"Mei Ling, stay here and protect them."


Chapter 548 Science Fiction and Magic

Except for the Chinese lady who was left behind by me, all the others rushed towards the enemy like arrows from the strings.

Seeing the "sudden appearance" of the beautiful (girls) girls, the enemy was indeed stunned for a moment, but since they were soldiers "produced" by Umbrella, they naturally had no distaste for the hot hand to destroy flowers. The gunshots rang out again.

"Xiao...Mr? You...they...this..."

Placing Claire (suspected) who still hadn't woken up in the corner of the elevator in the basement, Nakaoka looked at me uneasily—the succession of inconceivables not only made her unable to digest all the shocking facts, but also overwhelmed her forcibly from her. Temporary courage extracted from a weak heart.

"Tsk, really..."

I glanced at the girls who were "smooth all the way", dodged away from the elevator door, and floated in front of Nakaoka, who was in a panic - shot and pressed her heart... Eternal magic? Love is like a tide!

"Huh? Uh-"

Although this trick is best performed on the flesh, but for ordinary people like Nakaoka Asami, even with the police uniform and shirt and even the bra, it is enough for her to drink a pot - ah wrong, what's so cool Can't even think about it.

Now, it's not the right time to spend more time with her—the next thing I've decided to do is something that's rather tasteless.

Following in the footsteps of the women, I will destroy the surveillance devices in each area as soon as possible—not leaving Umbrella with sufficient information on our forces!

In this way, Umbrella headquarters cannot accurately judge our true strength based on only some fragments that can be sent back with permission.

Well, there is a saying that "information is power"! When our supernatural abilities are all limited, it is a wise move to "do our best to fight a lion against a rabbit".

Otherwise, if I am hit by a nuclear bomb, even I can only hide in the gap in time and space beforehand. ---Omitted dividing line---The base-wide crackdown went fairly smoothly.

With Elothela as the sharp knife, the two "Valkyrie" flank cover, and the Death Devils followed up - absolutely devastating!

Um... eh?

What surprised me was not that the battle went smoothly, nor that the "base" did not show signs of self-destruction, but that...

I don't know since when, the suppression of our combat power by the law of crossing has weakened a lot - a lot.

Not to mention that Celeberia and Alicia can use the miniature version of "Destruction of Death Light" like they did in "Vampire League". Even if I have nothing to do after destroying the surveillance device, I can summon the purgatory magic flame to play. play.

Weird... really weird.

I half-squinted my eyes, my mind trapped a guy who was trying to escape by lying in a pool of blood and pretending to be dead - and Chuannian stopped the black-faced Maki's slashing sword.

Sa... let me do an experiment - it won't make you very painful, just for a moment, you will be relieved!

Without hesitation, I spread my wings behind my back to increase the casting range. I unleashed a "Soul Crush" shot at the target, which I used in "Clannad". sound.

The soul is shattered, and theoretically it will become a pure "vegetative person" - but, a vegetative person without a ventilator is obviously dead.

I casually threw a spark of purgatory demon flame to destroy the corpse again, but I did not show the joyful expression on the face of the great unblocking of the combat power. Instead, I slightly frowned.

Other aspects of the Law of Transcendence may change, but there is one that has never been revised.

That is: skills that are incomprehensible to the natives of the plane cannot be used.

The fact that I can use "Soul Blast", a spell that directly attacks the soul, actually means that in this world... not to mention the ability to resist Fallen Angel-level "Soul Blast", at least it is also an achievement in the study of the soul field. The guy exists!

It's really... It's obviously just a "sci-fi" world, how can it seem to be related to magic?

Looking up, I glanced at the large letters and numbers engraved on the wall. -B5, five underground floors.

Compared with the width of the other floors, B5 is relatively small. Apart from the criss-crossing passages, there is only an octagonal room of less than 50 square meters.

Here, it should be the central control room of the "base" here.

Choke - bang!

The black radiant holy sword drew an arc with a dark afterimage in the air, and forcibly split open the automatic door of the central control room.

Hmm... According to the style of Umbrella's leaders, after judging that the invaders are unstoppable, don't they all run away like oil on the soles of their feet?

But this white man with sunglasses and a suit and leather shoes stayed here with a blank face, standing straight like a javelin—ah, the corpses lying around in front of the surveillance screen must be his masterpiece to silence … an eerie sense of incongruity—death?

I don't know if such a bossy man is the "legendary" Albert Wesker, but that doesn't stop me from instructing Elothera to split him in two - just choosing "Equal Distribution" I was hesitant for half a second on the question of slashing in half.

The jet-black holy sword approached the opponent's neck in the next instant, but his words forced me to use the compulsion of the Demon God's Contract to make Erothera slam on the brakes...

"You, are guests from other worlds?"

It was a dry, flat voice like a robot.

"Kick, Kick..."

The hoarse laughter, like the creaking of rotten bones.

"Interesting...your strength, your existence...all interesting - we'll meet again, and then I'll let you know that death is just the beginning of a wonderful..."

Without waiting for our interface, the "person in charge" inflated like a balloon that was suddenly inflated, and exploded with blood and flesh in an instant.

puff blah blah blah blah...

Muscle tissue, visceral fragments, broken bones and broken bones all turned into bombs and exploded, spilling over the entire control room.

Of course, at this level, it will definitely not hurt anyone on our side.

In this case, it is obviously not that there is a remote-controlled bomb buried in the opponent's body - nor is it the humanoid bomb that impressed the viewers in "The Book of Battles"...

Because, I felt a faint wave of necromancy magic - it was a spell similar to "corpse explosion".

From this, it can be seen that Umbrella's high-level - someone behind the scenes, will definitely use magic.

What the **** is going on here? When I first entered this world, I could hardly cast any spells, and it wasn't until I overthrew Saeko Toshishima that I was able to partially "unblock" it - did the mastermind behind the scenes have the power of "magic" only recently?

Having said that, this person can actually infer that we are from another world... Well, the biggest possibility is that he (? is also a traveler! --- This is the dividing line --- PS: Well... I wrote it again today it's late...

Chapter 549 Rescue

Gee, what trouble - I hate trouble.

Seriously, I'm not a combative person, and it would be great if I could push a girl in a friendly manner - of course, the power of the fallen angels subtly affected my character, and occasionally, I also Becomes "Gentlemen, I like war!"

look, but overall, I'm actually a pacifist...

Cough, well, the above should be regarded as my sudden depression.

All in all, if I didn't find that beautiful woman who looks like Claire, after I realized that a certain leader of Umbrella Company possesses unknown power, I might give up the step of "squeaking" slowly, and choose to speed up the overthrow of this plane with all my strength. The progress of the goal, quickly ate Li and Saya, and even swallowed Yuriko with tricks, and then went to a large area to cast a net to search for Nan Lixiang's traces - until everything is done, I don't care what Umbrella has to do next, let's go , I won't play with you, hey!

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