There are too many players in Three Great Guilds, three times more than Spark Guild. Although most of them are not elite players, although there are differences between current elite players and ordinary players, they have not yet reached that level. The degree of the difference between Heaven and Earth.

At most, there are three or two more elite skills, but skills have CD time.

With the influx of the Three Great Guilds’ melee combat, their line is finally stabilized. After less than ten minutes of fighting, Three Great Guilds lost more than five hundred players.

However, after the three fronts have stabilized, the two sides have begun a real collision.

“Their methods have been exhausted. It’s time for us to counterattack and prepare for the mountain battle.” Sheng Shi’s cousin loudly ordered: “On the mountain battle.”

Robert At this time, he came back and said, “Those Yinying battle strengths are too strong. After losing more than one hundred members, they won dozens of Yinying. Mad, Starfire Guild, these abnormalities, can actually resist hundreds of others. , How did these people do it?”

Looking at the world, while giving orders in the team, he said: “How to do it is not important. The important thing is that we still have a lot of people, enough to overwhelm They are.”

“This Liaoyuan is too strong, it is inhumane, I am worried…” Cousin Shengshi said with a gloomy expression.

“What are you worried about?” Looking at the world with doubts.

“It is certain to weaken the Spark Guild, they have no means, and we still have a lot of hole cards. But the downside is that Liaoyuan’s performance just now was too eye-catching, with one enemy and one hundred. The record, even if he rushes to the street today, it is still difficult to defeat his prestige.” Cousin Sheng Shi said worriedly.

“What you said makes sense. How can a single player be so strong? Isn’t he only a fire bird puppet? How come there is another thing that can carry people like Mecha? The battle strength is still so Strong. More importantly, what kind of skill he is, it’s too buggy.” Cousin Sheng Shi said depressed.

“What’s the use of what you said, is he as mysterious as what you said, the mountain war is going to be, damn…” Before Robert finished speaking, he saw that a mechanical puppet was thrown out The two flywheels brought a piece of white light in the crowd.

After that, he rushed and killed all the way in the crowd.

“Necromancer’s stone demon surrounded him, don’t attack this puppet remotely.” Cousin Sheng Shi saw the crowd talking again and quickly commanded.

ka ka ka ……

Li Yao was about to continue his charge, when four stone demons suddenly appeared beside him. Then a bunch of skeletons surrounded the stone magic group.

“Summon card position, sure enough, there are still a lot of experts.” Li Yao said helplessly.

Four stone demons appeared together in the four directions of Death God 4000, sandwiching Death God 4000, Death God 4000 was already restricted.

Be aware that although the stone demon is smaller than the Death God 4000, its strength is not small at all, and there is a rebound of damage, plus treatment to increase the blood of the stone demon.

Death God 4000 really can’t drop the stone demon in seconds, and the second kill is limited.

Time remains!

Li Yao helplessly, using the backtracking skill, once again released a wave of electrostatic flywheel, but it was limited to this skill.

The players of the three great factions cheered for a while. It is really that the deterrence of Death God 4000 is too great, leaving them with lingering fears.

“Playing this game makes me understand that everything is impossible to be truly invincible. There is always a way to restrain him, depending on whether his brain is big enough.” Cousin Sheng Shi was proud of Said.

“Yes, such as this wall like the cloud, I saw it in the grocery store. At that time, I thought, this one-time thing, the price is so expensive, I just bought this Fancy things. However, in Liaoyuan’s hands, we were completely unprepared, otherwise we would have three bread clips, Liaoyuan would be immortal and would not be able to take care of it. No matter what, he would be aggressive here.” Nodded looking at the world said.

“Anyway, this battle has given me a lot of inspiration. Although I don’t want to admit it, even if the Spark Guild is defeated, it is not as ugly as we thought.” Robert sighed.

A cold light flashed in his cousin Shengshi’s eyes: “This is nothing. Liaoyuan is too strong, but in any case, it is certain to curb the development momentum of Spark Guild today. As long as we defeat them once, we will Can frustrate them for the second time, Spark is just a small guild and can’t afford it.”

“Yes, when other players see the situation of Spark Guild, no one is willing to join such a guild. “Looking at the world is full of confidence. Of course, as the top 20 guild in China, he is also qualified to say this.

How can the new guild not have a solid guild understand the background of the big guild?

On both sides of the battle, the fruit Knight repelled the shield warriors in front of them with a shield, and was about to step forward to attack.

A silhouette blocked her, and then the silhouette suddenly became an incomparable gigantic.

In an instant, it became at least five or six yards in height, and his body swelled rapidly, and his body was replaced by a mossy boulder, like a hill.

“Mountain warfare.” Li Yao’s eyebrows slightly frowned, said: “But it can only change for 1 minute.”

The defense and blood volume of the mountain giant has soared to a terrifying level .

“Sixty thousand HP and 685 armor.” Sister Li frowned.

“You don’t count, the rocks on his body can reduce damage by more than 50%.” Li Yao also didn’t expect that the opponent would have a mountain battle.

Mountain Wars said that he is strong, but he is not strong, and he can play an unexpected role at critical moments. But he is weak, because his duration is only one minute, but the cooling time is 15 minutes.

As long as he survives one minute, he becomes an ordinary soldier and is called a real man.


Mountain Wars suddenly stepped on the ground, and the fruit Knight flew upside down, knocking down a piece of Starfire Guild players.

“Retreat, retreat to the entrance, his transformation time is only one minute.” Sister Li’s words calmed down the players of the Spark Guild, and it turned out to be only one minute.

Countless attacks fell on the body of the mountain warfare, but the damage caused was very little, and there was Three Great Guilds treatment to increase the blood, and the blood volume of the mountain warfare has been kept above half blood. It is terrifying to the extreme. .

The players of the Starfire Guild retreat while attacking, while melee combat is a comprehensive defense, always guarding this long-range, without giving the three guild players a chance.

For a long time, Starfire’s guild has lost a lot of staff in melee combat, but it can barely be maintained when it retreats to the gap.

The speed of the mountain warfare was really unsatisfactory. I moved forward slowly, and soon one minute passed. The mountain warfare’s transformation time was over and countless attacks were lost in seconds.

“Do you think this is the end, wrong, I tell you, this is the beginning, number two, come on.” Cousin Sheng Shi sneered.

The complexion of the players of the Starfire Guild has changed wildly, they have been unable to retreat…

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