
Chapter 120 - I Missed You Too



"Now, who would that be and at this time of the night?" Ken asked when they all heard a knock on the door. None of them were out because Andrew had already come back from work.

Whoever it was, had to be a human neighbor because the wolves tried to get a scent off of them, but there was nothing. Then again, it was 10 o'clock in the night, surely what would a neighbor want from them?

"Maybe it's an emergency. We, humans, are always willing to help whenever there's an issue. Maybe I should check it out," Rohit said. He knew more about the humans than the three wolves in the room, which made him the perfect person to be receiving whoever was there.

The boys had been playing games and learning more from Rohit. They had given up on the transmitters and had collectively decided to go to the site and check that shit for themselves. Arya had to be alive, or they would burn down everything Nikita loved just to get to Arya.

"Hello?" Rohit called out when he didn't see anyone at the door.

He called out a second and third time and concluded that maybe the children were playing around. Then again, the neighborhood they were at really looked like a place where kids would be getting naughtier, but kids would always be kids regardless of the neighborhood.

"Is there no one way out the door?" Andrew asked irritatedly. He had had a hectic day at work, between his crush on Qiao and the board that looked so disrespectfully at the commanders, he couldn't help but worry about Qiao.

However, he wasn't going to bring his frustrations back home. These people had done nothing to him, and he didn't have to be a pain in the ȧss.

"Nope, I don't see anyone. I guess it's the kids," Rohit said before he began slowly closing the door. However, just before the door fully closed, he caught a whiff of a scent. Something that only one person was addicted to. 

"Where are you going?" Ken asked sheepishly.

"Keep doing what you're doing, and I know someone is out here. I'll be back," Rohit said before he left to look around the house. He had left the door open, and Ken was whining about the mosquitoes feeding off of him.

"What's with the human? He's weird," Enrique said before focusing on his food. He had other important things to do, like ensure he didn't grow thin and weaker.

"Found that person!" Rohit said as he came back, hand in hand with the rebellious Arya knight rolling his eyes while eating chocolate cake. Of course, that was the only thing the woman loved more than her obsession with Nikita.

"Uhh…hello guys—" Arya began, but she was interrupted by everyone in the house all at once.

"The audacity. Do you know the mental issues I have had since you fuċkɨnġ surrendered? Tell me something, are you stupid or plain stupid? I kinda need to know what I'm getting myself into here."

"How are you here? What happened? When did you get out? Did you get the answers?"

"Oh, for fuċks sake. I was eating, and you just had to—Arya!? What the fuċk?"

"Explain yourself, missy, and this chocolate cake is mine," Rohit said as she snatched the cake from Arya's hands. The woman didn't even try to complain. Instead, she just locked the door behind her and took in the changes in her once empty apartment.

She loved what the boys had done with it, but the stench of masculinity was all over. Sure, Arya had never claimed to be countenance of feminism, but still, a little white or even green would make it all better, but here, here she was.

She knew they had questions that she would answer, but first, she needed to take a warm bath.

"Can I go shower first? I kinda reek of everything shitty from that stupid place," Arya said, her eyes softening and pulling at the heartstrings of the boys. Of course, they would let her go on. They would cross the realms repeatedly for her, and they wouldn't ever complain.

Looking at her, they were glad she was back. They hadn't known what to expect, but at least now that Arya was home, they had hope.

They had something to look forward to.

"Why did it take you so long to come out of there?" Ken asked when Arya came back from her showers. They all had a lot of questions, most of whose answers they weren't sure of. They needed to reset and start over, but there was no knowing that. 

"I thought the strategy would work and take a little time, but it seems like I have to come up with another. I can't go against him because he doesn't even know what I am to him. What if I show up at the hospital?" Arya asked like it was the simplest question.

She knew what she had done, and this wasn't like the werewolf world where she could command people to stop talking about anything, and they would gladly obey her. This was a whole different world.

One that didn't care one bit about some misplaced werewolf who had come to look for her annoying mate only to find out that he was human, unhinged, and with years of baggage pinning him down like it was the best thing that could ever happen to her.

"You already caused chaos there, and there is just no way you're getting a job there, sis," Enrique said with a sad laugh. He was right, though.

Even if Arya had not caused chaos in the hospital, the woman didn't have the patience to get through to the patients. She would probably kill them all if they pissed her off, and she didn't have the heart that doctors had. 

"Plus, the man is getting off hospital duty, and there is just no point," Andrew said like it was normal.

Nikita had already made up his mind, and he wasn't going to sit and stay in a place that haunted him. He wasn't going to be the man everyone would look at with pity and watch every move. He needed to be himself, and the only way to regain that was if he stepped away for a while.

That could be the only good decision the young Pavlenko might have made since the loss of his parents and since then escalated madness.

"Are you sure about that?" Arya asked.

"Well, that's what I heard from Qiao," Drew said while Rohit just studied Arya. It was creepy for a moment, but they all knew he had good intentions.

"That sucks balls. Anyway, tell me about yourselves," Arya said to her friends as she sat to listen to them.. It had been a while since she had seen them, and they had a lot of catching up to do anyway.

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