呒——Blue water droplets embedded in the snow peaks...

"very beautiful!"

After I put it on Yuehai, I praised it.

"Yes, yes... Well, as a wedding gift, it's not bad!"

The girl responded shyly and shyly.

Uh... what, Yuehai seems to have been ravaged a little bit by me, and as a wagtail of the element control system, she obviously does not have an amazing recovery rate of physical strength, so I had to hold the girl who was still weak and weak. Going back to Izumo Village - fortunately, she can still concentrate on the level of magic clothing.

"Yo Miya, I'm back!"

Putting down Yuehai, who had regained the strength to walk independently, I smiled refreshingly.

"Jin, who is this woman?"

Yuehai asked.

"The landlord here, Miss Miya Asama."

I replied.

"Jin, this is..."

It was Miya's turn to ask questions.

"Ah, she's me..."

My words were interrupted by Yuehai - "It's his wife and son."

Yuehai is serious.

bad! I forgot she had to say that...

Miya covered her mouth in surprise...

"Ahaha, it's almost the same, isn't that the relationship between Wagtail and Weiya haha..."

I perfunctory.


The summary was a little dazed, and then a dark shadow of a bear appeared vaguely behind him.

Alas, Xiaocao is also joining in the fun, putting on an angry expression that can only be described as "cute", and following the summary with black gas...

Well, the obedient Akitsu is the best—well, there was no reaction at all...

Komatsu? She must be hiding in a corner and peeping! Even if I have done something like this with me, I can't change my habit!

"Ha what was it just now? There was a thump in my chest..."

Xiaojie's face was slightly red, and he cupped his face in his hands and muttered to himself.

Xiaocao was more direct, hugging my arm, and making cute sounds like the "huhu" of small animals hostile to opponents.

"She, are they Jin's wagtail, and there's actually a little loli? Forget it, eh? It seems like there's one less—"

Rational (? Yuehai in his state is a little jumpy, "Heh, the quality is good, but the 'right wife' can only be me..."

"Summary too—Summary is also Kim's wife!"

Laughing out loud, Shun suddenly hugged my other arm.

"What...you get out of the way, I'm the wife—"

Yuehai was furious: "Little Nizi, if that's the case, let's fight with you guys!"

Seeing that Yuehai was surrounded by water, Xiaojue raised his fist without showing weakness: "As I expected!"

Xiaocao joined in the fun again, waving a small fist and making a "woohoo" sound.

Qiujin: "Master, do you want to stop it?"

"No, just watch..."

"Okay, that's it!"

Miya stopped the "duel" that could lead to the destruction of Izumo-so - after my demonization summary, they definitely have the ability.

"Crack! Crack!"

Xiaojue and Yuehai each took a pat - um, what's the name of the thing used to pat dry clothes or sheets? beat?

"I will not tolerate this violent incident in Izumo Village!"

Miya said gloomily, the ghost face hidden in the darkness was about to move.

"Ah, I'm sorry, the landlord sister" Xiaozhu covered his head, "I forgot..."

"Well, it's good to understand."

Miya smiled "softly".

Yuehai was shocked: This, this guy... It's not easy!

"how about you?"

Miya softly smiled and turned to the moon sea - the ghost face finally emerged.

"Umm... as the saying goes, do as the custom-"

Yuehai fought a cold war, "Just get along with everyone here, ahem, let's get along."

At the same time, Xiaocao was so frightened that she pulled the hem of my clothes and retreated behind me.

"Alright, alright, listen to me..."

I pulled the summary one by one and Yuehai's hand to smooth things out, "I don't want my wagtail to be in a commotion - there will naturally be opportunities for you to learn from each other in the future."

"Then, you are the golden wagtail, right? Welcome to Izumo Village" Miya said to Yue Kaidao.

"It's my wife Yuehai, give me some advice, landlord!"

"Summary is also a wife!"

The two women continued to confront each other, but Yue Hai's forehead cramped, but the conclusion was a natural smile.

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