22 Aug 7443

We've just moved from two layers to three layers in the Labyrinth of Balduk. I just rested for about an hour in a room with two layers of transferred crystal bars and just finished my lunch. It's summer now, and I've been diving since just before 6: 00 a.m. The time has gone around lunch. Something like 12: 15, I guess. Quickly check the number of the crystal rod, number 84. You've been here before because it's a young number.

I checked with Guineh and he said, "You've certainly been here before. I remember," he says. It feels like I saw it, in the middle of a stone aisle, and I'm unlikely to tell it from the rest of the three layers. But can her inherent skills be judged even by subtle aisle width differences and irregularities such as walls and floors? If she declares she's "been here" while using her unique skills, that's where she's been in the past. I have never made a mistake before.

Terrible memory for terrain. And the ability to evoke that memory and describe accurate maps is, in a sense, a tremendous force of war. She doesn't know the connection or direction of each area of the labyrinth, but at least Ralpha can accurately determine the direction. The combination of the two abilities has made our party so far that we only need to pay attention to the trap when we come to the new area.

Referring to the map I had already written up today, I clapped and walked out that it would be about five hours to the small room of the crystal bars of the triple layer of transfer. We need to get through five rooms where there's supposed to be demons by the little room of the crystal stick of the transfer. I just want to pass by and secure a resting place on three levels before the evening.

As it has been turned into almost a task, the lower body of the monster we meet along the way is ice pickled and destroyed. If it is about Knoll, we can also try to fight normally with the training of collaboration. The powerful enemy monsters who nest in the room cannot help but magically kill them all at once. Mechanically collect the demon stone, double-check the map and proceed to the back of the labyrinth. If you can afford it when you kill a monster, don't forget to let Belle and Ralpha use magic to do damage to demons every once in a while.

It's easy to beat, and there's no struggle. Because there is a little more variety in the demons that are still three layers, and the monsters we meet in the labyrinth have also come out on one or two layers. All I have to do is magically ice out, observe the changes in combat (genocide), and be vigilant about my surroundings. Honestly, if I'm not even caught off guard, I'll do anything. Of course, there's not a single dumb guy in the labyrinth who's openly alarmed.

In the evening as planned, we reach a small room with three layers of transferred crystal bars. You're free today. There are only two other parties besides us, and a total of seventeen people are there as our clients. They're already familiar. Soil the northeastern corner of the room, which is our fixed position, and start preparing the camp evenly on the surface. Everyone moves tightly to rest and prepare for tomorrow's four layers.

Place hot water in a portable pan sprinkled on the stove's demonic props, and then also in a barrel less than 40 cm in diameter, which Zulu was carrying. Put your shoes and socks off feet in that bucket and unrub them. Zulu is good at first-class rubbing. Engela isn't bad either, but no one beats Zulu, such as the stimulus to the force adding and subtracting one. Wash your feet, have them rub enough, and replace the bucket of hot water. Everyone is going to wander into a Zulu massage, but Zulu is a heavy laborer.

Meanwhile, Engella puts vegetables or dried meat in a pan with hot water, stirring. At the same time, he thinly slices the bread and prepares a simple sandwich with ham and mayonnaise. After rubbing his legs, he eats in turn, and finally Zulu and Engela eat hungry too. Keep soil in empty buckets. If you want to go to the bathroom, you can take this bucket and cover it with dirt in the right place outside the room. Monsters don't come by about 100 meters around the room, so I can safely add to my needs as long as I don't get very far.

Fecal matter is sensibly absorbed into the labyrinth in less than a month or so. The body also feels decomposed and absorbed in about a month, except for bones and demon stones. Leather armor would also be nice for about two to three months. Magically let it out and linger. Soil, water (evaporate), metal commonly used for weapons, etc. will remain unless someone cleans it. Clothing such as cotton and hemp also lingers for quite a long time.

Timber and the like seem to remain on an annual basis, but this is unlikely to discern whether it is too long to rot, absorbed in the labyrinth or simply rotten. It seems that there is not much moisture in one layer, three layers, etc., so the prototype is quite often fastened.

I've talked to Ralph and Bell about this many times in the past. Tris and Guine also seemed interested and asked a lot of questions, but Zenom, Zulu and Engela seemed to be of little interest, and when they told the story, they said, "I don't know," "I don't know," or at the end of the sentence, "what's the point of knowing that?" Maybe this is the way the Aus general feels.

