"May I ask why you didn't sign the "Single Contract"? They all signed it, but you didn't sign it. It's quite strange, and you still ask me to keep this secret. Do you have someone you like?"

Jiang Quan stared at her, as if trying to see through what she meant by asking this sentence.

Li Hong didn't wait for his answer, and began to analyze, "If you had friends, you probably wouldn't grab my top bag. Since you caught my top bag, it proves that you have no friends...do you have someone you secretly like?

Have you ever thought that if you ask me to keep this secret for you, you will be my girlfriend on the surface, and you won't be afraid that the person you like will misunderstand you? "

"No, it's not for any friends, it's because my family signed the first contract for me, and if I propose to terminate the contract myself, I have to compensate the company 500,000.

I don't have either... I don't have anyone I like, I just don't want to sign the "Single Contract" that must be added if I want to debut! "Jiang Quan didn't know whether to lie to her or to himself,"

"So, in order to keep you from losing money, it seems that we should keep in touch, such as where I went, should I report to you, and where you went, should I also report to me.

Our two schools are close, in case they meet me somewhere, I can cover you up! "Li Hong's anti-customer routine Jiang Quan said, "Boyfriend and boyfriend don't know what the other is doing, do you think it's normal? "

"Ah?" Jiang Quan, who had never been in a relationship before, was stunned again.

What he said seemed to make sense. In fact, Pi Xiaoyou and Wan'er often asked him that it was understandable that Li Hong didn't send flowers. Why did Jiang Quan go to find her, but she never appeared around Jiang Quan again? It's too cheap to fall in love like this...

Jiang Quan stammered, "This... this seems to be too much trouble for you, right? What if you...you have friends? This method doesn't seem very good. I'd better figure it out myself!"

"Trouble is a bit troublesome, but anyway, I don't have any friends now, and it seems that the termination of the contract won't take too long after hearing what you said. I don't mind doing you a little favor. Don't you like to treat me to dinner? Just ask me a few times!"

Hesitant Jiang Quan remembered the "cousin" he met at the Internet cafe the day before yesterday, he coughed twice, "May I ask, did you go to that party last night?"

"Look," Li Hong said, "I watched it while playing cards with my grandma at home!"

"Oh, so, then you didn't go to the scene, did you?" Jiang Quan finally understood why no one was arrested.

"Yeah, I didn't go. Brother Jia took the two tickets. He gave his girlfriend a necklace, and the two of them went to see the scene again!"

Jiang Quan felt a wave of anger rushing from the soles of his feet to his forehead, and then spread to his whole body.

He stood up and said to Li Hong, "I see what you said. Forget about the report. There must be a way for the car to reach the mountain. If I don't block the car with the mantis arm, nothing will happen. Yes. I'm so stupid myself."

"Are you still not acknowledging the fate?" Li Hong stared at him again, "My friends all know that the girl I'm chasing is destined for me, but they never gave me the fate, that's why they arranged that scene.

You want me to get out of the singles, the girl you see is not Jia Ge's cousin, but Zuo Jing's cousin, if I like her, I won't call you today! "

Li Hong said again, "The lie you told is difficult for you alone. I know you still refuse to accept me, but it doesn't matter. As long as you need my help, I will help you!"

Jiang Quan really wanted to say to him majestically, "I don't need your help, I can handle everything by myself!"

However, before this true energy could gather, he received a call from Mr. Lin.

Teacher Lin asked where he was, and he said that he accidentally fell off the chair while doing hygiene, which seemed to be serious, and someone needed to send him to the hospital for examination.

Pi Xiaoyou and the others accompanied the teenagers from the Legendary Youth League to "Zhurong Mountain", which is two hours away from Xinsha City, and they couldn't make it back. The only one who is close is Jiang Quan.

Teacher Lin is in her thirties, divorced for many years and never remarried.

She said that she didn't want to have children, and her ex-husband waited for her for five years and she didn't change her mind, so she had to divorce. She is willing to accompany her dink, but she doesn't like him, so it's better not to think about getting married, it's hurting others!


"Fengyuan Tea House" was not on the main road and couldn't get a taxi. Jiang Quan had to turn to Li Hong, whom she didn't want to turn to for help.

Li Hong accompanied her to send Teacher Lin to the hospital, but instead of leaving, she ran up and down to help her with various procedures.

Teacher Lin said to Jiang Quan, "Did you interrupt your date? If I hadn't been hurt by the fall, how long are you going to hide him? No wonder you have to sign the "Single Contract". This kid is very good, and your vision is not bad! "

Teacher Lin took a picture and found that there was no bone injury. She took some medicine from the doctor, and Li Hong sent her back to her home.

The true energy that Jiang Quan had gathered had completely dissipated, and he could no longer say that he didn't need her help.

Li Hong made an appointment for herself with peace of mind, "Look, it's fine if you used me before, but today you are still using me in front of Teacher Lin, and you didn't say a word when she regarded me as your friend.

Speaking of it this way, I seem to have suffered a big loss. You have to treat me to a meal anyway, I will not refuse! "

Jiang Quan treated her to a bowl of rice noodles.


From that night on, Jiang Quan began to receive text messages from her again.

Ask for instructions early, report late, and report your day's itinerary in detail.

Jiang Quan was too embarrassed to directly delete her text message, and was afraid of revealing his secrets, so he could only reply with a few short words after reading it, "Got it, I'm at home!" "Got it, I'm in the library!" " Got it, I'm in the practice room!"

After Xiaoxiao and the others came back from "Zhurong Mountain", they also went to visit Teacher Lin with gifts.

They knew that Mr. Lin was sent to the hospital by Li Hong, and after running up and down very attentively, no one talked to Jiang Quan anymore, asking him to sign the "Single Contract".

In March, Pi Xiaoyou's mask was taken off.

In May, Wan'er's mask was taken off.

In July, Xinyi's mask was taken off after taking the college entrance examination.

Only the last mask remained, the blue one.


After the winter vacation, Jiang Quan and Pi Xiaoyou returned to Shanghai.

Jiang Quan moved into an ordinary dormitory as he wished.

Pi Xiaoyou was a little upset, saying that Jiang Quan didn't tell her anything, even if he wanted to terminate the contract with the company, he didn't need to move out. This is the school's dormitory, not the company's dormitory.

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