May 30, 7444.

He greeted the King and also greeted the Second Knights captain. To the King,

"Hey, Greed. Ever since the beginning of the year. I wasn't there last month when you came to the castle... Moleen and the others are happy to meet you. By the way, this time, it looks like you're involved again. When I got Balduk's report the other day, I heard about it. What was it, a murderer (Marderer)? Oh, you're a killer (Slaters). If you're a murderer, you'll be brought to justice. Either way, you got a noisy nickname. I don't suppose anyone in the labyrinth could have gotten to the top in such a short period of time. It means the Grid has become famous too. That would give you some jealousy."

I was told to nibble or something. You said it wrong on purpose.

"The joke was about this, and you, you were well safe. Bright Blade was one of Balduk's top adventurers, wasn't it? I've heard the name before, too. I forgot until I got the report this time. What? Hey, you, pretty strong? Well, I'm still relieved that you didn't die. You're a good guy. You're a pretty funny guy."

"is kind, painful"

The Second Knights captain whispered something to the king as I was bowing my head.

This battalion leader has only seen his face.

"That's okay, 'cause it's like he's got a kinky grip on him. There's no more hard feelings... Huh? Oh, yeah, something. Have you ever done anything with Logan? You said you beat Bitwers? Pretty close, don't you think? Yeah, sure your sister's in the First Knights, and your brother's been pulled, hasn't he? Then you can also snort the demon stone earner's head at that young age. Something awesome - bring it when you find it even with magic props. I'll take the reward. If that's okay with you, you can do it like the old Viscount Grimson did for heaven's sake."

Soon they held the king's kingdom balls. That might be true, too.

"Ha ha."

Keep your head down and be awed.

"No, you (Green Chamber of Commerce), I hear you were based in Lombertia. I was so happy Logan was dancing. Not just the First Knights, but the other Knights as well. Hey, Valmalt. You think so too, don't you?

That's what he said. The king saw the Second Knights captain of the guard. This guy is a skinny tiger tribe (Tigerman) in the middle ages that is a little over forty from what I've seen. I can't make an appraisal because my gaze is weird on the boulder.

"Yeah, we definitely want to employ that armor, though. Mr. Greed, you can turn it around just a little bit. I used to be in the First Knights, too, okay?

That's what Sir Valmolt said and he smiled at me.

"Ha, right, I'll think about it..."

Um, not impossible at all. I wonder if I should wear one or two.

"And was it 'Sheath'? Make that convenient, too. I was surprised when I went to the Duke of Emerald Club Hotel the other day. The one with the royal crest, that's good, right?"

"Right!? That's awesome! I made a really good one too. Greed, you, I've told you many times, I'll do something about the quasi baron, so quit being an adventurer and make more 'sheaths'. I'm sure we'll all be happy to buy it so we can play and live."

"I'm afraid, Your Majesty, I have something to do. Many times I have refused and I am sincerely distressed..."


Sir Valmolt spoke out with interest.

"It's not a big deal anyway, is it? Or is that it? You want to make some money with adventurers? If not, are you admiring the Logmock King, The Pit Viper, or His Majesty George (the first generation), like those idiots out there?

The king threw his legs out and said as he shifted his ass forward and leaned sluggishly against his back as he put a single elbow on his elbow.


All I could do was look down and laugh bitterly.

My dreams seem like crazy dreams.

Although it hurts me not to deny it.

"Your Majesty, you speak ill of His Majesty George (the first generation). By and large, anyone who wants to be like His Majesty George (the first generation), King Logmock the Pit Viper, or King Colact (the Wizard King) has a dream. When I was a teenager, I really admired it."

Sir Valmolt said a general theory as to whether it was a follow up or what. Mostly, I haven't even answered yet.

The king opened his mouth like a fool when he saw Sir Valmolt.

"What are you, a little serious? I'm not saying you can never, totally, unquestionably, but whatever it is, it's unrealistic, right?

Ma, that's normal.