Immediately off the subject of interest unless it is directly related to you. Well, in the labyrinth, you often have to be more distracted than that, and they are directly related to your safety and your life, so you can't help it. In our lifetime, we also gave thought to the mystery of the universe, but weights of greater interest were taken than those of tomorrow's work and the preparation of the next school test.

It had nothing to do with life, whether Pluto was a planet in the solar system or not, or whether a new species of deep-sea fish was discovered. No matter how many people died in the war behind the planet, all I could do, no matter how many tens of thousands of children starved, was raise money, and if I did that and immersed myself in self-satisfaction, I would even be fine for a while to erase it from my memory. If new insulation materials have been developed and can be embedded in the walls of the house but your wallet is unlikely to allow it, then you are satisfied with your current living environment and hardly anyone is gathering any more information. It was information that would be missed unless a well-flown driver with a new carbon shaft or other product applied from there was more than a certain interest in golf. It's essentially exactly the same thing as them.

If it's something recent and not relevant to me, I can't stir up my interest. Curiosity is greatly diminished the moment you think "it's none of your business right now". I guess reincarnated people are just talking about a small amount of curiosity that can be reduced because of their high level of education. Has the fact that they have more power than me lowered their consciousness of the crisis of the reincarnated and led them to the kind of leeway that they would be interested in the end? It's hard to tell if this extra time is a good thing or a bad thing.

I went to sleep with my eyes closed as I twirled into Kiviak's blanket and thought about this lack of clasp. But every little room in the crystal of the labyrinth's metastasis feels physically and temperatures are in the first half of 10 degrees all year. Summer doesn't have to be hot, but it's hard not being able to let go of the blanket.

"Sorry, it's a steep yen cheap..."

Apologizing to the business partner over the phone receiver, he presses his certification stamp on the slip that came around from the desk next door. This week has been a great one since the beginning of the week until this past weekend. Yen cheap progressed in a statement by FRB chairman saying something about America the previous weekend. We rely on imports from abroad for about half of the products we deal with. You have to raise the price at a time like this for someone who can negotiate price increases to continue securing profits. Especially since most foods are shipped by FOB, the freight charges paid to B Mediation (the carrier) are also affected by the exchange rate.

Of course, they're people's children. It's impossible that they cut out a price increase and said, "Yes, is that right?" and followed this line of advice. I will pay the delivery price with that hand. Sometimes you need to cry down, sometimes you need to go through those negotiations with strength. The imported ingredients we deal with are somewhat more luxurious and less fresh food. Some fresh foodstuffs, such as vegetables, are purchased domestically.

Sometimes selling domestically sourced perishable foodstuffs at a reasonable price, demanding an increase in the price of imported ingredients instead of supplying them, or discounting the price of imported ingredients that have to be increased from domestically sourced items. The way they negotiate is a thousand different things.

"Excuse me. It's too much for this price already. Instead, for the next three months, I will not cut off the supply of Kyoto vegetables from Toyama. So this time, one..."

Is that it? Isobe's old man, right? Why are you here? I should have quit years ago......

"... Yep, this is a new product for ○ × foods. It has no additives and is a well-preserved bottle. Of course, all originating in the country…"

This is Oishi. This guy should have quit a long time ago too......

Oh, you're dreaming. These two couldn't have been at the same time. If you think I haven't had a dream in my last life in a long time, it's a work dream... Anyway......

(…… and………………………………………………)

23 Aug 7443

I was shaken up. Change of watch? It's not painful to still wake up in the middle of the night with years of habit. Out of the blue, I'm so surprised at myself for not sleeping well. I stretch my back while rubbing my sleepy eyes. I made sure I woke up. Tris walks into his own blanket with a mess. Next door was where Guine was waking up Ralpha. Sleep in pairs, two hours. The members are two slaves. The first watch is fixed. Replace the rest every time. The two slaves are fixed because they also get quite tired from preparing meals, massages, etc., so they're the only ones who want to make sure they have a convoluted sleep, and the others are just rotating to avoid mannelli.

When I was just eight, I tried to take turns watching one by one for an hour, but when I was small, I didn't have to know, and this happened because it was easier to watch someone I spoke to.

