May 3, 7444

The holidays are over.

We will resume another six-layer offensive today.

From the information obtained during this holiday, the Labyrinth was not simply a place to gain treasure, but also a place (long) to obtain a catalyst for witchcraft to negotiate with the operator to unlock the "report" witchcraft that was put on me.

Let's change the mood.

I'm supposed to be in King's Capital until yesterday, so I'm paying everyone before the holidays. There is no reason to be late.

I looked around at the faces of all of them eating fried eggs, roasted chicken and a poorly made muffin breakfast.

Yeah, they all make you feel alive and energetic with a lively eye.

You seem to have enjoyed the rest of the day.

If you say so, he's dead.

Said Ralpha when he saw Zenom and the Zulu sitting next to him.

You're talking about the Hoya people who died in the morning...

You didn't even tell me, and this place is limited to ignoring.


"By whom?

Zulu replied as Xenom put the stir-fried eggs on the muffin, hanging the pepper on the stir-fried eggs.

"Look, after us... mmm, there were those guys who came to Balduk about a while after Marceau came in because they went to the second floor. That foreign noble tiger tribe (Tigerman)"

I guess there were ribs left on the roast chicken. Ralpha said as he took the bone out of his mouth.

"Oh, the young guy who says lowkiss or something. Marquis or something? Is he dead?

Said Xenom while completing the egg muffins.

"No, you're that kid, not Lowkiss. Beak is a Bunny Man. I guess it's about a little bit like Marceau came in. When Zulu followed me to my shopping, we had a fight, didn't we? Don't you remember? Zulu."

"... I don't remember. There were a lot of people involved with Mr. Coroyl back then, so we used to fight all the time."

You remember how much bread you've been eating? Is that him?

I certainly don't remember any of it.

Honestly, I don't remember hearing that I could have rubbed or fought with the Lowkisses either. About the other day in the labyrinth. It won't be impossible for Zulu not to remember either.

"Oh well. Well, no. So, the bunnyman died in the labyrinth after interacting with an orc. But he retreated, so he couldn't retrieve the body."

Ralpha said, replacing the ribs removed from the chicken with claw twigs.

Is this guy really a woman?

I'm going to be trapped in serious doubt.

I guess Bell hasn't noticed because he's as good as usual with Tris, but Guiney is staring at him. Maybe my expression doesn't make a big difference from Guineh's either.

"Isn't that a common story? Something bothering you, too?

said Engella as she removed herself from the roast of chicken and pinched it in the muffin.

Looks like Xenom is busy attacking the finished egg muffins.

"It's not uncommon. I think the beak was just alarming. Oh, Master Karostaran, can I have some pepper?

You're wearing too much pepper, Zulu. You can often eat with such a cheerful face.

"Well, you think so. But I don't know if it's one or two layers, but if you take an oak for now or seriously injure one, you're running off on your own, so depending on what you think, goblins and knolls are more dangerous. It must have been a bad hit."

Sure, Ralpha is right, orcs and hobgoblins are quite capable of individual combat, but they often retreat slightly after a bit of damage because they specialize in organized mass warfare.

Though Knoll is somewhat of a hassle, Knoll is troublesome when it comes to troublesome because he often chooses to fight even alongside goblins.

Sometimes less powerful adventurers are eaten (killed).

But anyway, if you're a newbie (Newbie), it's rare that middle-aged adventurers to the point of stepping into two layers get their members killed around the oak. It's not as unnatural as it sounds.

"Mr. Al, why is Lar like this? I don't think it used to be like this, but people are different things..."

Guine has been talking to me with the muffins on a small plate of olive oil and the ham on top of it.

"Really...... I don't know much about the old days, but even when I met him, he was wearing a cat about the first day. And then it's gonna be like this forever."

Yeah, Ralpha was watching me answer Guineh on the side, but he didn't say anything.

'Cause it's the truth.

Looks like Larfa decided to ignore us when she looked like "I didn't lie to you," biting off the roasted legs of the chicken, and started talking to the Zenoms.

From the opposite side of the Ralphas,

"Stop eating all the meat and eat the eggs."

"Uh, 'cause you don't like eggs. I kept it for you."

"What? Really? Thanks. Love it."

