“Illusory God.”

Looking at the people who stood up, everyone gave out cry out in surprise,

“didn’t expect that Illusory God will be at this time Shot.”

“It’s really unexpected. It’s been a long time since I have seen the magic god make a move.”

“The magic god, since retiring, there is no real meaning Do it, didn’t expect he will do it.”

“He has already retired, and who can move him to do it? I’m so curious, I am a fanboy of the phantom god, please ask for information A knowledgeable person told.”

“I think he saw Liaoyuan’s technology, so he wanted to learn from Liaoyuan.”

“Learn about your sister, the character of the phantom god, Even if it’s a game, it’s definitely a private game. It’s definitely not on such a focal point of ten thousands. It’s obviously that those big guilds want to make trouble for a prairie prairie fire. Even if he doesn’t like to cause trouble before he retires, what’s more. Now after retiring, he has left the e-sports circle of right and wrong for a long time.”

“Then why is this?”

“Don’t think about it, Illusory God owes the original club A favor is still a favor now.”

“Ai, these damn big guilds, although I also like to see phantoms, I don’t want to see them in this situation.”

“Illusory God, I hope I don’t have a death feud with Liaoyuan.”

“Liaoyuan has really met his opponent this time. For such a Divine Grade player, even if his spirit strength is not as good as Liaoyuan, but his skills alone should be able to compete with Liaoyuanyi.”

“I hope so, although I don’t want to see the magic god appear in this way, but I look forward to it. Games.”

Compared with the complex emotions of ordinary players, those in the big guild are cheering excitedly. The phantom god has influenced a generation of e-sports gods.

Many years ago, China Sports has entered an unprecedented downturn.

Several Divine Grade players in different clubs led the embarrassing position of the third-rate arena to the world level.

At that time, the competitive system of Huaxia District had collapsed. Without the efforts of this group of people, the Huaxia E-sports circle would be extremely chaotic, just in such a difficult environment.

They simply didn’t have much income, but they persisted.

In the end, they led China E-Sports to a short-term glory, but because of the original contract issue, that group of people had many fans, but they did not enjoy the corresponding treatment.

In the past few years, when the Huaxia District e-sports was on the right track, they resolutely paid sky-high liquidated damages and announced their retirement.

And Illusory God, one of the leaders in the treatment of these people. Whether it is his apex operation or the kind of Divine Grade consciousness, he can enter the world expert ranking sequence.

Illusory God, once one of the founders of the Sun Team.

Today’s Sun Team and Guild are super guilds that are better than those of the Glory World. The club’s pair is now Seeded Contestant in world-class e-sports competitions.

Relying on the consciousness and operation of Divine Grade, the phantom god from that time has become a world-class player who can lead a team to the world stage from a small Hooligan who is addicted to the game.

“Why would the phantom god take action at this time?” asked a player in those big guild areas.

“He was originally arranged to the end, but Illusory God firmly disagreed, and even wanted to be the first to play.”

“The first one to play, why?”

“Because he turned Liaoyuan into an opponent, he wanted to play a fair fight with Liaoyuan.”

“Liaoyuan is really so powerful, even Illusory God values ​​him so much?”

“If Liaoyuan is really not like this evildoer, will our club exchange the favor of the phantom god for such an opportunity?”

Everyone is silent, the favor of the phantom god, in some Time is extremely precious. In the e-sports circle, although they have been silent for a long time, their influence is still extremely great.

“The magical god will win.”

The entire auditorium rang out uniformly, and at the beginning, there were waves, and then the entire viewing area of ​​the arena followed It boiled, as if the sky was about to collapse.

Several veterans of the Spark Guild were gloomy.

“What should I do?” The cute pupil also asked blankly: “Can Big Brother be the opponent of the phantom god?”

The cute pupil always believes in Li Yao. As long as Li Yao said that she could accomplish things, she never hesitated, and was always the first to respond.

However, Hitomi’s face is very tangled now. On the one hand, I very much hope to see this game of the dragon wars, the tiger battles. On the other hand, I am worried that Li Yao will lose the game.

“Illusory God has been retiring for many years, and a direct sale disappeared, the technology should be regressed.” The guardian angel asked uncertainly.

Sister Li’s brows were also frowning, and she said: “Now I don’t know what the result will be. I really can’t think that these people hate us so strongly that they will all I asked it to come out, it can be said to be a well-intentioned, and the price is large enough.”

The silent Peerless Demon Ji said: “I am a wife who knows Illusory God. From what I know, Although Illusory God has not touched the competitive circle, he has not given up on his love of the game, and still maintains the training of the professional player.”

Everyone who was worried about suddenly sucked in a breath of cold air, This news is terrifying.

Professional players have many trainers. After a few days of social development, professional players mainly exercise their bodies and maintain their strong life force. The second is to exercise spirit strength, although it is very painful. Then read a lot of various materials every day to keep the knowledge reserve.

It can be said that the hard work of e-sports players is not weaker than those of conventional sports players.

When the average professional player retires, he basically won’t insist on this kind of painful training anymore, but the phantom god is still insisting on it, which is too terrifying.

“Then his current strength?” Fruit Knight couldn’t help asking.

The Peerless Demon Fairy sighed said: “Strong, very strong, at least in ten rounds of duel, he can beat me in seven rounds.”

Everyone once again worried about looking towards and has converged. With a smile, Li Yao became serious.

The current impact of Li Yao’s game is not only the failure of Li Yao’s personal mission, but also the development and stability of the Spark Guild.

They know the strength of the Peerless Demon Ji, and the peerless Demon Ji is also a strong man on the world expert list.

The veterans and her PK have always lost more and less. Now the Peerless Demon Fairy can only be separated from the Illusory God Sanqi, how terrifying this is.

“Actually, you don’t have to worry too much. As far as I know, Liaoyuan’s spirit strength is much stronger than the illusion. As for the technology, Liaoyuan is equally unpredictable. I can only say that it’s five to five. Open.”

“Will it open at five or five.” Qin Fengyi sighed, and she looked worriedly at the two people who had begun to hold each other.

Illusory God looked at Li Yao with complicated eyes, sighed said: “I look forward to confronting you, but I really don’t want to confront you here, forget it, you won’t understand.”

Li Yao said in a slightly serious tone: “I understand that you are very strong. You used to be my idol, but you are really not my opponent now.”

There was an uproar in the arena…

ps: Today I was tired and pissed, sleepy and tired, and insisted on the code in the hotel.

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