It's fun to have a personality...

"Ah, beautiful, this Izumo Village is getting more and more lively!"

The voice of the scumbag came.

"What about you...why are you here?"

Miya fingered her lips and looked at Seoka who appeared out of nowhere.

"Oh, hahaha, I have no money to eat food..."

The scumbag smiled without blushing.

Miya smiled: "It's really scum!"

"I'm sorry I'm sorry..."

Of course, Seoka didn't have a "sorry" expression at all.

"Then, let's get ready for dinner-"

Miya turned to me, "Kim, come up first... Komatsu don't just watch, come help!"

"Yes, yes, Meimei..."

Komatsu at the dark corner shed a drop of cold sweat.

Next, Yuehai didn't recognize Bon as "Flame" and put on a maid costume - Xiaocao was happily playing with the "penguin costume" "Hey..."

Yuehai blushed and put his hands on his waist, "What is this?"

"The clothes that Xiaobu gave before, Xiaobu was in room 203."

The summary replied.

Tsundere's maid outfit? So cute—"He's so cute—Yue Hai, just wear this outfit and do it with me when you get a chance!"

"What, what, what—do, do, do..."

There was a faint cloud of blue smoke rising from Yuehai's head...

After all, she has truly become my woman, Yuehai shook her head vigorously, and muttered, "Well, since Jin likes it, forget it..."

"Okay, then let's start working together as a maid!"

The summary laughed heartily.

"Maid? Why do I do this kind of work..."

Yuehai took out a card, "Landlord! If you have this, you should have nothing to say? An MBI VIP card with no upper limit!"

"I have some reason, 'that' this kind of? money? card can't be accepted that's just-"

Mei Zai smiled brilliantly, "Those who don't work don't eat!"

Moon Sea Petrochemical...

"Okay, come on, go shopping—"

Miya gave Xiaoyu and Yuehai a basket each, "If you come back early, you can sit next to Jin and have dinner!"

Well, because it seems that one side has been reserved by Xiaocao, and Qiujin never fights for anything...

uh... bad!

Yuehai just gave it to me for the first time! If you're still racing at this time...

I was impatient: "Yuehai! Teach you a method, the power of water can also be used in the same way - such as jet acceleration!"

"Huh? Well, interesting, I never thought about it... Okay, try it!"

The game begins - "Please walk slowly. Kim is really welcome!"

Miya is still smiling brightly.

Although there is no doubt about the speed of the summary of the fighting system, but under my prompting, Yue Hai's efficiency in linear motion with the help of the water spray is even more efficient than that of the summary!

But unfortunately, the route always has curves, so Yuehai, who is still in the experimental stage of groping for new skills, still loses to the summary......————This is the dividing line————Note 1 : See "Heart of the Ocean" in "Titanic" for the approximate appearance

Chapter 043 Three Passes & Dawn

Dinner time, the first level - humming, I was very smart to hold the grass in my arms, so that the summary can be left on the left and the sea on the right, but - "Lai Jin, please 'ah'!"

Summary Give me a dish - the kind that is delivered to my mouth...

"Jin, you know what? If you dare to eat'll die!"

Yuehai's hands were trembling, and he was about to break the chopsticks.

Uh, Xiaocao, not to be outdone, picked up a piece of meat and held it in front of me...

"Ahaha, Yuehai, why don't you feed me too?"

"Uh, this, since Jin wants to..."

Very good, perfect solution to the first level...

The second level, take a bath - "Jin, I will help you rub your back -"

To sum up, the natural way, even with a bath towel around, the pair of huge **** that can "kill" still stubbornly drill out of most of the snow-white spheres.

"Jin! You, you must, if you want, I can't rub your back..."

Yue Hai's pretty face was blushing and coy, and the towering twin peaks also easily broke through the barrier of the bath towel and dazzled people - by the way, you have already done more intimate things with me, why are you still shy? Well, this is probably the charm of Aojiao Niang!

The two girls face off again...

"Don't think it's great just because your **** are big, my wife is me!"

In fact, Yuehai, yours is not too small...

"Summary is also a wife!"

Do you really know what a "wife" is, summary?

"Damn, do you think you won me in the water field?"

"Summary as long as you hold your fists, you won't lose!"

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