"Me too, of course. So if you don't want to eat that chicken, go ahead."

"That's da me"

And I can hear strange conversations, whether you envy me or not.

As usual, a couple of Tris and Bell are wussy in the morning.

You guys up to today's three-story little room, avant-garde decision.

May 8, 7444.

We came back from the labyrinth last night. We slept plenty of nights and took a day off today. We're all eating dinner now. This "Murowa" drinks slowly and relaxes in a tavern-like shop that sells skewers and eats rice. If you dive into the labyrinth for five days in a row, you do nothing the day after you return from the labyrinth because it uses considerable nerves. I allow myself to be sloppy and self-depraved.

Still, either me or the slaves need a run in for two hours. Sometimes these days, Tris and Guine both face each other in their morning runs. I don't run with people because the courses and pace are different.

This labyrinth row yielded no great gains. It's just the monster's demon stone. I'm not depressed because this is supposed to be the norm, but I was just a little disappointed because I dived into the labyrinth quite intentionally.

Uh, I don't know if there's any more crystal stones out there soon.

"Today, if I'd had dinner with Guineh at" Las Runes, "I'd have asked again."

Looks like Ralpha's been purchasing some foolish information again. No, information is not noble. It's like a rumor that gets played at a wellside conference. Housewife, you?


Bell is asking Ralpha back. Flush there.

Tris and I looked at each other and Tris poured a lukewarm beer from the pitcher into my jock. I asked my waitress Lion Clan (Lios) sister for two skewers of pork loin and poured a beer on Tris' jock as well.

As the waitress's sister rocked her long beautiful scarlet hair through my order to the kitchen, she sat alone at the table next to her and started talking about something. Why don't you sit across the street?

Engela, Ghine and Xenom seem to be thriving on the subject of Ghine's beard, which has recently begun to grow loudly. If you look closely under your nose and at the tip of your jaw, you have a mustache to a certain extent. I hear a conversation that is comforting to the distressed Gühne. "A woman without a mustache is unattractive" or Xenom is drooling over your theory, but doesn't seem to get approval.

Tris cleverly eats dried Ibody with MY chopsticks. I took a sip of beer thinking that I could still simmer Caesargo with MY chopsticks (Tris could use the chopsticks properly and like them).

"So, now even Johnny. Do you remember? Was it last winter, oh, before I met Tris and the others last year, so maybe after New Year's Eve. I'm a Tigerman who's been trying to dictate Bell in" Dunful. "

Rumor-loving housewife's voice.

"Uh, I don't remember. Too many."

It's the voice of a raven with a camato.


"No, I really don't remember, not disgust or anything."

"Yes, yes, you're hot."

"Mm-hmm. That's not true."

"So, it seems like it was about yesterday, but that Johnny died. Looks like a trap. That crossbow one. I was hoping to hook you up with that. We need to be careful..."

Hey, is he dead?

He's the one who got me involved, isn't he?

Hooked up in a trap and dying, that's really dumb.

When he noticed, the dried ebody in front of Tris was beautifully boned only as if after it had been eaten by a fairy, and Tris stared at it with a difficult face.

"What's up?

What are you looking so hard at?

"Huh? No, this ebony seabream, it's not. I was wondering if I could ask for another one because the ibodie is very tasty, or if I could simmer it like Al."

That's the one that bothers you in weird places.

"Mmm, I'll do half a dozen then. Ibody, please. Half a body."

When I say,

"Is that okay? Then I will. Sorry......"

Tris answered happily and called the clerk, but the waitress was on Zulu's lap at the table next to us. Work.

The waitress nevertheless took Tris' order and headed to the kitchen, unfortunately with his index finger around Zulu's chest. Zulu, who got the gaze of me and Tris, was slipping his eyes and carrying the jock into his mouth. You have tea or water in it.

"But if Ralpha's story is true, Mr. Lowkiss and this party will be understaffed. If they do two, there 'll be eight of them, right? Wouldn't it be pretty hard on you militarily if you were doing it with ten people? Well, it's not something I worry about, but even slaves buy it."

"I don't know. Sure enough, they were six when they came to Balduk. Then you immediately became ten full members in a row with the foursome guys, right? I don't know if the four of them bought the warrior. Why don't you scout and buy the right guys again?

