12 Mar 7443

Today, I went to a commercial realtor again.

I would naturally need some space for a family, so I would prefer a building with boulevard store close to the royal castle if I could. It is also desirable to be in a location with good water circulation, that is, easy drainage, as it will also be a work place.

I communicated these hopes and told them that I would like to hear from them immediately as I would be staying at the Boyle Pavilion in Balduk if they were found. I have told them that 30 million Z. (30 gold coins) if purchased, and about 2 million Z. per year if leased. This amount is slightly higher than the market.

I said just what I wanted to say. I just left the realtor behind, but I ate quite a bit of time because I was looking down on a possible place.

In the meantime, the Guinees are going to Guinese's house to pick up the carriage and the immediate luggage.

It won't be a big amount, but they're also going to negotiate for the Chamber of Commerce I know to pick up the cereals, vegetable seeds, etc. that are in stock.

They'd take a lot of time, too, and I thought I could use it faster, but they'd already arrived earlier at the rendezvous point.

We had no idea how long it would take each other, so we only decided that the time would be after noon, so we had no choice but to apologize for keeping the four of us waiting.

But they also seemed to arrive about enough before I arrived, and it was just fine.

When I look at the carriage, it looks like the luggage belongs to Tris. I see one backpack and this one would belong to Guine, two large square cages knitted with vines and three or four small cages.

They all have vine-knitted lids. There's more luggage in the boulder than Bell or Ralpha.

It should be noted that Guine's horse and carriage were 5 million Z and 6 million Z for the two carriages, respectively, and the carriage's vehicle was picked up for a total of 13 million Z of 2 million Z.

The price of horses varies because the amount varies according to age. On average, they say horse life expectancy is less than 30 years. Sometimes they live in Shi for more than 40 years.

One head worked at the age of 12 and was the highest level of money because it was an assortment of seeds, and the other was 20, so I deducted the price somewhat, but still honestly bought it for about Z1 million more than the market.

The carriage is as good as the market.

Guine was grateful, but that's okay.

If you're grateful you can buy it for gold, I've never gone over it to buy it in good time.

The three of us who watched it looked like the three of us.

Naturally, since I asked about the market at Horse Shop and then colored it, let's add that it wasn't seen with the eyes of a fool who didn't even know the market about me.

After all the errands and in the afternoon, we finally set off for Balduk.

There is also a lot less luggage, so it is not a problem to have two people on your desk or two people on your carrier.

Yeah, well, considering the upcoming trip, the horse is certainly pricey, but it wasn't a bad buy.

Even after building a chamber of commerce hub, convenience would be out of step if there was a carriage.

Until then, you can use it like a small bus.

We joined the Xenoms who had pulled us out of the labyrinth before dinner, and we all had dinner while introducing them again.

I've slipped away from my usual schedule, but I'll be training for collaboration tomorrow morning.

Because we need to keep a good eye on Tris and Guine's movements before we go into the labyrinth.

Maybe it's dangerous to count Guinness as a force of war for the time being, but you need to look at your appearance, endurance, and how fast your feet are.

I'm not an adventurer to the extent that I finally put my face on the four layers, but I'm here, so there won't be any trouble in battle or occasions like retreating.

But we don't know what happens in the labyrinth.

Not all places have been trampled, and the unknowns of the labyrinth, such as strange traps that have only stepped once in two layers, are not chilli if you count them.

There is no perfect map with all the information in every corner. This will be difficult to create even with the unique skills of Guineh.

If you can only remember the information you see with your eyes, it's the same if you don't have any trap information.

March 13, 7443.

Monday at dawn, after breakfast, it's a collaborative training for all.

Tris said he was from the jazz house and the sword technique was tapped in, but that night, he and Bell had an arm wrestle and lost, and I remember him talking about it with a face that looked undecided.

"Tris, Guine, listen carefully. Swords and spears generally have a few predetermined shapes. I actually only have enough to count the shapes I don't remember. Simply put, remember boxing. Jab and straight. These are the two basic punches. There's hooks and uppercuts in application, but ultimately just jabs and straights are fine. The key first thing is to be able to hit the jab accurately and strike a strong straight in time. If I can do this right, I may not be a champion, but I can get to a pretty good place. How about this far?

I said it while showing the punch mould in the shadow. Looking at the two people snorting,

"Punch, which is an attack, is enough at first with the two now. But don't forget, it's the defensive way. There are much more defensive methods than methods of attack such as stepping, guarding by arms or sweeping, ducking or weaving. Of course, there are numerous techniques that go from defense to counterattack. So I think it's a good idea to practice one or two things that are fundamental, and then refine your skills to protect yourself."

