May 29, 7444.

I dropped Mizuchi off. When I went back to the "Boyle Pavilion" again, I put down my sword, took off my clothes, changed under my armor, and wore a rubber protector. That's what I saw. Some people feel like I could take a break from training as much as I did today, but I can't blunt my biggest capital, the flesh. I was pretty tired mentally, but if you ask me if I'm physically fatigued, it's because I'm not. I walked many kilometers in the labyrinth, but I don't see how that's going to happen now.

Looks like Engela was picking me up from "Shooney" because it was a little later than my usual workout time. Sleepy Engella was waiting in front of the "Boyle Pavilion".

"Good morning, are you out of booze?

"Yes, I'm fine"

Exchange greetings and prepare for gymnastics. Slowly run to Mount Outer Ring. I just got into the training road at the top of the mountain (which I named of my own accord) and I usually get up to speed, but I'll keep this pace for a while today. I wanted to talk to Engela for a second.

"Hey, Engela."

"Yes, what is it?

"What about you, Giberti?

"... What do you mean?

Her face is a little red. Did you feel good or simply because you're running?

"No, when you tried to help me, you did, didn't you?

"Well, I'm one of a kind, and I don't hate it. How much easier would it be for me if it wasn't..."


That being said, when the magic runs out, the other guy can be anybody. Anything you can eat, anything you can eat, it's going to be in your mouth. I guess Xenom avoided it because some reason remains, and Tris still has the pain of a fracture and can't move. Zulu is losing his mind and can't move this either. The only thing left is Giberti, and there's almost no choice.

Honestly, I'm not a ghost enough to say this about the wind discipline in the party until it's out of magic. If I was out of magic, I'd be a goat if they were even biological females. If anyone can stand that one, I can respect it unconditionally. But I remember that time well, and I remember perfectly what I did and how I felt then. I was worried that I would regret being an unintentional opponent.

"That's fine, I'm sorry to hear you're boring, forgive me.... Let's go."

That's what I said and increased my speed.

We circled Mount Outer Ring and headed down the road along the river back to Balduk. About 25 Km for just over two hours. Now I can harden myself into gear and run at this speed on mountain roads. Regardless of Zulu, Engela is now well followed, even though she is not equipped with armor. Back at the Boyle Pavilion, I told Engela,

"Wait a minute."

So when I went back to the room, I went back with a bag of rubber.

"It contains 10 things to replace the bowel of a pig. You know pig intestines, don't you?

When I say that in a flat voice that I can't even say goodbye, it turns bright red.

"Huh? Ahhh... no, I know... well... wow, I've used it before, but, uh, not really"

I said in embarrassment. What is this guy, did he look like this?

"Hmm? You don't know how to use it? Then give it to the other guy. Once you open the seal, just run out. It's okay to lick the water inside, but it can rot easily. I would have it for two days at this time of year. Don't keep the rest of it. Throw it away. Then you're the only one paying this guy. Don't tell anyone else."

"... Yes"

with a rubber bag in Engela's hand that turned bright red,

"Well, you know, what? Sometimes you want to dissipate, too. Be careful with your pregnancy. It's not like this is going to be okay, but compared to when you don't use it."

That's what I said, and I turned back on my heels without even listening to my reply. It would be my duty to control the physical condition of the slaves as well. But I saw it, you, you look like that when you're embarrassed.

At the end of the day's breakfast, when everyone was relaxing and drinking tea, I opened my mouth.

"Oh, yeah, gibberty. You go to the King's Guild Chamber of Commerce now. This is the place."

That's what I say and give you a note.

"Go to the King's Capital and give this note to a soldier who looks as tall as you can, who seems to read the letters, and the place will tell you. There are rubber products in the store, so you should know soon enough. Say hello to the guys at the store there who are my new slaves. Then get your boots made. The money... okay. No, take it. Ho."

That said, I gave Kim Joo one (250000Z).

"Buy all the rubber cloth 5m in the fishing. And you can have lunch today. Come back by dinner."

Giberti left the store when he understood.

"Well, we're talking about something else. The story after I got trapped. Let's change the place a bit. Travel to the Boyle Pavilion. Zulu and Engela come too."

That's what I said and pointed my foot at the "Boyle Pavilion". I also bought a lunch sandwich for everyone along the way.

When eight people enter the boulder, my room is full. It's a little narrow, but I can't help it. Sit in the chair I moved to the back of the room and let Ralpha, Ghine and Belle sit in bed. Of course it's a bed of straw, so I had to get my shoes off and let them sit on top, so the bastard didn't want to put them on. Zenom in the other chair that pinched me and my little desk, brought three chairs from the other room and Tris next to Zenom, Zulu behind them both, Engela sat down.

"It's gonna be a little long, so take it easy and listen to me."

