
Chapter 135 - 034: Let’s Bet


"Look, I'm not going to be talking to a ghost. That is exactly who you are," Arya said, when the quack got closer, her voice not quivering out of fear even though the quack was having two guns on him, and three knives in his boots, not to mention the gun in his back pocket. Anyone could have been worried, but Arya Knight wasn't just anyone.

"Am I?" the quack asked like he didn't know who he really was. Unknown to him, Arya had seen his face at the hospital. She knew who he was, and everything about him, but here and now, she would pretend like she didn't know who was behind the mask. She knew it was him and everything he did that led to the chain of misfortunes, but she would five him a chance to come clean. She would buy time and see where that got her and if it didn't yield the kind of results she wanted, she would expose him and make herself his target.

"Exactly, that's why you brought down the Pavlenko plane. Because you couldn't handle your own poverty. Anyway, I'm off, I need to recharge and find ways to seduce Mykolajki. I will be a very wealthy woman either way. See ya, It was nice meeting you" Arya said, knowing so well she hit the jackpot. That was the main intent of this man parading himself before her. It was always about the money, and even though Nikita had no interest in the money, this bastard just wouldn't let Arya's mate have some peace. If he went after the doctor, then they would have a problem with Arya. but then he had already gone after the doctor. He had already made Nikita a human mess. And that was something that didn't sit well with Arya. She may ot have introduced herself as his mate, but he was hers to love and protect even though she had a black soul. She would let in some light, just for the man everyone hated right now, her Nikita.

"What?" Ken asked, not sure  he heard Arya well. What the fuċk had just ahpened. Each time he walked out with Arya, he would always question his sanity and his ears. This wasn't the first time and it sure as hell wasn't going to be the last time. That much he had already known. They had come here for a mission and while he wasn't even sure they had accomplished it,  the sinister smile on Arya's face told him that she had gotten what she wanted form the quack and now it was time to get out of here. 

"Don't let them leave. Kill the man, bring me the girl" the quack said as twelve men showed up from their hiding spot. Of course Arya had known they were elongated before she even entered the building. 

"See, this is why you're never getting any money for the hopeless doctor. He already wants to die and leave everything and here you are. Instead of pushing him, you're here giving orders like a robot. I bet you're ashamed to show your face in public. Coward '' Arya said to the quack who was already on his way out,  but he stopped.  For that minute it seems like he was reconsidering his choices,  but then Arya was right. If he wanted the Pavlenko wealth he could have it,  besides there was nothing stopping him,  but then again he knew he was somewhat smart enough not to show up.  How someone could be so stupid and intelligent was certainly beyond her,  but what could she do other than provoke him? 

"Alpha '' Ken whispered to Arya who just gave him the singal to be ready.This was going to be like exercise for them,  besides Arya needed to lash out.

"You talk too much, '' the quack said before walking out the door, leaving Arya and Ken with a long fight on their hands, but was it really?He had changed his mind just as Arya expected.  Damn she was always right. 

"Hey Ken" Arya called out to her warrior, like she just remembered he was here with her. 

"Yes, alpha" Ken said

"Let's make a bet" Arya said and Ken wanted to smack her head. They were surrounded by twelve people who seemed to want them dead and she wanted to make a bet? 

"A bet? My lady, we're in a fucingwarzone and you're talking about bets? Oh my life!" Ken whɨnėd but Arya  was just having fun.

"Oh c'mon, I know you can fight well, that's why papa got you here for the past eight years, unless you didn't believe in yourself" Arya mocked.  Ken knew what was coming after,  so he just decided to give in before she made him look like shit here. 

"Fine, what's the best," Ken said.

"I know we're going to kick their asees, but if you get out without a scratch, I'll give you a hint of where to find Samantha '' Arya said and Ken choked on air. Samantha, was Arya's best friend at the pack and also the beta's daughter.  She had disappeared around the same time that Arya had left home,  so naturally the beta thought the kids were together. But Samantha hadn't gone with Arya,  she had gone to study abroad,  to get educated.  She had promised she would come back,  but given that her education would take so many years,  Samantha decided to lie to their parents.  She made stay swear a blood oath that she wouldn't tell a soul.  Arya was worried about her friend,  but if that was the choice she had made,  then Arya would support her.  The beta was broken.  Having Lost his only daughter,  he didn't know what to do. But he mourned her.  The child he shouldn't have let go. Only Arya knew the truth. The warriors suspected that Sammy wasn't dead because there wasn't a body, but more than anything, somehow Ken had been sure she wasn't dead. He kept hoping she would show up, maybe that was also why he jumped at the chance to come and serve Arya in this realm. To find Samantha and bring her home.  She was important to him and Arya knew that.  So if he didn't get hurt,  he would get to know where she wasn't. That was a nice deal for Ken and he was willing to do it,  but would he truly get out without a scratch? 

Before eh could even manage anything, the men came at them. All twelve at a go. Together they fought,  each to their own.  Defending each other even though they didn't have weapons. It was them against gunned men.  Men who could shoot them and kill them,  but Arya didn't care.  She tore them apart,  breaking bones like it was her favorite thing to do..  She didn't want to kill them,  but she couldn't leave them without a lesson either andKen had followed suit.

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