The King furthermore

"Even that Viscount Grimson gave away a magic wand (Wand) that could use a fireball, so your grandfather (the previous generation) made him do it as a Viscount and let him do it as his deputy, but there was talk of doing the territory, right? Well, it's the Dart Plains. Even that smart Viscount Grimson used to admire His Majesty George. But the only territory we can do is the Dart Plains or the North, where we used to split up. You didn't shut up about Granan or Dabus saying you made a country out of that. That's right. We don't do anything before we do territory, unlike those guys, but we don't help if they attack us. If Granan or Dabus takes it, I'll do everything I can to get it back, but then it's ours. I'm sure Grimson's grandfather knew that because he wasn't stupid either."

I said. That's right. Even that small independent country would desperately resist if it were stood at its demise, and there is no way the invading forces are intact. The Romberto Royal Army just invaded the weak spot and went back to normal again. When the king turned his gaze back on me,

"So gried. You're not saying anything bad, so tell the Grid Chamber of Commerce to grow up. Sell more sheaths. You like that one?

I said. Sir Valmort, who was listening to that,

"Your Majesty, nothing. Mr. Gried didn't say he wanted to interest the country..."

And he forgived me for the run.

"Huh? Oh, you did. But what about the Grid? As a matter of fact, don't you admire His Majesty George (the first generation) or Logmock King, Logmock the Pit Viper?

said the king. Captain, you're in a good position.

"Ha... that's..."

I almost replied that I admired him in awe. Though I thought about it.

"Huh? What? You, are you serious? I'll tell you what, kid. Sure enough, if you're a senior nobleman above the Viscount, when did you become independent? You may not be able to admit it from around here, but you'll have to admit it eventually. But it's the same as a foreign country then. You may be attacked from your country, or you may be attacked from that country if you deal with another country. Nobody will be able to help you then, though. If a small country that has just done so can bounce back its own country or another foreign army, it's a fine independent country. But if we can do that, we can talk about."

Saying so, the king sipped the tea from the small desk that was beside him.

"Until now, there have been examples of this. It's a common story to go back to another country without independence. Abominable, but Marquis Junkel is a good example of this."

Now the king said Marquis Junkel, but he's the Count to be exact. There is a territory to the north of the Kingdom of Lomberto, and now it is falling back to the Empire of Granan. Originally, the land around here was taken back in time by the Kingdom of Lomberto to wage a war of aggression against the Empire of Granan. At that time, it was a man named Count Junkel who ruled the land. In the middle of the war of aggression, Count Junkel, who made a cut out for the Empire of Granan, had his territory recognised by falling back on the side of the Kingdom of Lomberto, and was told by the Marquis of the Kingdom of Lomberto. That is the return to the Count of the Granan Empire. He said there had been a total of five such incidents in centuries. Perhaps I could say Junkel Hokuriku or Big Country in a way. It's like Lomberto and Granan don't belong here or there, and it's possible they haven't paid their taxes.

Such a land, on the boundaries of a great nation, is large and small.

I've talked about it before, but since there are several hidden pioneering villages along the border with the Dabus kingdom in the south, I don't suppose there's ever been a proper tax collection from that area in the national treasury.

"If you want, you can sell it for 10 billion Z's in Heavenly Village on the Dart Plains."

Of course you're joking. Ten billion Z is a good place to make a lot of money, one of the soggy villages on the border where there are all these conflicts... But......

"Ten billion Z, that's high on boulders..."

I looked up at the king with a bitter smile.

"Ha ha. No, you can give me every proper territory if you really pay me 10 billion Z. So if you can fight Dabus for a few years, it'll be good for me in the country... Oh? Isn't this a good idea? Dumb guy's buying it, isn't he?

"Your Majesty... I don't think anybody like that is in a boulder..."

Sir Valmort blurred as he shook his head like a man.

Originally, I was going to build a more eastern country than the South, which is often threatened by Dabus. Unlike the Dart Plains, it does seem that the land is lean, so there has been no conflict between the Eastern kingdoms of Bakurney or Cambit and Romberto in recent decades. I hear that even the last dispute could not be said to be a smaller one than Dabus. I was thinking that if these three countries were around the border, it would not be an extra conflict because it was mountainous.