Everyone pays attention to me. I can't hear one shiver. I wonder how much you wanted to hear. But......

"Actually, there are two kinds of people in this..."

Everyone stared at me with their own faces. Is that it? Well, come on.

"It's someone who was born with a memory of a previous life and someone who isn't... Zulu, Engela. Until now I have kept my mouth shut to you, but five of us except Zenom... Ralpha, Ghine, Tris and Bell were born remembering what they were before they were born"

Is that it?

"Why aren't you surprised there?

It was particularly strange that Zulu and Engela were not surprised at all. Did they even think you were making a boring joke?

"I heard it yesterday"

Zulu answered calmly.


"After I left your husband and left the labyrinth, I carried him to this inn so that everyone could grab the murky lal. I couldn't move. Master Kalostaran was with me, so it was very difficult."

Engela said. What's wrong with that? Engela continues and opens her mouth.

"Mr. Xenom and Mr. Lar had an argument when we brought Lar into the room."

I saw Ralpha and Xenom in a pompous way. And Tris, sitting next to Xenom, gazed back at the bed, Belle and Guine, and finally Larfa.


Ralpha said in a fuzzy way.


What's this really about?

"'Cause I abandoned you and I'm getting out of the labyrinth, and I told Xenom," You abandoned me because I'm a reincarnator, you're not an oath person, you're one of us, Al would never have abandoned me "..."

Huh? What's that? What are you talking about? Absolutely. My mouth should be half open right now.

"I said something I shouldn't have said... sorry... sorry"

Ralpha has been depressed and bowing her head to me.


This guy...

"Ralpha. What are you not supposed to say?

"Huh? That's when we were reincarnated and" it's not "

I think it had a pretty strong tone.

"That's not true. It's okay to say that. Believe it or not, it's up to the guy who hears it to judge... Of course, so far, I've never gone beyond saying it because it's more harmful. But as much as I was about to say now to Zulu and Engela, I thought it was time to say it. Anyway, these guys have been together for almost two years now. Don't think you know your personality, and most importantly, you won't betray us. But you, you said that to Xenom, you asshole! You, get out of there! Have a 'front seat' on the floor today and listen to me, you mess!

I stood up furiously, pointing to the floor in front of the bed and yelling at Ralpha. He was breathing on his shoulder with Ralpha staring at him.

"Apologize to Xenom before you do! How do you, Xenom, feel... damn it! Belle! Tris! You guys are you too! You guys... don't miss it when the grownups follow you..."

Belle and Tris are all good places, but I couldn't stand them. Guine suddenly couldn't hide the colour of fright in my sword screen. Ralpha yelled at me. She finally seemed to realize,

"Xenom............ Dad...... sorry"

I said and bowed my head to Xenom. It seemed a little half-baked, but you don't know. Reflect. Xenom grinned and nodded bitterly when he saw it. I looked at Tris and said I was going to sit somewhere in the chair.

"Does Giberti know?

"No, I don't think you do. Zulu, Marceau, what about yesterday to Larry?

Tris asked Zulu and Engela looking back.

"" I didn't say ""

When I put my left elbow on the desk, I put my forehead on my left hand and heard the reply.

"Well, you both already know..."

I checked with Zulu and Engela.

"I think I've heard a lot about it."

Answered by Zulu on behalf.

"... ok. Is there someone else we've been hearing about?

"I don't think so. Larry was asking me to go get some pain medication as soon as I left the labyrinth, and me and Guine jumped right out after that to make sure the crowd was there. I made sure no one else was in the room at that time. The innkeeper was almost absent, and the manager at the front desk gave him the money when he got back, just in case he had to go get a healer."

Bell answered. Surely it was early morning when these guys came back. I wonder why the night dawned on me as I returned to the inn. Was it after the guests went for breakfast too?

"Well...... fine. If Bell checks, he'll be fine.... Then I'll break it down about us. … Continued. Let's get back to it. Let's start with a little schematic."

I look around and open my mouth again.

"That trap is a special one. As soon as it fits, it seems to absorb magic. It's like a wet, clueless slope inside, so I can't crawl up first if I get caught. On the contrary, you'd better think it's impossible to stay alone. And then, after a while, they start falling down the slope, and they don't even have crystals to transfer it."

I took a sip of water.

"The destination is definitely fourteen layers first. I just judged it by the number of metastases I had when I came back, so I don't know if it's the fourteen layers in the true sense. But I shall call it that for convenience here. So, I was transferred somewhere on the fourteenth floor. I know you can imagine, but I went around out of magic and managed to rest for about three hours."

I stuck my finger in my hair and stirred it up. I don't stretch my hair all I want because I get a haircut from Bell on a regular basis.

"So, another guy in that trap fell over me when I was resting"

Everyone heard you sipping and spitting.

