Zhang Xingyu came to a large cliff. There was a large suspension bridge on the cliff that connected to another mountain. The suspension bridge was very long, almost a hundred meters long, and it looked very unstable.

Opposite the suspension bridge is a church, which makes Otilia and others' eyes light up - after playing in this lifeless ice and snow world for a long time, they finally saw a place where NPCs seemed to exist!

"Although I am very concerned about the locked door and basement in the ruined building, I will continue to post pictures now."Otilia said.

In the previous battle in the ruins, Zhang Xingyu and others rushed into a relatively intact building to escape the crazy hail of bullets. Looking back, they saw that the wall where Treadbreaker Xinghe and others were hiding collapsed, and then they were shot up in the next moment. After that, everyone felt that their choice to hide in this building was very wise.

The idol of Mengmeng Moon also prayed for Treading the Galaxy:"May you rest in peace.""

After all, if Trashing Galaxy and others had not appeared and sacrificed, I am afraid that it would be Zhang Xingyu and the four who were shot into a hornet's nest now!

Of course, Trashing Galaxy and others must not have rested in peace yet, and they should be on their way back now..

Players in this world have 3 lives.

When they arrived at the building, Otilia and others were immediately dumbfounded - because they couldn't get out!

A bunch of archers were staring at the door. Mengmeng Yue tried before As soon as he stepped out, three arrows flew over in an instant, and there was also a big explosive arrow, which made the whole person fly up!

As a last resort, everyone could only explore inside the building - there were some wandering souls in the building, so it was not too difficult. , there are four people on Zhang Xingyu's side, just be careful not to cut down the teammates with red bars of health.

The building is a bit big, and after exploring for a while, everyone found several exits, but there were archers watching each exit, trying to It is very difficult to escape, and inside the building, two inaccessible places were found - one is a locked iron door, and the other is locked in the basement.

Game experience shows that these locked places, There are usually good things - I explored the building for a while, but couldn't find the key. I speculated that the key might be in the hands of the archers. The archers in the ruins were too powerful, and four people were blocked in the building - Although there is no guarantee that you will die if you rush out, everyone still has a more important task - to find the flames!

No one knows whether the next road will be more thrilling. If you can avoid dying, don't die - if there are too many deaths, After being kicked out of this world, it would be too difficult to invade this world again!

Everyone decided to wait for other players to come over.

After waiting for almost twenty minutes, a large group of players finally arrived in this area, and then - a The epic battle in the ruins began.

Because they were looking for Lie Yan, Zhang Xingyu and others chose to give up exploring the ruins and leave directly. However, before leaving, they told others about the unopenable door and basement in the building. Player.

Afterwards, they explored again, and the four finally arrived at the suspension bridge.

"Here, there seems to be a road under the cliff, and there are torches...but this road seems to be very dangerous."Mio discovered a dangerous road at a certain cliff and said

"Is there a road on the edge of the cliff? Well, I made a note of it. Let's go to the church and have a look first. If we're lucky, Lie Yan might be inside."Ottilia said.

So, the four of them walked to the suspension bridge together.

The four people's steps were not very neat. The suspension bridge swayed from side to side, and everyone had to hold on to the guardrails on the side of the suspension bridge.

"I hate this kind of suspension bridge!"Mengmeng Moon said

"Those who fall will...will die directly...the abyss...Cute moon, look at it, there is no bottom."Ottilia said

"I won’t even look at what you say!"

"Huh--? Could it be that Meng Meng Yue is afraid of heights? Otilia laughed

"No, it’s just that there’s no need to watch it! You can watch it if you want! Mengmeng Yue said immediately.

Just halfway to the suspension bridge, everyone saw that on the opposite side of the suspension bridge, where the church was, four players walked out of the church and came to the suspension bridge. They saw that they were walking on the suspension bridge. Otilia and others were stunned for a moment.

"Are they - from the Black Hawk Chapter?"

"When did he come in front of us?"

"We have been hiding on that building facade for too long!"

"Hey, why did they pull out their weapons? Do they want to fight Concubine and others at the suspension bridge?"

"Wait, wait, this situation is not good——!"

"Hurry and grab the suspension bridge——!"

As soon as Zhang Xingyu finished shouting, the people on the opposite side of the Breaking Galaxy began to cut down the suspension bridge! boom——————————

The suspension bridge was already shaky. After being chopped down, it finally failed to hold up and broke directly in the middle.


"Hurry up——!"

Fortunately, with Zhang Xingyu's reminder, everyone clung to the suspension bridge and did not fall. However, the broken suspension bridge quickly formed a parabola and fell diagonally downwards.

Finally, there was a loud bang, and the suspension bridges on both sides broke and hit one side of the cliff respectively. Due to the impact, Otilia and Mengmeng Yue couldn't hold on tightly and continued to slide down.

"Wow————Yes, it's going to fall.——"

"Don't panic, there is a path on the cliff, but it's very narrow, so be careful and just slide down!"

Except for Mio who was clinging to the suspension bridge, Otilia and Mengmeng Moon kept sliding down. The two little lolita were so panicked that they didn't notice that there was a road under the bridge, but it was a bit narrow. That’s all.

Ottilia fell to the cliff first. The road here was indeed very narrow, but Ottilia stood still.



"I'm coming down, get out of my way——"


But Otilia failed to get out of the way in time. The two little lolita collided with each other and fell to the edge of the cliff together. In the end, Mengmeng Yue's quick eyes and quick hands grabbed a stone on the cliff. Otilia... Then he caught the cute moon.

Two little lolita are hanging on the cliff, teetering on the edge of the cliff, extremely dangerous

"Wow————Why are you so heavy? Let go!"Mengmeng Yue shouted in a cold sweat.

"Don’t let go! ——Don’t let go even if you die!"If you let go, you will die. Otilia said that if you want to die, you will die together!

Seeing the awakening of the second girl opposite, Mengmeng Yue was naturally very angry, but there was nothing she could do at this time. She used all her strength to suck the milk. Pull the two people back to the cliff, and then - lie down -

Elcat falls down

"Meow meow meow!"

I stepped on the cute moon, then did a beautiful spin in the air and landed safely!


Mengmeng Yue’s hand is loosened!

Unexpectedly, it was Mengmeng Moon’s pet that gave him the fatal blow in the end!

What a scam, Meow-chan!!


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