
Chapter 116 - The Room


Morgana gasped, taking steps backward like she didn't want to go in there. For a woman who was known for her torture skills, this room had to have some terrible memories because of how pale Morgana had turned.

Either this was the reason she had turned out like this, or she was just not mentally ready for another preview of the room of doom. Maybe she was just herself, but her aura was all smiley and shit; indeed, that was all there was to her, right?

All this time, as they talked about their fears and a room they never thought they would use, Arya Knight was a free bird. She could have used the chance to run from this palace, but she was always a curious soul.

The girl who always wanted to know what was on the other end of the closed door. They were walking like they were three girls on a mission; only the mission here was Arya Knight.

"You are not going anywhere, sister; now opens the damn door," Rael said for the third time since they walked out of the interrogation room. Morgana was still skeptical about all this, but then it didn't seem like there was another option.

They were here because Nik8ta believed they were suitable for the job. Interested, curious, and bored, Arya decided to open the door. What could be so bad about a door that opened a gateway to her hell, right?

However, the moment her hands touched the door knot, she instantly got it out, making Rael and Moraga Look at her.

What was it with the door anyway? The speed was exemplary, like Arya had been burned or that the door had some spikes on it. She had made it all look like there was a beautiful hell on the door, but there wasn't, or was there?

"So you can't even open a door, wow," Rael mocked. What they couldn't understand was that the door was laced with silver, and that shit never had an impact on humans. Arya wants to cuss. Even though her healing was abnormally fast, silver did hurt like a bitch.

"Well, I'm kinda the prisoner here, no?" Arya retorted, making that the first emotion that the two women had seen out of her. She even shocked herself. For a woman who had a cold face on, Rael was curious about what made the woman in front of them crack.

There was something else to Arya. Right now, the she-wolf was trying to control herself, and she had to hold herself back because if she didn't, there would be a lot of innocent blood spilled. Arya had known Morgana and Real because they were part of Nikita's team.

If she had eliminated them, then Nikita would never forgive her, and that wasn't how she wanted to introduce herself to her mate.

She would control herself and herself even though the silver had ruined her moods. But maybe she would be able to smile through her pain, right? Then again, that was a whole lot of maybes.

"Ah, I keep forgetting that you have a smart mouth on you too," Rael said as they walked into the room of doom.

This room right here was where they tortured the people wh disturbed their peace. However, before that, this was the room where Nikita had trained all of them to be strong and unbreakable. This room had produced a hundred soldiers in Nikita's army.

Arya looked around the room, and it was dory, with clogged pipes and a stench that made her wish she didn't have heightened senses. Everything here was terrible, worse than the torture dungeon back at her pack. This was the actual definition of hell, but she was Arya, the man of steel.

"That hurt!" Arya winced when Rael forced her on the seat in the middle of the room. She had hit her knee on the metallic chair and was trying so hard not to cuss all sorts of things. It was clear from Rael's face that even she hated and feared this room.

Funny how she was about to torture Arya when this place looked like her personal devil's hone. It had memories that she didn't want to remember and could only hope that Arya talked quickly so they could get out of this room.

"Let's get started, shall we?" Morgana said, holding the switch to an electric circuit. This was a torture chamber, and everything somehow had a link to the seat that Arya was seated on.

With her hands bound behind the metallic chair, Arya Knight braced herself for the worst. She watched Rael toy around with the rusty scalpels and surgical supplies. She watched their faces beam up when they saw the weapons.

She watched their excitement make way into her line of sight, and this reminded her of the times she would torture people at her pack and the rebels. She may have been a child, but Arya knew what it took to be an alpha.

She knew how much was expected of her, so she had trained herself to be tolerant of pain.

However, her emotions were the issue, and here and now, she was trying to soothe her wolf to stay calm. There was a rookie lie detector attached to Arya, not to mention the patches on her face that recorded every heartbeat and every time she would try to lie.

This was something an average person would always be scared of, but was Arya threatened, or was she worried about the wolves she had gotten from their home to come to help her get a mate that probably despised her more than anything?

"Who are you?" Morgana asked while Rael watched the detector, ready to charge it up if Arya lied. 

"Samantha," Arya said, and the detector did its first honest work.

As expected, Rael turned up the charge, making Arya feel like she was being roasted for a moment there. But she didn't show it. Instead, she just sat there, with everything hooked on her and current running through her like she was a converter, but what ocean did she have anyway?

"What is your name?" Morgana asked again.

"Which part of Samantha Lyne Volkov do you not get?" Arya retorted. Her line of thoughts was interrupted by a harsh hit on her ever so beautiful flawless cheeks.

It took her a while to realize that the wild woman who was standing in front of her had just slapped her with the gun she was holding. Instead of Arya reacting to Morgana, she was busy trying to make peace with her wolf.

There were a lot of stakes, and she didn't want things to get that bad.

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