"Heh, are you a pretty decent leader? Well, I hope you let me earn it."

"I don't know that far. But if it's about two layers, you'll still make money. You can't make a bunch of money if you don't go to three layers?

"So now you're saying you're a good mouth? I don't have a track record, but I follow you a lot."

"No, it's pretty early to be able to go two levels there for a year and a half. You must be pretty good."

May 18, 7444.

The last day of the three holidays.

After training for collaboration, we were about to have an early dinner. I'll meet you at the restaurant in Las Runes. I was walking for the Boyle Pavilion with five non-slaves once I went back to the inn to put my gear down and get lighter.

"It's Mr. Gried, isn't it, of the Killers (Slaters)"

It was the young Lios woman who spoke to me in front of the inn. That's the face I saw somewhere, I remembered.

That's the guy who was at Lowkiss' party.

[Candice Hersh] Level eight? Sir Hersh's eldest daughter.

What can I do for you?

"Yes, but what can I do for you"

Turn to the woman (candy) and reply. Everyone in the slaughterhouse (Slaters) is watching.

"I need to talk to you for a minute, so I'd like to borrow your time..."

He wouldn't hesitate to tell me, but his eyes were firmly staring at me.

"Fine. What is it?

When I answered, Candy looked a little horny and took over the words.

"Um, could you please go back to Ron Slyle?


"Actually... there have been a lot of deaths at our party lately... One member and one combat slave have died in a two-story demon room today as well...... So you talked about buying a new combat slave..."

Oh, you mean that. I bought Zulu and Engella. "Slave Shop, Ron Slyle" has been quite famous lately. Somehow his reputation has grown as a store that supplied two avant-gardes of killers (Slaters), and adventurers who can afford some nostalgia have become more of a recent trend to buy combat slaves in "Slave Stores, Ron Slyle," rather than the 'Turney Chamber of Commerce', which until then has been acclaimed as a battle slave store. Everything. They also need an appointment now. Commercial prosperity, that's quite a thing.

Still, that elf madam sometimes speaks to me when a good slave arrives. Speaking of which, after spending five days in the labyrinth, I had more luggage. Maybe I could buy a slave with a luggage carrier and luggage number.

I thought about it a little bit.

"Can you wait a minute?

And I said to Candy, looking back at everyone,

"Well, it's convenient to have luggage, isn't it?

I asked.


"Oh, it's a long way to go"

"I would always ask Marceau to prepare a meal..."

"I'd prefer a guy with a better massage than Zulu"

"It would help if you were here."

or something like that.

"Then I'll get one when I get dressed. You need to go to Las Runes first."

When I say that, Tris and Guine, who have never seen a slave trader, accompany him. He does so. "If Tris was going, I'd go, too," Bell also said, "If you want to go, come with me," they seemed to decide to accompany him, and for some reason I got a little excited. Ralpha and Xenom seemed to care, so I decided to ask them to go to the diner first.

It should be noted that, for me, buying slaves is not much different than hiring very low-cost employees.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. I buy one slave too because it's just fine. Do you want to come with me? I'll introduce you."

And when I told Candy, he seemed happy.

Well, it's not quite normal, is it? The act of sending salt to potential enemies (competitors). But honestly, it doesn't really matter how strong my party is or how my slaves work, and it's not a bad idea to sell your favors to a good party there. It can't be a blasted story, or a "squashing pattern (rival)."

"Um, I'll get a leader right away. I'll be waiting for you in front of the store, thank you."

"Oh, we'll be on our way when we get dressed too."

So I broke up with her.

I just finished getting dressed, dressed in tight clothes, put only my sword back in my sheath, and with my sword bands on my hips, I can just see Ralpha and Xenom heading back to the store.

"That party, we've lost four guys in the last two weeks or so."

"That would happen if you challenged a reckless opponent to fight. Not uncommon."

"In our case, Al is here."

"Right. His judgment in the labyrinth is correct. I'm trying not to push it as hard as I can. Still, that's all I make."

I can hear you talking about something like that.

If I can't do something, I'm surviving the last time, because I'm the only one...

Tris and the three of them headed to the 'Slave Shop, Ron Slyle'.

