Naruto : An Uchiha's Tale

37 Boss, go easy on me.

The rest of the days leading to the tournament of power went by in a flash. Jin trained in the usage of Mikoto's chakra and of the crows in combat and escape situations. There was now only one day left until they had to leave for Mount Myoboku.

One thing that he found out, was that through the usage of her chakra, his shadow-clone amounts had risen by a lot. He could now summon about ten without overdrawing her chakra and having to use his. This came in as a very useful perk, especially when he trained in his new lightning techniques.

"Cancel!" For the past few hours, he had been training Rozudori non-stop. He recalled his ten clones as their memories smoothly flowed back into his head. He was now capable of at least four crows at a time, and his control had increased along with his accuracy.

"Nice. This is great and all, but I still want to try and use a single, bigger summon..." In the anime, characters like Jiraiya and Naruto both had massive summons such as Gamabunta or Gamakichi among others. He was capable of summoning the small crows without using much chakra, but if he used Mikoto's...

"Mikoto-sama, can you lend me some chakra?"

"What... Again? You're so useless without the great me, huh." She smirked, as her haughty attitude resurfaced. Her cocky side was adorable in his eyes, although he did not express that out loud. In fear of being cut off from her chakra in revenge.

"Yes, Im sorry, Ojou-sama." Jin smiled, he had won the verbal battle. Immediately after, he felt a surge of Chakra that made him intoxicated.

Jin did not waste an time, and performed the hand seals after biting his finger and drawing some blood. A large amount of symbols appeared under him, and similarly to Naruto's first time summoning Gamabunta, an initial layer of blue chakra was followed by black chakra that dwarfed it in size.

After a loud bang, a massive crow about the size of the aforementioned Gamabunta appeared under Jin's feet.

"Who dares to summon me... Huh?!" A deep, loud voice resounded through the area, as the massive black crow opened it's beak and spoke.

It had razor sharp claws at the ends of it's feet, and it's beak looked like it could bite off steel. It flapped it's wings and caused a massive sandstorm through air pressure as it ascended into the sky.

Jin lost balance and almost fell off the crow's back, but quickly stuck to it like glue by focusing chakra into his feet.

"Woah, easy there, boss." Jin decided to address this massive crow in a similar way to Naruto's with the toad. In hopes of getting on his good side.

"A BRAT!? KARASU! WHAT IS THIS ABOUT!" The crow started screaming as it realized that he was being ridden by a kid who reeked of his mother's milk. It was a serious blow to his pride.

"Relax boss! My name is Jin, May I know yours?" Jin was a little nervous, since this huge animal could probably murder him with a swipe of it's claws.

"My name is Sojobo. I am the chief around here, and I do not appreciate you interrupting my midday rest period." Sojobo's face went dark as it started to gain even more height. It sped up out of nowhere and started flying around at top speed.

"Wai-" Jin couldn't say anything before his mouth got pulled back by the wind and his chakra failed to keep him in place. His body started to rotate as he was about to fall off the crow's back.

Thinking fast, he latched onto a feather and applied his chakra instantly on his hands. Mikoto helped him without a word, as he managed to latch on to the bird.

"You crazy crow! What if I fell off?!" Jin was scared for his life as he started screaming at the top of his lungs. Never before had he been so scared at once, it did not help that he wasn't really good with heights.

"Do I care!? You might as well die!" Sojobo was even angrier than before, as he started looping in circles, making it harder for Jin to keep a grip. In the midst of this battle for his life, Jin got reminded of Naruto's experience with Gamabunta. He had to admit this was very similar.

With tears coming out of his eyes because of the wind, he gritted his teeth and shouted towards the angry crow.


"Heh! You think you're capable? Deal!" Sojobo started to perform even crazier maneuvers in the sky, making Jin feel nauseous. He grit his teeth and held on tight.


After a couple of hours, the sunset was approaching, and Jin was still tightly glued to Sojobo's back, like a leech.

"Is he a monster or what?! How has he not run out of chakra yet?!" Sojobo was flabbergasted when he saw the scale of Jin's stamina. It was unbelievable.

One thing that added to his surprise, was that Sojobo himself liked seclusion, and rarely came out of his lair. He wasn't really in touch with current affairs and wasn't in the know when it came to Mikoto. Karasu had wanted to talk to him multiple times, but he never agreed. Preferring to stay home.

