My Italian

Chapter 171: crack

"My Italian (

William I's funeral was grand, and hundreds of thousands of people witnessed the funeral ceremony. White roses surrounded the coffin, implying good wishes for the deceased William I.

The long line to see off could not see the end, but Carlo, the king of Italy, was arranged at the front of the line, only one place lower than the Austro-Hungarian Emperor Joseph I, and behind him was the Romanian King Carol I, and finally It was King Willem III of the Netherlands.

Among the four kings, Carlo was the most incompatible and had less communication with the other three kings.

In fact, you don't need to think about it to know that the three youngest are in their 50s and 60s, and it is strange that they can chat with Carlo, a young man in his early twenties.

Of course, it's not that they haven't talked, but they are generally limited to simple exchanges such as hello. Among them, Emperor Joseph, who was the emperor of Austria-Hungary, talked a little bit with Carlos, after all, he was an ally.

In addition, I would like to say that the relationship between Italy and Austria-Hungary is the best time. According to the level, it has changed from hostility to indifference. This is a huge progress.

If he couldn't talk with the three elderly monarchs, Carlo would naturally choose people of the same age to talk to. Because of the many things Wilhelm II had to do, he didn't come again except when Carlo arrived in Berlin once. Instead, a captain named Tirpitz was sent to communicate with Carlo.

Carlo did not look down on each other because of his position and low rank, but exchanged his naval experience with him very friendly.

That's right, the father of the High Seas Fleet, the eternal Tirpitz.

Otherwise, Carlo would bother with such a small naval captain, knowing that he was very short on time.

At this time, Tirpitz had not established the theory that he existed in the fleet, but was researching the cruiser's breaking tactics. Of course, this also has a lot to do with the cruiser formation he is currently commanding.

Regarding Tirpitz, who did not have his own theory, Carlo also instilled some of his own opinions from time to time during the conversation. Of course, it was unknown how much the other party could hear. This was just Carlo wanting to try.

Of course, he didn't want to accuse the other party of the wrong theory, and any theory needs to be used in a corresponding position. The existence of a fleet is the safest way to avoid excessive use of risky tactics when you are at a disadvantage.

Of course, this approach allowed the High Seas Fleet to hold back the British Home Fleet, which was far stronger than itself, indicating that the theory could be used. But Germany's position determined that its use of the fleet theory did not help it get rid of its disadvantage at sea.

In addition to communicating with Colonel Tirpitz, Carlo also talked to other people. Among them, the one who talked the most was Nicholas II, the last Russian tsar who was younger than himself.

The two are of similar age, and there is no conflict of interest between the two countries, which makes Russia willing to let its crown prince communicate with the young Italian king.

However, in the process of communicating with the tsar, Carlo found that the crown prince Nicholas was just as rumored, introverted and shy, and sometimes when Carlo asked questions and opinions during the conversation with him, he was already twenty years old. The crown prince also looked at his personal tutor, Poe Donoschav, who was standing aside.

He was in his twenties, and he had to ask his private teacher for small questions. No wonder he was later interfered by his wife in government affairs. Then the cauldron of Russia's collapse, the tsar needs to bear at least one third.

In addition to communicating more with Colonel Tirpitz and Crown Prince Nicholas, Carlo also had contacts with other people. Among them are the second-generation head Friedrich Alfred Krupp (generally referred to as Krupp Jr.), who controls the power of Krupp, and Werner Krupp, head of Siemens in Germany. Siemens, this time the famous scientist and businessman, has not been awarded the title of nobility, so cannot add "feng" as a middle word yet.

Of course, in addition to urging these two, Carlo has also met with many other famous company leaders. The reason why Carlo is so eager to see these people is more than anyone can guess.

That's right, it's just trying to acquire some technology. Of course, for the core technology that he is determined not to sell, Carlo has no unreasonable thoughts (mainly because the cost is too high, and he dare not be presumptuous). And in the technology that can be sold or not, Carlo wants to fight for it. How to say that he is also the monarch of the allied country, so he still needs to give some face.

Although Germany's technology is not as good as that of the United Kingdom at present, but with a good momentum of development, it has already kept pace with France, so this time Carlo is prepared to strengthen it. Italy's weak industry will give it a good opportunity for development as soon as possible.

There are all these things involved in his mind, so Carlo showed some lack of energy at the funeral. After barely listening to the speech read by Prime Minister Bismarck, he was ready to leave.

In any case, the attitude of others came and they did their best. This is already very good. Didn't see the Austro-Hungarian Emperor Joseph I next to him, he was a little shaky.

But sometimes, people are like this, the more they want to go, the more they can't go.

I saw a German officer in a servant's clothes trotting all the way to Carlo. "King Carlo, Crown Prince William and the Prime Minister have asked His Majesty to move. There are some things I want to discuss with you."

Although Carlo is very puzzled, what is it that makes the two so anxious, but since Wilhelm II and Bismarck are looking for themselves, there is nothing else to say, let's go.

So in the chapel next to the cemetery, Carlo met Prime Minister Bismarck and William II.

"King Carlo, I took the liberty to invite you here, because I want to ask for your Facing the apologetic Prime Minister, William II, who was already beside him with a gloomy expression , Carlo felt as if he was caught in a whirlpool.

"If you have anything to do, please ask your Excellency the Prime Minister to make it clear."

Since he felt the abnormal atmosphere, of course, Carlo would not agree easily.

"Actually it's nothing, can you tell me the cost of the model you gave to the crown prince, and the subsequent maintenance costs?"

Bismarck's words coupled with the expression of Wilhelm II, Carlo already knew seventy-eighty-eight. "This model is the latest warship in our country. There are currently three under construction in our country. The shipyard's quotation for the Chinese Navy is 26.2 million lire. According to the Navy's own estimates, the annual cost of the warship needs to reach about 3 million lire."

After Carlo finished speaking, Bismarck turned to Wilhelm II and said. "His Royal Highness William, you have also heard that the construction cost of such a warship is enough for us to form another half-division. If other supporting ships are added, then the cost of two divisions will be used to build such a warship. . This is a bit too early for our country at the moment."

When Bismarck was talking, Carlo had quietly left. It wasn't that he cheated Crown Prince William, but that he didn't expect him to be so impatient.

At that time, when the two were chatting happily, William II did not ask the price, and Carlo also forgot, he did not expect that this would make him see such a scene.

Of course, from this scene, Carlo can expect that the time between the two will not be long. Two people with strong personalities, it is a pipe dream to be able to get along peacefully, not to mention that the political concepts of the two are completely different.

Of course, Carlo was silent about what he saw.

But he didn't expect that even if he didn't speak up, he could be remembered by others.

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