However, it is different now.

Since there is a living Claire (to be tested), the other "heroines" of "Resident Evil" are also very likely to exist - even if Alice is destined to be second-hand or even multi-handed, but Rebecca and Jill are equivalent. The "chic" personality is obviously still the original probability (——Ada? This one... the female spy godma who sold the hue, let's take it as a "non-committal" level for the time being!

How could I possibly give up this God-given opportunity?

Hmph... It looks like I'll be staying in this world for a while longer!

Let the girls continue to "clean" the remaining floors, I suddenly felt a throbbing in my heart, but it was from Hong Meiling's anxiety.

In the absence of a spiritual formation, and the distance is farther than the visual distance, with Hong Meiling's spellcasting level, which focuses on physical ability, it is really impossible to convey clear and detailed information.

Anxiety... not a feeling of fear or pain, that is to say, there is no enemy attack, then after all...————The dividing line of space and time————The central control room has been completely destroyed by our side, and I am also There is no need to follow the women to destroy more surveillance probes.

So, I quickly returned to B10 - Mizuno and Nakaoka's side.

"What happened?"

Divine Intent swept over, and I looked at the surrounding environment - there was indeed no problem.

The Chinese lady hurriedly pointed to the corner of the wall.

"Ah, master, it's her... Her physical condition doesn't seem to be normal."


I flashed to the beautiful woman who looked like Claire, and saw her curled up, her beautiful eyes still closed, and an uncomfortable expression on her pretty face.

The face is very red...have a fever?

I didn't think there was anything wrong with taking advantage of someone's danger at all. I put my hand directly on the other person's jaw and neck. I really felt the scorching heat while the body smell was smooth.

"I've also checked before..."

Meiling leaned over, rarely speaking in a very serious tone.

"She should have recovered slowly from the extremely low temperature hibernation state? There was no problem at first, but after returning to normal body temperature, she suddenly developed a fever..."

I nodded and threw a few healing spells tentatively.

No effect, the other party's body temperature even has a tendency to become higher - why? Could it be... not right, shouldn't it?

"Looks like it needs a closer inspection..."

I picked up Claire (to be tested) and put it on a laboratory table that looked like an operating bed in this huge laboratory.

"Although it should be very soon, but if they come back... Mizuno, don't let me be disturbed."

After half a second, I looked at Asami Nakaoka who was following nervously.

"Yes, and you... keep quiet, and I will completely solve your 'problem' later."

Regardless of whether the policewoman had "correctly" understood the inner meaning of the sentence, I regretfully gave up the idea of ​​putting my hand on the subject's full chest—whatever it is, it's time for business now—and instead It rested on her forehead oozing fine sweat.

Divine Sense and Spiritual Power carefully probed into the target's head, spreading innumerably throughout her body - equivalent to the so-called "inner vision" This is...

It's so strange, I checked her with my divine sense before I rescued her, and there was no sign of "infection" at all!

However, this apparent high fever at the moment, coupled with the "abnormal area" I discovered during my exploration...

Dead body... Well, since Umbrella is there, maybe it is not impossible that the intermediate process of zombie transformation caused by T virus is not impossible.

Gee...that's it.

With careful attention, I finally found a very tiny, almost completely healed pinhole in the target's left lower brachial vein.

Before entering the ultra-low temperature dormancy state, it has been injected with the virus stock solution... um, something like that?

So, once the bodily functions start to wake up and operate, the virus also reproduces and becomes active...

Moreover, the vast majority of healing magic is just to stimulate the potential of life and speed up metabolism - for the virus that turns people into zombies, not only will it not have a therapeutic effect, but it will even add fuel to the fire!

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh there is no way I would be able to do this - what? How could I put a "place" between "beauty"?

Oh, that is naturally due to the relationship that has just been carried out internal detection - in order to fully understand the target's condition in a comprehensive and detailed way, so my spiritual sense mixed with spiritual power, I also strolled around the other party's reproductive system by the way...

OK, the condition is identified, and the rescue begins!

I believe that you must have only guessed half right.

Yes, of course the "magic medicine" should be used, but who stipulates that it must be injected?

It is also possible to take it orally...

Hehe, the most important reason is: compared to fans of "Pi-"

I prefer to lure "Py-"

Although I can comfortably play with the corpse of the past and now the death magic, but that doesn't mean that I really care about "Pi-"

Corpses are interested.

Even if the target has not really turned into a cold corpse.

Hmm... If it is also ok from the perspective of "justice" - that is: I can get more happiness by handing over the choice to the other party!

Uh, it seems that this idea is not "just" ahem, can't waste any more time!

Demon God Contract - Absolute Command!

"Mizu, **** it out for me as fast as you can, but don't swallow it, keep it in your mouth for now."

"Yes... eh? Now? Here?"

Despite her amazed eyes flashing, China Niang didn't show any expression of rejection or disgust—in fact, this should be... a look of eagerness to try?

When Mirin knelt down decisively and warmed my magic spear with her soft lips, I used my words again to give instructions to Nakaoka.

"Mami, come here, take off the pants, and then watch her presentation seriously."————This is the dividing line————PS: The air conditioner in the office is broken ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…

Chapter 550 Awakening

"Ah... yes."

With a strange expression that was shocked, confused, and confused to the point of being stupid, Nakaoka used the interactive golden rooster to get rid of the pants that were sticky and wet because they had been attacked by "love like a tide" before.

A subtle breath diffused in the air, infecting the laboratory full of disinfectant water.

I took the policewoman's pants over the air, and I smiled wickedly—hmm, is it really the style of an "adult"? Hollow Lace God Horse's...

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