Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Episode 69: Three to Fairy Home Again

May 1, 7444

There seemed to be nothing unusual about Fairy Town than when it came to New Year's this year. From the ceiling, which is high above the labyrinth, the sun-like light falls, and the temperature seems to be higher than in the labyrinth without a heart. It's a fantastic sight to grow meadows and trees. He slowly walked toward the central pond, suppressing his mind, which deviated from threatening the fairies, and turned around to reach the large tree-grown island floating in the middle of the pond.

I lowered my rucksack and took out the five virtues first. Like last time, the fairies still remain indifferent to me. Some guys rest on their heads or shoulders, but they just stop and look like they're riding me with a wooden feeling. I even came to the stone where I sat last time.

Well, is it about noon now? I checked with the clock magic prop just in case, but it was almost 11: 30 a.m. as expected. I stuck the clock demon prop in the big pocket of my coat, took the stove demon prop out of my backpack, and placed it under the five virtues I had just removed. And take out the Maynage dried food and fire the stove magically.

A few minutes after I started searing the dried goods with fire, by the time the light smoke and the good smell spread around, the fairies were gathering around me just like before. Isn't Carl here?

Carl, if you're here, give me a response.

That's what I said.

I've been here a while.

And I got a reply from above my head. You know, the one that was waxing over my head.

"What, were you there? I brought you fish, you're gonna eat it, right?

"What!? I'm glad to hear that, by the way, how do you know my name?

This guy... you forgot about me.

"What are you talking about? This New Year's Eve, I'd have brought you some dried maenage."

"Oh, Al. I didn't know you were wearing this."

Oh, well. Can you tell by wearing a coat that is as long as a hood?

"I'm sorry. I'll take it off now. Step aside, please."

I made sure the fairy flew out of my shoulder and head and took off my coat.

I folded my coat to the side of the stone and laid it on the stone again.

Carl jumped on my right shoulder.

"Nice to see you again. Besides, from what I've seen, you're alone, aren't you? Snake generator, wasn't it working?

"Oh, that snake fountain? No, a lot of snakes came out. I killed them all."

"Hmm... you're pretty strong. Sounds like George."

I said it like Carl was impressed.

"Well, I had a lot of trouble with that. I've re-metastasized it more than a hundred times from one layer to another."


Carl raised his voice to his surprise.


"Al, have you been transferring from one layer to another for a while? You worked hard. If you're not lucky, you can't come. But it would be easier if you moved it from three layers."

Hey, wait a minute, what the hell!?

"From three layers? Huh? Is there such a way!? You didn't say a word of that before..."

"I won't tell you. Oh, well, Al was the first before this. Well, I guess I won't tell you either. Because Mira's gonna piss me off. Oh, Mira's my sister. I'm the head of this place. Mira, you're old enough to just sleep. I guess I'll be like that in four to fifty years. So, Mira said," Carl, how are you transferring me from the three layers?

"Al is really a blame. I know I've told you this before, but you know what?" Tell me. "

"I can't help it anymore. I've been here twice, so I can tell you. You have to ask Mira."

"Well, ask me! Please."

"Mm-hmm. You said Mira was asleep. I'll ask you when I wake up. Shouldn't you be shifting, fish?

Yes, yes, all the time... this will do.

"And the magic of the" report (report) "you taught me the other day... I couldn't even try to erase it in the anti-magic field... Can we do something about it?

"Huh? Oh, even the anti-magic field!? haha! Al is an idiot. That's not how you manage a" report ". I told you, you can't use it unless you're like a sub-god (Demi Goddam). A half-breed anti-magic field. Then you can't be fat."

Yeah, I get it. I knew I couldn't stand against God (god) or sub-god (demi god). But you don't want to report it. I don't care what you think, it's only harmful to me to be sealed with a piece of my memory every time I get peeked at.

"So what do I do? Tell me."

"There are several ways to dispel finished sorcery and when you can do it in the first place. Certainly the anti-magic field is one of them. That's the first step in the abduction system. Sometimes other things can be countered using magic such as Grove of Invernerability or Dispel Magic or Anti-Magic Shell.

Well, what seems to work against the magic of reporting (report) is the anti-magic field and dispelmagic used by like-minded beings. Grove of Invernerability is impossible. It must be the anti-magic shell that you seem to manage on your own. [M] Do you know the anti-magic shell?