I leaned back against the wall of the labyrinth and stared into the room. At some point the population in this room of three layers of transposition crystal bars seemed to have grown considerably. At first, when other adventurers attacked me to sleep, I couldn't sleep much because of the fear and alertness, but I'm used to it. Lately, when I'm asleep, I'm getting thicker enough to overdo it and fall asleep.

Members of the party who were resting earlier than us while we were doing this are packing up early and trying to get to the four layers. I guess they'll repeat the transfer again and again until they move to the location on their map anyway.

Wake up, Ralpha puts tea leaves in the water bottle and serves it to me. I guess he said give me some hot water. I'll pour hot water into the water bottle.

"Mmm, thanks."

That's what Ralpha sat next to me, laying her back on the labyrinth wall in the same way. I don't need tea because my throat isn't dry. That's how we watched the adventurers lined up for a while to repeat the metastasis.

"I wonder why there is also Japanese and English..."

Ralpha says blush.

'I don't know. Maybe they've been made by Japanese people like us or English speakers in the past. "

I'll give it back to you too.

"For what?

'I don't know...... If it's our common sense, I just think we built it as a facility to protect something from burglary, like a pyramid...'

'That's right, Belle said, but it's also in the Kingdom of Dabus, the labyrinth...'

"Oh, what did you get? Oh, it's Benkerish. Is this what it looks like there, too?

'Come on... at least it looks like there's a bunch of people out there trying to hit a mountain like here, so there's definitely a treasure...'

"Is it in another country? A labyrinth like here. '

'What do you think? I thought you said that the Korakt kingdom was made by adventurers like us about a hundred years ago. Isn't that why it's all over the place?

'That's right. An underground labyrinth, if it's an old game or something, a bad wizard stole the exorcism and made it to conquer it, or something like the legend of Minotaur on Crete, but it was made for some purpose. I wonder what the purpose of this Labyrinth in Balduk is?

'Right. You're not gonna make it unless you have something to do with it... but a big building? Well, it's mostly about the people who made it, isn't it? There is no such thing as a labyrinth. They've been around longer than the Kingdom of Lomberto, so I don't know if it's telling them exactly, but you still think it's odd that they haven't passed it on to anything.'

'Sure... wrong information would be fine, but it's odd that Taro Urashima built it back in the day or not even like that'

'Looks like we've been investigated many times, but we don't know anything about it...'

"Well, I don't know if it's worth sending in the elite units of the First Knights, but if he dies, it's a lot of damage... and if he figured something out, it might be worth it," he said, sending in an investigation team many times in the past. But we all fall apart when we move the hierarchy. The deeper the hierarchy, the smaller and smaller the number, and the record is that some investigative teams have gone since the first king up to the seventh floor. That's when they sent in 100 of the Knights of the day, and half of them came back. He said the damage was too great to give up. Oh, don't tell anyone this because it's something I heard in secret from your sister. '

'Yeah, I won't tell you. But you're half dead... but if you have half left, why didn't you go a little further?

'I don't know. The only thing on the record is that there are investigative teams that have reached the seventh level, and only five levels are public. The six-layer appearance is only published in the legend of Lomberto I, and the seven-layer investigation team must have come back with a little peek anyway. Mostly, if you're not an idiot, you're so sure you're going to get hit half way and still move on. Military terminology would wipe it out with a loss of more than 40%. Well, in this day and age, it won't be total annihilation, but it must still be devastating. I guess it's synonymous with the fact that once the elite is halfway through it, the guy who can put together the kingdom's national army is halfway through it. After that, you had a pretty hard time rebuilding your power, didn't you?

"If that happened, I wouldn't be looking into it again if it weren't for you..."

'That's right. If I were king, I wouldn't want to waste it, and my men would make me stop even if they wanted to.'

"I would do that too......"

'Oh, even if I leave you alone, an idiot like us is diving in on his own to investigate. I guess you should know the result, and if it tastes good, you'll take it with power activation.'

"That's right."


It was when I was blurring about the usual crap and absurdity in Japanese. A new party has entered the crystal chamber of the metastasis we are resting in.... That's a party where an elf named Roswella is the leader. I have faced each other several times in the labyrinth. They're still solidifying themselves with combat slaves. As far as I know, except for Roswella herself, who can also be described as seven fixed members, there is a level of combat slavery there. The rest seems to be quite fluid and dead in about six months, even if it is long.

