
Chapter 131 - I Won't Look Back


By morning, Arya couldn't get any more sleep. She had tried to, but it just wasn't her potion. Maybe she would try later, but even she knew there were slim chances that she would get to sleep during the day. it was something she had forced herself to learn.

"Is Drew back?" Arya asked when she didn't hear the usual bickering among the grown-up children. It had become a norm even when she wasn't here. She knew they would never really get along without wanting to kill each other, not to mention the fact that the warriors were hard-headed.

Arya looked around the house, her eyes still puffy from lack of enough sleep. For a woman who had done her best to stay awake at the holding center, she should have been able to sleep well, especially if she had people who cared about her around her.

They were supposed to be her motivation, but until the day she would leave this realm, Arya's only motivation was to fix Nikita.

After fixing him, she would know whether the mate bond was there or the man would reject her for being an alpha wolf. Not that she cared anyway, but she had to try.

Even though she had run away from the pack, her people meant the world to her. That's why she was always there when they needed her. She was always protecting them in ways that only she could.

If she took a broken and unhinged Nikita back home, then she would be jeopardizing the future of the moonlight pack. No one knew what the doctor would do, and being Arya's ate, he would most definitely have privileges.

If Nikita wouldn't be fit mentally by then, then Arya would have to eliminate him on her own, which would also mean eliminating herself. A chain of reactions would be triggered if Arya did think appropriately before taking Nikita home, and she didn't want that.

Just because she didn't want to live like a wolf didn't mean that she needed to ruin their home for them.

She may have been cruel, but Arya Knight was still a born ruler, a true alpha, one who wouldn't submit to anyone. She had to put her people first, no matter the circumstance.

"Nope, haven't seen him," Ken said.

Since Drew had gone to work the previous day, he hadn't come home, and he didn't tell anyone where he was. Their greatest bet was that it had something to do with one soldier boy he was hired to drive around. They wouldn't complain, though; besides,  he would always reach out. 

They now had greater things to focus on, like what they would do next in Arya's plans. 

"Y'know when someone wakes up, they greet the people around them, its basic manners, you little twat" Rohit scolded Arya, making Ken and Enrique gasp. They had never heard anyone talk to the rebels like that, and they were worried.

Anyone who knew the rebel knew just how short-tempered and cruel she could be. Their fellow wolves wouldn't even have the guts to show up like that before her, but here the human was,  crossing all the possible boundaries.

Who could have told the warriors that the first grave they would dig would be that of a human they had known for bȧrėly a week?

What if Arya snapped?

They couldn't have that, and considering she had come home covered in blood, they couldn't risk seeing another.

However, before the warriors could make a move to get the human from the alpha's sight,  she spoke,  and boy, they were hoping she would do anything they wouldn't want to deal with this early. 

"Your faces look like shit, and I don't feel like greeting you." Arya retorted at Robot,  making Ken and Enrique release sighs of relief. That right there had been a close call, and this only went to show that Rohit was important to the alpha-girl. Otherwise, there would be a different scenario then. 

"Oh please, you love me," Rohit said as he checked the tracking system he had been using to try and get to the quack doctor.

When Arya had seen the quack doctor at Todorov, she knew there was more,  and that was why she had given the instructions to Rohit. It was essential to understand that the man was up to because whichever way,  Arya was sure Nikita would be impacted in one way or the other. 

"You wish. Where are you with the trace on the quack?" Arya asked as she walked out of the kitchen,  her coffee in her hands. 

"From the hospital, he disappeared, like he never existed. I managed to locate an advert on the three hundred million drug—" Rohit said before he was cut short by Arya.

He knew she wanted to baby the man more than anything else. He knew she thought this man was the solution they had all been looking for, and even though Rohit wasn't quite sure,  he was confident Arya would make the right choice. 

His work here was to translate the findings to the warriors so they would find their targets and execute the missions. He had been good at that, and that's also how he had survived all these years; well, he was a loyal human, and Arya like those. 

"That's him. Get me the coordinates," Arya said.

It had to be him.

Only one man had the guts and the greed for that much money. 

Only one person was audacious enough to try and rip off the doctor,  and she wanted to know what he truly wanted. She wanted to know what had happened, and this quack was the closest link she had to the truth. 

For the five months, Arya had invested her time in finding the truth of the Pavlenko crash, and she had known that the person who had been behind all this had to have known the Pavlenko schedules. He or she had to have learned their family secrets. 

Besides,  no one ever knew that Yuri Maksim had cancer and had a few years to live even though his parents were trying to buy him more time. She had her doubts and everything, and Arya knew the man would change his location once he got what he wanted. 

She wanted to see him before he pulled a disappearance act again. She needed to be right this time. If not for Nikita, then for her people,  for the moonlight pack."

"Ary"—" Rohit said to the alpha, but she wasn't having any of it. This was her chance, and shwasn't't going to waste it by waiting. She had been on the sidelines, and I hadn't helped,  and shwasn't't going to make the same mistake again. 

Not this time.

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