The Earl of Leaflite, who rules this area on the Lomberto side, is not very wealthy, so he was going to pay for it and get his daughter-in-law to create a kinship with insurance, even for the right daughter, while at the same time buying territory. Because if I paid 10 billion Z, I would buy one mountain, or at least about Kanagawa Prefecture, and the change would come. Anyway, it seems Count Lean Flight's territory is only quite large. You can buy slaves for a change, and if you make the first decade or so tax-free, you'll be the second son of a civilian who's migrating.

Regardless of the rubber, I thought there would be room in the mountains to process some of the metals that would produce and manage to become industrially state-owned. It's not like agriculture can do it either. All you have to do is let the serfs build the stepping fields. Normally I can't do it with a water stool, but I can magically get it out with water. Give me a month and I'll be able to make Lake Biwa. Such a large flat ground isn't around there, though. Draw water from the river and build a pond. There is no reason why water should be supplied to agricultural land as much as during the construction.

But the Dart Plains? Until now, I hadn't considered Dabus as a threat, but it seems fertile, and if I can stand it for two years, I might be able to go. Oh, with that said, Miki, no, Lils said, 'Beware of the rebirths of the Kingdom of Dabus. Someday I'll be in your way' or something... Is this to say that whether you build a nation in the East or not, it will soon get in the way? Or do you mean to hang something up without a founding relationship? Probably the latter.

While I was just thinking about it, the King and Sir Valmort were talking about selling the Dart Plains to the nobles in the country to make money. The moment the two conversations stopped, I looked at the timing and interrupted.

"Sire, I'm sorry I'm taking you in, but I haven't made a fortune of ten billion Z's or anything like that yet, and I haven't gotten any useful magic equipment"

"That's right. Huh? What? That's not what bothered you, is it?

Then don't look funny.

"Yeah, not yet..."


The king who heard my answer suddenly turned the atmosphere into something harsh and lowered his voice.

"Not yet, is that what you're going to do now?


I looked up at the king and pronounced him firmly so that I could not mishear him.

When the king pulled his back and hung him back in his chair, he rode himself out a little.

"I'll tell you for once. Greed, you, I do intend to protect what I have said. I won't talk to you once the king has drunk the spit he threw up. But he's still making a lot of money, but if he gets 10 billion Zs, it's really a lot of money. Dart Plains is a good land for sure, but we skirmish with Dabus all the time, and you know that even if your territory is occupied, if my army takes it back, it's gonna go back to Lomberto (our country) stuff, right? And then you rattled me out, and I didn't get along."

"Yes, of course."

"I wish I knew. I thought you were the guy I could see a little further... I'm sure you and this Chamber of Commerce had a red license. Why don't you just leave it to your rumored brother that you're good at this right now? I just need to buy a 'sheath'. I don't know if it's there, but are you still a kid? I lost my temper. Back off now."

"Ha, excuse me"

The King, Thomas Lomberto III, obeyed me honestly because he waved and urged me to leave. But I took the word.

"... Hey, Greed"

The king spoke to me when I turned my back. I look back and take my subordinates' thanks and reply.


The king looked a little harsh.

"I just made a fool of myself about you. So far, that assessment will not be covered. If you regret it, give it to me with all your ears full of useful magic tools or 10 billion Z. Then I'll... I'll review it if I can, and I'll undo what I did to make a fool of myself and apologize."

"Ha ha."

"At best, it's about being uptight."

And I left the Balduk administration while I was watching.

Tighten your chest.

The trial began at noon, but Bickens, the shining blade (Brightblade), was condemned to death as expected. Their gear, which had been confiscated by the Knights of Balduk, who owned police rights, was returned to their rightful owners (i.e., it's about me) who returned it.