A random kid summoning him out of nowhere and wanting to command him wasn't really in his expectations to say the least.

After a while, he started to get frustrated and opened his beak. chakra started to form at the tip of his tongue, as a little crow appeared on top of it. It's eyes glowing with intelligence.

"Let's see if he can still hold on." What he had just performed was one of his secret techniques. He could separate himself from his body for short periods of time and transform into a small crow, controlling the original from a distance. This allowed him to sneak into smaller places or get rid of smaller threats, like Jin.

With a flap of his wings, mini-Sojobo took flight and sped towards Jin that was glued to his main body.

"You little devil... Die for me!" Sojobo concentrated his chakra on his beak as it grew longer and sharper. He sped towards Jin's heart, hoping to pierce it.

At this moment, Karasu,who had come by to see Jin's progress, saw the scene with his keen eyes. His face instantly distorted.

"SOJOBO! STOP IMMEDIATELY!" He screamed to the top of his lungs.

The big crow heard the shout, but it was too late to change trajectory. He was about to pierce the kid's heart.

"Jin! Quickly use your eyes!" Mikoto panicked and shouted at Jin, who was currently seeing death coming at him at top speeds.

He reacted quickly though, and activated his Sharingan, before using Oyamatsumi on the small crow. He felt like a big chunk of his chakra left him, so Mikoto aided a little and provided some much needed support.

At this moment, Sojobo's movement stopped, as both of his bodies were paralyzed in midair. A three-tomoe Sharingan replacing his eyes.

"OH SHOOT. NOW I'VE DONE IT." As he saw the crow stop mid flight, Jin realized his mistake. He screamed and held on tight to the massive feather as the giant crow started streaking to the ground like a massive black meteor.

"Crap." Karasu frowned, and quickly performed a summoning.

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu! MILLION CROWS!" As the name suggested, a monstrous amount of small crows appeared under Sojobo, and formed a massive black carpet that stopped his fall midair, slowly lowering him to the ground.

"Hahhh... That was close." Karasu let out a deep breath in relief. He did not want to lose Sojobo and Jin at the same time. That would have been a disaster that he couldn't handle at the moment.

After landing, the former opened his eyes that weren't Sharingan anymore. He looked towards Jin in surprise. He hated to admit it,but this kid was capable.

Jin, who was currently being stared at, quickly got off the bird as he saw the sun finally set. He got on his knees and started to kiss the ground before he turned back to the massive crow and smiled from ear to ear.

"Boss, you lose!" With a laugh, he threw himself backwards, spreading his arms as he looked at the clouds.

"I did it!"

"You mean WE did it..." Mikoto felt salty but decided not to make a scene. Jin was exhausted and needed a rest.

Before any of them coud rest though, a cold voice sent a chill through their spines.

"Kukukukuku... Would you mind explaining what all of this is about? Sojobo, Jin, I am all ears..."

Sojobo panicked, and Jin wanted to run away, but his body was suffering from chakra exhaustion, so he couldn't really move.

"HEEEEEEELP!" The cries for help of a crow and a kid were heard throughout the whole of Yatagarasu Canyon on that night.


In Mount Myoboku, the pink sky was clear, and the weather was great. Toads of all sizes and colors could be seen hopping around.

In a small house, a white haired kid had a blue face as he ate what looked like a massive bowl of cooked insects. He was trying hard not to puke.

"D-Delicious, Shima-san... I love it..." He almost barfed as he spoke, but kept it inside through sheer willpower.

"Go on, eat as much as you like! You need strength for tomorrow's event, brat!" Shima was cooking some more bugs as she spoke happily.

"Mom, I think little Jiraiya is full..." Fukasaku saw Jiraiya's face and decided to lend a hand.

"He needs strength! That cunning mummy bird Karasu's disciple is said to be very promising!"

"Who is he by the way, big sis?" Jiraiya was very curious, since they had talked about this supposed crow apprentice for a while now, never actually telling him who it was.

"You will see in due time, hehehehe." Fukasaku made a mysterious face as he laughed.

"So stingy..." Poor Jiriaya kept on eating, thinking of it as resistance training to get by.

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