I don't know.

"You don't know that face. Then I can't. You're not dying, and you're not that harmful because you're a little forgetful, are you? You should give up."

Do you want to go?

"Can you use the fact that Carl knows that anti-magic shell?

"It's obvious, right? There's a lot of magic I can't use... But I could use an anti-magic shell."

"Come on, give me one shot."

"Oh, turn it upside down."

Oh, yes, yes.

"So, what is it? Is it a transfer from three layers? Mira's asleep, isn't she?" So listen to that when you wake up, whatever you want. You can wake me up now. I'm talking about putting an anti-magic shell on me and crushing reports. "

"Oh yeah? I don't have a choice...... Oh, wait a minute. Go over there a little longer. If I keep using it, I'll have fish... can I go around it for a while? To tell you the truth, you don't have a magic prop or a magic weapon (Magical Weapon), do you? If I had it, I'd break it, too. I'm going to destroy all the magic. But Al's got a lot of nerve. I can't do this. I couldn't use the magic my whole life." Waited "

"What are you doing, you're gonna burn the fish?"

"Will you be unable to use magic for the rest of your life?

"That's right, because what the hell can an anti-magic shell do with any kind of magic? It's risky, but the catalyst is Al's magical skill, right? I have everything."

You can't be good! You featherworm!

"I knew I would stop. There's no other way?

"Other than what I just said, it wouldn't be realistic. Yeah, of course, as long as we have the magic, we can crush the reports (reports) in the anti-magic field. I don't think you can do that first."

"Hey, come on, is there any other way?

"Um, you brought me another fish because of you, and I want to tell you hey... you won't be able to dispel magic then hey... oh, there's only one way. But didn't I tell you before?

Did you hear that?

"Why don't you let the witchcrafted person figure it out? Then it won't be long, and nothing inconvenient will happen."

I know that. I also feel like I heard it the other day.

"I don't know who they are, and I don't know where they are"

"With that said, you said that. Hey, isn't it time?

Oh, yes, yes. I walked back to the stove and hung with Mayneigh's tail. Just like the last time, when Carl hung a "pimple" around him, the fairies crowded in unison, leaving only the bones clean. It's really not long.

"Carl, this is Maysaver. It would be a little big, wouldn't it? Delicious."

When I took the new dry stuff out of the rucksack and told Carl,

"It's big. And you have fat on your cross section. Looks really delicious. Bake it quick."

"Oh, wait a minute. It'll take a little longer than Maynage to cook it up because it's big."

"Yeah, yeah, you're thick and this looks edible. Did I say Maysaver?

Carl said as he sat on my lap and observed the dry matter on the stove.

"Oh, it's Maysaver. So, I was just talking."

"Mm-hmm. Sometimes I can't find out about it with my Operator Detection (Detect Magic User)."

"Is that magic?

"Right. Suppose, for example, that something is enchanted. It's magic to detect where the user is and what's going on. Catalysts need as clear a gemstone sphere as possible (about 20 cm). I like crystals and stuff. The more transparent you are, the better. Also, the bigger the better."


"So, once you identify the target with the operator detection (detect-magic user), the target appears on the crystal you used for the catalyst. They can't see us. Then you can talk in a distant story (telepathy). It could be a negotiation from there, though.

But what you need to be aware of is the size of the gem you use for the catalyst. I just said this is about it, because it only shows about 100 seconds this size. I know you do, but distant stories (telepathy) cannot be used until you see their current appearance, so you have to sum up the conversation in the meantime. "

... I don't know. But we're going to get a big clue.

"Well, then, Carl, I don't have any gems right now, but I'm sure I'll have them ready. Can you use surgeon detection (detect magic user) and far-sightedness (telepathy) then? I don't know any of that magic."

That's what I said while deflecting Maysaver's position.

"Huh? Why? Because Al can use all his magic...... haha, is he low level of skill? Then you can't help it. Because you can't use it until you have reached the level of all skills. Is it okay if you're a far-sighted (telepathic) person for six? Well, either way, can't Al? You brought me fish, and that's fine."

Huh? What, so you can use it on me too?

"No, me, it's all level nine, right? Oh, only fire is still eight? Status Open… Everything but Fire Magic is at its highest level"

Karl says quite surprised to hear that.