Going as far as "Ron Slyle" while talking to Tris and the others about when he bought Zulu and Engella, Mitt League Lowkiss and the earlier candy were waiting in front of the store.

As we approach, Lowkiss comes in and says hello.

"Excuse me, Mr. Gried. They can introduce you to Ron Slyle...... it helps. Thank you so much."

"No, never mind. I was just about to buy one, too."

That's what I said and walked into the store.

As usual, Madame, who was loosening her cigarettes at the store reception, ran over for a small run when she noticed me.

"This, Master Gried. Welcome aboard. Here you go."

and recommended the couch to us. I encouraged Lowkiss and the two of us to sit back on the couch. Candy and Tris are standing behind our couch.

"Hey, how's business? Everything has grown considerably..."

I came in from public discourse.

"Let's see. Because we have quite a few reservations, we are still making more purchases. Recently, the treatment of our Chamber of Commerce has also not surpassed the sum of agricultural slaves, simple slaves and sex slaves. The reputation of the supplier is also excellent. Until now, in total, we treated about thirty people a year, but thanks to you, we exceeded forty last year. All increments are combat slaves. Ho ho."

Wow, that's over 33% growth. Well, the place pattern. Until now, there must have been ten battle slaves and twenty cluttered slaves left in total.

"That's amazing. But... you have an appointment..."

I said it like I knew but was in trouble.

"Oh? Was it a long time ago purchase today? That's troublesome. The stock of raw hate and combat slaves..."

Really, but Madame said with a look like she said.

"Oh, I'm not here today to buy a combat slave. Well, I've never been over a sturdy slave, but this time I want a slave dedicated to luggage carrying (porter). Please show me your inventory. General slavery would be fine, wouldn't it? And this is the son of Marquis Lowkiss, an adventurer (fellow industrialist) in Balduk. The warrior wants him to buy it... oh my god. I'm sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if you could arrange this sooner."

"Oh, yeah. You can't go down there without introducing Master Gried. But we don't have any combat slaves in stock right now... we're due to arrive at the end of the month or so... sorry"

Madam said so and carefully bowed her head against Lowkiss. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

"What!? Really...... can I make an appointment?

Lowkiss asked Madam.

"Yeah, that's for sure. May I ask about the inn? I will use it as soon as it arrives. This is Greed's introduction, so let's take a look at it before we show it to the other customers."

Oh, I guess I made you pay too much attention. That's bad.

Lowkiss left the store telling Madame she was staying at the inn when she showed her status. This time he had all three of them booked combat slaves.

You have money when you're the Marquis' son.

That's what I thought, but apparently he's ready for all his fortune. Looks like he had a detailed meeting with Candy and told him about a critical budget.

Well, it's someone else's nostalgia. Why not?

More than that, it's finally your turn to show me the slaves in your inventory.

"Oh, Mr. Ronslyle. Slaves for luggage carriers (porters) only, so they are not too young or too old. I'd prefer a man in his mid-twenties to mid-thirties. I'm not going to let you fight, so you don't need to deal with weapons. But it would be nice if you could be powerful and seem to be physically fit. And I'd prefer someone who's also good at cooking and massaging."

Hearing my luxurious request, Madame puts her hand on her chin and thinks.

"Mr. Al, don't you have to be a combat slave? If I get attacked when I'm giving my luggage number..."

Tris sounded worried.

"No, you don't have to. It's not like there's gonna be monsters out there, and there's not going to be much I can do about it by myself if more and more other parties attack me. It's no use letting them resist. I know you're a combat slave, but either way, you're not gonna help. You won't need to be on the move or in the fight. I'm not taking you on a dangerous six-story walk."

Madame says as if she was waiting for me to finish answering.

"Go ahead, over here. I'll have it ready now, but there's only about two of us with raw hatred."

We followed Madam and walked in the back room. I waited awhile and Madame came back with two men.

[Lawrence Giberti] Level 4 25-year-old Dog Race

[Matthew Bassis] Level 5, 32, Pu.

Both are in good condition and look healthy. But you didn't even have to appraise it. [Super olfactory] Gibberti is better for a minute. Bassis isn't bad, and his muscle strength seems to be a little above that of Giberti, but Giberti will be out soon enough for the younger part.