There is a slight look of dissatisfaction between the two of us.

"Mmm, you don't seem convinced. Either way, give me a reason."

That's what I say and flatter my shoulders.

"Can you say that if you attack first and defeat your opponent, it will be an effective defense in itself?

Tris said strangely.

"I saw Mr. Tris fight the oak and win. Whatever I am, Mr. Tris' style of battle so far. So, you can't? I don't feel comfortable having you auditioning with me..."

Guine also said shortly after Tris. In her case, you want to say that it's her fault that she values defense.

"Well. First of all, Tris, what you're saying is not wrong. The attack will be the biggest defense. But what do you do when you have a strong opponent who keeps outmaneuvering your attacks, or a good defenseman, coming out? You're gonna leave your people and run away? That's not wrong either. If I die, I'll end up there. But he who abandons his people and runs away, that's all he loses his credibility."

When I say that, Tris says in a hurry.

"You don't run away, do you? I'll do my best."

"Huh? What are you gonna do with it? If they don't hit us, if we don't practice defense, they'll hit us right away and we'll get hurt. That would be better if you just ran away. It would be much better if you blocked the place with an injured body or kept it from being someone's burden to shelter it. What I'm trying to say is, don't try. Try as hard as you can to increase your time to get hurt. First of all, make an effort to do that."

Tris seems a little stuck in words. In the meantime I turn back to Guineh and tell her.

"Guine, that's not what you worry about. Look, I never made a fool of myself about you two. Surely, as you said, Guineh is not a good fighter. But I don't make fun of you or take a light-hearted look at you for that reason. But I'm not overconfident. The labyrinth often sets the course for escape. In some cases it is even conceivable that there is no escape. Protect the direction of escape, and when there is no escape, stick your body up until you can grab the thread of the counterattack. This is what matters. I don't even know what Tris and Guine are capable of in the first place..."

Still, I guess Guine has some respect for Tris' combat skills for saving herself in front of her, and Tris is confident in the swordsmanship she learned at her parents' house in Tris. Anyway, I'm pretty sure that swordsmanship has protected him for two years.

But... maybe if I predict that if we fight one-on-one, Tris can beat Zenom or Ralpha, but around Belle and Zulu and Engela. To be honest, I don't even think that's suspicious. Well, if you can win, that's the real deal.

There's no such thing as a one-on-one scene in the labyrinth, and it wouldn't be a war. I know that occasions rarely occur, at least one-on-one, as far as hearing from my parents, my brother, and my sister-in-law.

Um, it might be hard to say in words. But honestly, I don't think I can handle them.

"That's good. Sure, if you guys, especially Tris, are good at it, I hope so, too. Do you want a mock fight?

I say with my arms around me.

To be honest, I just think it's a play, but as long as you understand it, I don't care what trigger it is.

I've just started training, so everyone else is still at the stage of warming up by swinging bare all by themselves towards their imaginary opponents.

Tris nodded confidently, and Guiney snorted.

When I saw the two of them snort, I asked everyone to rally in solidarity.

"Guys, you got a minute? Sorry. Tris and Guine made a few requests. They want a mock fight. Are you sure I'm the one?

Everyone is in order.

"Yeah, first I want to know my strengths and then I want to see what my training and collaboration are about. Tris, your weapon is fine with a sword, right? Yeah. Right, well, Zulu, ask for Tris' opponent. Engella is Guinese's opponent. Guine can use a spear.... Tris, Zulu is about as strong in the middle as he is in these five. Guine, Engela's strength is the lowest of the five. Shall we try each one on one?... Ready? Begin!"

Tris seems to be slightly more powerful than Zulu, but he also seems to be attacking because of the difference in sword reach.

I guess the Guinese aren't used to the fight itself, lightly Engela packed the distance and lost.

Zulu is still sticky.

Avoid direct strikes, use two-handed swords like shields at times, and be thorough in defense.

The only thing that acted like an offense was the first few matches, and now it's enough to occasionally feint.

Xenom put his arms together with no expression, and Bell looks at Tris and Zulu's simulated battle with a harsh look, as Ralpha stretched out like he lost interest after a moment of sight.

I just finished. I don't know what face Engela and Guine are looking at in relation to my standing position.

Yeah, Tris will lose soon.

Indeed, he is unleashing a multitude of attacks.

At first glance, it doesn't even look as if he's flirting with Zulu at speed.

