
Chapter 134 - 033: Meeting The Quack


"Are you sure? I mean I was born to follow you to the dead, but I don't want to die today, y'know?" Ken said as they got off and he looked around the deserted place. He knew he would be safe with Arya and he knew for a fact that the rebel would always put her life on the line for her people, but that didn't mean he wanted to see her dead. This was him just hoping Arya would call for backup for the first time in their lives. Oh this woman.

"You're a warrior, stupid. Think of this like an ambush on the pack and get mentlaly prepared. Besides, you get to fight beside me, how awesome is that? '' Arya said as she laughed at Ken who was pouting at her. Sure he knew this was a battlefield, but a chance to complain to the great Arya Knight? No one would pass that up.

"Not so awesome considering you just broke the chains binding the gates with your bȧrė arms. And the fact that this place has the radiation banner" Ken ranted along and Arya facepalmed.

"Tell me again how you were one of the warriors alpha Knight trusted to protect his only daughter?" Arya asked sarcastically but Ken didn't pick up on the sarcasm. His eyes lit up with excitement as he got ready to tell the story he had always wanted anyone to ask him. It was always hard getting on the good graces of alpha Ricardo, and having the alpha trust him to protect his only daughter, that was massive. This was one story he would enjoy telling.

"Well it's a long story really—" Ken began

"Shut up, okay? Just fuċkɨnġ shut up" Arya said before adding icily, "and be alert warrior. If you fail me, you will go back home and explain why the alpha sent you home." That was a cruel thing to do, even for Arya. if Ken went back home in that manner, he would instantly be deraked and he would lose everything. They had been doing great, or maybe it was because she had already broken the locks on the gate and triggered the alarms. She needed the warrior to be alert and use all hiswer wolf senses to make sure nothing was amiss. The warrior was attentive, sure, but the cruel tone of the alpha made him shrink back and reset to his default warrior state. 

"Sorry alpha."

As they got in the building, Ken looked out for any booby traps while Arya used her supersight to scan through every room they walked into. They were not here for the traps but for the bastards and she wouldn't let Me go home as a dead body. He had been loyal to her, and that was something she valued so much. In the few minutes they had been here, Arya had heard thirteen different breathing sets. There were more than that, btu there were thirteen around this place. She could smell the iron they were all armed with and the lead in their guns. They Were loaded, which she had to appreciate. There was no point in scouting anymore because she was here and her target was here. The stench of his burned face was only sensed by Arya because well, she was a unique woman. The wounds on the quack hadn't completely healed, even after six months, but that wasn't Arya's greatest interest right now. She needed the drugs and she needed to know more about this man and why he was bent on extracting the Pavlenko kid. Of course she already had an idea of what the man was after, but she wanted to hear him tell it to her himself. Surely that wasn't too much to ask, no?

"I know you're here. You have been watching me walk in, so why don't you just come out and fight me if that's what you want. But stop hiding like a kid under his mom's skirt!Oh wait, you don't have a phone, my bad, unless she didn't teach you that it's nice to greet your visitors' ' Arya called out, making Ken facepalm. If this was their alpha, then the moonlight pack warriors needed to train tenfold if they would be any match to her. They would have to earn her trust and the only way to do that was to be really good at what they did. Their alpha loved danger and she always got out alive because she was always the best at what she did, though right now, she looked like she wanted to beat up some idiots to get out the anger that she had come home with last night. That would help her think rationally.

"You must either be very brave, or extremely stupid, samantha" the quack showd up, with a mask on his face. He was clearly a young man, in his late twenties. Judging by how he was walking, he must have hurt himself so bad. Or he was involved in an accident that ruined him like that. Instinctively, Ken was beside the alpha, ready to take the hits on her behalf. She was way too important and her life had more value than his, but if Arya heard him say that, he would get a thorough beating. To her, everyone deserves to be loved and respected with equal measure.

"Says the coward hiding behind the mask" Arya said nonchalantly as she sat on one of the old seats in the room. This room was chapped, the paintings, everything in here looked like it was holding on for life. Maybe the walls were too, but who could blame them when this building was closed because of a fire several years ago? No one had ever cared to know what would happen here and the wonders had moved to a different state when their business fell. The stench of chemicals had stayed though, but that didn't worry the young Knight, if anything, she was sure she would be able to trigger the bastards easily and they would fight, but they would certainly try to avoid the danger zones in the room. That is all she needed. a n identification of the one pot in the room that was weakest of all. The quick doctor was in a blue lab coat which made him look even more ridiculous than he already was with the spray mask on his face. He must have been so desperate, but who was Arya's problem anyway? She was here because of her mate and she would get what she wanted. 

"I am not hiding, Samantha, I am here" the quack said, walking towards Arya, with his guards watching out and ready to die. To them, they were fifteen men against two people. Logically they had the advantage, but these two people had the skills of a hundred trained humans, but they all didn't know that.

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