Now the players of the Starfire Guild have retreated back into the wall of fog, and they have no retreat.

If the wall of fog is removed, the current number of allied forces of the three guilds can still encircle them, and the melee combat of the Spark Guild simply complements the protection of several sides.

When Healing and Crispy are attacked, then the consequence is the collapse of the Spark Guild team, which is beyond the tolerance of the Spark Guild.

But if you don’t open the wall of fog, then no one knows that Three Great Guilds has several mountain battles. With his terrifying strength and attacks, the Fruit Knight could not resist being shaken off. The tank is even more unbearable.

“This battle is about to be determined.” Cousin Sheng Shi showed a smug smile.

“Yes, it’s over. This time the loss is too great, but in any case, it is worth it to curb the development of the Spark Guild, so they are so proud.” Robert sneered.

Boom, boom, Bang…

Every step in the mountain battle is like The earth shook and the mountain quivered, and the players of Three Great Guilds are following him Slowly approached behind him, waiting for the mountain warfare to break their formation when they broke the line, thus taking the Starfire Guild players in one fell swoop.

“Naive, do you really think we don’t have any means.” Li Yao also laughed.

The veteran group looked towards Li Yao. Sister Li asked, “Can you really stop this monster?”

“Nature.” Li Yao looked towards the guardian angel and said : “Guardian, it’s up to you.”

“Fuck, I…” The guardian angel looked at the mountain battle, which was more than twice as tall as himself, and suddenly thought of someone stepping on the floor and his wife would be caught Zhenfei thing.

Sister Li directly shouted in the guild channel: “Guardian, do not move the barrier, top it.”

Then all the members heard the order and stared at them. The direction of the guardian angel is full of expectations.

“I’m going to your uncle, you bully me.”

The guardian angel wanted to cry without tears, braving the determination to die, and rushed directly to the mountain to fight. The commander on the guild channel said that he had no retreat, knowing that he had to go to death.

“hahaha, you are courting death.”

The movement speed of mountain warfare is bad, and seeing the guardian angel rushing over with a large number of attacks, suddenly Laugh out loud.

“Do not move the barrier!”

The guardian angel held up the shield in his hand, and a golden light mask enveloped him.

The guardian angel is like a golden man poured with golden juice, and his moving speed has also become slow.

The flail in his hand was also stained with golden. As the spell attack fell, countless golden lightning arcs spread out.

“The earth shook and the mountain quivered.”

The mountain warrior stepped on the floor again, and as the ground cracked, a shock wave hit the golden shield.

ka ka ka ……

There were large cracks in the golden shield, and it exploded suddenly, and countless golden lightning arcs sputtered out.

The guardian angel’s blood volume suddenly decreased by a large amount, and then it was filled up in an instant. His body also receded.

The mountain battle was pierced by Golden’s arc, and the blood volume was immediately lost.

“Do not move the barrier!”

The guardian angel’s heart, who stepped back a few steps, was finally placed in his stomach. As long as he is not knocked into the air, he is unrivaled.

“Grandson, come again.” The guardian angel smiled and stepped again.

In terms of attack strength, defense, and strength, the guardian angel is completely defeated, but it cannot form an absolute crush, and it cannot form a crush. After being beaten, you can return to continue fighting.

The players of the Starfire Guild cheered, as long as they can block the giant, then they have hope.

And the faces of the Three Great Guilds players are not so good.

“Fuck, what the hell is that profession.” Cousin Shengshi’s smile froze on his face.

“Priest, commander, this is a priest.” A thief who knows how to appraisal stammered.

“Do you think I am a second force? This is the priest, isn’t it Knight?” Robert couldn’t believe his ears.

“It is indeed a priest.” The thief sent a screenshot of the identification.

“Fucking priest, wearing heavy armor and holding a shield flail.” Looking at the world, he was speechless.

“It doesn’t matter, the mountain can restrain this perverted priest. Let’s break through the defense.” Robert gritted his teeth and said.

Cousin Nodded, Shengshi cousin, said loudly on the team channel: “Attention all melee, charge me. Their priest was restrained by the mountains and just broke through their defenses and killed them for me.”


The melee of the Three Great Guilds finally launched a charge again, and a piece of tank first launched the center forward uniformly.

“Charge.” Sister Li shouted not to be outdone.

shua~ shua~ shua~ ……

I saw the two fronts and two rows of players holding shields suddenly colliding together.

After that, the warriors holding big swords also launched a charge.

There was a weird situation in the battlefield. Because it was a charge against a charge, both sides fell into a one-second stun effect.

Then, Knight and Paladin, the heavy armored professions that did not charge, also rushed up. After a brief separation, they collided again fiercely.

Before this time, the range of various violent spells simply has not really stopped. Even with the continuous increase of blood with the treatment, but with the continuous fighting, the players continue to fall on both sides.

It’s just that the players of the Starfire Guild are elite professionals after all, and the number of people who have fallen is much smaller than that of the Three Great Guilds, but after all, the number of Three Great Guilds is too large, and someone will add them immediately after they die. However, since the start of the Starfire Guild, there have been a lot of melee combat, and the supplement can’t keep up.

Just as my cousin Shengshi said, if it is a multi-faceted battlefield, the Spark Guild has been defeated.

The time for the second mountain battle was up, and it was immediately lost, but the third mountain battle was quickly added up.

With the advancement of the mountain warfare, the Starfire Guild’s melee battle line is constantly compressed. As long as the mountain warfare line advances inside the wall of fog, the mountain warfare can completely ignore the guardian angel and break the front line.

“Liaoyuan, your end is finally here. Are you crazy? See what you can do. Don’t be afraid to tell you. We still have eight mountain battles waiting for you. See if you can hold on to a few. “Robert taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune shouted.

“Fuck, I really want to put all the mountain wars into the battlefield together.” Looking at the world, clenching one’s teeth said.

“Liaoyuan feels the same way. All mountain battles are played together. Liaoyuan must use the wall of fog. As long as one minute is avoided, the mountain battle is abandoned. It is also good to boil frogs in warm water. Come one by one. They can’t hold it anymore.” Cousin Shengshi said nonchalantly.

“Fuck me, you are still slowly outputting, I can’t hold it anymore, just think of a way.” The guardian angel saw Li Yao and them behind him, and was impatient.

Li Yao stopped releasing the black arrow of death, and a ray of light flashed in his eyes, and said: “What is the hurry, you can only catch a big fish by putting a long line. The people are so sparse just now. It’s time.”…

ps: Let me talk about typos. I will check carefully every time I finish writing it before uploading. I write 10,000 words every day. There are a few typos that are simply unavoidable, even for me. an examination.

There are many shielded words at the beginning, and they are shielded as symbols when they are written. I used a lot of homophonic characters instead of the original characters. If this is also regarded as a typo, then I am helpless.

Of course, there is another way, that is, I reduce the number of updates, and check the chapters after I have finished writing several times to prevent typos from appearing.

Finally ask for a wave of monthly tickets, subscription and recommendation tickets, Mario thanks.

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