The two of us were watching Roswella's party as she began to prepare for the stirring and rest. It doesn't seem like you have as much magic as I do, so you rest directly on a bittersweet, hard stone. Only Roswella seems to lay on top of it with several blankets on top of it. I guess the big bucket one of the slaves was carrying has water in it. Looks like he opened the lid of the barrel and drew water and started making soup out of the magic props on the stove.

That's all there is to say about a big barrel. It must have been time to get close to the sky, the guy in slavery who can use magic is watering out and pouring it into a barrel. Having eaten, they lay down three and five times and began to rest. Roswella never behaves too hypertensively against her own slaves to be unscrupulous or exceptionally poorly treated. I'm pretty sure he adores slaves that much with him. The first rumors I heard were mostly trivial, and I didn't feel so weird when I had several direct conversations.

Rather, the party they call the top team is freakier. The "Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood)" does make great money, but a lot of guys take an attitude with that on their noses. Well, this is good because I'm not even angry when I think of it as an attitude backed by strength. Rather they have no freaks. They say it's time to retire because they have the highest chance of winning expensive magic items (magic items) and have already made enough money.

"Bright Blade" is the leader of a magnificent Pu man, but there are many black rumors. Rumor has it that he's attacked a party he met in the labyrinth aisle, stripping himself and doing enough to kill them all to destroy the evidence. To be honest, I was wondering why people would say such terrible things. But they all look vicious, and their usual words and actions are rough. I don't have any evidence, so I don't just leave the rumor area, but I guess I'm losing it because I feel like I saw it. I hear some of them are serious resentful. They have a high chance of winning magic items (magic items) next to the Green Club (Verdegli Brotherhood).

"Purgatory Flame (Gehenafrea)" is led by a middle-aged man from the Mountain Nation (Dwarf). All nine party members are Dwarves. I get somewhat of an exclusive impression at that point. I've only counted as many people I've met in person in the labyrinth, but I wouldn't have talked to you if my party hadn't had Xenom. They serve liquor every time they rest. Last time I saw you, I was like, "Don't you have any booze? If you have enough, I'll buy it." I have a strong impression of bringing back jewelry well.

I have met "Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz)" many times. A popular woman is the leader. I think you're too popular and stupid. Sooner or later, there are rumors that it will be devastating. I don't know the direct causal link between what you like and what you suffer greatly. He's the only one who doesn't know they're being wobbled up by most parties with "the ones who preach in the name of advice in the face of seniors who have nothing to do with it". By the way, party members seem to know about this matter, but they seem to have given up. Since the leader is the daughter of a great aristocrat, most of the members seem to be descendants of the squire who served that aristocrat, so they can't say anything. There are many treasures to be won. Sounds good if you say it works for the multitude, but it feels like it lacks a decision-maker.

"Sunshine (Sun Ray)" is an unusual bunch of people and I don't really know who the leader is. It's a dedicated rumor that he's giving up most of his earnings in the labyrinth to the shrine. They also say it's just the ones who wanted to work for the shrine but were turned down. Altogether, there are about fifteen of them, but I have the impression that the members in the labyrinth are being replaced all the time, even in rotation. I often bring back gold and silver with this one.

We Killers (Slaters) are very much on the lookout for magic items (magic items), but we earn comparable money to the bottom of the top team with only demonic stones and old stinking gear to collect from the labyrinth. With the exception of Xenom, the fact that all of them are young, including slaves, is also an element that attracts attention. A Putin kid in black dyed metal armor (plate mail) using a short spear in the form of a strange and rindy is known to be the leader. Outside the labyrinth, most of the time, the sword is in the sheath and lowered from the waist, so they often don't realize I'm the leader of the slayer (Slaters).

Roswella's party soon went to sleep, too. Now there's just one Pu man awake on the lookout.

"Hey, Al."

Ralpha talked to Blur in a low voice again.


"Magic, what is it?


'You're not sure, are you? It creates a yes from nothing, doesn't it? If you say you're creating it with magic, you're right.'

Did you think about it when I was watching the magician at Roswella's party staring at him getting the water out? I do it all the time, too, and I didn't think Bell cared more about that now because he would do it well.

'Oh, I don't know... I've thought about it a long time ago, but you still don't know it so well... I gave up thinking about it. "

"Al has a lot of magic, thanks to his magical acquisition of inherent skills. I wonder if you've ever thought about using magic or inherent skills?


"Can't you magically recreate unique skills?