After the book of the night began to fall and the execution of all the sentences was completed (I was hanging around the open-air merchants chilling when the sentence of Vickens, my share, had been completed, but I was back in the inn to change into plain clothes), Sir Valmort came to use the call. It's easy to find a "Boyle Pavilion" where killers (Slaters) are staying in this city.

Heading out to the lobby of the "Tree Pavilion of the Village", the best inn in Balduk, Sir Valmort, the king's head of security, was waiting. I sat on the couch at the end of the lobby as recommended. Is there a sofa in the "Tree Pavilion of the Tree of the Tree"? Because I don't have a spring, I'm just stuffing my bread with feathers and straw or something, so the comfort of sitting is better than a wooden chair, or something like that.

"Regards, Mr. Gried, on the sale of armor to the Second Knights"

Sir Valmolt began to speak politely.

"Sir Valmolt, I'm a quasi nobleman, and as you can see, I'm young. Not even in front of His Majesty, so be polite, that..."

"Sure, you're right, but you're the head of the Grid Chamber of Commerce. And the Green Chamber of Commerce is an important chamber of commerce for our country, which delivers armor and other items to the First Knights. We're going to hang out with the Second Knights, so this is normal."

Huh? I didn't promise to deliver to the Second Knights.

"But… there is also a limit to the amount of armor produced… whether we can supply a satisfactory quantity…"

When I cloud my words,

"Well, I understand. I'd like to wear it one after the other. Can you take an order from the team leader class at the scene first and do it? Please."

That being said, Sir Valmolt bowed his head to me at my own age like a child.


"I was convinced about today's trial. We also took a look at the rubber armor submitted as evidence. Defense playing arrows with that lightness. It's absolutely necessary for the Second Knights in action."

Because the Second Knights, unlike the First, officially have infantry units, the Knights from the Second to the Fourth are a formation that makes it possible to carry out all kinds of combat in one Knights like a mixed regiment. Well, when I say regular army, I guess so.

Since the First Knights are elites, there are not so many opportunities to actually go out on the battlefield and interact directly with the enemy by taking command of the conflict. Of course, if you have to, fight ahead. You're strong. In contrast, the Second Knights are the main force in the conflict with Dabus. The overall command itself is often exercised by the Knights of the First Knights, but about a quarter of their constituents are constantly integrated into the Defense Corps of the territory of the Dart Plains. Naturally, the defense forces never have an army of the Horsemen, but they do not garrison constantly. After all, there will be more opportunities for direct combat of the personnel at the end than the First Knights.

"... ok. But one outfit every three months is the limit. We will contact the Knights later regarding prices, delivery times, measurements, etc."

Speaking of which, Sir Valmort looked openly relieved.

"Thank you. It really helps.... and the morning matter, but you care too much. Your Majesty likes Mr. Greed. His Majesty doesn't say that to a really disappointed opponent. Unlock the role without saying anything, or when you're too off track and angry...... you'll chop off one of your arms. I won't kill you, though. I didn't actually see it just because I heard it."

"... Really?"

"After that, Your Majesty was told. You might get some amazing magic tricks and a lot of money, like Viscount Grimson. And this is what he said. You are the only one His Majesty can forgive and talk to. Through" The Sheath, "one of the few men who knows how big His Majesty is."

Sir Valmort said with a delightful laugh. Indeed, I have been delivering custom condoms exclusively for kings who seem to be a little bigger than M, not about L-size since last summer. It was moulded in front of the king. Bigger or smaller, that was already, uzza, annoying order. I was also very happy with the fact that I fired him. There would be a subtle grin on my face, too.

"I won't help you, but they also told me to arrange for him to stay out of any way, like this one. How the hell can you do that?

Sir Valmolt said with a laugh that looked ridiculous. I certainly can't do that. I laughed at him, too, so I could laugh at him.

"Really... you have to work hard on this in the mood. How painful it is for His Majesty to apologize."

Having said that, I often cheered with Sir Valmolt.

When Sir Valmalt and I were talking in the lobby, the king was watching him from upstairs. It was on my oblique back side, so I didn't notice.

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