune the head of the gargoyle. And Zenom, Tris, and Ralpha also rush towards the altar with defeat. A little late, Guine with a spear also rushes out. I just used water magic, stretched the water out of the way, and worked out the magic of fire to turn it into ice when I let it reach the altar... what is that?

Suddenly before the altar was summoned something like a stone asparagus. I don't even think I can travel, but in order to inhibit the movement anyway, I ice pickled it to just under 1m high.

It looks like a stone asparagus with a shell shape about 1m thick and 2.5m high. And soon it also turned out to be more than just a stone asparagus, with one big yellow eye opening the white eye area less than 2m high, staring at us. Then, about 70 to 80 cm below that, a large mouthy rift opened at the height of whether or not it would be ice pickled.

Anyway, it's the first person I've ever seen.

"Don't be alarmed!

Speak only and [appraise].

[asexual/1/6/7328 · yellow handroper]

[Condition: Good]

[Age: 116]

[Level: 16]

[HP: 264 MP: 32 (32)]

[Muscle Strength: 35]

[Jun Min: 1]

[Dexterity: 84]

[Endurance: 39]

[Special Skill: Suction (Drain:) Fine (Strength)]

[Special Skill: Tentacle Restraint (Entangle)]

[Special skill: Paralysis (paralysis)]

[Special skill: Electric shock deactivation "Immune Electricity"]

[Special Skill: Half Temperature Reduced [Half Damage From Temperature]

Ugh. This guy sucks, too. And, not long after I thought, amazingly, eight yellowish tentacles like thin ropes stretched out of the middle of the stone asparagus, four of which wrapped up the zenom and the tris and swept away. If it were like that thin rope, the damage would be no big deal. But they both got stuck on the tentacles and said, "Whoa!?" "Grr!? I fainted on the spot when I groaned.



I can hear Bell screaming. And soon a bowstring rang next door.

But what do you mean? The arrow was knocked down by its tentacles on the way to Ishigaki.

Ralpha seems to have managed to succeed in claiming his tentacles...... no, not only did he clap his tentacles well, but he also seems to have succeeded in butching a hand axe (tomahawk) into a stone asparagus. The scream "Gaowong!" leaked out of the mouth of the stone asparagus. Looks like Ralpha is about to roll right over and get a distance.

Then Guine's spear stood in the middle of the stone asparagus.

I'm good at "Lightning Bolts" too... [Special Skill: Electric Disabled "Immune Electricity"]!? Shit! Make the magic cancel and make "Stone Javelin" with five warheads to fly. I pull a new arrow from Quiver next door and Bell is on the bow.

"Belle! Switch to magic!

With that said, I can't afford to see Zulu and Engela, flying stone spears (javelins). If you look closely, the base of the tentacles should have been in various parts of the shell-shaped stone asparagus, but now all eight were here as if the base had moved the surface of the stone asparagus.

Dos Dos Dos Dos My stone spear (Javelin) stood on a stone asparagus. His HP cut half. However,


Looks like Guine, who uttered that voice, got tangled up in her tentacles! Bad. It would be very troublesome if they even shielded me.

"" Guine!

Ralpha and Bell shouted at the same time.

I do my best to dash with a gunsword.

Anyway, I have to cut off my tentacles and free Guinee.

At the same time make and fly another "stone javelin" with five warheads.

Bell would have let go right beside me. "Flame Arrow" chases me through at a fierce speed.


The asparagus stretched out eight new tentacles, knocking off all stone spears (javelins) in a motion that seemed to work with the original growing tentacles.

But "Flame Arrow" stood lucky to pierce his torso.


I heard Ralpha. No way, I guess they even caught you!?

Cut off the two tentacles that were holding Guine and said, "Back off! At the same time, he yells," Now use water magic and fire magic to ice all the stone asparagus.

Bakin! and sounded and succeeded in ice marinating the entire stone asparagus exactly.

But it was also during the bundle that I relieved myself of my chest.


Ralpha's scream echoed. The tentacles sticking out of the ice still seem to move freely.

Ralpha was seen in the corner of my vision with his right foot tangled in his tentacles and lifted upside down.

Damn it!

I cut off two tentacles sticking out of the ice as I ran towards Ralpha. At the same time, use a "windcutter" to cut off another bottle. Eleven more bottles?


Engela's voice sounded. Did the gargoyle cat say that?


He chops off two more tentacles as he screams and runs wildly toward Ralpha.

Hasn't Ralpha been paralyzed yet, with four tentacles wrapped around both hands and feet, suspended upside down but algae scratched? There was a look of fear on that face, with a pointless shout out.

I can see Zulu and Engela cutting in from a different direction from me, looking for Ralpha.

However, Zulu, who missed the tentacle attack, was seen taking a tentacle blow to the face and falling to collapse, seemingly paralyzed.

"Marceau! Behind you!

Bell's cry was vain, and Engela was paralyzed by the tentacles that paralyzed Zulu, and likewise he was (crumbed). But in the meantime Engela was chopping off a single tentacle. Apparently, the tentacles that can paralyze you have been determined.

"Mr. Al!

