Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Lesson 51: How to Use Effective Healing Sorcery

10 Mar 7443

'Then don't lose your contract. It would be best if you could keep it somewhere you can trust it. I'll keep one myself, and I'll keep the last one with the administration. So if I don't pay you, I can sue you for breach of contract and make you enforce it. In that case, you'll need a tax certificate or a proof of nobility with an open status.'

That's what I said and smiled when I saw the two faces.

'Well, don't worry about it. Around there, Al's solid.'

'I have nothing to say to you that's impossible, because it gives you proper thought to your strength...... Mr. Al, don't you talk about that?

Which story is that? I can almost imagine.

'Oh, we're going to talk. I think you know about leveling because you've already met God.... Yeah, as expected. But that's all I have to say, 30 points.'

Tris and Guine look at it strangely.

"I can't say this is completely correct because I just imagined talking to a reincarnated person I've met before, actually validating myself, from various occasions, but I think it's an unlimited answer close to 100 points"

I put a sip of tea in my mouth. It is not my favorite bean tea, but I am satisfied with the rich aroma and flavour that is suitable for handling in upscale stores.

'There is another level besides the level of skill. For convenience, I call it the physical level. I can't prove it because I can't look at it with an open status like a skill level, but I'm pretty sure the physical level is "yes”. Have you guys ever played games in your last life? Yeah, I thought it would be because we were both young. That's a quick story. "

Provide a brief description of the computer's role-playing game. Naturally, you can't be convinced of this all of a sudden, but now it's important to put “this kind of information” in your head as knowledge. To be honest, the level for both of us is not a big deal, so it will soon rise. Especially since the level of Güneh is low, it should rise by many levels in no time. Then I think I can actually feel the benefits of rising stats on the boulders. There was a verse that I said Zulu or Engela, noticed a continuous rise in levels even for subpeople with sufficiently racially high original status.

You'll definitely notice if the original low talent Guinee repeats the level increase as well. This would be the same for Tris. So, this is fine now.

"If you hunt monsters and demons in the labyrinth, you'll be aware of them."

That's what I said and saw the two faces again. What a nagging expression.

'Yeah, there's no point in suddenly not believing it. Yeah, well, why don't we do a quick experiment? Tris, you said you've been an adventurer for about two years. Bell is more or less a year, and a woman. I think you two would know better if we had an arm wrestle.'

"Huh? Sounds interesting. I want to do it too! You think you've been pretty powerful lately!

Ralph, I didn't tell you. I don't mind.

'Well, we do it here, too, see, what? Tris, try it with Belle later. Maybe, but you can't win. Unless you're always more into training and working out than we can even imagine, but you should be surprised at Bell's power nonetheless. I think that would make me somewhat convinced by what I just said. Guine is... right, how about this?

I go where there's nothing around the entrance to the room and all of a sudden I go upside down. He bent his elbows as they were, lowering his body until it was horizontal with the ground and moving to a horizontal inversion. And then we move into a downfall again. Of course I don't wear it on the floor except the palm of my hand. After several repetitions, he also lays down his arms with a horizontal inversion. There is nothing to say about breath being a little disturbed.

Yeah. I've never done this before, but it would only be possible because it's supported by high talent. Tris and Guine were flattered. Bell and Ralpha seemed surprised, too, but these two have some convincing look on their faces.

"You know you're not going to be able to do that unless you're about a gymnast with a fair amount of training in your previous life, right? Well, I may be saying too much about gymnasts, but I can't just muscle strength. You understand as much as you need a sense of balance, don't you? You also need strength to keep exercising at high loads. I don't know if Belle or Ralpha can make it this far, but I'm pretty sure they both have enough strength and muscle to say a 15-year-old woman unnaturally. You really should do an arm wrestle later to make sure '