But Zulu, who saw that Tris was better than himself in pure sword moves, has just stopped moving smartly and is thoroughly defensive. Blah, blah, in terms of agility, Zulu is a pretty expensive person within my party. Zulu is more handsome than the simple handsome value you can see in the appraisal.

Tris attacks with minimal movement and just doesn't move around too flashly.

Tris looks like he's pushing, but after he keeps moving, it's time for more than five minutes. You'll run out of strength, too.

Zulu is only paying attention to attacks that would calm down and result in fatal injuries.

It's time, okay?

The goal is not to settle mock warfare.

"Yes, over"

That's how I plugged my wooden sword between us.

"Tri." Tris, you got it?

Bell has been overlapping words where I tried to speak.

Mm-hmm, Belle. That just hurts Tris' pride. Stop it.

I lifted my hand in front of Bell's face, blocked any further words and told Tris.

"You were more than mutually reinforcing with Zulu. But the Lions (Lios) outnumber the Elves (Elves) and the Puppets (Fumes) in health. You were tough on Zulu to defend you, weren't you?

Tris says biting his lips with a remorseful look.

"Couldn't attack...... damn"

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. You must be tired. You need to rest."

When I said that, I looked back and said:

"Then you are. Guine and Engela wouldn't be that tired...... Guine, was Engela strong?

"Yeah. They approached me before I knew what it was, and when I realized it, they stayed beside me..."

I heard Engela was the weakest, so I guess Guineh also had hope "then".

but he was shocked that he lost so quickly that he could barely do anything.

"Right, team up at Ralpha, Belle and Engella. Bell has no bow. Just a sword. Xenom is a three-on-two mock fight with Guineh. I'll just give Xenom and Guineh a minute of operational meeting time. Ralpha and the others are goblins."

Seems we all got our point when we heard that.

It should also be noted that goblin is the technical term used in our training, meaning "no collaboration, free combat".

Even if your neighbor's allies are in crisis, they won't help you, only tactics even against the enemies in front of you.

Xenom is speaking with some gesture and hand gestures as he approaches Guineh.

Behind me, Tris is talking to Zulu.

"Hey, how strong is that Mr. Xenom?

"We're your husband's next strongest man."

"... that's right... and then there's the woman... Huh? Zulu, you said the five of you were in the middle. Isn't that Mr. Xenom's next?

"Yes, Mr. Xenom's next is Lal. I'm barely next to that. Did you just say that Master Coroyl is slightly more… I am a step further than Master Coroyl in the melee? Engela is a little inferior to us."

"Hmm... Really..."

Well, look. the strength of Zenom, who has defended and nurtured Ralpha alone for many years.

It's time for a minute.

"Well, let's go. Begin!"

Axes can't just be wooden dummies. There are many techniques that utilize that weight, and there are too many methods of attacking that need to be accurately bladed. Of course you can use the weight to punch me in the peak.

Well, whatever the pain is, the wound can be treated quickly, and only Xenom and Ralpha use the usual hand axe in training because it doesn't punch in hard enough to have defective hands and feet. I also thought Xenom would use a wooden sword because he could also use a sword, but I guess he chose a weapon he was used to throwing away his reach because it was practically one-on-three with quite a few opponents today.

Xenom quickly figured out what he said to Guineh.

Looks like Guine positioned Zenom to use it as a shield and instructed Zenom to meet the axe into the opponent's weapon and poke the spear only when the opponent fell ill.

Xenom himself is only thorough about interfering with his defense and his opponent's attacks as if he had not thought about striking the opponent's body.

Well, unless that's the case, there can't be any guy who can beat three adventurers on his own, not to mention how crude the collaboration is.

Even if I had a weapon, it can't be first unless there's an extra big difference in strength to defeat multiple people with a weapon by themselves.

Unless you've been training multiple opponents from time to time, but that would only be an extension of the time you can step on.

First, Engela left the front after receiving Guineh's spear twice.

However, considerable fatigue has accumulated in the Zenome, which was attacked by three people on the boulder and continues to disappear.

Even so, it was good to be the first to defeat Engela using the sword (broadsword), which had the most reach and was troublesome. This should have made it a lot easier.

Here Bell and Ralpha's winning eyes got very low as long as Zenom stepped on them.

Xenom's strength is considerably higher than theirs.

Advantage is advantageous because it's for both of us, but it's a little hard to give a defensive Zenom an effective hit when it's sealed in collaboration.

Xenom uses his right-hand axe to knock Bell's sword (short sword) out, while his left hand shifts the trajectory with a blow to the axe-wielding restraint on Ralpha, and sometimes to Ralpha's axe pattern or to the hand holding the axe or to the arm itself.