"What is the price for these two?

"It's 3.5 million Z for both of us. I'm not from a serf, and I worked as a carpenter in Lombertier. There is not much carpentry technology, and since you are an irresistible greed, you have been introduced to us this time and we will study."

3.5 million Z. You're not a serf, you don't have a function. As a slave in general, well, that's a normal price.

"Can I talk to you?

Bell told Madam.

"Yeah, go ahead."

Madam replied, smiling.

"What's your name, guys?

This is Lawrence Giberti.

I'm Matthew Bassis.

We both answered honestly. That's right.

"Have you ever been into a labyrinth?



You bet.

"Can you use a sword or a spear?

I also started listening to Guine. But that's too lame for you.

"I've never even gripped it"

"Not Available"

Well, it doesn't make a big difference, either way. Enough for you guys to decide anyway. But these guys, they just seem to be talking about it out of interest.

"Do you smoke?



Cigarettes are a hobby, slaves don't smoke.

"Can you cook?

"Yes, I'm good at it"

"Most things."

I made a deal.

"What about the massage?

"It's been planted by your previous husband"

"Is that okay!?

Hey, why watch the bell!?

I accidentally saw Tris' face...

I'm staring at you disgusted. That's right. This Puppet tribe is no good.

It will be enough already.

"Then...... yes, 3.5 million Z. I'll take the dogwart."

"Yes, indeed. I'll have proof of sale by tomorrow morning. Is the shrine tomorrow? Later?

"Oh, I'll come and pick it up tomorrow morning, then I'll do it. Hey, let's go."

May 19, 7444.

Before I went to the labyrinth, I stopped by 'Slave Shop, Lon Slyle' to receive Lawrence Giberti, and with his feet I went to the shrine to perform the naming ritual.

Buy a big backpack and make everyone carry baggage such as change of clothes and food.

As always, I personally carry the rucksack, but as I used to do, I only put in a few small things for three days of portable preserved food (about 1kg with dried meat), which made me pretty light.

Before noon we entered the labyrinth, not so much late at night, but before 10: 00 at night we were able to reach the room of a three-layer, metastasized crystal rod.

May 20, 7444.

I came to the room of a crystal rod with five layers of transfer.

Until now, it had taken about an hour or two to break through four layers and five layers, but it had been shortened by nearly an hour.


Giberti is a pretty cheerful man, already called Larry by everyone. At least if you get used to purchasing him from now on, you'll also have a somewhat shorter time collecting demon stones on the road.

Most importantly, it's certainly easy not to have to carry stubborn baggage.

Four nights' worth of underwear and skincare alone can be quite a lot, and food can weigh quite a bit. He also put in four nights and five days for nine, including spares, for a total of 140 meals. The first package would weigh about 50 kg in total if it included pans, stoves and barrels.

Of course, if I carry it alone from the beginning, it slows down the speed of travel, so I will share about two to three Kg per person.

This weighs about five kg of rucksack per person at first, but everyone's luggage is considerably lighter on day one. Until now, I have never brought eggs because I can't eat them if I throw them out in battle, but from this time on, I can eat eggs even in the labyrinth, and I won't throw out vegetables, bread, etc. and crumble them, so the food situation will improve.

My stay in the labyrinth, the second night following last night, was also somewhat more comfortable.

Giberti's culinary skill was quite something.

Should I buy a little better stove?

The massage is not as good as Zulu's, but it's pretty good.

Um, that's good to buy.

How much is Giberti's salary?

I'm not a combat slave, and can I get a monthly salary of about 20,000 Zs (two silver coins)?

May 21, 7444.

"Hanko, please"

Look at the quotation provided and see if there are any problems. Yeah, I'm fine. The price would be a good place too.

"Come on."

He pressed the seal of Shachihata and also stamped the corner seal of the company.

"Thank you"

Inoue receives a quote from me and heads to the multiplexer. I guess I'll make it a PDF document and email it to the other side. I went back to work on the materials for next week's sales meeting. I've been hanging up on the dossier since before noon without even taking lunch today. Here's what always happens on Wednesdays before meetings. I have to make it up by the end of the day and get an O.K. for the head of department by the end of the week.