I said to Tris and Guineh with my mouth open suddenly. Go on,

'And then, both of us, if you're from the Kingdom of Lomberto, you know it... especially since Guine is a Lombertia, so you naturally know it... I'm proud of this, but as Ralpha just said, I was a little on edge at the end of last year and had a mock fight with three of the First Knights captains, the deputy captains, and the squadron captains of the Third Squadron. I lost at all costs to the captain, but I beat the other two. So, this is a loss, but because of a mock fight in front of Her Majesty the Queen, I was not allowed to use my best weapon. I couldn't even use magic I was better at because it had to do with my inherent skills. Still, I could meet with the captain there. It would be hard to believe because I haven't actually seen it just talking about the parties, but it's a fact. I think it's due to an increase in physical levels'

I don't think it's just the increase in ability thanks to leveling on boulders, but nevertheless it's also necessary to overlap danger with neighboring struggles by killing demons into tunnels (in my case, not so prestigious because of their genius talents). The same is true of the sword moves that have been knocked in since childhood, and it would have been great if it hadn't been for the training of fighting, which is the knowledge of previous life.

'I assure you, both Tris and Guine will take the time to arch and... I don't know if this is an appropriate expression, but I think with the experience of killing demons, we'll be able to do this much sooner or later'

That evening we all went to the inn once, and after we had our wallets and stuff, we broke up again in front of the inn with Tris and Bell, Ralpha and Guineh (they're staying at Guineh's house this evening), and my three groups (though I'm not the only group). Tomorrow, after we had our own breakfast, we decided to meet at this inn (where Ralpha and I had stayed together until now). The time is already around 21: 00.

I gently handed Tris the rubber bag. Not to say it's extremely unlikely, just in case Bell pulls a hit. At the end of the day, in the inn toilet, he said, 'It's the first one. It's extravagant.' When I gave Tris the rubber bag, he didn't immediately understand what it was, but he immediately understood that it was just Japanese on the boulder. "Oh, thank you," he said, blushing and thanking me. Honesty is a good thing. I hope it fits in size M. You're gonna be okay.

After the three of us watched as Tris disappeared into the inn holding Bell's shoulder, Guine called out to me as she tried to walk out by herself.

'Mr. Al... well... if it's all right, there's a room and why don't you stay at home tonight?

'Yes, Al, come with me. You're lonely by yourself anyway, aren't you?

I'm glad to say that I'm happy to see wasted accommodation floating around, but the stakes are end-of-life.

"Thank you. But I've seen you guys for a long time, and there's a lot to talk about, right? It's an invitation to the corner, but I won't let it happen today. I'll see you here tomorrow, then. And then Omei will kill you later '

That's what I said with a laugh and walked out. Keep your chest up, I won't miss you.

It's decided where I'm headed. Yes, the finest restaurant in Wangdu that couldn't get in the way of New Year's Eve, also known as the Duke of Emerald Club Hotel. It's an unproductive name, but for some reason it touches my harp line. Walk the road to the store without getting lost.

I personally think that Keel's "Litton" had a high level of ladies, but the shop's making itself was no big deal with appearance and some waiting rooms, but this store was different in character. On both sides of the open doorway were demonic props of light and heating, and on the counter just in front of the doorway stood a gentleman of better taste with a classy grin than Sebastian, who was in "Litton".

My shoulder is slapped as soon as I enter the store and correct my prestige to speak up to the gentleman.

Whatever, I'm going to... Huh?

"Al? What are you doing?

I had a sister who looked at me with a surprised face. Your sister is dressed close to fully equipped, armed in armor. Behind you is my sister and a couple of other squire Amzel and other squire like Barkud rubber protectors. Looks like they're towing something like an O8 with lots of wooden sticks. Looks like some people are pushing, of course.

"Oh? Mm-hmm... oh, that,... yeah, for sale, for sale, sort of."

I delude myself as I stutter and wander off at my sister, who suddenly appeared.

"Selling in... what?

Your sister is staring at me.

"Yes, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

"Still in a place like this to my kids habits, at this hour...... I said to my brother and father," Hey, this, this is it!

I rushed out my wallet from my leg pocket and took the 'sheath' out of it to show it.

"Let it be, it's been fifteen last month, me. I'm already an adult. So it's hard to expand your business in public. You told your sister last year, didn't you? I just created a chamber of commerce. I need to sell a lot more than just armor..."


