Everyone is startled. Mountain warfare would have been saved. Didn’t expect this monster to be so arrogant.

It is very tough for a mountain war to become a mountain giant. I have never heard of killing him by knocking out the blood of the mountain war.

But I never thought that I was killed in such a dismemberment situation. It is simply against common sense. You must know that this is a super expert. The form of mountain giants is no longer a young, but a growing mountain. Giants, this way of death really makes them panic.

What worries them even more is that the mountain war is torn apart by the force of terror, even more how is someone else’s.

“For all melee wandering attacks, life-saving is the main goal, not hard resistance. Long-distance dispersing and walking, also don’t be greedy for output, life-saving first. This monster is too strong to be able to fight.”

Although it was his real teammate who died, he has tried his best and there is no way to recover it. He also didn’t let the profession that can fight to resurrect him be resurrected, because he knew very well that mountain warfare was based on physical strength and lack of flexibility, even if it was resurrected, it would be useless.

It was nothing more than the second death. Hearing the command of the group leader, everyone who had been on mutual alert was initially trusted and relieved, and they already had the appearance of a team.

“This team leader is very difficult to deal with, he should be a powerful person we all know.” Li Yao looked at the battle in the distance with a gleam of light.

The enchantress pondered for a moment, and said: “I can’t see the information, but his midnight should be a faith ride, and this famous professional character, with such commanding ability, should be the Western Super Guild The core group commander of the War God Temple is because he can compete with Edward’s guild.”

“It turned out to be him. No wonder so many people can listen to him.” Li Yao was stunned.

I often run into this kind of regiment in the wild. If you want to be a temporary head, you must have personal skills, commanding ability and reputation to be recognized by others. Otherwise, everyone is a super expert. Why listen to you of.

“How long do you think it will take them to win this boss, and how many people will be injured or killed.” Yao Ji asked suddenly.

Li Yao stunned, and smiled bitterly: “Do you think I am a god? Besides, God can’t predict it. I don’t know much about this monster, so the next battle is really hard to say.”

The demon girl slightly smiled: “You are dishonest. It seems that the official has sent you a message. I suggest you be the adjudicator and the first commentator of the first competition. You will You can’t fool the audience like this.”

“How did you know I agreed.” Li Yao raised his eyebrows.

“You have told me a lot. If I can’t judge your true attitude, then I have failed too.” Yaoji said with a smile: “You will be biased towards us then One point.”

“You can pull it down and say that it is the adjudicator, but there will be no disputes in the game under the supervision of the brain. I will at most explain some high-end Competition, but it’s okay, I really don’t fit in the competition anymore, it’s totally boring.” Li Yao solved one thing and made it easier.

“Although the official did not say, but I think you should fight the champion in the end.” Yao Ji shook her head.

“I’m afraid not, what kind of champion would be so stupid, let me abuse.” Li Yao as it should be by rights said.

The demon girl is speechless, but it is true, but there is always rebelliousness. Li Yao feels that there is nothing to dispute, but it may not be that no one wants to step on him.

After all, everyone will know at that time that Liaoyuan will not participate in the competition because he thinks the competition is boring and can be easily crushed.

If the champion is not Spark, then what will he think then, as a champion, how can he allow an uncrowned king on his head?

The greatest possibility is that the champion of the individual competition will challenge the Liaoyuan.

On the one hand, stepping on Li Yao’s upper position, let his champion live up to his name. On the one hand, it is to suppress Liaoyuan and break his myth.

Li Yao didn’t care. He became the leader of the world class. Players have long been ignored by him. His only idea now is to become a god.

Naturally, he won’t wait until the time comes for a full-scale version of the Conferred God War. It is too long, and he can’t wait. He has to find a way to conferred God in advance.

The battle below is very fierce. Although the players below are super experts among players, this monster is too powerful.

Inevitably, casualties continue to appear.

Because of the justice of the team leader, those who are resurrected are those who have the greatest effect on the team, so the team has more battle strength.

After an hour of battle, the body of the boss’s Ice Attribute was killed. He doesn’t have the innate talent of the Hydra, as long as the other heads are still there, he cannot completely kill the innate talents of other heads.

One head is missing. Although many members of the team died, the battle was much easier than before.

It took another hour before the three Head Insects were killed. When the last head fell to the ground, the team cheered.

The members of the team quickly resurrect the dead. This is the benefit of the team and the team.

Xing Yao also moved towards the boss in the middle of the table and flew away, with a clear purpose, which is the mission item of the enchantress.

“Hold on.”

Seeing that Xingyao is coming to the stage, the two rivals of Demon Ji are anxious, how can they be willing to let Demon Ji get something like this? What’s the point of their fighting till now.

“What?” Xing Yao stopped in the air, Li Yao looked calmly.

Another competitor also said: “I don’t think it’s fair, the boss we played, why do you end up taking the spoils of war, what the boss guards is definitely better than the dropped one.”

The demon girl sneered: “Why are you so hypocritical? The trial item that the instructor asked us to take is useless if others take it. Why do you fabricate the facts.”

The first competitor not to be outdone: “Where is there any trial, why don’t I know.”

The second competitor continued: “Yes, the trial is to kill the leader. You completed it ahead of time. We are now Finished, and absorbed Soul Power, what other trials are there. Think about it, everyone, the boss we killed for two hours, why finally let those who haven’t done it take advantage of it.”

A flash of anger flashed, and everyone had a good relationship. Didn’t expect these two people to have such qualities, and I didn’t want her to get them. This kind of person made her disgusted.

“Originally, I thought, I got something, and the three of us who were present will fight for a round. At that time, the winner will be the subject of ownership. Didn’t expect you to be of such a character, then sorry. This thing I’m going to make a decision.”

The two looked at each other and both regretted, but they still said: “The fruits of their work are finally taken by others. Are you willing?”

Others People look at each other in blank dismay, willing, how can they be willing, isn’t it impossible?

But that was before, and now their team has run in two hours, and some people have developed strange emotions.

Looking at Li Yao’s eyes is getting worse…

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