I have my subordinates create detailed tables, graphs, etc., but I have to write the text of the materials themselves. Last month's order trends and stock volumes, forecasts for the future, reasons and rationalizations that led to it. It's troublesome, but I can't help it. It's the director who reads this out in the middle of a meeting, but if there's a question or a penetration, it's my job to explain it.

… do you want to take a break?

Remove the cigarette and lighter from the suit that was hung on the chair and head to the smoking area.

Light a cigarette and inhale, grab a cigarette in your right hand and look out the window at the view. It looks like it's been raining a lot this morning. I feel like I'm going to sink.

"Mr. Kawasaki."

Hmm? Turning around, there was a vertebra.

"Good job, this, go ahead. I bought it by mistake."

Oh, it's my favorite brand of canned coffee. Our vending machine was replaced with a new machine last weekend, and the damage was like a mountain that the button position would be purchased by mistake because it moved under the exhibition sample.

"Don't be shy. Thankyou."


May 24, 7444.

I returned from the labyrinth the evening before.

I was tired, so after we all had dinner, I left Ralpha and Guine swallowing and the rest, including me, just went back to the inn and fell asleep.

Looks like they didn't leave late at night.

Ralpha, a free well headed housewife, said during dinner in the morning.

"Hey, hey! Now Tim's been killed. He trapped me when I was fighting Giant Spider in a single room. You booked three slaves before this, didn't you?

"Lar, that's hard to tell. The guy at Mr. Lowkiss's party is dead again. I guess it's because only six of us went further in a hurry..."

supplemented by Gwyne.

"Heh, you're an asshole. It won't be too late to go after the slaves arrive...... But even those guys are gonna die in a trap. Don't worry, we have to be careful."

I heard that. Tris told me to sigh. Totally agree.

"Well, it seems that the Marquis' son (Tigerman) also has a boulder in mind, so don't go to the labyrinth until the slaves arrive and train in collaboration."

Ralpha said it sounded interesting for some reason. If you had a brain miso to think about at all, you would.

"Lar, who told you that?

Bell said.

"Hmm? The guy I was drinking yesterday. I forgot his name, but I guess he was a pretty good guy."

"Ralpha, I'm not going to say it too harshly because I'm not a kid anymore, but the... is he a proper guy?

Xenom said it looked uncomfortable. What are you talking about, Dad?

"Oh, don't worry about it. Some alcoholic Guinee, and we just had a little drink together."


Come on, you're not being rhetorical.

"Don't worry, Mr. Xenom, Lar looks so solid."

Engela put out a help boat to Ralpha.

"Marceau, say so...... what do you think of Larry?

With a slightly sinister face, Xenom shook the subject to Giberti.

"I don't know much about Mr. Ralpha yet... but that's all I can say. That's not what people do to Mr. Ralpha. What the hell, your husbands are the best adventurers in Balduk called the Killers (Slaters)? Master Zulu told me."

Giberti replied in a light tone, but yes, that's what Zulu said?

You said you were pretty proud of yourself?

With that said, Zulu is eating his meal silently at the tip.

But my eyes are pretty swordswallowed. Those are lion eyes for prey. He's a male who shouldn't be hunting.

At the end of Zulu's gaze was a green-haired Lios woman working in the kitchen.

Do you play with the "Murowa" waitress? This guy......

No. I think I'm looking at the sheep's feet hanging in the kitchen. Sorry, Zulu.

But it doesn't come down to anything.

What is it?

He was alone silently carrying thick-cut bacon into his mouth.

Kaoru spreads in his mouth. Tastes good.

Was it some kind of unnatural conversation?

No wonder Zulu doesn't use pepper.

He only sprinkles mucky pepper on stir-fried eggs.

It's usual for Ralpha to blossom into rumours that don't matter.

It's also usual for Xenom to worry about Ralpha.

There is nothing unnatural about the newcomer Giberti's remarks either.

So, what?

It's a common story that Lowkiss parties are missing a little bit like breaking their teeth.

How to die?

It's a really good story to hear about fighting monsters and dying in traps.

There's about one guy like that out there every month.

There's talk of total annihilation, and now I happen to be concentrating on Lowkiss's party, because of the overall loss of combat and perimeter vigilance due to the reduced number of party members...

A trap?

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