"More than that, it's your sister who's dressed like that at this hour. What?

"Night march and position building training. Walk because you can't use your horse! We're going now!

A gentleman came out of the store because my knight and I started asking questions.

"Are you a customer?

"Ah...... no"

Your sister turned red and tried to hide behind me.

"Oh, that... you have a new rubber product... uh, my name is Alain Gried and I am the president of the Grid Chamber of Commerce. So, I thought I'd give it a try... it's a replacement for the bowel of a pig, and today I brought you a sample (sample) because I said hello... this is it. My name is Sheath."


The gentleman stared at the 'sheath' he was putting on my hand with a frigid look on his face.

"This product is a delicacy that we also deliver to the royal family. Once you have used it, you will understand how good it is. Go ahead."


When I take the gentleman's hand, I force him to press and hold the 'sheath' in every bag.

"The Green Chamber of Commerce purchases directly from the rubber region, Barkud on the Jindal Peninsula, and we know that you will always be satisfied with both the quality and the price. Please even greed the Boyle Pavilion in Balduk when you need it!


"So that's it for today. I beg your pardon!... I've got some errands to run, here we go!

March 11, 7443.

Leaving Affordable Lodging where I rolled in last night. On this day of March, the sun felt dimmer than usual even though it was not cloudy. After putting up the net these days, I was talking to Belle and Ralpha at the inn like every night, so maybe I got out tired.

With that in mind, I head to the inn with a slightly sleepless head.

When I arrived at the inn, Ralpha and Guine arrived at the same time. The Bells are not coming out.

"Hey, Ralph, you, call me."

I told Ralpha because I didn't want to go get him.

"Yeah, hey, that's..."


We took care of Bell and left the inn open.

I made sure I didn't have to feel comfortable with someone I knew.

Bell would have figured that out, but I guess he was happy.

Talk to Guineh because it's just fine.

"Guine, I need to talk to you for a second, okay?

"Yes, what is it?

He looks up at me with a small body.

"I was just talking to you yesterday about trying to make my chamber of commerce home to Lombertier. If you know a realtor or something, I'd like you to introduce me. How about that?

When I said that, she replied with a slightly troubled face.

"I'm sorry, I don't know. Because your father did everything around it..."

"Oh well, never mind, to the extent that I would have known. I'll introduce you to the First Knights."

I didn't have to worry about her, who seemed sorry, but I was wondering how about relying too much on the First Knights. But I have no choice. Your sister... you don't seem to know... Yeah, you've got a hand in referring me to the administration.

"That's right, Guine, I'm glad you're here with me, thank you."

Guine's [Inherent Mastery: Terrain Memory (Mapping)] will probably be the best help in progressing through the labyrinth. Together with Ralph's spatial grasp of the location, maybe we're the only ones who can create an accurate map of the labyrinth.

"No, to be honest, I was worried about what I was going to do too... I think it will take some time for the Chamber of Commerce's license to be renewed... The truth is, I was wondering if I could do an adventurer with Tris for a while and help find Mr. Bell..."

I said as I stroked the little bag I lowered from my neck. Last night's story says there's a demon stone in that bag for Guine's parents. Because he died on the way out, he said that only Demon Stone had brought him to Wang Capital.

"Well, there are mountains of life and valleys. There will be a lot of things. But if you try so hard not to regret it, some good things will happen. Don't worry. I'm not gonna make you regret coming into my party."

"Yes, Al is so strong, and I know a lot of things. Whatever you do, you need some strength, right? You're dead, but you're not gonna die that easy with Al."

Ralpha, who was listening to us, also stuck his neck in. He's lifting up about me rarely.

"Oh, you can rest assured of that. I'm not trying to force you."

Bell and Tris came out while we were talking about that. Bell walks a little strange.