"... he was... a Dark Elf." Hmm, Durrow, that's unusual!?

Xenom said.

"Xenom, there is a continuation. Listen to me. He's named Chizu Tuna Glor... his real name is called Vertebra. My old men."

I felt the shock run into the room as if struck by lightning as well.


"Mr. Al... that's... that's"

"Just like us."


"Are you a reincarnator"


"Oh, yeah. He's been a hard worker for a long time, but he still seemed like he was working out pretty well. It was like 'ninja' clothes, though. Well, naturally, it was hard for him to run out of magic, so I tied him up right away with a cloth cut like his headscarf to rest."

Ralpha and Guine's eyes softened as they looked at me somehow but as they ate in. Should I tell these guys that I've got a woman?

"Then... this is also what I wanted everyone to hear from you today. The fourteen layers are very different from the other layers we've seen so far. First of all, there are no walls throughout the layer. Think of it as a big room with a whole layer in one circle. Besides, the floor doesn't even glow. So it's dark. I don't think I can even see it on the night of Zulu (Night Vision). I guess the only thing that works is infrared vision (infrastructural vision).

Then, in the center of the layer, there is a "doughnut" about 100 m in diameter. No, there is a structure where there is one nesting room of demons shaped like a wheel, and there is a room of crystals of further transition within that wheel. That crystal did not show a spell of metastasis. So I also feel likely the bottom tier, but it could be just a branched hierarchy of end-of-life.

I walked a lot when I fell, but I never came across a demon outside the demon room in the center of it. There were a number of bodies that apparently starved to death of victims who used to fall into that trap. The body wasn't vandalized at all... so I don't think there 'll be any demons in the aisle. "

I took another sip of water.

"I can't turn on one of the lights because there's no magic when I just fell in too. As much as I thought my eyes were crushed at first. So, a dark elf fell over me sleeping in that place, so I thought it was a monster raid at first, too. At that time, the magic was healing just a little, so I turned on the lights immediately and checked the target. He was out of magic, so I tied him up, and I took another break to completely restore my magic. Then the magic recovered, so we walked around together to escape and finally found a room that looked like the center."

I reassembled the legs I was putting together.

"It was a pretty powerful demon, but I managed to knock it down and get out. My ex-boyfriend in the dark elf broke up once because he had something left to do in his hometown. It may take a few months, maybe more than a year, but I plan to rendezvous eventually. We all won't know about this guy, and I'm not telling you to trust him now. But I personally trust him for a reason, from the top of my head to the tip of my nails. He's definitely on my side."

I rode myself out and poked my elbows at the desk, putting my chin on my assembled hand.

"What I want you to remember here is that after the next time, in case you get into the same, no, similar trap. Look, don't ever move around. Demons don't come out. Out of magic...... a lot of hard, but round your body and go to sleep. And don't ever think about taking down the lord of the room in the center of the room on your own. I'll be there to help you. Wait till then. Maybe the Lord out there can't win without me mixing up. Then there will be victims, even if there are too many. Even if you let me in, it's tough if it's not two or three at best. Never forget this."

The rescue team that will come later will surely be out of magic, so it would also be sufficient if you let them have about two pieces of rope to tie up about 1m of stuff. And then, like, fire magic props. You can make it a volume of about a bottle of water around here if you put it together in small pieces, so you can even have it prepared on a dedicated porch.

And I uttered the last closing words.

"This time, a lot happened, but what I managed to come back to is that I was able to recover the lost magic. And that there was another guy who could use magic. Well, it's tough that you can simply use magic. I don't necessarily have the same Lord next time, but in case you're the same Lord, with me... right, I can't win without someone who can at least use a little more magic than Bell. I'll tell you more about this Lord later, but honestly, if I'm alone, it's tough without a spear. I think it really sucked that it was a sword. Even if we could have won, it is likely that we had suffered major injuries. I repeat, if you get into that trap, don't move as much as you can. Rest, calmly wait for my rescue. 'Cause I'm gonna be there."

Listening to this story, they were all shaking their bodies horribly.

"But like I just said, I don't care if he could use magic, but if he had a bow master like Bell and had a good enough number of arrows, I guess that would have been nice."

From now on, we will talk in more detail, take questions and answer them. Like this, for example.

"Its lord, but I understand that if there is me and Al to defeat, it can be defeated, but why is it bad when there are others?

"Oh, I guess. The body is huge...... a sphere a little over 2m in diameter. So, I have a big first eye and a big fangy mouth and it's floating. There are many tentacles growing from above the sphere's body, from which comes a series of magic. If we don't put up an anti-magic fence, the party with ten knights will be wiped out."

"Oh no...!