I guess Guineh is right in his meeting with Zenom, he's poking spears at those who have fallen ill with Zenom's recirculation and blows to his opponent's weapon.

Both Ralpha and Bell had already received Guinese spears once and for all. It will be over soon.

I saw Tris sitting on the ground.

Watching a mock fight with a serious face.

Have you figured out how that looks?

Returning his gaze to the simulation, Guine had just put a spear in the bell.

Then Zenom turns to the offense all at once, two to one after the difference in strength also coincides.

Ralpha was quickly hit, too.

"Ho. Zenom and Guinee Win"

When I declared so, I appraised everyone again.

Nothing in particular was seriously injured.

The boulder is a Xenom.

Was Zulu and Engela also under Zenom's guidance this past month or so, and I also feel that the sword muscles have somehow gotten better?

"Tris, have you figured it out? A swordsman standing in front does not need to attack his opponent unless he has a marginal difference in strength. In our case, Bell and I are the attackers. Of course, if they're goblins and knolls, they're pretty weak, so I'll make sure the avant-garde can put in if they don't even get caught off guard, and they're actually pretty good at it.

But when it's about an oak or a hobgoblin, the opponent works together quite a bit, and when he knocks one or two down or gets seriously injured, he immediately retreats in alignment. That would make the Demon Stone worse. We can't even get rid of a bunch of them at the same time if we don't get the timing right, and we don't even let them retreat, or use magic with Bell and me, and we don't use our heads. "

Tris nodded honestly.

"Yeah. So. If Tris is standing sticky, the bell behind him is safe in the meantime. I can shoot arrows safely. Nothing here is more ridiculous than getting attacked by another guy when you color out and try to get your opponent in. The guy standing in front definitely only needs to attack at a good time. Speaking of polar theory, you don't even need a weapon. Just standing tight with a shield is effective.

"It's a weird analogy, but it's not a computer game," even minor injuries make the movement dull and tiresome. Even pain goes by sharpening my concentration. That's why it's the most important thing to be able to stand there so you don't get hurt. "

Tris is seriously nodding. You seem to understand me well.

"So anything useful for defense other than sword moves and basics is effective. Xenom was doing it earlier...... in his case it's an axe, but it's first to remember to take it or not. There are enough moves to attack afterwards. But don't get me wrong about this. I'm not going to underestimate the one-on-one battle, and I think offense is important. All I'm saying is, it's just a matter of order."

Ma, this must be it. I don't have a problem with it as long as you understand it well.

"I'm sorry to interrupt. Then do as you always do."

When I say that, I open my mouth against Tris and Guine again.

"Tris is archaic around defense because he can even apply the basics as far as attack is concerned. Guine has enough offense so far just for that basic poke. You'll need to use a spear that keeps your opponent away from you and the judgment of your body's position."

When I said that, I got the wooden sword.

"Then I'm the enemy. While Tris beats my attack, Guiney finds a gap and punches the spear. It's important for Tris to be thorough in his defense and let me make gaps. I wish Guine would poke at that gap. Whoa, yeah, hey, you didn't say that. The most advantageous thing is to hit more numbers than the other person. Turning one into a group octopus beating is the ideal battle. Sequoi says this is the truth."

That's how I start training them to collaborate.

After training, after lunch, the eight of us went down to the labyrinth with the addition of Tris and Guine. I don't aim for very deep hierarchies because of the maps for the moment. The creation of three layers of maps that can be half done is most important. One and two layers still have a blank zone, but that percentage is low compared to the three layers, and there are not too many deadly traps, so you can put it behind you. Luckily on the way to the third tier (?) It would be good enough to create a map even when transferred to an untapped location.

Long after, the transfer to the three layers is repeated over and over while staying overnight in a small room with two layers of transfer.

Now Guine can remember using 'Terrain Memory (Mapping)' for just over an hour.

I was shown that power again.

Everyone was drained of their liver when they even walked around and wrote slurs on paper during a small pause, such as a passage as far as the sight she had seen.

Sneaking up on her, she said she had a pretty good understanding of her inherent skills and was just writing down what came to mind like a map.

Was it originally also picturesque? Sounds pretty good.

All enemies met without any combat or particular problems were wiped out.

That's exactly what I said about the killer (Slaters).

Anyway, Tris seems to have no particular emotion if he thought that Guine wouldn't like picking demon stones from monster bodies. I follow my parents' trade since I was a child and sometimes say it's because I watched escort adventurers engage demons or pick demon stones from demons I defeated.

I might be able to create a really accurate three-tiered map in a couple of months.

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