The human heart has always been the most wonderful thing and the most capricious.

It’s just like now, is it because the two competitions are so eloquent, but it’s just what some people think that’s all.

That’s why the situation has become so tense.

“We made an agreement before. I will not get involved with the boss, but the things on the platform belong to me. Now it seems that you don’t want to comply.”

Some people can’t bear it. Living said: “What you said, nothing serious, how can you take it seriously, if we make a contract, we will naturally abide by it, but now.”

The head of the team was also gloomy and uncertain, and started to ask the team members in private. Opinion,

pu! pu!

With two gloomy arrows, two silhouettes appeared, and fell beside the boss body and the platform, both of them were ready to be invisible Take spoils of war.

The result was discovered by Li Yao, and then shot. What made the others frightened was that the two corpses fell to the ground and shattered into countless pieces of dust, even blood.

What’s more terrifying is that everyone didn’t see how Li Yao did it.


Fame and quiet terrifying, even though they knew the power of Li Yao, they did not expect that in front of Li Yao it was so impossible to withstand a single blow.

Although they are stealth, they are not defenseless. They are ready to guard against Li Yao’s attacks and then save their lives. As a result, they simply can’t react and don’t know when they will make the move.

“It seems that you really regard me as dead, and I don’t talk nonsense with you, I will ask you now, do you want to destroy the group.”

Everyone is angry Now, they are all proud and arrogant super experts, and they usually treat others like themselves. When did they experience this kind of anger?

For a time, he was filled with outrage and criticized Li Yao as an unreasonable Great Demon.

The head of the regiment also looked gloomy. He secretly commanded the regiment members to disperse their positions and resurrect the dead. He said in his mouth: “Liaoyuan, you are too domineering. Originally, we might not follow the previous rules. It’s just that you’re overbearing too much, and you don’t have any sharing, so the best spoils of war are forgotten, and you still insult us. This is what you call Number One Person’s domineering? It’s really insight.”

Li Yao frowned: “Let’s talk to me about these useless things. I’m too lazy to argue about right or wrong. The powerhouse in the game is respected. The source of my confidence is never that you will keep your promises and credit, but my own strength. . Do you want to buy time to prepare to fight with me? I will fulfill you and give you time without playing with these clever things.”

The leader looks embarrassed, he really wants to buy time, and most of them do. World War I.

After all, the origin of this monster is too big. The things he guards must be very, very good, and even if you don’t believe in the boss, what Liaoyuan wants, can it be bad?

Even if you can’t use it and you are bought by someone else, you can share a sum of money. Don’t let Liaoyuan get it anyway. The momentum of Liaoyuan is too strong, and it would be better if you can stop it.

Of course, the most important thing is that the team’s running-in gave them courage and gave them confidence in defeating Li Yao. Although Li Yao said that he has become a world boss, he is a player after all.

Li Yao did not move as expected, and waited quietly for them to revive their players and adjust their formation.

After a few minutes, Li Yao eyes opened, lightly saying: “Yes, I found the bunkers. It seems that the preparations are well prepared. Then you can look forward to it, I will take action.”


Listening to what Li Yao said, everyone is careful to take precautions, hiding in blind spots that they think is safe, and also releasing various states for themselves, which is more cautious than playing a boss.

“Would you like me…” A doll of the void puppet appeared in the hands of the enchanting girl.

Li Yao smiled: “No, don’t you want to know the big tricks I understand? I am also curious about the formidable power, so I will try them.”



Everyone had a flash of lightning in their minds. Li Yao disappeared in their eyes, Xing Yao disappeared, and a bitter emotion spread from their hearts.

Everyone shook their hearts, knowing they were hit, but they found that the scenery around them had changed drastically.

I don’t know when, they actually floated in the sky, with thick clouds rolling over their heads.


With a blast of lightning, everyone was awakened from bitter emotions.

The heavy rain is pouring down, as if a one after another rain tornado surrounds them one by one.

Their thoughts collapsed in an instant, like a helpless flat boat, in the squally rainy sea, with huge waves surging into the sky.

And where those raindrops are, they are clearly endless arrows.

In an instant everyone was torn to pieces by endless arrows.

In the eyes of Demon Ji and the people farther away, it was another scene. Li Yao suddenly disappeared, and he collapsed into countless arrows.

Those arrows seem to be silent, forming a one after another tornado, tearing each player to pieces, and then the arrows swept to form Li Yao’s body again.

Everything just seemed like an illusion, but watching dozens of white lights floating, there was no corpse silhouette, and the players who did not join the team in the far distance fought a cold war.

It’s too terrifying, this what the hell trick, simply can’t understand.

You don’t know how to die. It’s not that no one releases invincible skills, but the so-called invincible skills are as fragile as paper. With the arrow sweeping, they are just as broken and unstoppable.

“This is your big trick, really, too terrifying.” Even if the enchantress was prepared, she was in a daze when she saw this scene.

“To be precise, the leaders of each race generally master a terrifying Profound Truth, which is almost a law. Not all world-levels can reach my level, and this It’s my big move, but it’s just a scatter trick of my big move. The real big move requires my body and the mechanical Avatar to activate it, otherwise I can only use the corresponding scatter trick.”

The demon girl is speechless, This is your sister’s scattered tricks, if the real big trick is what the scene is, it is simply unimaginable.

“It always feels weird. This move is hard to break. You have so many arrows incarnation. You can’t guard against it.” The enchantress thought for a while and didn’t know how to crack it.

Li Yao shook his head: “It’s my power of thought, which brings them into my emotions, turning into the void, turning into ten thousand arrows, naturally wishful. But it can be cracked, the body is strong enough, or the mental ability is enough Contest with me, can resist. And if by trick, my trick cannot affect other dimensions. For example, there are three people who enter the shadow space, one enters the dream state, and the other enters the virtual plane. You can come out. Now that you can escape After my big move, I will forgive you for not dying.”

Following Li Yao’s words, the leader, a mage, and a competitor of the enchantress all appeared in silhouette, but they all saved The next trace of blood, the body is even more bloody.

The equipment on the body has long been tattered and not look like it is very miserable…

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