"Heh! That's amazing. You're only... sixteen! Al has a magical talent, doesn't he? I only went to that class after I was over 200 years old. But don't do it yourself."

"No, that's why I don't know about operator detection (detect magic users) or distant tales (telepathy)."

"Oh, well. With that said, Al was still a beginner in magic. Is it impossible not to know..."

Was I, Mark Young Leaf (beginner of magic)... Well, I'm not angry at all because maybe it looks that way from the fairies (these guys), but something like this, I don't interpret it.

"Then Carl, please do it again. Why don't you teach me some magic? Like I said before, I'll thank you if I can. Please, you're right."

Keep your head down towards the fairy on your lap.

"Um, that's fine. But considering that, was George excellent... weird compared to Al because he was about thirty when he got here? But since it doesn't make a big difference between sixteen and thirty, does Al still feel worse? George had a lot of amazing skills."

I also feel like sixteen and thirty are big differences, but they would be together if they were slightly over six hundred......

"Yeah, yeah, I remember. George said something about himself, Joe. Well, that's fine, but you had great unique skills. [Blood of God], [Vengeance Heart], [Genius Genius], [Superior Appraisal], [Wuyong], [Immobility]... oh yes, [Comprehension]. It seems like the power to force you to understand anything you don't understand very well. Is that why magic was advanced, too? With that said, George said he was gonna build a country or something, but what happened? You know what?"

I know.

"Oh, I think he's the first king of the Kingdom of Romberto. It seems to be more than five hundred years ago. It'll suit you at times, so maybe Carl's saying George or Claw Joe is saying his family name is Lomberto? Then first of all, I'm sure you're referring to the first generation, His Majesty George Lomberto I."

"Heh, well. Anyway, there was something different about him than a normal person. Al feels like a normal person."

I know that, too. It's an extra favor.

"Er, well, it's nothing short of teaching magic. It's not a big deal."

I will not forget to shift the maysaver again and put my tail on fire.

"Oh, do me a favor. Let's get started."

"Well, then... let's start with the magic trick."

I don't know. I know a boulder.

"It's fine there. I know."

"Heh, yeah. Is that true? Shall we go from reverse magic then? Do you know the lights?

"Oh, of course."

"How do you use it?

"The goal is magic without magic...

Then there was plenty of time, so Carl's lecture started with a magical system while the story flew here and there, and he taught me some magic. I'll just write down what's important.

1. Forget once how to divide the groundwater fire windless

2. Magic is magic is the basis of everything

3. The magic system can be separated by the image and use against magic

4. Thinking about adding the necessary elemental magic to the unwitting you imagine and use

You can't use magic well if you can't do 5.4

6. The best thing to do is to see what people already use to see how effective and effective they are

That's why. There was just some backgammon. That's the spell. Spells need to use divination magic and build the image of the magic you want to use on it in your head. Fortune (Divination) itself has limited effect time, so it seems difficult to use something very advanced, but I was told that it is important to be able to use Fortune (Divination) first.

For example, light magic, lights that I already know, but if I can use divination magic and then imagine and construct in my head how to use lights and effects during that effect time to use actual magic, then a spell corresponding to each process of working out magic comes to mind.

Lights only use magic. A normal procedure of witchcraft is an image that sets a goal for an object in sight and gathers magic power there. At that time, it's easier to point your palm or finger at the goal. In the process, palms and fingertips emit blue light. When you are proficient, you will be able to do without having to point or point your finger at it, but since it is from the basics, I imagine it from where you point your hand. A spell that says "Toz" comes to mind here.

How much magic will be gathered next? Normally here, the amount of magic is adjusted to correspond to the brightness and glowing time. If you don't think about it, you'll be soaked. But you mustn't fly away to know the spell. Well, think standard. Then a spell comes to mind that says "Vols" and "Nobun".

And it becomes an image of light. In my case, I imagine light like a fluorescent light. Because I thought the light was like a round fluorescent lamp the first time my mother taught me. Convert magic into light. Here comes a spell that says "Kaylach" and "Shirak". Together it will all be a spell called "Toz Bols Nobun Kaylach Shirak". In this case, it can magically consume one MP to emit white light like a fluorescent lamp about 40W for about five minutes.

