Finally, just when they were about to fall, Zhang Xingyu and Mio caught them in time.

The two little lolita who had narrowly escaped death were lying on the cliff gasping for air, not even thinking about bickering!

"What to do next?"Mio asked

"Hmm - this broken suspension bridge seems to have formed a ladder."Zhang Xingyu pointed to the opposite side of the cliff. Over there, Trashing Xinghe and others were climbing down the ladder formed by the broken suspension bridge on the other side of the cliff.

"Damn it - if you don't cut it sooner, you won't cut it later, but now, if you wait, I will shoot you into brushes in no time!"

"Kukuku, stupid prisoners will eventually pay for their stupid actions!"

It was rare for the two little lolita to have the same words. They looked at the people opposite them angrily and said. It seemed that what happened just now frightened the two of them.

Although this is a game world, even if they really fall and die, Even if you die, you won’t really die. However, this game is too real. People’s survival instinct and the fear of heights cannot be overcome simply by overcoming them.

"It seems that there is also a road on our side... But now, let's go to the church opposite first - well, first climb up the suspension bridge ladder.’

"Eh————Want to climb up again?"

"Oh, it’s okay not to climb. When we get to the church, we’ll come back to pick you up."

"Wait, wait, I, I have to go too, I don’t want to stay here alone!"

After a while, the four of them climbed up, and then looked at the large cliff more than 100 meters long and the broken suspension bridge.

"How to get there?"Mengmeng Moon asked

"Is this...the suspension bridge is actually a hidden road, so there should be other roads leading there……"

Before he finished speaking, several more players came over from behind. When they saw Otilia and the others, they showed a vigilant attitude.

"Don't draw your weapons, we don't do pvp. It's hard to enter this world, but it's a shame to be kicked out of this world because of pvp failure!"Zhang Xingyu said hurriedly.

The other party listened and nodded to express understanding.

This is the world of Dark Souls. It is the first time that the third stage of erosion with an erosion degree of 15 appears in the world. You must enter through the Chaos Collection Stone, and the push of this map The difficulty of the map is outrageous.

After finally entering this world, if you die three times, you will be kicked out of the world. If the player engages in pvp, it is really a loss - if you want pvp, you can do it in other worlds, but it is very difficult in this one. It’s not worth the hard work to get into this world. It’s better to explore this map!

In the ruins area, players can give up PVP and fight together for this reason. On the one hand, PVP is really It’s not necessary (pvp is not even as good as push map). On the other hand, this map is really too difficult. It’s impossible not to cooperate!

Several players came to the edge of the cliff, looked at the church on the opposite cliff, and asked in confusion. He said:"Why is there no road?"

"There was originally a road, a suspension bridge, but it was cut down by other players!"Zhang Xingyu said

"Damn it, who is so cheating!"Some players cursed, isn't this cutting off other people's paths!

"In addition, it was cut while we were walking in the middle of the suspension bridge, and we almost fell off and died!"Ottilia had a clear understanding and immediately said

"How insidious!"

"Opposite are players from the Black Hawk Legion!"Zhang Xingyu said again

"The Black Hawk Chapter...oh, the players from that professional guild?"Some players reacted and cursed:"These damn professional players want to monopolize the tasks and rewards and won't let us pass?"

"too disgusting!"

"Next time we meet, we must kill these guys who ruin the atmosphere of the game!"


Several players cursed the Black Hawk Chapter, and they seemed to be ready to fight whenever they met. They inadvertently tricked the Black Hawk Chapter, including Ottilia, Mengmeng Yue, and even Mio. With a happy expression.

Zhang Xingyu continued:"In addition, the chopped suspension bridge seems to have formed a ladder. You can climb down by combing the ladder, and there is a road below."

"kindness? A ladder formed from a suspension bridge? Can you climb down?"

"Haha, let me just say, how could this be a dead end!"

"This setting is so clever, it deserves to be a nightmare world!"

"I saw the suspension bridge ladder, and there was indeed a road below!"

"Ha, thank you——"Several players thanked Zhang Xingyu

"You're welcome."

Zhang Xingyu and others still want to continue exploring here, and these players can't wait to climb down the suspension bridge.

Zhang Xingyu and others continue to look for the hidden route to the opposite church.

"How's it going? Have you found the way?"

"No, How about you?"



After exploring for a while, the little ninja finally found a road - an iron rope.

It's on the other side of the cliff. You need to climb to the top of a hill. A very thick iron cable connects the tops of the hills.

Then, everyone spent some effort to climb to the top of the mountain, and successfully reached the opposite cliff through the flying iron rope.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a road that can be leaped hidden here.……"

"Just wait - the Black Hawks will shoot you into pieces in no time!"

"Isn't it a hornet's nest?"

The four of them came to the door of the church. There stood a knight in black clothes. He looked very powerful.

"Okay, okay...another batch of ash……"The knight in black said:"Oh, you just fell from the suspension can you survive such a dangerous situation?"……"

The NPCs in the nightmare world have very high AI and will speak different dialogues according to different situations.

"However, the bell has not yet rung, so why did you break into the painting?"The black knight continued:"……Forget it, I won’t go into details. If you don’t know where to go, Lady Fried’s golden words may be your path. Come inside and listen carefully."

The four of them came to the church. The church didn't look big. There were several doors on the left and right, but they were all locked and couldn't be entered.

The church was lit with torches, candle lighting tools, and bonfires. Compared to the severe cold outside, , people will feel a touch of warmth here, as if it can warm people's hearts.

There are many paintings in the church, some hanging on the walls and some placed on the ground. There are many, and there are differences between what the human eye can see. There are more than a hundred paintings, especially those on the ground, all stacked together.

Mengmeng Yue looked at a few paintings curiously and found that most of the paintings depict a woman. The woman in the painting is as beautiful as a goddess...

In In the innermost part of the church, under a statue of a goddess, a woman wearing a black and white nun's uniform is sitting on a chair.

"Could it be that the Sister Fried that the knight at the door mentioned?"

"What a beautiful nun!"

Everyone's eyes lit up when they saw the nun.

Although the nun was wearing a hood and only half of her face could be seen, the nun's slender figure and the amazing temperament she exuded while sitting there made people feel... This - this must be the feeling of a great beauty!

A beauty in the world of Dark Souls!

You know, in the world of Dark Souls, there are very few NPCs, very few, and beautiful NPCs are even rarer creatures. This nun in front of you can It is said that this is the most beautiful NPC that players have seen, except for the fireproof girl!

Such a beauty must be a very important NPC!

This is the first thing that Otilia, Meng Meng Yue and Mio thought of after seeing the nun. An idea.

The four people quickly came to the nun


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