My Italian

Chapter 170: gift of friendship

"My Italian (

This was the second time for Carlo to come to Berlin Railway Station. As an important guest attending the funeral of William I and the enthronement of Frederick III, Carlo and his party were also warmly received.

As an important ally, Carlo was also the second heaviest among the four monarchs who attended the funeral. Of course, he was greeted by German Foreign Minister Frederick in person.

In addition, one more thing, among the monarchs who participated in the funeral of William I this time, Emperor Joseph I of Austria-Hungary was the heaviest.

The Russian Tsar Alexander III did not come, and his crown prince Nicholas II was present. This can also show Russia's hesitation at present. Although they were ostracized by Germany and Austria in the Three Emperors Alliance, they have not completely fallen under the French money offensive. Of course, this is also the reason why the French money offensive has not yet exerted its strength.

However, since the current Crown Prince Nicholas is not a monarch, it cannot be counted among the four monarchs.

"Welcome King Carlo to Berlin."

Carlo was greeted warmly by Frederick as soon as he got out of the car. Of course, his white flower also showed that Germany was now suffering from the grief of the death of the monarch.

"Thank you, Your Excellency, for coming to welcome me. Our country is also very saddened by the passing of Emperor William."

Speaking of this, Carlo Ye showed a sad expression, and tears could not help flowing from the circles of his eyes just after wiping the onion.

"Thank you for your country's sympathy for the passing of our emperor, and please ask King Carlo to get in the car first."

Frederick, who is also excellent in acting, did not let Carlo specialize in beauty, and his eyes were flushed with tears and he did not show his performance, letting Carlo know what exquisiteness is.

This is the end of the acting performance at the railway station, and Carlo's young acting skills are completely at a disadvantage in front of the old rivers and lakes.

Then don't say anything, just get in the car.

After boarding the welcoming carriage, Carlo and his party were sent to the place of stay. This time, due to too many monarchs, they were not arranged to live in the Charlottenburg Palace as they did last time, but were arranged to live in the Sensi Palace.

After sending Carlo and his party here, Foreign Secretary Frederick said. "King Carlo, if you need anything, please inform the Shestroman. I won't bother you because I have something else to do."

Facing the German Foreign Minister who was eager to leave, Carlo also understood very well, because he needed to receive too many people, and being able to send them here in person was also for Germany's ally's sake.

After Frederick left, Carlo and his group prepared to take a rest. After all, they were a little tired after taking the train for so long.

Of course, Carlo is young and in good health, so he doesn't need much rest, but that is to consider those ministers in their 50s and 60s.

Of course, if Carlo doesn't rest, it doesn't mean that he will be fine. This time, he knows the intention of coming to Berlin very well. For this reason, he prepared a special gift for his friend William II.

So where is this friend Carlo?

At present, William II, who is about to become the crown prince, is discussing a very important matter with the prime minister and other important ministers in the palace. That is the question of how his father, Frederick III, should succeed his grandfather after his funeral.

Because Frederick III's trachea was cut, which made him unable to speak, he usually communicated with others by writing. And when the new emperor ascended the throne, he also communicated with handwriting in the case of much attention?

This will make the new emperor of Germany, the object of entertainment.

Such a situation must not be seen by everyone present, and they are gathered here to solve this problem. Of course, the government has come up with a compromise solution, that is, let William II, as the heir, swear an oath for the emperor.

In the face of the government's proposal, William did not resist, but he needed to discuss the details to avoid embarrassing mistakes.

This discussion continued for a while until the sun went down, and William II and the ministers came out of the room.

William II, who walked out of the room, asked the attendant who appeared beside him. "Next, what else is there to do?"

"His Royal Highness, the King of Italy led a team to Berlin, and I need you to visit."

The attendant's words are completely nonsense. Carlo sent a telegram to William II before he came. For this reason, William II pushed aside other things and deliberately set aside the evening time to join friends and promote friendship. The attendant's words were not for William to hear, but for the Prime Minister and others beside him.

"Your Highness, Italy is an ally of our country. Promoting the relationship between the two countries is good for the empire."

Following Prime Minister Bismarck's words, Wilhelm II spoke to the attendants beside him.

"Prepare the carriage, I need to meet the king of Italy."


An hour later, the Sanssi Palace was brightly lit, and our good friends finally met.

"Carlo, long time no see."

"William, I haven't seen you in the past few years. You are the father of four children."

Having said that, I have to admit that his wife, Princess Augusta Victoria, is really fertile.

Of course, when it comes to hospitality, the two of them will stop quickly.

Carlo gestured to a servant and said. "William, in addition to attending the funeral and the enthronement ceremony of your father Frederick, I have not seen each other for a long time. I miss your friend very much. As a friend, I have a small gift for you."

Carlo's words made William a little curious. He didn't know what Carlo wanted to give him.

"What are you going to give me? It's so mysterious."

"Don't worry, you'll see it soon."

As Carlo's voice fell, two attendants walked in carrying a quilt covered with something.

Facing the mysterious gift of Carlo, it aroused William's curiosity. As a cultivated heir to the royal family, he stopped asking questions and just waited quietly for the results to come "

The thing is very heavy, you can hear it from the sound of putting it down.

After the attendant put the things down, Carlo revealed the mystery himself, and a never-before-seen warship model appeared in front of William II.

William has seen a lot of warship models. In his personal collection, there are more than a dozen such models, ranging from sailing warships to the latest German ironclads. But this one is special because it is completely different from the current warships.

"Which country's warship is this, why haven't I seen it?"

Facing William II's question, Carlo immediately said. "This is my country's latest warship, which is still under construction in the shipyard and has not yet been launched. The model is scaled down by 100 to 1 according to the construction drawings."

Carlo's words made William II immediately interested. He looked around the model and inquired about the ship's data.

Although this should be kept secret, for his own purposes, Carlo did not hesitate to inform Wilhelm II of the data of the new H-type warships still under construction in the dock.

The data reported by Carlo made the eyes of William II shine. Up to 16,000 tons of full-load displacement, powerful firepower, thick armor, and a speed comparable to a fast cruiser, all show the power of this warship. God is pitiful, now the German Navy doesn't even have a 10,000-ton class warship, isn't this shameful to him?

As a faithful executor of Mahan's theory of sea power, William II's desire for the sea is known to everyone. Carlo's gift is simply seducing a person who is about to starve to death with food.

"Thank you, I like your gift very much."

Facing the excited William II, Carlo smiled like a fox stealing chickens. "We are good friends, and good friends should share happiness."

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