"I guess I got lucky this time. It became like a magical root comparison and eventually my magic power outweighed my opponent, so I could stick and win until the eyeball bastard couldn't use the magic. Oh, it was his name, Death-Tyrant Kin. That was undead. I think it was a big win because my brain was rotten and I acted like an idiot."


"Hey, that dark elf guy, he knows Al, right? You said you had business in your hometown, and you couldn't be behind that? I've missed you so much... I've never talked to Dark Elves before when I was looking for Tris and Guine."

"He says your brother is seriously ill. I came all the way to Balduk to earn that drug money and fell into a trap. The demon stone I picked from Death-Tyrant Kin this time was pretty heavy, but I did it to him on the drug bill."

"Hmm...... but you know what? I don't know what else to do if that's the case."

"I'll see you soon. Be good with me then."


"Al, you know... it's very hard to hear... but Al's guess is fine, for example, right? It's that trap, but it's fine if me and Bell fall together. Besides, I can imagine about what would happen if Bell and Al or Bell and Xenom fell between the opposite sexes, but if men or women fell between each other... well, what would happen? How was the dark elf guy?

What did I tell you about Mizuchi? Well, no. You'd be surprised if you saw him in person.

"Tris, you... I hate to say this... Mizuchi... oh, this is like a dark elf nickname, but he didn't even listen because he immediately tied it up and rolled it. I can kind of imagine it because I've been through it. Ralpha and Engela can kind of imagine, too, can't they? I don't think there's anything to worry about. There comes a wave of insanely intense desires, but it doesn't make you completely irrational. I think the hoop will loosen up a lot, but I don't think it's in the boulder that far."

"I think your husband is right too..."

"Me too, it's a boulder..."

"I don't care how many good men Tris looks like a woman... now convince me"

"Excuse me......"


"I can't believe it's a whole bigger room... even I'm going to get lost. what do you think"

"No, I don't know that. Sorry."

"That's right..."


"Hey, Al. How many layers did that Durrow fit into that trap?

"Two layers. I don't know, but I think it's going to be four, five, six or less layers... that's why we talked today."

"I knew it...... from now on I have to pay attention to the walls of my room too.... if you don't lean on me..."

"Yeah, and then you have to get beat up like me. It's important to keep an eye on the six-layer Lord's" Cave Great Boar "."


"But your husband. I didn't know there was such a horrible trap… I can't go without reviewing my personal gear and taking care not to take the minimum off even though it's in battle"

"Oh, not at all. You'd better make something like a dedicated pouch. A minimum of a day's worth of preserved food and, if possible, a water bottle, a fire magic prop, a little bit of a long rope."

"That doesn't sound like a big amount."

"Oh, Zulu, I'll give you the money later, so watch out for Engela and the porch that looks good for everyone and buy it."

"I'm in awe"


"Master, I've never seen a dark elf, but are you sure your skin color is different from everyone else's?

"Oh, usually dark to purple, almost black. You have a lot of light shades of hair like gray hair. I saw her this time because she had the same blood mixed with me, and her hair was black and her skin was light purple."

"Heh, you really have that different skin color. I'm surprised."

"I've seen it several times because I lived in Wang Du, but it was more surprising to have big ears and tails. Dogs (Dogwars) and werewolves (Wolfwars) have four breasts..."

"There may be six of us."

Something like that.

Along the way, I was talking to him until about 3: 00 p.m., whilst I was scooping lunch. Around evening Larry returned safely and we all had dinner. Larry brought a 249520Z change. He said he gave me the rubber bottom boots and rubber pull cloth for free. Well, my brother's not back yet, and I haven't decided on a sale price. But this change, did you leave me alone... Hmm.

May 30, 7444.

Today is the day of Balduk's judgment. The shining blade (Bright Blade) will also finally be completely destroyed. This happens because it strikes me in the labyrinth. I don't care how much you attack me, but even this one's not as popular as getting hit in silence. By and large, even your favorite icon, the sister of Black Yellow Ball (Black Topaz), is delighted because her competitors have decreased and their fruit has increased for that matter. Even Andersen's sister is not a saint prince. I was in a good mood, drunk with the members, making a fuss when I met you at the drinker's after that.

Wearing superior clothes and swords on his hips because he needed to stand as a witness, he went to the square in front of the administration. Of course I haven't repaired my helmet or protector, which is evidence. Tris and Bell handed me the evidence. Nearly two years ago, since I was present at the execution of DeLeonora, who attacked Bell, I've been greeting her and showing her face at the trial, but she's still an amazing crowd.

Looks like the guards are from the crest this time around. The Second Knights. I don't necessarily have a team leader, but I should probably say hello to the person in charge because he is also a customer in the near future.

At any rate, greeting His Majesty the King first.

I asked the Knights' soldiers guarding the entrance to the administration to confirm their status by telling them that the head of the Greed Chamber of Commerce had come to greet His Majesty so he could take over.

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