Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1375: Pretend to be drunk

Going deeper, it turned out to be some weapons. However, we can see that there are still some incomplete marks on some weapons. Even after some battles, there is no trace of friction caused by maintenance.

Obviously, these weapons were not made by the Giant King himself, but by robbing others' treasures.

But even if this is incomplete, but where is the treasure that can be seen by the giant king?

After sweeping all the treasures, Li Mo's eyes suddenly froze, and he stopped at a stone step.

Looking at the stone steps, there stood a golden scepter. The appearance of this scepter is similar to the complete scepter of origin, the most important thing is! Li Mo felt the breath of the power of origin on this scepter!

"Senior, can this thing be changed?"

Li Mo's eyes kept staring at the scepter of the fragmented origin in front of him, and asked the giant Wang aside.

Right now, the rod of origin in Li Mo's hands is only seven pieces left uncollected. So now Li Mo finds a piece of origin that can awaken the origin of the spirit of the staff of origin or turn on some functions of the staff of origin.

"Your kid, the treasures here are all rare treasures in the universe. What do you exchange for?"

Hearing Li Mo's words, the giant Wang pouted uncomfortably.

If it wasn’t Li Mo’s clapping, the giant Wang might have already started with Li Mo.

"Yes, yes, the juniors are a little abrupt."

Li Mo nodded awkwardly and smiled.

Although the giant king does not intend to give Li Mo these treasures, but for these giant kings with simple minds and well-developed limbs. Li Mo can play one hundred of them.

So I saw Li Mo grinning, "Well, I know there are treasures in a place. But I can't take out the treasures there. I also wanted to use the news of this treasure to exchange this scepter with my predecessors. So, Please also invite the senior to come with me tomorrow, and we will go to see the treasure together tomorrow."

The rules of this world are the rules laid down by the power of origin, so Li Mo with the staff of origin in his hands. It was able to turn a stone in this world into a treasure, but Li Mo had not done it before.

But now the performance of the giant king let Li Mo know that he is the treasure that has changed a lot. Nor will this giant tribe exchange the scepter that had been fragmented from its origin with him, and the treasures he brought out might even be in the pocket of the giant king.

Although the Giant King is simple-minded, this Giant King who is a little greedy and stingy is still more calculated than the ordinary giant clan. Of course, these calculations are nothing in Li Mo's eyes.

"You kid, this is not true. The treasure here is so precious. You want to change it by the news of a treasure. The idea is a bit too much."

Giant King heard Li Mo's words, especially the word "treasure". This made the eyes of the giant king suddenly brighten, but then the giant king said with a lip.

"Yes, yes, it's the younger people's abruptness."

Li Mo nodded incessantly.

"Well, let’s see what kind of treasure you have tomorrow. If it’s really a good treasure, this king would buy your news at the price of a superb spirit stone, and it’s not a busy job for you. ."

The giant king pretends to be extremely generous, and said Li Mo without any loss.

However, this is what the Needling Spirit Stone is not in the Giant King's heart, otherwise it will not allow this somewhat greedy and stupid Giant King to take it out.

"Then thank you senior!"

Li Mo pretended to be a flattered shout, with the golden light in his eyes.

Looking at Li Mo's "never seen the world", giant Wang smiled with pride

"Okay, then let's go out. The king should rest."

With that said, the giant king took Li Mo and walked out.

Crossing the corridor, Li Mo saw a flower in front of him. When Li Mo opened his eyes again to see the situation around him, Li Mo found himself and the Giant King returned to the pyramid.

"Seniors rest first, and juniors leave now."

Li Mo bowed to the giant king and said.

"Well, don't forget to come to this king tomorrow."

The giant king reminded Li Mo that he still couldn't put down the treasure that Li Mo said before.

"That is certain."

Li Mo smiled and walked out.

Before waiting to get out of the pyramid, Li Mo stopped suddenly and slammed his Yintang.

"Forget, forget..."

Before going to find the origin fragments, Li Mo had forgotten that the giant women's moon altar also asked herself to go for a walk tonight.

Although the appearance of the moon altar is one-of-a-kind among the giants, let alone Li Mo's wife Jin Qiaoxin in his heart. Even without Jin Qiaoxin, Li Mo could not be interested in the women of the Giant Race.

"I used to think that the Giant King can get the origin fragments here, and wait to get the origin fragments. I just slipped, so I just promised that the moon altar just agreed so happy. Who knows that the giant king is so hard to fool, let me Prepare for a day..."

Li Mo murmured with a headache, but then. Li Mo's eyes lit up, and then Li Mo took out a bottle of liquor from the storage bag.


Li Mo drank half a jar of fine wine in one gulp, and then poured the rest of the wine on himself.

Then Li Mo stumbled outward, his face flushed.

"Ah, Brother Li Mo?"

Balu who came out before was a little uneasy, so he always waited for Li Mo here.

Looking at Li Mo who took the'S' step, Baru hurried forward to support Li Mo and asked.

"Yes, yes, it's Brother Baru..."

Li Mo raised his head, his eyes dim, and asked indistinctly.

"Brother, what's wrong with you, just now? Is Wang asking you to drink?"

With one hand he could hold Li Mo steadily, Baru asked.

"No, it's just the wine that was drunk before. It was okay at the time, the wine that came up. The elder brother is not strange..."

With that said, Li Mo continued to step forward, but this step almost knelt on the ground.

"Brother Li Mo?"

In the distance, there was a shy wait for the moon altar to come forward and hold Li Mo on the other side, asking

"Brother Li Mo, what's going on?"

"Hey, Brother Li Mo drank too much. Really, I can't drink and tell me, I just poured him so much..."

"Really drunk or fake drunk?"

Although the powerful minds of giants are relatively is not good at calculation.

But in the end, this moon altar is also a woman, and women's intuition is really not simple.

Listening to the moon altar, Li Mo couldn't help but tremble. Muttered in my heart

"See it?"

"It shouldn't be..."

Thinking of this, Li Mo pretended to be sleepy and said.

"Yuetan girl, I'm sorry, maybe tonight, but, maybe I won't be able to take a walk with you..." Please Baidu, "Throw Book Net" to thank you for your support!

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