
Chapter 112 - The Mission is A Go


Even with Kyle's reprimand, the Rostova legion was still excited. Their excitement was just in the right place and time because these kids had been away from home for a while. Their age group was between seventeen and twenty-two years old. 

It was crazy how Nikita had collected them as younglings, and now they had grown so big.

"Mic test," Nikita said, and they all burst into laughter. 

There were just some things about the young Pavlenko that never changed. Each time they met after a while, he would always mock them with the mic test, and it was an inside joke for them, and they enjoyed it each time like the first time.

"I know you're all worried about me, but look at me, I'm still fine. Nothing much had happened and ignored the media. I don't care, and you all know that. Tod night we party, and it's an off day for their young ones too. 

"Though thou shall not drink more than you should," Nikita said even though he knew they wouldn't drink to get drunk. He had trained them under harsh circumstances and taught them that they could get drunk alright.

However, they had to ensure that in their drunken daze, someone was always watching the monitor, because otherwise there would be things that would be lost, and they would probably never recover from it all. 

They were living a life in a game, and a game in which the world outside was harsher than the one they had built for themselves. 

A world in which they had to protect each other no matter what happened or what conflict they were having with each other. This was their world, one in which they were family and in which Nikita was the head. 

This was their kind of home, and they had learned to love it here.

"Are you really okay?" Reya, the youngest of the team, asked. She wasn't sure if that was the best question to ask, but she also knew that no one would reprimand her for wanting to learn about their boss and brother.

"Yes, Reya, I really am okay. Now let's celebrate!!" Nikita said as the hundred of them clinked their glasses. It was a beautiful welcome home ceremony. 

Nikita could see that they all had really ended this kind of break; they had needed a life away from the chaos they always lived in, even though he always protected the legion for it. 

Nikita looked around the home he had built and the people in it, and he was happy about it, no doubt. The smiles he was wearing today could make anyone fall in love with him, but who would even think of him that way, right? 

The rest of the day was uneventful other than the fact that the Rostova legion was having the time of their lives.


"What did you get on Natalya?" Nikita asked Kyle. He had given him the task of looking into Natalya and everything about her, and he had wanted a comprehensive report on the woman who had served their house for years. 

He needed to be sure that he could really trust her. If he lost Natalya, then Nikita would lose trust in everyone. Hopefully, whatever Kyle was about to show him would restore his faith in humanity.

"She's clean. Her daughter died at birth, but she never told anyone, not even her late husband, about it. Also had a stepdaughter, but no one knows where the girl is, but she is alive. 

"There are no death records of the girl," Kyle said, and Nikita thought back to what Natalya had told him about Samantha. So she had really been telling the truth. He still had one person on his side, other than his legion and his best friends. 

He could now go and conquer the world because no one in their right mind would even dare to stop him; if anything, he was Nikita. 

Nikita Rostova.

"She didn't lie; at least that's a relief," Nikita said.

"What do you plan to do with Samantha?" Kyle asked curiously. Surely Nikita wasn't thinking of letting the woman go scot-free after the chaos she had caused him at the hospital and the media, no?

"Morgana and Rael will handle her. tell me, what information did you get out of the eye?" Nikita asked. This was the eye that Morgana and Rael had received from their contact at the CDC. 

It was a risky job, but then they all knew what had to be done anyway. This right here was the definition of sacrifice. They were willing to do anything for the doctor, so stealing a sample from the CDC wasn't an issue, really.

"Nothing much. The signal was jumbled, and when we tried to clear it, we found the source to be the abandoned market. I sent teams there, but they got nothing. It's almost like this was put there for you to come and find it. 

"The person behind this knows that you were curious about the first victim and sent in a dummy to distract you. I don't really understand why someone would go to all these lengths just to prove nothing. 

"It doesn't really make sense to me," Kyle said, and Nikita couldn't help but agree with him. Whoever was behind the chaos and the fiasco had to want something from Nikita. 

The only thing that Nikita could think about was his brother, and that was the only other reason the final vial of the virus was being sold at a ridiculous price. He had gone over his options more than once, and each time the answer was the same. 

Each time he could see that there was a clear link between the victims and Yuri. This shit frustrated Nikita to no end, but he needed to be stable-minded, and he couldn't afford another mental breakdown and another sedation.

"Pull down the feeds from the estate," Nikita said, making Kyle look at him like he was crazy. What the hell did he even mean by that?

"Yes, I know. But then Natalya is not lying to me, and there's no point in spying on her anymore. Besides, if we are to break her, we can just sue her stupid stepdaughter who poked her nose in our business. Speaking of which—" Nikita said before pausing and pressing the intercoms.

"Morgana and Rael, your mission is a go," Nikita said, and Kyle just slumped back on his seat, making Nikita roll his eyes. For a man in his early twenties, Kyle was really a baby.. Then again, he was a loyal baby, so that had to count for something really.

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