After all, they haven’t touched this thing before, they simply don’t have the concept of combo skills.

In their concept, releasing one skill and then releasing another. Skills like this combination are really a bit unimaginable.

“Will it be a bug.” This is the first single thought of all players who can’t figure out what’s going on.

Then they dispelled the idea. If there is a bug, the ancient gods will automatically fine-tune it. For example, the wall of fog.

“Next.” Li Yao glanced around the audience and said.

The players in the audience were silent. They didn’t find the answer, and their hearts became even more mysterious.

They were going to destroy Li Yao’s mission and figure out Li Yao’s line, but every time they thought that they knew Li Yao clearly, he always gave people a sense of surprise.

As if he will always have endless skills, coupled with his powerful machinery and pets, many of the originally confident experts have become silent.

“I will fight you.” A player carrying a big sword slowly stood up.

Randomly, the man ordered the line, and he was also teleported down.

“You killed my younger brother just now.” The player carrying a door-like sword coldly said.

“So what, can’t you afford to lose?” Li Yao said with a smile.

“Wrong, he has been arrogant and conceited since he was a child, it is good for you to teach him a little lesson.

“Oh? “

“I am Jian Yu Tianxia. Jian Yu Tianxia stared at Li Yao coldly, like a lion attacking its prey: “You taught my younger brother, I’m a big brother so I can’t just ignore it anyway.” “

“pu ha ha ha ha. Li Yao laughed: “You people, if you want to destroy my mission, you must destroy it. You have to find a good-sounding reason.” I taught your younger brother, but you, the big brother, taught me. Then I taught you. Will your father mother also enter the game to teach me? “

Li Yao didn’t give him any face. This kind of slut always feels that he is justified. He looks bright and majestic. In fact, he is just a younger generation.

“Uncultivated guy, don’t you know that you can’t take your parents when you talk? “Jian Yu Tianxia was furious, he just said casually, as if he seemed to be a little more decent, didn’t expect Li Yao to hold on.

“Your upbringing is so good, a hypocrite is your upbringing. What. “Li Yao clicked to confirm, and said: “Stop talking nonsense, I have to play more than 90 games. If every one of them can beep like you, then I don’t need to be exhausted. “

“Then I will end your pain. “

At the end of the countdown, a golden light flashed under Jian Yutianxia’s feet, and his body suddenly jumped up.


Snake also Without saying anything, I used Piaoxue directly.


The sword imperial world jumped over a long distance, and then launched a charge on the Hydra.

But in the middle of the charge, he has been mentally controlled.

Frost Breath!

“Let me kill you. “

But the Hydra’s frost breath fell through, and his body charged again.

Li Yao stood under the Hydra. His target of the charge this time was Li Yao. .

“You are still far behind. “

Arrow tower!

pa pa pa ……

One of the arrow towers was smashed by the charge, but it also stopped his charge.

The other two arrow towers began to attack, but his big sword was very huge, and the big sword was directly used as a shield.

ding ding dong dong ……

His big sword The sword didn’t know what material it was, and it couldn’t penetrate through the puncture, so it was directly bounced off.

“How can you stand me. “

Moreover, how much his speed is not at all reduced within the range of the falling snow. Although he has no displacement skills, his speed is not at all slower.

” Kill you in three seconds. “

Li Yao shook his arm again, the full moon turned into a half moon, and the red rays of light on his body flickered.

Shoot quickly!

shua~ shua ~ shua~ ……

Two arrows shot out like phantoms.


“hahaha, I am a hunter’s nightmare. “Jian Yu Tianxia ejected these two arrows.

But Li Yao just said with a smile: “Goodbye. “

Puff pu…

The two arrows that were ejected suddenly hit the Hydra’s left leg, then hit the right leg, and then suddenly penetrated from the side. In his body holding the big sword.

“This move again…” Jian Yu Tianxia’s door-panel big sword crashed to the ground.

The body also fell down.

On the ground.

“Although simple, it’s enough to kill you. “Li Yao put away the bow and arrow directly.

The arena fell into silence. Li Yao this move too terrifying. It is unimaginable to be able to judge the ejection angle in such a short time.


Know that the body of the Hydra is not flat. You must know that it is very difficult for most hunter players to hit the target head-on.

Profound Truth of Arrows · Sound, Since it was used by Li Yao, shooting arrows have been madly collected by hunters, but the problem is that players who have learned these two skills discovered that the two energy saving skills are not simple skills.

Requirements It’s too high. At this stage, no one except Li Yao can really master these two arrow techniques.

There is silence in the stands. Li Yao is really too strong. He used to think he was strong, but in their It seems that against ordinary players, they can also be as relaxed and comfortable as Li Yao.

However, the reality is cruel. They suddenly discovered that they are in front of Li Yao, perhaps with ordinary players. It’s no different.

It’s also a clean solution. If you say kill you, kill you, let them die like you can’t guard against it.

They suddenly Realizing a problem, that is, until now, Li Yao still has a play mentality, and simply didn’t take it seriously.

The bulls basically don’t move, and Li Yao doesn’t take the initiative. It’s just the opponent’s provocation. The other party was arrogant, and no matter how amazing his performance, he was finally killed mercilessly.

Actually, Li Yao didn’t want to pretend, but he didn’t just want to play a mission. He is testing the details of the Great Guild, Li Yao can naturally kill them without giving them a chance to shoot, but it is meaningless to do so.

After that, there will be a lot of players. At the end, every player lost, and they failed miserably.

In a blink of an eye, fifty games have passed, and Li Yao has won fifty consecutive victories.

Ordinary qualifying matches, Fifty consecutive victories are already very powerful, but this is the main arena where experts gather. Each of them has the strength to compete for dozens of consecutive victories in ordinary rankings.

They have always looked down on everything, now They suddenly discovered that Li Yao seemed to be a mountain in their eyes, just like they were playing in a normal ranking.

What annoyed them even more was that in 50 games, the Hydra never moved. Li Yao has also been standing under the Hydra and has never moved his position. Many people who have discovered this problem feel the great irony.

“I’ll be here this time, you can only do that. . “

When the arena saw the people standing up, they suddenly exclaimed…

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