Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1376: Lust at the moon altar

"It's all done, what a walk. Yuetan, you go to arrange a room for Brother Li Mo, let Brother Li Mo rest early."

Without waiting for the moon altar to say anything, Baru said carelessly.

Baru was convinced that Li Mo was drunk.


The moon altar responded a little low, and helped Li Mo walk towards the pyramid in one direction.

Although there are still many pyramids in the Giant Clan that have not been completed, it is now the Giant Clan itself and the Clan Clan who do not live in the pyramid.

But Li Mo rescued their lives of the giant clan during the day. The elders of the giant clan were very grateful, so they prepared a pyramid for Li mo.

Of course, this pyramid cannot be as vast as the pyramid of their giant king. But for Li Mo, it is still not small.

For Li Mo, the bed in the pyramid can sleep more than a dozen Li Mo at the same time.

Although Yuetan is a woman, it is still very simple to help Li Mo back. Put Li Mo to bed, Yue Tan looked at Li Mo's handsome face. A look that kept talking.

Ruddy's lips opened a few times, and Yuetan still said nothing.

Immediately, the Moon Altar walked outward with regret, when it reached the threshold. Yuetan turned and said to Li Mo

"Brother Li Mo, my body can be reduced to the size of a human race."

Just like the strong men of other races, they can enlarge their bodies. The body of their giants can also be reduced.

Only the reduced ontology, after all, is free from their normal ontology.


Without responding to the moon altar, Li Mo snored.

Of course, Li Mo knows that the body of the giant clan can be reduced, thanks to the appearance of the moon altar. After shrinking to the size of a human race, it is also a beauty blank.

But Li Mo has already installed a golden skill in his heart, and can no longer hold others...


Seeing that Li Mo hadn't moved for a long time, Yue Tan sighed and walked out in a grudge.

In this world, one afternoon is almost the same as half a month outside.

So let Li Mo wait here for another night, it was a bit long.

After the moon altar left, Li Mo did not get up, but really fell asleep.

Li Mo was already injured. Even if he was riding the Tsing Mawang to the Golden Light Rift Valley of Yunzhou, he was still a little tired.

But after only a few hours of sleep, Li Mo got up. Walking to the door of the pyramid and looking at the night sky outside, it was still very early.

Outside the pyramid are several giants who are responsible for patrolling. In the center of the pyramids, a giant of the giants fell to the ground and fell asleep.

Li Mo quietly took out a dark nightgown from the storage bag, surrounded the face with a black face towel, and flew away in the distance.

Although the power of these giants is extraordinary, their speed is indeed short. In addition to this dark night, no giant clan found Li Mo's figure.

In order to deceive the Giant King tomorrow, let him not doubt. Of course, Li Mo cannot find a place nearby to make a fake treasure. Due to the greed of the Giant King, if there are treasures nearby, the Giant King might have been dug out long ago, and where else can someone else discover.

So Li Mo flew very far this time. With Li Mo's speed, he flew more than ten days outside.

Of course, this time of more than ten days refers to the time of the outside world. In the world where the giants live, this time has not passed half a night.

After finding a small river with rapid water flow, Li Mo slammed down.

Even under water, Li Mo's vision is still the same as it is on land.

There are some aquatic demon underwater, but when they feel the pressure from Li Mo, they swim far away one by one, and dare not approach Li Mo at all.

Without taking care of the demon underwater, Li Mo found a very low cave underwater. The cave was dark, and Li Mo stooped into the small cave. At the same time, Li Mo picked up a spirit stone, and the light of the spirit stone lit up the dark cave.

On both sides of the cave, there are a variety of water plants, one by one swinging with the current.


As Li Mo continued to walk deep into the cave, he saw a small water snake crouching in the depth of the cave.

The water snake leaned against the wall, raised its head, and kept vomiting Xinzi to demonstrate to Li Mo. It seems to be intimidating Li Mo, here is its territory, let Li Mo get out.

Of course, although this water snake could not understand Li Mo's cultivation behavior. However, Li Mo was also aware of the danger, so it threatened Li Mo in the first place, instead of shooting.


A little water snake dare to be arrogant in front of himself? Li Mo sniffed and dragged the water snake out of the cave without mercy.

Throughout the journey, this water snake has no trace of resistance. In front of Li Mo, its strength is really not enough.

The water snake thrown out of the cave made several turns in the river, as if Li Mo's movement made him dizzy.

It took a long time for the water snake to return to normal, shaking his head and looking at his cave. The water snake's eyes are full of unwillingness, but the demon of this level, the sanity is not bad. So the water snake thought again, the human just shot, and the speed made him unable to respond at all.

That force even made me unable to resist, just like a pair of pliers grabbing myself and throwing myself out.

The water snake's body shuddered at the thought of Li Mo's strength just now. Then Water Snake dared not enter the cave again to find Li Mo's trouble, but swam away in the distance.

Although this cave is good, there is something in it that I need. If he rushes in now, his life will have to be here.

So now the water snake can only pray in his heart. Pray that a strong man like Li Mo should not need the things in the cave.

"Green scale grass."

Inside the cave, Li Mo walked under the cave wall and said softly.

"No wonder the little water snake is reluctant to leave here. This green scale grass is indeed a treasure that enhances the physical strength. But the world here is fake, otherwise, if you take it out to give it to Chi You, it will also strengthen him. Eternal God Body."

Gently Li Mo will no longer care about this green scale grass.

I saw that Li Mo took out the starry sword and chopped off the ground below. The sound of ding jingles kept coming, and the dust below was flying.

Li Mo did not dig the whole ground, but only dug a few places.

In the center pit, Li Mo put 36 high-order spirit stones to form an array of eyes.

In several pits around, Li Mo put down a lot of high-order spirit stones and middle-order spirit stones.

So many spirit stones are put together, and the spirits are in awe.

Subsequently, Li Mo filled all the pits. Li Mo formed a trapped formation with these spirit stones, but did not urge the trapped formation. Please Baidu "Throw Book Net" to thank you for your support!

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