'Hmm, what do you say? So you're saying, for example, that I'm going to be able to use space grasping?

'Well. Well, can't we do something similar, even if it's not exactly the same thing?

"I don't know, so far, the unique skills we know, magic mastery, spatial grasp, sense of shooting, scales, terrain memory, and all Bell has to do is ask for his name, so that's an appraisal and prediction evasion. Well, I don't think you know, but there are actually two last things, resistance (poison) and temptation. Resistance (poison) is, as it were, the ability to withstand poison. Seduction seems to be able to captivate heterosexuality of the same race. I've never seen it used, so I don't know exactly. '

'Heh, what else is there?

'I don't know that far. But I can make some predictions. All the names that are now out there have a few things in common. People in this world, well, not the original Earthlings, it's an extension of the capabilities of the Orth people'

Ralpha looked at me with a strange face. I went on to say more.

"Magic mastery, for example. Magic is an ability that grows greatly and magic is easy to remember. But this ability itself is weak, but a lot of people have it. Even you are, aren't you? Even for a spatial grasp, the senses are sharp and the orientation is clear. This sounds like an anomaly, but it's a magnet in the body. The ability itself is low, but everyone is quite prepared for it. I've been telling you for a long time, you know, feeling signs. Even the sense of shooting does.

I know exactly because I was in the militia, but some people have an excellent sense of shooting. Everyone shoots more or less sensibly. The scale also has only a sharp sensation. Even the appraisal, I guess, is my prediction of an ability like an extension of the status open. Even temptation, you know about pheromones, right? If you consider that to be an unusually enhanced one, you can explain it. '

Even the genius of heaven has increased the efficiency of content that can be learned by up to three times. Listen to one and know ten, but maybe I can say exactly genius.

'Oh well... if you say so. Even topographical memory can be done if it's easy for us too. It's ridiculously open, of course. I can imagine a little bit of anticipation avoidance, and resistance to poison was originally a little bit of resistance to poison. "

'That's right. Predicting from what I've seen so far, I expect that the inherent skill is something that makes the ability to live in an oath very sharp. But I don't know the truth. It's a weird analogy, but I'm not surprised you have the ability to get a ray of destruction out of your eyes. That's when my expectations were off. "

'Well, that's fine. You're not gonna solve it anyway, are you? But what does that have to do with being magically unable to reproduce it?

'Not directly. But you have a special skill, right? Bell's ultra-hearing and other infrared vision (infrastructural vision) that most subpeople have, ultra-obsorption, night vision, instantaneous. I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that these long known special skills have not been magically reproduced before the inherent skills. Well, there's no paralysis or the ability to reproduce demons to some extent, so the rationale is weak.'

"Oh well..."

'Besides, I know you'll figure that out because you can use magic now, too, but I think it's pretty hard to make new magic. I've never made a complete magic trick out of me. "

'Huh?' Cause there's all kinds of Al flames rowers, huh?

"That's just extra magic pouring into a regular Flames Lower to make it more powerful, or shaping it like a snake. It's not my original. In the same way all the magic I use when making rubber products is original. I'm just remodeling it. I mean, that evidence would leave behind some kind of special skill that wouldn't be strange to reproduce first, would it?

There is not a single sorcery that strengthens the ability of the flesh. There is only a little healing magic. This looks like it enhances the healing capacity of the flesh, but maybe not. I don't think they're magically enhancing the ability of the flesh, they're forcing them to connect the material of the flesh created by magic.

So the pain remains depending on the degree of injury. I don't think there is any magic to treat the illness. Is there any kind of magic that enhances the ability of the flesh, even if it is a system at the moment, an area that cannot be explained to others? "

Ralpha is listening with a difficult face.

"I think it's because of the lack of magic to increase defense, move smartly, jump more, be more powerful, be able to see far away, or have better ears, even temporarily.

Ralpha can use ground magic and fire magic, but can you use a new combination to create new magic? I don't think so. Well, even with the exact same combination, the effects vary from image to image, so I would never say it's impossible. It's the same combination as Ralpha's available fire arrows, and it can also be easily healed, right? Of course it can be cured in the same combination as a stone arrow.

But I think it's because I thought I could do this in advance because I thought I could do it with that image. Actually, I used to try a lot too. In the end, infrared vision (infrastructure vision) could not be reproduced. Something else. "


So Ralpha grinned. You're about to laugh? Right here?

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