There was a voice of Guine. At the same time, a tentacle wrapped around my left leg. I managed to cut it off just before it dragged me down. He was out of shape, so he fell as-is, used a "windcutter missile" as he rolled down the ground, and cut off another bottle.

I jump right up and run for Ralpha again. There must be two more free tentacles except for the four that are holding Ralpha... one tentacle approaching from the side of me that got up. Though I managed to chop it off, I couldn't. Again, his posture collapsed and he became a feather rolling on the ground again.

Bell ran past me.

At that time, I noticed a strange noise, and I was stunned when I saw you.

In the ice the stone asparagus produced a new tentacle, which appeared to be scraping ice from the gassi and the inside. There is no bubble, and the transparent ice should be white and cloudy around the mid-height where the tentacles of the asparagus would grow. Looks like he even uses something with a mouthful.

He scrapes the ice from the inside and eats it!

We have to hurry!

I got up, I was paralyzed right in front of you. I saw Bell fall. Tentacles wrapped around Bell's neck, and its tip seems to be a little in his mouth. He hastily chopped off his tentacles and peeled them off.

The eyeballs would have just been really paralyzed because they were moving. Oh, I should have let everyone wear a helmet. Shields and good helmets are important. The only thing that makes my complexion stick out is my face. Unless you get a tentacle attack here, you won't let me paralyze you.


I heard Ralpha. And I saw my body relaxed. Shit, he's paralyzed until then.

He was paralyzed by leather armor from Ralpha's side, and tentacles that went under his clothes.

But your tentacles are only four wrapped around Ralpha and one of those paralyzed ones.

Running in again using the "Windcutter Missile" with five warheads. Ralpha was liberated and dropped. It would fall from my head to the ground if I stayed like this, but I succeeded in hugging it critically. Warm liquid was flowing from Ralpha's groin. I guess I was scared.

I was watching Ralpha and let go of control. The "Windcutter Missile" flew away somewhere, but this is okay now. The tentacles that restrained and paralysed Ralpha arrived, aiming at my face, which was rolling on the ground with Ralpha. I'm an idiot. When only the attack of the tentacles of paralysis was prevented from shielding Ralpha's body in his arms, he calmed down again and cut off all five tentacles using a "windcutter missile".

"Guine! Move them all far away!

That said, I hung the magic of "Paralysis (Removal Parallax)" on Zulu. In a matter of seconds the magic activates and tells Zulu, who got up immediately, the same thing.

He watered Ralpha with water magic, likewise hung "Paralysis (Removal Paralysis)," and then used the magic of "Paralysis (Removal Paralysis)" on Bell, Engella. Tris and Xenom are far behind us.

Now, I turn to the front of the stone asparagus trying to eat through the ice from the inside, with my gunsword on my shoulders and my hands. If you knock him into that hole in a row of attack witchcraft the moment the hole is empty, you'll be able to end it.

I looked up at the altar temple after slaughtering the asparagus and hanging the magic of "Paralysis (Removal Parallax)" on Xenom and Tris as well. There's something inside. I quickly reached out and grabbed him and [appraised] him. Yeah, once I appraised all the special abilities of the stone asparagus. [Special Skill: Suction (Drain:) Precision (Strength)] seems to halve the victim's muscle strength for the same amount of time as the level. [SPECIAL SKILL: Half Temperature [Half Damage From Temperature] appears to be the ability to halve damage such as ice and fire. I didn't think [Special Skills: Suction (Drain:) Precision (Strength)] was a good idea, except for paralysis from the literal level, but I would manage if I recovered after a day.

[Hydrated (Bracelet of) 's (Deadbody) Bracelet (-To Water)]


[Condition: Good]

[Date Generated: 19/8/7444]

[Value: 800000]

[Endurance value: 20]

[A bracelet with water magic and unmagical magic]

[The magic of water conversion can be used only once a day. However, only the corpse of the organism is the subject. There is no limit to the number of volumes that can be broken down at a time, but the total volume is up to 10 m ^ 3]

On the surface of the bracelet it says "Nuhilechi" in Lagdarios (Common Language). Plus, it's carved with very refined relief. Standing people, people who slept on the ground and their neighboring bracelets, water overflowing water bottle relief lined up.

Huh? This... me, I know.

... is the difference that there are no restrictions? And the magic filling speed seems to be tenfold.

"Al, what is that?

Xenom asked.

"This is the guy I know, too. It's a magic object that can turn a body into water."

"Hmm? Magic! That's good!

The word magic (magic item) ran around the party. But it's not worth a lot, is it? It's worth about 8Z (eight gold coins)... No, it's a lot of money, come on.

I was going to pick the demon stone from the asparagus and dismantled it, and two rubies about the tip of my thumb and three onions rolled out of my sandy organ. All five had spheres.

I thought I'd use the magic of my bracelet to turn the body I left, calling it an experiment, into water. A guy who can't use magic would be better suited than me. Hand the bracelet to Xenom and ask him to fit it in his arm and he will touch the body and say "Nuhileki". The body instantly became water. I don't feel like drinking though.

How much can I sell this for?

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