
Chapter 103 - Tech Dumbo


"I got the job, and now I don't know how to feel," Andrew whɨnėd on the couch while Ken and Enrique high-fived. They hadn't expected that any of Arya's crazy antics would work, but here they were, with Andrew as one of the guards ȧssigned to Qiao Xi.

Ken knew this would be chaotic. He had worked with Andrew for years, and the man knew only to take orders from alpha Ricardo ALONE. Andrew knew this would be a lot of pain and suffering for him.

When he had gotten the email, he wasn't sure what it meant because it looked like a prank. Well, he would have been grateful if it had been a prank, but it wasn't, and now, he was stuck with two idiots who were having fun at his expense.

"I can just imagine Andrew in a black suit and following after Qiao like a dog; this will be perfect," Ken said, and Enrique laughed along.

On the other hand, Andrew just put on his headphones, listening to nothing because the idiot wasn't sure where the music files were on his phone. He was a whole set of chaos, but he was a handsome set of chaos.

"He'll be like, 'hey sir, get in' and then probably break Qiao's hands if the soldier tries to do anything. Oh wait, he has a crush on Qiao, so he'll probably be like putty to Qiao," Enrique said, bursting into even larger fits of laughter.

"Oh wait, does the great warrior Andrew know how to drive a car?" Ken mocked. Of course, he knew how because even though the moonlight pack was away from civilization in some aspects, they had the technology.

Andrew was only dumb because he had rejected every unce of tech that had been sent to him. He never wanted someone to talk to him in his ear through a small device that absorbed electricity.

He hated it.

"You little ingrate, I'm not so stupid, y'know," Andrew complained, throwing a pillow at his friends. They were never going to stop taking jabs at him, and he had already resolved to his fate.

"He'll look at Qiao Xi and faint instead of driving the car; wait, you'll be RI-DING him," Enrique said, only to be chased around by Andrew. These little twerps didn't even realize how much was at stake. Andrew would be conflicted between his responsibility and his crush on Qiao.

"Oh c'mon guys, you're supposed to be comforting me," Andrew said, making his friends laugh even more complex.

Eventually, he resolved his fate, turned on the television using the only buŧŧon he knew how. He regretted being so passive when his people were benignly introduced to technology, and now he was the group's black sheep.

His friend would always laugh at him, but he knew they were just joking around. That was the beauty of it all. His misery was terrible, but there was only so much he could do; besides, they were laughing and happy.

"Alright, fine, how was the compound? I bet you were given those large books and shit," Ken asked when they finally calmed down. Andrew just shrugged, like there really was nothing admirable of him being a bodyguard.

However, he was low-key and liked that he was given the role of working with Qiao. He could only hope that his crush was just a mere crush because how the fuċk would he explain that he also had a human mate? It wasn't just making any sense to him.

"Nothing much, it was pretty big, but that's just about it. I report to work tomorrow, and I hope he's not as wild as the rebel," Andrew said.

"Well, at least the rebel taught us how to deal with difficult people. It comes as a bonus, really," Ken said, and they all nodded. They had all gone through the papers and had identified the potential threats to Pavlenko.

"Speaking of the rebels, we need to look for her. I know she said she was okay, but we can't just sit here and wait for her to show up. We can't just be here like a bag of potatoes monitoring the Pavlenko things and not knowing what she is up to.

"Surely there must be a way to trace the signal, right?" Enrique said, bringing everyone back to their actual mission.

Arya knight was crazy and unhinged, and for every reason, she was a terrible person who would always choose the people she cared about over herself. She was already sacrificing too much by being in Nikita's deed, and it wasn't helping. They were still worried about her.

"Well, we traced it to an abandoned facility. The thing is we can't really go out there because we need someone who knows Todorov and is willing to do this with us," Ken said.

"What of Natalya?" Andrew asked.

"I think she's busy with the Pavlenko kid. I saw he crashed on his gates. He really is something else. Natalya would be busy taking care of him for a while, though I'm sure the doctor doesn't really need anyone taking care of him," Ken said.

He could tell that because despite all the controversies that had been placed upon Nikita and all the chaos, he never once came forward to defend himself or his family.

He pretended like everyone else never existed, like he was a different world, one in which he and his people didn't even know each other. It had to be a difficult choice for him, but then what else could be done?

It wasn't like they could go to him and tell him to respond to the claims that were being made about him. It didn't help that he had reassigned everything to his friends. Sure, they would do their best, but how long would Nikita Rostova hide from his reality?

How long was he supposed to pretend like all of this wasn't affecting him and the people around him?

How long would all of this go on?

Then again, it wasn't their place to question the happenings in Pavlenko. They Were just here for a short while, a year at most, because that would be around the time when they would all have to go back home. 

"Well, we need to start tracking her, no matter what happens. The signal is still strong,  but how are we supposed to help when we know nothing about this technology? This shit sucks real bad, man," Ken said as he punched the wall, causing a crack on it.

He may have been a happy-go-lucky person, but he needed to be there for Arya, and right now, they had nothing about this world that could help them. What the hell were they supposed to do?

"I can help with that," a voice interrupted Ken's frustration, and they all shifted into wolves simultaneously, like they had been called to order. 

Well, that was quite the welcome.

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