This is my only spell. Different people. At this point I realized that the spell used by Grandma Shami, a healer in Barkud Village, was probably not a real spell, but like a pose to add gratitude. Note that the lights invert the spell (becoming "Liz Bullmand Behez Romilgorn Dumak"), resulting in reverse magic darkness (Darkness). This light and reverse magic darkness are magic that I can use originally, so spells come up easily.

In the case of sorcery that I couldn't use (I didn't know), it's not that easy.

For example, I didn't know the magic of the invisible user demon Unsheen Servant. It is one of the lost sorceries belonging to the Conjugation and Summoning system. This sorcery is a sorcery that creates invisible servants who can carry things up to about 10kg that are not very big.

You can't cross a few steps, and as soon as you take a little magical damage, it disappears, but you can create it with ground magic and wind magic, no magic, and keep it for about an hour. The speed will follow me if I have to run. It is also some sort of plainly useful sorcery that, depending on how it is used, will also do less dirt and easy repairs to chairs and tables.

I manage to use it with Carl's instruction and at the same time learn spells with fortune telling (divination). Next thing I know, I'm going to cast a spell and try to find out how to use magic efficiently, but it's a long spell called "Zurit Levi Cartagnia Helcond Heilokeef Sizmiffadun Bal Gor Kilm Kriner Besk Jijami Hertoninsh Kejmanmar Tureef Devine Warist". It is necessary to recite this at a constant rate and at a constant time. It's even hard to remember in the first place. You should bring your notebook next time.

But, by mistake, I can also properly understand how to use magic when I hold onto it and cast spells again and again. Once you understand it, it belongs here. I told you one day, I'm with the bike. At first, if you need an auxiliary wheel or a caregiver, but you can manage to get on it, the rest is quick. Instead, auxiliary wheels and attendants get in the way. Remembering witchcraft is like being able to ride a bicycle called witchcraft. Until you remember, it can be quite difficult, but if you remember, you can easily improve.

It was well understood that learning spells while using some magic would separate the magic system. I realized I had some common wording even though it was another magic. Carl says that seems to be the initial step when he realizes it.

"Is this how you used magic to say you could be divided into thirteen systems?"

When I say,

"It can't be that simple. But that's not the wrong idea."

And it came to pass.

He could then also be taught about one of his purposes, surgeon detection (detecto-magic users) and far-sightedness (telepathy). It is suspicious if it is truly successful because there is no catalyst, but this cannot be helped. I could confirm that only distant stories (telepathy) that don't require catalysts are properly learned.

The clear gemstone sphere required for operator detection (detect magic users) seems to require at least about 10 cm in diameter. We need to get this somehow. I also thought I should fold the crystal rod of the transfer, but I can't because it doesn't have a diameter of 10 cm. Even if I were to buy it, I wouldn't be selling that big stuff so easily in the first place. We just have to dive into the labyrinth and find it. Once you find the raw stone, you'll have to brush it to a skilled craftsman without selling it and use it as a catalyst. According to Carl, the crystal should be picked in Balduk's labyrinth.

It was supposed to be a long night at this point, but the light pouring down on Fairy Town remained daylight. I wondered and asked Carl,

"What's a night? I don't know that. I've been here since I was born."

And he said with his chest up. Don't sleep so far. I had a hard time getting you to hang out. In total, I had brought in about twenty dries, but there's no way I could eat that much. He also decided to give me the magic props for the stove, and put on the extra dried food and the magic stone, like the candy balls I brought him just in case he couldn't make it so far.

It should be noted that I asked if there was any sorcery to take off from the psychotic abnormality that comes from the amplification of fear caused by Horndbear's [growling], which has been a concern for many years. Then, we found out that the magic called Remove Afraid, the reverse magic of the magic called Frenzy (Afraid), was close to it, but both Afraid and Remove Afraid could already be used.

That's something completely different from confronting fear because it's a magic trick to wake up something like hysteria or cure it. After all, is the countermeasure to [roaring] at a higher level than the opponent, or a good amount of MP? You can't take it easy.

Because of this, Carl's sister named Mira didn't wake up for me. I promised to get an understanding by next September, so that they would kick me out of Fairy Town. When I checked the time with the clock demon prop after I left, the date had been changed.

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