After a good night's sleep, Jin slowly woke up and realized that he was back in his room. Thinking for a second, he started to recall the events that happened on the previous afternoon.

"Damn, that attack sure was powerful... I guess I now have a trump card, heh." Jin smiled genuinely. He was happy to have come across such an unexpected gain, but he quickly blushed in embarrassment when he thought of the pose he took while doing it.

"It's cool, sorry Goku-san, but I might just steal it from you!" Jin laughed by himself for a while, feeling relieved. He had found himself becoming a little bit more joyful lately.

"I guess that the idea of meeting them again is just too awesome to stay calm..."

Suddenly, a familiar voice resounded in his head once more.

"Those two techniques from earlier, do you have names for them? It's not like I'm curious or anything, really."

Jin frowned at Mikoto's words. He hadn't really thought of a name yet for these techniques, and Oyamatsumi came in the spur of the moment against the Kumo ninja back at the academy. He soon realized that naming was a really tough thing, and he thought back to Minato's ridiculous names in the anime.

"I definitely don't want to be as ludicrous as him. Now, what should I name them..." Jin thought for a while, and nothing came to mind. At this moment, Mikoto spoke again.

"Well for the first technique, in theory, you will be controlling a bunch of lightning crows to attack your enemy at a long range. Since it's a derived form of your Chidori, I would name it something similar." Jin listened to her attentively, as she continued to elaborate on her idea. "Chidori is a mix between thousand 'Chi' and birds 'Dori'. You said that every bird is about as strong as a single Chidori right?"

"Yes, in terms of destruction, it's comparable. It just doesn't have as much precision since it's long range." Jin stated the fatal weakness of his new ability in one go.

It was a very powerful attack, but hard to control. Thus making it hard to aim it precisely and was best used against larger opponents, since he could only make two crows for now.

"Well, let's say you manage to make ten of them at one point. And every single one is like a Chidori. Wouldn't it be like multiplying one thousand birds by ten? Basic arithmetic here." Jin frowned, what she said made a lot of sense and if he looked at it from that point of view...

"Yorozudori!" Literally meaning ten thousand birds. Jin was excited, but a bucket of cold water was instantly thrown over his head by the merciless Mikoto.

"Yorozudori? That's quite a mouthful from my point of view... How about you shorten it a little... I like the sound of Rozudori, imagine you shouting it out as countless lightning crows rain destruction upon your enemies!" If Jin saw the face that Mikoto was currently making, he would be a little scared.

"Rozudori... Sounds awesome!" He was fully satisfied. Now that he had a name for that ability, the second one was waiting. "How about the second one, Mikoto-sama?" Her input was now very valuable to him, who had a pretty bad naming sense.

"Well, You didn't see much of it, but I saw it from a front row's seat. The massive black crow roaring was truly a sight to behold." She recalled the attack that was birthed from her own chakra and smiled proudly. Its size was about five times as big as Jin and the destructive power it had rivaled that of an A to S-Class Offensive Jutsu.

"Ok, so since it's a massive crow head roaring, how about we call it the roar of the crow?"


Silence followed.

"You- You can't be serious right? How bad at naming can you be?" Mikoto was flabbergasted at the little to no care that Jin had put into his naming process.

"What? Is it that big of a deal?" Jin flushed a little and wished to bury his head into the ground. Mikoto's diss had hit one of his weaknesses.

"Ok, since you're so useless, I'll help you out once more." Mikoto kind of felt bad after seeing Jin get so depressed at her comment, so she decided to come up with a nice name for him.

After thinking in silence for a little while, she had a sudden flash of inspiration and shouted in excitement, giving poor Jin a headache.

"How about... Karasu no Hōko!"


Once again, awkward silence followed her words.

"What... Was it bad?" She started to panic and asked in desperation.

"Umm... It's not that it's bad... but it's literally what I said with different words..." Jin was a little disappointed.

//(A/N: So I found out there are some different types of Japanese, such as native and sino. For example, thousand in sino is 'sen', while in native its 'Chi'. Here, Jin initially used the sino version of roar, which is 'Gōon', while Mikoto used 'Hōko'.)╮(╯_╰)╭//

"Ah, don't worry about that... My version sounds way better!" Mikoto flushed a little, having been found out.

"Well, it's true that it sounds nice... Let's roll with it." Jin couldn't be bothered to argue anymore and decided to go train once more. After he stepped out of the door, a little crow came flying his way and landed on his forearm. It then started speaking.

"Caw! Karasu-sama is calling for you at the sacred hall... Caw!" After saying it's piece, it flew away.

"What now..." Jin sighed and walked towards the sacred hall. He wasn't really in a hurry.