[Bernadette Corroil/4/4/7429]

[Female/14/2/7428 · Rubies · Associate Baron Coroyll's Second Daughter]

[Status: laceration]

[Age: 15]

[Level: 9]

[HP: 95 (97) MP: 75 (75)]

[Muscle Strength: 14]

[Jun Min: 21]

[Dexterity: 14]

[Endurance: 13]

[Unique Skill: Projectile Sensation (MAX)]

[Special skill: ultra-hearing]

[Special Skill: No Magic LV2]

[Special Skill: Earth Magic LV2]

[Special Skill: Water Magic LV2]

[Special Skill: Fire Magic LV2]

[Experience: 103243 (110000)]

Oh, you suck at me. But a laceration? HP is also down by 2. What would happen if I did healing magic right now? Bell has already taught healing magic, although the effect is no big deal either. Why don't you try to use it? I guess it's because the injured area will heal if I use it.

"Belle, what's wrong with the way you walk?"

I knew it, but Ralpha's a real idiot. Look, Belle and Tris' faces are turning bright red. Guine is also slapping Ralpha's ass with a subtle look. Probably because I can't reach Ralpha's head.

"Shut up, stupid. We already had breakfast, but what about Tris and the others? If you haven't already, you can eat slowly. I'll get you a horse in the meantime."

When I said that, Guine said it haphazardly.

"Oh, me, there's a carriage with two horses, what shall we do?

Yeah, if you say so. And you said you had some inventory left. Tris and Bell walked away in a meeting with us. I knew you weren't eating. Looks like you had a lot of fun last night......

"So is that. I usually go into the labyrinth in Balduk, so if you don't need it soon, you should dispose of it... no, if it's good, let me buy it off? You can color the market somewhat."

"Hmmm... but... no, that one's over there. Mr. Al, please."

"Okay. I'll check the market later, okay?

"And then I wonder what I'll do with the house..."

I don't want to buy a house in a boulder. No, it's not about the money. I can buy 10 gold coins to that extent. I'm worn out, and the place isn't good, so I'm totally dead and property. Even if you resell it, it's not going to be that easy to find a buyer.

"If you're thinking of selling it, I'm going to go all the way to the administration and hit the realtor, so why don't we talk about it there?

When I say that,

"Oh, so is that"

and Guine said as she was convinced.

"Huh? That house, you're selling it? You've lived here the whole time, haven't you?

I said it like Ralpha was a little worried.

"Yeah, but I thought about it yesterday. You can lend it to someone, though. Looking for a borrower... Oh, should I ask at a realtor"

Guine was convinced by one to say so.

"Hmm, sounds like you should stay in Wang Du again today. Ralpha, let's leave this inn."

"Right. You know what? Young Nanaka, stay here today."

Ralpha told me to worship Guineh.

"That's good, but call me Guinness rather than Young Vegetables. You've said that many times, haven't you? Young vegetables are dead, and I have a name for you and your mother."

That's right.

"Uh, hey, I'm sorry, you know."

"How about Mr. Al, too? Thanks to you, I was able to talk to Lar a lot yesterday, and I don't need to feel comfortable."

I apologize with my tongue, Ralpha. Elsewhere, Guine turned to me and said,

"That would help. Thank you. But, okay?

"Huh? Are you sure?... Well, Al wouldn't do anything weird. But I'll sleep in another room."

I know it's a joke for both me and Guine, but I think he looked at Ralpha who makes it, he's an unreadable fool of the air.

Then I went to a realtor who was referred to me by the administration. He was a real estate agent run by a man named Baron Robin himself. He seems to be a realtor who deals mostly with nobles. He said he would find out about the borrower of Guineh's house in a month. This, he said, does not have territory in the King's capital, because there are many nobles who earn their living solely by virtue of their official office, and naturally some are not very wealthy. I hear there is a demand for rents in the nobility who said so. Though it will naturally take care of once.

But they don't have the kind of merchandise that serves as the base of the Chamber of Commerce around my hopes.

I have no choice but to find a commercial realtor. Or it could suck to cry to the First Knights in the name of armor maintenance.

I did everything possible over the course of the day.

Tomorrow we all travel to Balduk. I'm off exploring the labyrinth just Saturday, and from Monday, the day after tomorrow, I'm re-challenged to the labyrinth. Now, because you have a secret weapon, it's going to be crisp.

Wait, I'm just going to get you a magic item to make a lot of money!!

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