After arriving there, Karasu signaled for him to take a seat on the floor in front of him. Jin sat down cross-legged and awaited his teacher's words.

"Jin, what were that earthquake and crater all about? Is there an enemy?" Karasu knew that there being an enemy was unlikely, but he asked anyway just to make sure.

"Well, you see Karasu-san. I was testing out Ojou-Sama's chakra, and let's just say that I still do not really know how to control or regulate it at all."

"Hmm... We can't be having that during the tournament..." Karasu was visibly worried. He was counting on Jin using some of Mikoto's chakra to absolutely decimate his opponents in the arena. But in a few days, how would he learn to control it?

"Come closer, I have an idea." Karasu pulled up his sleeve and started gathering chakra into the tips his fingers, forming little symbols with it.

Jin had a lot of trust in Karasu and did not offer resistance, the former placed five of his fingers on his stomach, before twisting them.

"Five Elements Seal!"

"Argh!" Jin felt quite some pain from his abdominal area, but he grit his teeth and endured.

"Jin, he is sealing my chakra. Well not really sealing, but nerfing, in a way. It's like creating a wall and leaving a little hole." Mikoto was confused and angry at first, but understood the man's intentions and decided to not go against it. It was a decent idea.

"Okay, there we go. Try using Ojou-sama's chakra once more." Karasu looked at Jin with serious eyes.

"Alright... here I go." Jin was still a little sore from earlier, but nonetheless complied and summoned some of Mikoto's chakra with her permission.

He felt like the amount coming out was smaller, and easier to control, as it did not flood his system anymore. He still felt the need to release it, but it wasn't as prominent as last time.

"I feel... I feel good!" Jin was exhilarated, he immediately channeled his lightning chakra and performed the Thunder Step. The distance and speed at which he traveled became almost double what they were without her chakra.

"Awesome!" With a shout, he clenched his fists in excitement. It felt really good to be powerful.

"Alright, go train your summonings now. There will be some tests on that area at the tournament." Karasu reminded Jin before shooing him out.

Jin immediately made his way back to the training area and sat down in thought.

"Let's see, how can I use crows effectively in battle?" He thought of the way that Karasu and Itachi did it, dispersing into crows. Itachi used genjutsu while Karasu's was real. He just turned into a crow while summoning more under his cloak. Jin had seen through the trick with his eyes before.

"Let's try it." He got ready to perform the Henge and summoning but immediately stopped doing so when he realized he was not wearing a cloak.

"How do I do it now?" He wanted to look badass like Itachi and Karasu, but the idea of having to wear a cloak was not really up his alley.

"Just transform into a crow the moment you summon the others. It will look like you changed places using the flicker. Baka."

Mikoto couldn't bear watching this kid's stupidity. Jin wasn't really stupid, it was her natural intellect that was abnormal.

Jin placed his fist on his open palm as he acted as though he had just heard something obvious. But the problem also lied in that he did not want to place his hand on the ground to summon the birds.

"Can I just summon them with no flagrant pose?" He thought of how Jiraiya used to do it and couldn't help but think it was impractical.

"Whatever let's try." Much to his surprise, it worked. He bit his finger and performed the hand seals quickly, before just using the technique like he would with any other. As soon as the flock of crows appeared, he used henge and blended in with them right away.

"Perfect!" He thought.

After he transformed back into himself, he ordered for the crows to just rest on the ground in front of him like a mini army. They weren't capable of speech like the last crow because they were just lower class summons.

"Alrighty, guys! My name is Jin, and from now on I will be summoning you from time to time. When I do, I want you to cover my escape or just swarm my enemy. Understood?"

"CAW!" With loud screams, the intelligent crows seemed to have understood and agreed with him.

"What a bunch of lovely fellas, you deserve some cool names... You will be Kuro-chan, and you will be Yami-chan, and you..." Jin smiled, enjoying the obedience of the little birds.

"Baka." Mikoto was starting to regret her choice to merge with this childish dude.



the support has been awesome lately, and I am seriously thankful for the current ranking of my novel. (P.s. We've hit a million views! WOW!, it must have been Dwayne-kun...)

Be reassured, as I won't drop this no matter how much hate I get because you guys keep me going. This project started out being just for fun, but now it's really for you guys.

Keep in mind that I do have an idea of where the story will go, but I do not plan much as I write, thus there might be mistakes and errors, I try to keep them at a minimum though. I plan to make this story 150 to 200 chapters long.

After I finish it, I will surely train myself in the art of writing before starting a new project. As I said way back, this is my first ever writing piece other than English essays for school. So please bear with me here.

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart! Especially the readers that have really resonated with me as I read their comments, You know who you are, and I love you.

Until next chapter,



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